Roots. Derivatives.
he saw, knew, was of opinion.
<Arabic> opinion, counsel.
<Arabic> a standard.
<Arabic> colours, standards.
he was head, presided, ruled.
<Arabic> strenuously, (from <Arabic> & <Arabic>).
<Arabic> the head.
<Arabic> superiority, dominion.
it smelt and stunk, rested, (Pass. <Arabic> it was blown on by the wind).
<Arabic> perfuming, smell­ing strong.
<Arabic> spiritual.
he was merciful, com­passionate, pious.
<Arabic> pity, favor.
he sought, search’d after.
<Arabic> desirous, willing.
<Arabic> intention, desire.
he loved, adhered with strong affection.
<Arabic> desire, intention.
he was superior, lord.
<Arabic> lord, master.
<Arabic> lords.
he possessed, presided, educated. II. <Arabic>
<Arabic> education.
he bound, strengthened.
<Arabic> tie, obligation, sub­jection.
<Arabic> connexion, cement.
it was fourth, the fever returned every 4th day, it was spring.
<Arabic> a quarter.
he was firm, he arose. II. he arranged.
<Arabic> order, arrange­ment.
<Arabic> a step, rank.
he closed, filled up, shut.
<Arabic> closing, concluding.
he returned, repeated.
<Arabic> return.
<Arabic> return.
<Arabic> return, recource.
he was a man, was manly.
<Arabic> men.
he pitied.
<Arabic> pity.
<Arabic> compassionate.
<Arabic> merciful.
<Arabic> compassion, favor.
<Arabic> taken into mercy, deceased.
<Arabic> favors.
he saddled, he set out, travelled.
<Arabic> journey, depar­ture.
<Arabic> journies, stages.
it was cheap, he was easy, remiss.
<Arabic> leave, permission.
he returned, retorted.
<Arabic> hesitation, oppo­sition.
<Arabic> doubts, objec­tions.
he sent a message.
<Arabic> despatch, des­patching.
<Arabic> a message.
<Arabic> letters, messages.
<Arabic> sending, sent, an embassador.
<Arabic> a letter, correspondence.
<Arabic> prophets, apostles.
he marked, wrote, prescribed.
<Arabic> customs.
<Arabic> laws, duties, cere­monies.
<Arabic> customary.
he was moist, wet with sweat.
<Arabic> drops, distilla­tion.
he went straight, pro­ceeded in a good direc­tion.
<Arabic> a guide, director.
he observed, he expected.
<Arabic> expecting.
he was pleasing, was pleased.
<Arabic> satisfied.
<Arabic> pleased (from <Arabic> & <Arabic>).
<Arabic> content, agreeable.
<Arabic> what is agreeable, pleasure.
he fed, guarded, attended.
<Arabic> observation, care.
<Arabic> peasants.
<Arabic> belonging to the peasantry.
<Arabic> pasture, attention, attended, guarded.
he inclined, sought, desired.
<Arabic> strong desire, favor, affection.
<Arabic> desired, beloved.
he raised, elevated.
<Arabic> affluence.
<Arabic> exaltation.
<Arabic> exalting, an exalter.
<Arabic> eminent.
<Arabic> exalted, honored.
<Arabic> elevated.
he lived easily, qui­etly.
<Arabic> repose.
<Arabic> quiet contented.
he was benign, he favored, accompanied.
<Arabic> company, society.
he observed, contem­plated, expected. II. guarded.
<Arabic> the neck.
<Arabic> hopeful.
he marked, wrote.
<Arabic> a writing.
he leaned on, he was firm and constant.
<Arabic> a pillar.
he was carried, he rode, he struck with his knee.
<Arabic> stirrup.
<Arabic> attempting, engaging in.
he fixed in the ground (viz. his spear).
<Arabic> fixed, centered.
<Arabic> the center.
he pledged, he was firm.
<Arabic> a pledge.