<text in Greek script omitted> (Yaksum, q.v., Abys-
sinian King of Yaman), 178
Iblis, 320. See Devil.
Ibnatu'l-Hirs (“Daughter of
Desire”), 162
Ibrahim (Patriarch). See
Ibrahim (Umayyad Caliph),
215, 318
Ibrahim ('Abbasid Imam),
240, 242, 243, 254
Ibrahim-Mawsili (minstrel),
Ibrahim b. Adham (Sufi), 298,
418, 424, 425
Ibrahim b. Hilal -Sabi (his-
torian), 372
Ibrahim b. -Mahdi ('Abbasid
prince), 254
Ibrahim b. Sinan b. Thabit
b. Qurra, 304, 367
Ibrahim -Sindi, 165
Ideograms, 65-67. See also
Idolatry, Sufi explanation of
—, 443-444
-Iji, 279
Ijma'u's-Sunnat, 391
Ikhshid, House of —, 397
Ikhwanu's-Safa (“Brethren
of Purity”), 292-294, 339,
364, 378-381
Abu 'Ikrima the Saddler
('Abbasid da'i), 236, 239
Ilah (God), Attitudes of wor-
shippers in Prayer spell —,
Ilaqi (poet), 468
Iliad, 153
Iltatmish, Shamsu'd-Din —,
'Imadu'd-Dawla (Buwayhid),
360, 364
'Imadu'd-Din -Katib -Isfa-
hani (historian), 448
Imamate, Doctrine of —, 296.
See Shi'ites, Sect of the
Seven, Sect of the Twelve,
Ghulat, &c.
Imamiyya (sect), 386. See
Shi'ites, &c.
Imams, 130, 134, 214, 224,
229, 238-239, 246, 252, 284,
296, 310-311, 313, 315, 358,
391-415; — of 'Abbasids,
237; — of Sunnis, 276, 277,
295; — of History, 361
Imperialism, 232, 235, 328
Abu 'Imran (Jawidan b.
Suhrak), 325, 326, 328
Incarnation (hulul, q.v.), 279,
313, 316, 318, 320, 322, 327,
362, 363, 396, 398, 399, 428,
429, 435
India, Persian literature of
—, 3; — and Zoroaster, 34;
Influence of — in forma-
tion of Sufi doctrines, 300-
301, 419, 426, 442; Marvels
of —, 368; Natives of —
who contributed to Arabic
literature, 306, 371; —
invaded by Mahmud, 376;
— visited by Manes, 158,
159, 163; — — by -Hallaj,
431, 434, 435; — Office
Library, 450; minor refer-
ences, 42, 45, 46, 54, 79, 94,
102, 110, 138, 140, 179, 227,
258, 278, 306, 382, 387
Indianists, 300, 301, 419
Indians and Iranians, 33, 34,
35, 36, 37, 56, 111, 113
Injil. See Gospel
Inquisition against Mani-
chæans, 163
Ionians, 94
Iqna' (work on Prosody
by the Sahib Isma'il b.
'Abbad), 374
'Iqdaniyya (Council of Car-
mathians), 404
Iraj (son of Feridun), 115, 116
Iran, 4, 5, 115, 139; — (proper
name = Arphaxad), 114, 128.
See also Persia
Iranophiles, 269
'Iraq, 19, 131, 163, 195, 196,
199, 219, 233, 239, 251, 266,
272, 282, 446, 448, 465, 466
'Iraqi (Persian poet), 420
'Irfan (Gnosis), 424
Irish patriots, 346
'Isa b. Musa ('Abbasid Prince),
'Isa b. 'Ali (Christian phy-
sician), 368
'Isa b. Ja'far (Shi'ite), 343
'Isa b. Muhammad (general),
'Isa b. 'Umar -Thaqafi (gram-
marian), 275
Isfahan (Ispahan), 4, 19, 79,
83, 139, 203, 311, 313, 315,
364, 376, 448
Isfandiyar (Isfandiyadh), 116,
117, 142, 147, 150, 269
Ibn Isfandiyar, 348, 470
Isfara'ini, Shaykh Abu'l-Mud-
haffar Tahir —, 322
Ishaq b. Alptagin, 372
Ishaq (great - grandson of
Thabit b. Qurra), 304
Ishaq b. Hassan-Khurrami
(Persian Shu'ubi), 268
Ishaq b. Hunayn, 306, 363
Ishaq b. Ibrahim (governor
of Baghdad), 284, 330, 334
Ishaq b. Ibrahim -Mawsili
(musician), 345
Ishaq “the Turk,” 247, 313,
Abu Ishaq (biographer of the
Prophet), 263, 272, 276, 277
Abu Ishaq - Farsi (Samanid
poet), 365
Abu Ishaq (of Shiraz, gastro-
nomic poet), 85
Ishmael, 409
Isidore (Neo-Platonist philo-
sopher), 421
Islam, Introduction into Per-
sia of —, 8, 11, 36, 90, 181,
194-208: attitude of — to-
wards Magians, 113; Mani-
chæans in —, 159, 162, 163;
— contrasted with Arab
paganism, 185-194, 212-213;
meaning of —, 384
Isma'ilis, 86, 101, 130, 159, 172,
268, 295, 311, 312, 339, 352,
359, 362, 386, 391-415, 421-
423, 437, 455, 456. See also
Carmathians, Fatimids,
Ghulat, Sect of the Seven,
Isma'il, Imam —, 296, 393,
396, 407, 409
Isma'il b. 'Abbad. See -Sahib
Isma'il b. Ahmad (Samanid),
348, 354, 466
Isma'il b. Yasar, 266
Isnad (of Traditions), 271
Ispa (dialect-word for dog),
Ispahbads of Tabaristan, 8,
200, 334
Israfil (Angel), 427
Istakhr (Stakhar Papakan),
19, 432
-Istakhri (geographer), 368,
Istighna'i, Abu'l- Mudhaffar
Nasr —, 467
Istikhraj (“squeezing” dis-
missed governors), 233
<text in Greek script omitted> (=chetak), 153
Ithna-'ashariyya. See Sect of
the Twelve
Izads (Angels), 100, 101
'Izzu'd- Din of Hamadan
(dialect poet), 86
Jabalqa, 246
Jabir b. Hayyan, 274, 276
Jackson, Professor A. V. W.
