Roots. | Derivatives. |
<Arabic> | he augmented, it was
increased, it exceeded.
<Arabic> augmentation.
<Arabic> augmentation.
<Arabic> abounding.
<Arabic> superfluities.
<Arabic> more, an addition. |
<Arabic> | he gave a little of his
wealth, he gave butter
to eat.
<Arabic> cream, the best
of any thing. |
<Arabic> | he wrote.
<Arabic> written, before-mentioned. |
<Arabic> | he made tight, he pressed,
<Arabic> molestation,
<Arabic> molesting, obstacles. |
<Arabic> | he sowed.
<Arabic> agriculture, cultivation.
<Arabic> cultivated, sown.
<Arabic> sown.
<Arabic> sowers, peasants. |
<Arabic> | he was pious and just.
<Arabic> alms. |
<Arabic> | he stumbled and fell,
he was mistaken and
<Arabic> error. |
<Arabic> | he was impaired by
time and age.
<Arabic> time, an age. |
<Arabic> | he tied, bound up.
<Arabic> a bridle, reins. |
<Arabic> | he sung or played.
<Arabic> a multitude, body,
assembly. |