H (Persian) = S (Sanskrit), 34
Ha (or haiti, the name given
to the divisions of the
Yasna), 99
Ha (= 5 = Bab), 100
Haarbrucker (translator of
Shahristani, q.v.), 169
Habib b. Maslama -Fihri, 201,
Habor, 20
-Hadi ('Abbasid Caliph), 254,
259, 307, 317
Hadith (tradition of the Pro-
phet), 80, 85, 225, 283, 285,
341, 361, 389, 428, 437, 444
Hadramawt, 180
Haetumant, 35
*Hafidh (Hafiz, the poet), 80,
85, 225, 283, 285, 341, 361,
389, 428, 437, 444
Hafsa, 214, 343
Haftan - bokht (Haftawad),
137, 145, 146
Haft Iqlim, 452
Hagmatana, 19, 78. See
Ecbatana, Hamadan
Hajar (in Bahrayn), 201, 354;
“to carry dates to —” (=
“to carry coals to New-
castle”), 456
Haji-abad, Shapur's inscrip-
tion at —, 93, 151-153
Hajjaj b. Yusuf, 205, 206, 230,
234, 283
Hajji Baba (by Morier), 423
Hakam b. Abi'l-'As b.
Umayya, 215
Hakhamanish (Achæmenes),
63, 92
Hakimatu'd - Dahr (“the
World-Wise”), 162
-Hakim bi-amri'llah (Fatimid
Caliph and Deity of Druze
sect), 398-400
Halah, 20
Halani-stones, 267
Halévy, 29, 64
-Hallaj, Husayn b. Mansur
(Sufi heretic), 361, 433. See
Husayn b. Mansur
Ham (son of Noah), 116
Hamadan, 19, 20, 22, 78, 79,
83 (dialect), 158, 313. See
also Ecbatana, Hagmatana
-Hamadhani (geographer), 14,
15, 432, 433
-Hamadhani, Badi'u'z-Zaman
— (author of Maqamat),
Hamasa, 278, 447
Hamasatu'dh-Dhurafa, 454
Hamdan, House of —, 446
Hamdan b. -Ash'ath-Qarmat,
396, 397, 401, 408, 410. See
Hamdu'llah Mustawfi -Qaz-
wini (Persian historian and
geographer), 15, 27, 80, 85
Hamdun b. Isma'il, 336
Hamid (wazir of -Muq-
tadir), 430-432
Hammad (father of Manes),
Hammad b. Sabur -Rawiya
(editor of Mu'allaqat), 276
von Hammer, 369, 407
Hamza (minister of -Hakim
bi-amri'llah), 400
Hamza of Isfahan (historian),
110, 123, 169, 269
Abu Hamza (Kharijite rebel),
Hanafi sect or school, 276,
294, 295
-Hanafiyya (wife of 'Ali), 214
Ibnu'l-Hanafiyya (son of
above), 214, 228, 229, 239,
Ibn Hanbal (founder of Han-
balite school), 273, 284, 291,
295, 344
, 345, 361
Hanbali sect or school, 294,
295, 361, 364
*Handhala of Badghis (Per-
sian poet), 346, 355, 452
Abu Hanifa -Nu'man(founder
of Hanafi sect, 276, 280,
294-295, 386
Hapta - Hendu (“Seven
Rivers”), 35
Harahwaiti (Arachosia), 35
Haraiva (Herat), 94
Harar (daughter of Yazdigird
III), 229. See “Gazelle
Harb b. Umayya, 215
-Hariri (author of Maqamat),
-Harith b. 'Abdu'llah -Ja'di
(poet), 242
de Harlez, 22, 28, 68
Haroyu (Herat), 35
Harpers, 16, 17, 18
Harran (Carrhæ), 302-306,
358, 372, 387
-Harthami, Abu Nasr —
(Samanid poet), 365
Harun b. 'Isa b. -Mansur, 331
Harun -Rashid ('Abbasid
Caliph), 13, 163, 168, 210,
252-254, 259, 276, 277, 305,
307, 317
Harura, 222
-Hasan b. 'Ali (second Imam
of the Shi'a), 132, 133, 214,
224, 228, 229, 392, 409
-Hasan b. 'Ali -Utrush (Say-
yid of Tabaristan), 207, 359'
-Hasan -Basri, 272, 281, 298
299, 432
Hasan -Sabbah (founder of
Assassins), 408
-Hasan b. Sahl (father-in-law
of -Ma'mun), 255
-Hasan b. Zayd (called Jali-
, Sayyid of
Tabaristan), 348
Abu'l-Hasan -Ash'ari, 283.
