Cadmus, 51
Cain, 162
Cairo, 295, 367, 399, 400
Calendar, Zoroastrian — com-
pared with Babi —, 100-101
Caliphate, Caliph (Khilafat,
Khalifa), 209, et seqq. See
Orthodox Caliphs, Umay-
yads, 'Abbasids, Fatimids
Calligraphy prized by Mani-
chæans, 165, 362; — by
Husayn b. Mansur-Hallaj,
362, 431
Calvinism, Effects of —, 286.
See Predestination.
Cambridge, 41, 183, 356, 446,
449, 464, 477
Cambyses (Kambujiya), 31,
32, 55, 92
Camel, Battle of the —, 217
Camphor mistaken for Salt,
Cappadocia, 94
Caracalla, Emperor —, 304
Carmathians (Qarmati, pl.
Qaramita), 212, 311, 319,
339, 350, 352, 354, 356, 358-
359, 362, 367, 368, 371, 391-
415, 423, 434; etymology of
title, 397. See also Fatimid
Caliphs, Ghulat, Isma'ilis,
Sect of the Seven, Shi'ites
Carra de Vaux, 356, 368
Carrhæ (Harran, q.v.), 302
Cashmere, 54
Caspian Sea, 203, 207, 348,
364, 367
Caste - system amongst an-
cient Persians, 114
Cathares. See <text in Greek script omitted>, Al-
Catholics, 168
Cayumers (properly Gayu-
marth), 55, 56
“Celestial” as royal epithet
in Sasanian times, 153
Celtic genius, 447
Chaghani dynasty, 453, 462,
467, 471
Chahar - bokht (“the Four
have delivered,” Persian
name), 146
*Chahar-Maqala, 15, 317, 348,
355, 359, 396, 449, 456, 460,
Chaishpish (Teispes) the Ach-
æmenian, 63, 92
Chakhra (place mentioned in
Vendidad), 35
Chaldæa (Sawad), 132, 205,
302, 382, 397
Chaldæan language, 40, 44, 56,
58, 70 (Chaldæan-Pahlawi),
73, 89, 128, 479
Changiz Khan, 6, 286. See
also Mongol Invasion.
Charas of Mitylene, 121
Chardin, 42, 57, 59
Charles VI., 153
Chatrang-namak (“Book of
Chess”), 109
Chauvin, Victor —, 211. See
under Dozy.
Chess, 109, 110
Chetak (chedak), 153
China, 48, 85, 421;—and Mani-
chæanism, 159, 164;—and
Balkh, 258; visited by Bih-
afarid, 308
Chinese language, 60, 65, 80;—
paper, 431;—painting, 454
de Chinon, Gabriel —, 42
Chinvat Bridge, 106
Chithratakhma (rebel against
Darius), 33
Chosroes (Khusraw, Kisra),
127, 128
Christ. See Jesus Christ.
Christians under Sasanian
rule, 106, 134, 135, 136, 151,
168; despised by Nushir-
wan, 136, 181;—Salman the
Persian joins the —, 203;—
of Najran, 175;—of Abys-
sinia, 175; — under early
Muhammadan rulers, 200,
201, 232, 234, 280; — under
-Mutawakkil, 290, 343-344;
—under Fatimid Caliphs,
399-400;—native — in In-
dia, 264-265; — Syrian —
and heathens, 304; Chris-
tian names in -bokht, 145;
—and Muhammadan stan-
dards, 188;—malahim (Apo-
cryphal Books), 241;—scho-
lars in Islam, 278, 306, 345,
351, 366;—influence on Mu-
hammadan Theology, 288,
311, 426;—child addressed
in verse, 454; minor refer-
ences, 170, 172, 173, 261, 274,
293, 303, 382, 384
“Christians of St. John the
Baptist,” 302. See Mandæ-
ans, Mughtasila, Sabæans
Christianity, 154, 162, 186, 203,
300, 301, 305;—as under-
stood by Sufis, 443
Chronology falsified, 119, 120
