THE Gul-i Rahmat was written by Nawáb Sa'ádat Yár Khán, grandson of Háfiz Rahmat, and nephew of Mustajáb Khán. It is more copious than the Gulistán-i Rahmat, though it professes to follow that work as its guide. It is divided into four parts: I. On the Genealogy of Háfiz Rahmat.—II. On 'Alí Muhammad Khán, and the arrival of Háfiz Rahmat in India.—III. Háfiz Rahmat Khán's administration of Katehr, and of the events which occurred there till the time of his death.—IV. Adminis­tration of Katehr under Shujá'u-d daula. Descendants of Háfiz Rahmat. This work was lithographed at Ágra in 1836, in 221 small 8VO. pages of 17 lines each.

[The following Extracts have been selected and translated by the Editor. They will show how far this work differs from the Gulistán-i Rahmat, as translated by Mr. Elliott.]