Eagle in Persian legend, 121
Ecbatana (Hagmatana, Ha-
madan), 19, 32, 78
Eckhart, 297, 421
Eclipses, 470
École des Langues Orientales
Vivantes (Paris), 447
Edessa, 134
Edward (King of England), 33
Egypt, 71, 94, 209, 218, 220
223, 224, 227, 234, 245, 263,
266, 272, 298, 339, 352, 367,
371, 395, 396, 397, 400, 401,
Egyptian hieroglyphics, 65;
— version of Alexander-
legend, 118
Eight Gates of Paradise, 412
Elburz Mountains, 35, 348
Elephant, People of the —
(Ashabu'l-Fil), 178
Elephant, Year of the —, 173,
174, 178
Elliott, J. B. —, 13, 449, 452
Emesa (Hims, in Syria), 218,
Emmanuel College, Cam-
bridge, 43
Emmett (Irish patriot), 346
Encyclopædia Britannica, 10
Encyclopædists. See Ikh-
England, 4, 5, 37, 245, 301,
446, 479
English people, 50, 118;—
and Irish, 346; — and
Scotch, 33; — in India, 264
English language, 4, 5
Enneads (of Plotinus), 420
Ephrem, Patriarch, 399
Epistles, Forms of — (Pahlawi
book), 109
Epos, Persian —, 91, 110-123.
See Shah-nama
Eran, 4. See Iran, Persia
Eran-vej, 25
Eran-shahr, 115
Erskine, 48, 54
Esar-Haddon, 20
Escorial, 272
Esoteric Doctrine. See Ba-
tinis, Ta'limis, Ta'wil.
Esther, Book of
—, 20
Ethé, Dr. H. —, 13, 301, 340,
349, 416, 450, 452, 453, 456,
457, 459, 460, 462
Etymologies, Persian popular
—, 270
Euagrius, 168
Eulalius (Neo-Platonist philo-
sopher), 421
Euphuism ('Ilmu'l-Badayi'),
Europe, 185
Eusebius, 21
Eutychius (Sa'id b. -Batriq),
169, 366
Eve, 162
Evil Eye, 452
Evil, Mystery of —, 440, 441
Ezra, 61


Fa“al - i - Mutlaq (“Absolute
Agent,” i.e., God), 419
Fadlu'llah -Hurufi, 423
Fadl b. Sahl, 255, 276, 284
Fadl b. Yahya (the Barme-
cide), 257
Fadl (poetess of Yamama),
345, 351
Abu'l-Fadl -Bal'ami, 356
Abu'l-Fadl -Sukkari, 476
Fahlabad (Pahlapat), 15. See
Fahlaviyyat (Persian dialect
verses), 80, 85
*-Fakhri (historian). 188-189,
194-200, 204-205
, 217, 219,
221-223, 226, 227-228, 230,
231, 235, 241, 242, 243, 252-
253, 256
, 258, 314, 315, 316,
Fakhru'd-Dawla (Buwayhid),
-Fakihi (historian of Mecca),
Falaku'd-Din Muhammad b.
Aydamir, 197
Faludhaj (= Paludak), a kind
of porridge, 329
Fana fi'llah (“Annihilation in
God”), 441, 443
Fana- (= Panah-) Khusraw,
Fani, Muhsin-i, —, 54
*Ibnu'l - Faqih -Hamadhani
(geographer), 14, 15, 358,
Faqirs, 438. See Dervishes
-Farabi (philosopher) 40, 288,
368, 381
Abu'l-Faraj (Barhebræus, q.v.),
Abu'l-Faraj -Isfahani (author
of Kitabu'l-Aghani), 15, 371
Abu'l-Faraj (Harranian), 304
-Faralawi, Abu 'Abdi'llah Mu-
hammad b. Musa —, 455
Farasu'n-nawba (“Sentry-
horse”), 317
Fargard (chapters of Vendi-
dad, so named), 99
Farhang-i-Pahlavik (Pahlawi
glossary), 109
Ibnu'l-Farid (mystic poet),
419, 438
Faridu'd-Din 'Attar, Shaykh
— (Persian mystic and
Poet). See 'Attar.
Farighuni Dynasty, 453
Farr-i-Kayani (“Royal Splen-
dour”), 128, 143, 144
-Farra (grammarian), 277
Farrash (“carpet-spreader”),
Farrukh Hurmazd (Ispah-
badh of Khurasan), 182
Farrukhi (Persian poet), 389,
460, 474
Farrukh-zad, 104
Farrukh-zadh-Khusraw (Sa-
sanian King), 174
Fars (Parsa, Persis, q.v.), 4, 5,
, 200, 360, 371, 432, 434,
Fasa (near Shiraz), 170
Abu'l-Fath -Busti, 371, 467
Abu'l-Fath Mahmud, 253, 371.
See Ibn Kushajim
-Fatiha (opening chapter of
-Quran), 98
Fatima (daughter of the
Prophet and wife of 'Ali),
130, 131, 132, 214, 224, 229,
239, 350, 392, 397, 398, 399,
Fatima (daughter of Abu
Muslim), 247, 328
Fatima of Nishapur, 434
Fatimi (= Isma'ili, q.v.), 407
Fatimid Caliphs, 214, 339, 349,
352, 359, 367, 371, 373, 395,
396, 397, 398
(their pedigree
discussed), 399, 400, 401,
402, 404, 409, 455. See also
Carmathians, Isma'ilis, Sect
of the Seven

