It is related by Ḥusayn b. Ḥamza, from Abú Ḥamza*, from Sa'd*, from Abú Ja'far Muḥammad b. 'Alí, generally known as [the fifth Imám, Muḥammad] Báqir (<Arabic>), that 'Umar b. 'Abdi`l-'Azíz during the time of his Caliphate (A.D. 717—720) visited al-Madína, and caused proclamation to be made there that anyone who had suffered wrong at the hands of the Umayyads should present himself before him and receive compensation, so far as was possible. The Imám Báqir presented himself, and al-Muzáḥim (<Arabic>), 'Umar’s client, notified the fact to his master, who bade him enter, and forthwith fell to weeping. When the Imám entered he found 'Umar in tears (f. 26a), and enquired as to the cause of his sorrow. Being informed, he turned to 'Umar and said: