The author of the Labâb-ut-tafâsir has related that hereby the meeting of the sea of Greece and Persia is meant. Muhammad Bin Jarir-ut-Tabari says it is a three days’ journey where the eastern sea from Adarbaijân meets the western sea from A’den. Moqâtul says it is the river As and the river Kar. Ali Bin Ka’b states that by the meeting of the two seas Afriqiah is meant. The illuminati have explained it as [the meeting of] the sea of prophecy and the sea of knowledge; accordingly this union of the seas would point to a place [or rather an individual?] in which both these qualities [had] met in the most perfect manner. According to lexicographers the word Huqb,* with reference to Mûsa, means eighty, seventy, and, according to others, one hundred years, or an unlimited time; it is also called a very long life.