Fawkes, Guy —, 203
-Fayyum, 71, 104
Feridun, 115, 116, 268
Abu'l-Fida (historian), 169,
Fida'is (Assassins), 424
*Fihrist, 76, 109, 110, 123, 155,
156, 157, 159, 163-164, 165,
247, 268, 278, 302, 308, 310,
312-313, 315, 323, 324, 327,
328, 332, 350, 362, 373, 374,
378, 383-387, 394, 396, 401,
407, 416, 418, 420, 428-

Finance department of early
Caliphs modelled on Per-
sian lines, 205
Fiorillo, 60
Abu Firas (poet), 370, 371, 446
*Firdawsi, 15, 79, 80, 110, 111,
114, 118, 122, 123, 136, 138,
, 143, 144-145, 146,
147-150, 169, 348, 372, 389,
437, 452, 456, 460. See also
Fires, Sacred —, 139. See
also Adhar Gushasp, Frobag
or Farnbag Fire (Kharrad),
and Burjin-Mihr
Fire-temples, 206
Fire-worshippers. See Gue-
bres, Zoroastrians

Firuz-Daylami, 262
Firuz (son of Abu Muslim's
daughter Fatima), called
Kudak-i-dana (“the Wise
Child”), 328
Firuz - i - Mashriqi (Persian
poet), 355, 453
Firuz, Mulla —, 53
Fitzgerald, Lord Edward —,
Five Principles of the
Isma'ilis, 408
Fleischer, 169, 453
Flower, Samuel —, 42, 59
Flügel, 157, 159, 161, 163, 164,
292, 373, 378, 383
Forbes, Dr. —, 472
Foy, 64
Francis V of France, 40
Frank, Hermann —, 417
Fravartish (Phraortes), 21, 32
Frazer, 44
French East India Company,
Frobag Fire, 139
Fudayl b. 'Iyad (or 'Ayyad),
298, 418, 424, 426
Fuqaym (Arab tribe), 176
Furat (general), 238
“Furs-i-qadim,” 80
Fustat, 399
Fususu'l-Hikam (by Shaykh
Muhyiyyu'd-Din b. al-
'Arabi), 420
Futtaq (Patecius), father of
Manes, 157
*Futuhu'l-Buldan. See -Ba-


