16 Take warning, from this doom without reprieve;
Recite the verse: “How many did they leave!”
17 Tugháchár, prince fulfilled with strength and zeal,
Hath caused the pillars of their power to reel.
18 His flashing falchion on their flesh did feed,
And none would hold him guilty for the deed.
19 Our Shaykh's prediction found fulfilment there,
What time he saw them rob him of his share;
That holy man, our lord Jamálu'd-Dín3,
Aided by God, endowed with angel's mien,
21 Devoted, walking ever in the way
Of Him the fishes in their seas obey.
22 I penned this satire, hoping to attain
The Eternal Gardens' lake-encompassed plain,
23 And to refute that poet's words untrue
Who said, ‘Turn Jews, for Heaven hath turned a Jew.’”