Part IV, Chapter V = LXXX: On Memorable, Efficacious and Traditional Prayers.
f15b f298b-
1827 Introduction on the real meaning of prayer. al-Ḥajjáj, being reproached by Ḥasan of Baṣra for erecting stately palaces and for tyranny, convicts him and resolves on his execution; but when Ḥasan of Baṣra utters a few words in the form of an appeal to the Almighty, al-Ḥajjáj’s wrath is turned into complete submission. (Cf. T. F. S. I, iii, p. 46).
f16a 1828 Ismá‘íl b. Umayya, when arrested by order of the Caliph al-Manṣúr, repeats a formula of prayer written on a wall, and is rescued. (Cf. T. F. S. I, iii, p. 46).
1829 ‘Alí b. Ḥusayn b. ‘Alí [b. Abí Ṭálib] advises his cousin to repeat a prayer, whilst he was going to face the governor of Madína, in consequence of a summons sent to him by Walíd b. ‘Abdu’l-Malik; he does so and is set free. (Cf. T. F. S. I, iii, p. 47).
1830 ‘Abdu’llah b. Aḥmad of Baṣra cured of a chronic disease through the formula of prayer adopted by Abú Muḥammad Tustarí.
f299b 1831 Músá b. Ja‘far aṣ-Ṣádiq’s claims to the Caliphate as the nearest descendant of the Prophet against those of Hárún, and his curse which ended in the death of al-Hádí, who had repudiated him for the sake of Hárún.
f16b 1832 The Caliph ‘Alí teaches a Bedouin the correct method of commemorating God.
f17a f300a 1833 The Angel of Death teaches the Prophet Ya‘qúb a formula of prayer.
1834 The ordeals and trials of the Prophet Ya‘qúb, and his patience and sub­mission to the will of God.
f17b 1835 Yúsuf the Prophet’s prayer in the Well in Kan‘án. (The Jámi‘u’l-Kabír fi’t-Tafsír of the Imám Náṣir Ghazálí (?) and The Taysír fi’t-Tafsír of Najmud-Dín ‘Umar an-Nasafí as the source), see above, p. 65.
1836 Jibrá’íl, the Messenger of God, teaches Yúsuf the Prophet the method of self-composure and self-consolation.
f300b 1837 The pious supplications of Abú Sa‘íd Baqqál and Ibráhím (?) during their imprisonment by al-Ḥajjáj, and their deliverance.
f18a 1838 Abu’s-Saráyá’s (?) mysterious encounter with his enemy, and how the latter was found dead after the utterance of a homily.
      The chapter concludes with a reference to the Ṣúfí saint Báyazíd of Bisṭám and with the usual panegyric.