*Chronology of Ancient Na-
tions (-Biruni's -Atharu'l-
baqiya, q.v., translated by
Sachau), 154
Churchill, Sidney —, 283
Chwolson, 303, 304
Çikathauvatish (fortress in
Media), 32
Circumcision, 333, 335
“Cities of Iran,” (Pahlawi
book), 109
Classics, 37
“Clients.” See Mawali
Clement V., Pope —, 40
Cobbe, Richard —, 44
Coinage, Arabic — first used,
Coins, Pahlawi —, 8, 71
Collège de France, 40, 41
Colourlessness, World of —,
440, 441
“Column of Praise” of Mani-
chæans, 161
“Commander of the Unfaith-
ful,” -Ma'mun so called, 307
Commentary, Old Persian —
(Cambridge Codex), 12, 477
Communism, 170. See Maz-
“Companions” (Ashab), 228,
231, 271, 298, 349
Conquest, Arab — of Persia,
3, 4, 6, 8, 30, 90, 109, 114, 136,
163, 173-174, 181, 185-208,
212, 275; Greek — of Persia,
5; see also Alexander the
Great; Norman — of Eng-
land, 95, 479
Constantine, Emperor —, 185
Constantinople libraries, 383
Continuity of National His-
tory, 89
Conversions to Islam, how
effected, 202, 203, 207
Converts to Islam, 207, 233-
235, 246, 252, 352, 367
Coppersmith. See Saffarid
Dynasty, Ya'qub b. Layth,
'Amr b. Layth
Cordova, 245, 279, 366, 398
“Counting the Stars,” 462
de Courteille, Pavet —, 368
Covenanters, Scottish —, 37,
Cow, Chapter of the —
(Suratu'l-baqara), 191
Cowell, Professor —, 94, 457
Crawford and Balcarres, Lord
—, 262, 449, 452
Creasy, Sir Edward —, 209
Cross, Wood of the True —,
de la Croix, Petits —, 42
Crusades, 480
Ctesias, 20, 21, 23, 91, 120
Ctesiphon, 132, 136, 182, 183,
199, 222, 313, 324
Cuneiform, Persian —, 7, 43,
44, 56, 59-65, 67, 78, 80, 89,
91-95 See also Old Persian
Cureton, 169. See -Shahris-
tani, Kitabu'l-Milal
Curzon, Lord —, 151
Cyaxares (Huvakhshatara),
21, 33
Cyropædia, 91
Cyrus, 5, 22, 31, 32, 55, 60, 91,
92, 95, 96, 113, 121
Dabil (Armenian prince), 201
Dabistan, 54-56, 270
Daevas (devas), 25, 34, 160
Dahak (Azhidahaka, Zohak),
114-115, 150
Da'i (pl. du'at, propagandist),
236, 240, 247, 310, 314, 395-
397, 402, 407, 409, 410, 411-
415, 434. See also Da'wa
Daitya, The Good — (river,
identified with Araxes), 25,
Dakhma (“Tower of
Silence”), 48
Dakn, silks of —, 266
Damascius (Neo - Platonist
philosopher), 421
Damascus, 210, 219, 224, 233,
245, 280, 282, 283, 342, 445,
Damawand, Mount —, 115
Dandan (Zaydan), 407
Daniel, Apocrypha of —, 479,
Daniel, Book of —, 61
Danishwar the, dihqan, 122
Dapir (scribe) 9; Dapirih
(secretarial art), 262
Daqiqi (Persian poet), 123,
372, 453, 456, 459-462
Dara, 117, 118, 119, 139, 140,
Darab, Dastur —, 47, 58
Abu'd - Darda (traditionist),
Dari (Deri) dialect, 26
Darius, 5, 31, 32, 33, 61-64, 78,
79, 91-94, 96, 119, 121
Darmesteter, Professor James
—, 18, 22, 24-26, 28, 29, 31,
33, 50, 57-59, 68-70, 78, 81,
95-97, 141, 146, 161, 167, 255,
348, 479, 480
Dasatir (Desatir), 53, 56
Dastobar (Dastur), 9, 47, 58.