See -Ash'ari
Abu'l - Hasan Muhammad
(grandson of Simjur), 466
Abu'l-Hasan -Musawi, 365
Hashim, 214, 239
Hashim, b. Hakim, 318. See
Abu Hashim the Sufi, 298, 417
Abu Hashim (son of Ibnu'l-
Hanafiyya), 239
Hashimi (Hashimite), 213, 214,
216, 218, 221, 246, 431
Hashimiyya (sect), 239
Hashimiyya (town), 316
Hashishi (Assassin), 408
Hashwiyya (sect), 386
Hastings, Battle of —, 95
Hatak Mansarik (philoso-
phical portion of Avesta),
97, 108
Hatim-Ta'i, 265
Abu Hatim -Sijistani, 350
Hatokht-nosk, 97, 102
Haug, Dr. Martin —, 57, 59,
68, 70, 72, 73, 74, 77, 81, 103,
109, 151, 152, 153, 157
Haumavarka, 94
Ibn Hawqal (geographer), 372
Haydar (= Afshin, q.v.), 334
Haydara (disciple of -Hallaj),
431, 435
-Haytham b. Mu'awiya, 316
Hayyan the druggist('Abbasid
propagandist), 236, 239
Ibn Hazm, 279
Hebrew character, 9, 37, 103,
Hebrew language, 40, 41, 42,
Hellenism, Influence on Per-
sia of —, 6
Hellenopolis (<text in Greek script omitted>),
Helmand River, 35
Henry III of France, 41
Herat, 16, 35, 94, 123, 242, 244,
317, 347, 355
Herbads (order of Zoroastrian
priests), 309
Herodotus, 20, 21, 23, 26, 33,
78, 91, 92
Hezekiah, 66
Hieroglyphics, 65
-Hijaz, 184, 196, 243, 272, 314,
Hikmatu'l-Ishraq (by -Suhra-
wardi), 423
Himalayas, 185
Hims (Emesa), 218, 396
-Himyari, -Sayyid —, 276
Himyarites, 175, 178, 179, 181,
Hindus, 34, 114
Hippocrates, 305
Hira, 174, 179, 262, 264, 306,
Hisham (Umayyad Caliph),
164, 240, 245, 266, 283
Hisham b. -Kalbi (historian),
275, 277
*Ibn Hisham (biographer of
Prophet), 128-129, 186-188,
193, 203, 262, 269, 272, 276,

Historical science, Origin of
— amongst Arabs, 270-273
Hitzig, 64
Hoffmann, Georg —, 134
Homes, H. A. —, 293
Horn, Dr. Paul —, 86, 340, 450,
457, 459, 474
Hoshang, Dastur —, 109
Hoshea, 20
Houris, 107
Houtsma, 169, 464
Houtum-Schindler, 83, 206,
Huart, Clement —, 26, 27,
Hubaysh, 306
Hübschmann, 64
Hud (prophet), 387
Hudhayl (Arab tribe), 192,
193; Diwan of —, 357
Hughes, Dictionary of Islam,
427, 444
Hujjat (“Proof,” a title used
by Isma'ilis), 409, 410, 414
Hujjat-i-Khurasan (title of
Nasir-i-Khusraw, q.v.), 399
Hulagu Khan (Mongol), 6, 209,
210, 286
Hulul (Incarnation, q.v.), 279,
310-311, 328
Huma (mythical bird), 121
Humay (or Khumani), Queen
—, 117
Humayma (place in Syria),
236, 243
Hunayn b. Ishaq of Hira,
306, 351, 356
Hunt, Dr. — (of Oxford), 50,
Abu Hurayra, 272
Hurmazd(Hurmuzd, Hurmuz,
Hurmizd), name of the
Planet Jupiter, 461
Hurmazd I, 138, 154, 157, 158,
Hurmazd IV, 174, 181
Hurmazd V, 174
Hurmuzan, 215, 266
Hurufi, Sect, 26, 43, 86, 405,
-Husayn b. 'Ali (third Imam),
130-133, 214, 224, 226-228,
229, 239, 290, 322, 343, 392,
393, 409
-Husayn b. Mansur -Hallaj,
361-363, 367, 423, 428-437
Abu'l-Husayn-Basri (Mu'tazi-
lite), 289
Abu'l-Husayn b. Faris (philo-
logist), 269
Abu'l - Husayn -Mu'ayyad
bi'llah, Sayyid —, 348
Hushang (legendary King of
Persia), 54, 112,
Hushangji, Dastur —, 81
Husn-i-ta'lil (poetical ætio-
logy), 465
Husparam-yasht, 98, 99
Hukht, Huvarsht, Humat
(“Good Words,” “Good
Deeds,” “Good Thoughts”),
Huvakhshatara (Cyaxares),
21, 33
Huzvaresh, 7, 66, 71, 73, 75,
, 80, 81, 103
Hyde, Dr. —, 19, 41, 42, 43, 52,
59, 60
Hyrcania (Vehrkana, Gurgan),
26, 35
Hystaspes (Vishtaspa, Gush-
tasp), 61, 92, 95, 96, 121