In Jumáda-l awwal, 805 H. (Dec. 1402), Ikbál Khán marched against Gwáliyar (Gwálior), the fort of which place had been treacherously wrested from the hands of the Musulmáns during the Mughal invasion by the accursed Nar Singh. When Nar Singh died, his son, Bíram* Deo, succeeded him in the possession of the fort. It was very strong, and it was impossible to take it by assault; so Ikbál Khán returned, after plundering the country, to Dehlí. Next year he again marched against it. The son of Bíram Deo advanced to meet Ikbál Khán, and fought with him at the fort of Dholpúr, but he was defeated, and driven into the fort. Many of the infidels were slain, and during the night he evacuated the fort, and went off to Gwálior. Ikbál Khán pursued him to Gwálior, and after plundering the open country, he returned to Dehlí. In the year 806 H. (1403-4) Tátár Khán, son of Zafar Khán, amír of Gujarát, basely seized his own father, and sent him prisoner to Asáwal (Ahmadábád). He then made himself king with the title of Sultán Násiru-d dín Muhammad Sháh. He collected a large army, with the object of attacking Dehlí. On his march thither he was poisoned by Shams Khán and died. His father Zafar Khán was brought from Asáwal by night, and the whole army submitted to him.
In 807 H. (1404 A.D.), Ikbál Khán marched against Etáwa. Ráí Sarwar,* the Ráí of Gwálior, the Ráí of Jálhár, and other ráís, had come there and were shut up in Etáwa. The siege was carried on against them for four months, but at last they gave tribute and four elephants, on account of Gwálior, and so made peace. In the month of Shawwál, Ikbál Khán proceeded from Etáwa to Kanauj, and fought against Sultán [Mahmúd], but the place was strong, and he could not take it, so he returned to Dehlí disappointed.
In the month of Muharram, 808 H. (July, 1405 A.D.), Ikbál Khán marched against Sámána. Bahrám Khán Turk-bacha,* who had fought against his nephew the son of Sárang Khán,* fled through fear to the mountains of Badhnor.* Ikbál Khán proceeded to the town of Arúbar* in these mountains, and there halted. Finally, Makhdúm-záda Shaikh 'Alamu-d dín, grandson of Hazrat Saiyid Jalál Bukhárí, interposed, and relying upon him, Bahrám Khán came to Ikbál Khán, and had an interview. From thence Ikbál Khán marched towards Multán. When he reached Talwandí, Ráí Kamálu-d dín arrived. Here he seized Bahrám Khán, Ráí Dáúd Kamál Main, and Ráí Hímú [son of] Khul Chain Bhattí.* On the third he flayed Bahrám Khán, and securing the others, he carried them with him. When he reached the banks of the Dahanda, near the khitta of Ajodhan, he was met by Khizr Khán and a large army. On the 19th Jumáda-l awwal, 808 H. (12th November, 1405), a battle was fought between them. At the first charge, Ikbál Khán was defeated, and fled. He was pursued, and his horse fell upon him and wounded him, so that he could not escape. He was killed, and his head was cut off and sent to Fathpúr.
Daulat Khán, Ikhtiyár Khán, and other amírs, sent a deputation to Sultán Mahmúd, urging him to take the government. In the month Jumáda-l ákhir, the Sultán left Kanauj with a small force, and proceeded to the capital, where he assumed the sovereignty. The family and dependents of Ikbál Khán were removed from Dehlí, and sent into the khitta of Kol. Daulat Khán was made faujdár of the Doáb; and Ikhtiyár Khán received the gift of the palace of Fírozábád. Iklím Khán Bahádur Náhir brought two elephants as an offering, and joined the Sultán. In the month of Jumáda-l awwal, 809 H. (October, 1406), the Sultán went to Kanauj, and Daulat Khán was sent with an army to Sámána. As the Sultán approached Kanauj, Sultán Ibráhím threatened the city, and crossing the Ganges, sat down against it. But after a time he retired to Jaunpúr, and the Sultán returned to Dehlí. As he proceeded homewards, his army dispersed; the men going off to their respective fiefs (iktá's). Ibráhím Sháh (heard of the Sultán's retreat) as he was journeying homewards, and immediately returned to Kanauj, and there besieged Mahmúd Tarmatí, who had been left in command by Sultán Mahmúd. He held out for four months, but when no one came to the rescue, he of necessity surrendered. The fief of Kanauj was then given to Ikhtiyár Khán, grandson of Malik Yár Khán Kampila.