See also Zoroastrian Priests
Datik (legal portion of
Avesta), 97
Datistan-i-Dinik, 105
Da'ud b. 'Ali -Dhahiri (theolo-
gian), 357
Da'ud b. 'Ali b. Khalaf
-Isfahani (jurist), 386
Da'ud -Ta'i (Sufi), 298, 418,
“Daughter of Desire”
(Ibnatu'l-Hirs) in Mani-
chæan system, 162
David, 113, 440
Da'wa (Propaganda) of
'Abbasids, 236, 238-247,
410; — of Isma'ilis, 395;
Organisation of —, 240
Dawidar (“Keeper of the
Seals”), 197
Dawlatshah, 12, 14, 15, 16,
346, 347; Sources of —,
447, 449, 456, 470, 473
Dawmatu'l-Jandal, Arbitra-
tion of —, 219, 291
Dayaukku (<text in Greek script omitted>), 21
Daylam, 203, 207, 276, 313,
364, 448, 463. See also
Dd = nd, 160
Deioces, 21
Democracy of Arabs, 130
Demons, 112, 114. See Daevas,
Div-band, Jinn.
Dervishes, 300; “Dancing” —
Destruction of Philosophers
(Tahafutu'l. - Falasifa) of
-Ghazzali, 289
Devil tempts Dahak, 115;
verses ascribed to —, 14.
See also Daevas, Demons
Devil-worshippers (Yazidis),
Devotees (-'ubbad), 298
-Dhahabi (historian), 436
Dhahiriyya (externalists”),
212, 357, 422
Dhahir (Zahir) of Faryab, 389
-Dharifi, Abu Nasr — (Sama-
nid poet), 365
Dhaquliyya (sect), 311
Abu Dhárr -Ghifari, 217, 288
Dhu Jadan (Himyarite poet),
Dhu'l-lisanayn (bilingual
poets), 453, 465
Dhu'n-Nun (Sufi), 298, 345,
357, 424
Dhu Nuwas (poet), 174-176
Dhu Qar, Battle of —, 6, 184,
Dhu'l-Qarnayn (“the Two-
horned”), 119
Dhu'r-Rumma (poet), 261
Dhu Shanatir (Himyarite
King), 174
Dhu'l- Yaminayn (“Ambi-
dexter”), 346
Dialects, Persian —, 26, 27,
43, 83-87, 348, 478, 479
Di'bil (poet), 345
Dieterici, 292, 293, 294, 364,
369, 379, 380, 381
Dieulafoy, 64
Dihistan, 448
Dih-khuda, 448
Dihqans, 150, 233, 246, 267,
Diki (digi) in Shapur's inscrip-
tion, 153
Diku'l-Jinn (poet), 278, 345
Dilaram (mistress of Bahram
Gur), 12
Dinawar (town), 313
*-Dinawari (historian), 103,
109, 113, 114, 129, 136, 152,
169, 203, 229, 236, 237, 238,
241, 242, 315, 317, 323, 328,
Dinkard (Pahlawi book), 97,
105, 157
Diogenes (Neo-Platonist phi-
losopher), 421
Dirakht-i-Asurig (“'Tree of
Assyria”), 109
Diraz-dast, 117, 137, 142. See
Div-band (“Binder of De-
mons,” title of the mythical
Persian King Tahmurath),
80, 112
Divine Right, Theory of — in
Persia, 128-130, 391
Diwans, Organisation of
the —, 204-205
Diyar Bakr, 134
Dizh-i-sapid (= -Bayda, “the
White Castle”), 434
Dorn, 83, 86, 314
Dove, Form of White —
assumed, 314
Dozy's *Islamisme (Chau-
vin's transl.), 185-186, 190,
204, 211, 220, 224, 231, 234-
235, 252, 282, 286-288, 290,
291-292, 298, 299, 300, 315-
316; — Supplément, 342; —
Histoire des Musulmans
de l'Espagne, 394
“Dragon” (in mystical
poem), 363
Drangiana, 94
Druj (demon), 160
Druzes, 393, 398, 400
Ibn Abi Du'ad(one of Afshin's
judges), 331, 335, 336
Dualism, 157, 160, 186, 387, 414.
See also Manichæanism
Du bayti. See Ruba'i
Dubeux, 369
Dugat, 39, 41, 212
Dukha (diki, q.v.), 153
Abu Dulama (court jester), 276
Dumyatu'l-Qasr (of -Bakh-
arzi), 448
Dunbawand (Damawand) 115
Duncker, 96
Ibn Abi'd-Dunya (author), 357
Ibn Durayd (philologist), 269,
-Duruzi (after whom are
named the Druzes, q.v.), 400
Dussaud, René —, 395
Duvitataranam, 92