—, 30, 31
Jacquet, 64
Ja'd b. Dirham, 164
-Ja'di, -Harith b. 'Abdu'llah
—, 242
Ja'far b. Abi Talib, 187
Ja'far -Barmaki (the Barme-
cide), 254, 257
Ja'far -Sadiq, Imam —, 296,
393, 394, 396, 409
Abu Ja'far ('Abbasid Imam),
240, 243
Abu Ja'far b. -'Abbas b.
-Hasan, 365
Abu Ja'far Muhammad b.
Musa -Musawi, 365
-Jahidh, 'Amr b. Bahr —, 15,
110, 165, 260, 267, 268, 306,
-Jahiliyyat, 190, 261. See also
Arabian Heathenism
Abu'l- Jahm (Wazír), 257
Jahwar b. Marrar (general),
Jalalu'd- Din Rumi, 294, 389,
416, 423, 434, 437, 441, 444
Jalibu'l-hijara, Hasan b. Zayd
(Sayyid of Tabaristan), 348
Jalinus. See Galen
Jalula, 199, 203, 204
Jamasp (brother of Kawadh),
Jamasp-namak (Pahlawi
work), 107
Jamhara (of Ibn Durayd),
*Jami (Persian poet and mys-
tic), 298, 299, 362, 417, 418,
420, 423-426, 437-439, 441-
442, 444, 456, 457
Jami'u't- Tawarikh (of
Rashidu'd- Din Fadlu'llah),
392, 393
Jamshid (= Yima of Avesta),
56, 80, 112-114, 268, 388
Janashk, 470
-Jannabi (Carmathian leader),
359, 367, 402, 403, 405
Japhet, 116
Jargh (place), 35
-Jarrah, Abu 'Ubayda —, 297
Ibnu'l-Jarrah, 261
Jawami'u'l- Hikayat (of
'Awfi), 283
Jawidan-i-Kabir (Hurufi
book), 26, 27, 86
Jawidan (master of Babak),
*Ibnu'l-Jawzi (historian), 434,
Jaxartes (river), 204
Jazir (in sense of mihman-
dar), 326
Jerusalem, 378
Jesus Christ, 113, 154, 162,
163, 288, 311, 387, 408, 409,
427, 432, 434
“Jesus Patabilis” (of Gnos-
tics), 161
Jewish-Persian, 9, 277, 479-
Jews, 4, 20, 29, 39, 106, 113,
127, 151, 288, 303, 382, 384,
388, 395; religion of —
hated by Manes, 158, 162;
— in Yemen, 175; — under
Islam, 200-201, 232, 290,
311, 343-344; apocryphal
books of —, 241; — and
heathen Arabs, 261, 274;
— in Arabic and Persian
literature, 276, 306, 479-480
Jibril b. Bokht-Yishu', 367
Jinn (genies), 112, 431
Jizya (poll-tax), 164, 201, 234
John the Baptist, 409
John of Damascus, 282
John Malalas, 169, 172
Jones, Sir William —, 49-58,
de Jong. See Lata'ifu'l-
Joseph II., 153
Jubba (garment), 297
-Jubba'i (Mu'tazilite doctor),
Judaism, 162, 301
“Juden-hasse,” 29
Julaha of Abhar (dialect poet),
Julian the Apostate, 304
-Jumahi, Abu 'Abdi'llah
Muhammad b. Sallam, 278,
344, 447
Junayd of Baghdad (Sufi),
298, 363, 367, 427, 428, 434,
Junaydi, Abu 'Abdi'llah
Muhammad b. Abdu'llah
(bi-lingual poet), 453, 467
Junde-Shapur, 10, 158, 167,
305, 344. See also Gunde-
Jupiter (planet), 458, 461
Jurjan, 448. See Gurgan
“Just King,” 166. See
Justi, 68, 91, 314, 325
Justinian, 167, 421
Jutes, 5
-Juybari, Abu Ishaq Ibrahim
b. Muhammad -Bukhari —
(Persian poet), 459
Ju-yi-Muliyan, 16