WHEREAS it has become incumbent on the duty of my august inclination, that, having brought the people of God from the obscurity of darkness, and from the narrow path of perdition, I should direct them in the right way; and this wish’d-for event may take place whenever I shall appoint a Kazy, faithful, able and learned in the law, in every town and city; that having brought the people back from rebellion, injustice and error, he may open to them the gates of probity and rectitude: Seeing that these amiable accomplishments exist in the law-clothed, excellence-distinguished person of Riasuddeen Mahommud we have therefore conferred on him the respectable office of Kazy of the city of Cabul; that having exerted himself properly in this employment, he may not proceed with partiallity in the investigation of Lawsuits; and may settle every dispute and transaction, that may come before him, according to the noble Law: and let him not deviate a jot in the most minute article from what is required of fidelity; and regulate the business of the Law in such a manner, that on the day of Judgment, he may be acquitted according to the terms of responsibility. As to the conduct of the Magistrates and Officers; and the body of the people, both private and public, of the said city, having considered the said learned Lawyer absolute Judge, let them pay him the tribute of respect that they ought: and in one and all of the suits in law and common transactions, refer to his decision and approbation. And whomsoever he shall detach from before him on the business of Justice, let them acknowledge him his deputy and vicegerent; and obey his orders and prohibition. And having listened with the ear of understanding to his sentence, which shall be conformable to the noble law, let them execute our imperial commands, and make no resistance or deviation.