Gabra (=mard), 74
Gabri dialect (Yazd and Kir-
man), 43, 86, 109. See also
Gabriel, Archangel —, 316,
Gahs (Zoroastrian), 5, 52
Galen (Jalinus), 305, 381
Gandara (country), 94
Ganneau, Charles —, 76
Garmapada (Old Persian
month), 32
Gasanik (liturgical portion of
Avesta), 97
Gathas (Avesta), 28, 30, 78, 88,
95, 97;—(days added to
year), 100
Gaub- (Old Persian root), 27
Gaumata the Magian, 31, 32
Gava (the blacksmith), 115
Gayumarth (Gayo Mareta,
“Cayumers”), 55, 56, 112,
“Gazelle” (name given by
-Husayn to his wife the
daughter of Yazdigird III),
131, 229
Geiger and Kuhn's Grundriss,
25, 31, 35, 57, 59, 63, 68, 69.
83, 88, 96, 108, 111, 138
Geitlin, Herr —, 472
Geldner, 57, 69, 95, 96, 97, 98,
Genealogy (Ansab), 267, 269,
Geography, 271
Gerard of Cremona, 40
Germans, 185, 301; —Mystics
of xiv cent., 297
Ghada'iri of Ray (Persian
poet), 437
Ghassan, 173, 174, 388
*Ghayatu'l-wasa'il ila ma'ri-
, 455
Ghaylan the Qadari, 283
Ghazal form of poetry, 472,
474, 476
Ghazala (“Gazelle,” q.v.), 131,
Ghazna, 448
Ghaznawi Dynasty, 341, 353,
360, 371, 377, 467, 468, 472,
*-Ghazzali (Divine and Philo-
sopher), 40, 289, 293-294,
362, 419, 422, 436, 437
-Ghulat (plural of Ghali: the
“extremists” of the Shi'a
party), 240, 279, 310-311,
328, 362, 386, 396
Ghumdan (castle), 176
Ghur, 376; Dynasty of —, 449
Gibb, E. J. W. —, 389, 390,
423, 444, 465
Gibbon's Decline and Fall,
154, 167, 168, 421
Gibraltar, 204
Gilaki dialect, 348
Gilan, 83, 86, 364, 368
Ginza (Book of the Man-
dæans), 302
Gladwin, 389
Glover (Persianized as Gul-
), 270
Gnosis, 424
Gnosticism, 96, 159, 161, 202,
Gobineau, 64, 130
God, Persian Kings regarded
as —, 128
Godefrey de Bouillon, 480
*de Goeje, Professor —, 10,
119, 270, 272, 276, 360, 367,
372, 373, 394, 396, 397, 398,
399, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405,
407, 432, 434
*Goldziher, 190, 212, 260-265,
267-270, 272, 273, 336, 350,
357, 358
Gordian, Emperor —, 420, 421
Gospels, 113, 401
Goupil (commandant at Pon-
dichery), 46
Gozan, River —, 20
Graf, 423
Grammarians, Early Arab —,
275-278. See also Sibawayhi
Gravesend, 49
Greece, Greeks, 4, 5, 8, 9, 20,
37, 39, 58, 61, 70, 79, 80, 91,
117, 127, 128, 129, 140, 167,
169, 261, 262, 266, 269, 271,
277, 284, 288, 292, 301, 304,
305, 306, 325, 345, 363, 382,
426, 446, 472
Grotefend, 59, 60, 62, 63, 70
Guebres (Gabrs), 27, 86. See
Magians, Zoroastrians
Guftan (“to say”), 27
Guirgass, 169. See -Dinawari
Gujastak Abalish namak
, 104,
Gujerati, 9
Gular, Castle —, 146
Gulistan (of Sa'di), 341
Gulnar, 143
*Gulshan-i-Raz (of Mahmud
Shabistari), 282, 444
Gunde-Shapur, 10, 158, 167.
See also Junde-Shapur
Gurgan, 16, 35, 367, 458, 470
Gushasp, Adhar — (Sacred
Fire), 139
Gushnaspdeh, 174
Gushtasp (Vishtaspa), 25, 28,
61, 95, 116, 118, 123, 142,
460; Shahnama-i- — (=
Pahlawi Yatkar-i-Zariran),
Gushyar (astronomer), 368
Gutschmid, 96, 178
Guyard, Stanislas —, 54, 396,
399, 407, 408