Having passed the rainy season in Kanauj, he (Ibráhím Sháh) marched against Dehlí in the month of Jumáda-l awwal, 810 H. (October, 1407). Nusrat Khán Gurg-andáz, Tátár Khán son of Sárang Khán, and Malik Marhabá ghulám of Ikbál Khán, deserted Sultán Mahmúd, and joined Ibráhím Sháh. Asad Khán Lodí was besieged (by Ibráhím Sháh) in the fort of Sambhal. On the second day he surrendered, and the fort was given by Ibráhím to Tátár Sháh. From thence Ibráhím Sháh marched towards Dehlí, intending to cross the Jumna at the ford of Kícha. But intelligence was brought to him that Zafar Khán had conquered the territory of Dhár, and having made Alp Khán, son of Diláwar Khán, prisoner, he intended to proceed to Jaunpúr. Starting from the ford of Kíchar, he (Ibráhím Sháh) returned by regular marches to Jaunpúr, leaving Marhabá Khán with a small force in the fort of Baran. In the month of Zí-l ka'da, Sultán Mahmúd marched from Dehlí against Baran. Marhabá Khán came forth to meet him, and a battle followed, in which the Khán was worsted and driven into the fort. The Sultán's men pursued, and entering the fort they killed Marhabá Khán. The Sultán then proceeded to Sambhal, but before he came to the banks of the Ganges, Tátár Khán evacuated the fort and went off to Kanauj. The Sultán left the place in charge of Asad Khán, and returned to Dehlí.
Daulat Khán Lodí had been sent against Sámána, which, after the murder of Bahrám Khán Turk-bacha, had been taken possession of by Bairam Khán. On the 11th Rajab, 809* a battle was fought between them about two kos from Sámána, and Daulat Khán was victorious. Bairam Khán fled to Sirhind, but after a time, Daulat Khán forgave him and patronized him. Bairam Khán had previously made an engagement with Khizr Khán, and had promised to serve him, so when Khizr Khán heard of the capture of Sámána, he proceeded with a strong force against Daulat Khán. On his reaching Fathábád, Daulat Khán fled across the Jumna, and all the amírs and maliks who had been connected with him joined Khizr Khán. He confided the shikk of Hisár Fírozah to Kiwám Khán, and the fiefs of Sámána and Sannám were taken from Bairam Khán and granted to Zírak Khán, the fief of Sirhind and some other parganas were given to Bairam Khán, and Khizr Khán then returned to Fathpúr. Bayána, the Doáb, and the fief of Ruhtak, were all that now remained in the possession of Sultán Mahmúd.
In the month of Rajab, 811 H. (December, 1408), Sultán Mahmúd went to Hisár Fírozah, and besieged Kiwám Khán in the fort. After some days Kiwám Khán made proposals of peace, and sent his son to the Sultán with tribute. The Sultán then returned through Dhátrath to Dehlí. Khizr Khán, when he heard of this, marched quickly to Fathábád and chastised the people who had joined the Sultán. On the 11th Ramazán, he (Khizr Khán) sent Maliku-sh Shark Malik Tuhfa with a strong force to attack Dhátrath, and Fath Khán fled with his household into the Doáb. Many of the people who remained there were plundered and made prisoners. Khizr Khán proceeded through Ruhtak to Dehlí, and besieged it; Sultán Mahmúd being in the fort of Sírí, and Ikhtiyár Khán in the palace of Fírozábád. A scarcity of forage ensued, and Khizr Khán withdrew across the Jumna into the Doáb, but meeting with resistance there, he re-crossed the river and marched to Fathpúr.