Afrásiyáb made known to Garsíwaz
Pírán's account without suppressing aught,
And said: “Go blithely to Siyáwushgird,
And scan it well. The heart of Siyáwush
Is on Túrán; he thinketh not of home
Now that he hath farewelled the throne and crown,
Farewelled Gúdarz, Bahrám, and Kai Káús.
He looketh not to Rustam son of Zál,
Nor taketh mace or battle-ax in hand,
But hath erected, where was once a field
Of thorns, a city like the jocund spring,
Hath raised a lofty dwelling-place therein
For Farangís, and holdeth her in honour.
Prepare to visit noble Siyáwush,
Say little when thou seest him on the throne,
But judge him from a monarch's point of view
At chase, at wine, on mountain or on plain,
And in assemblies, show him all respect
Before his nobles and exalt his name.
Prepare for him exceeding many gifts
Of horses and dínárs, of crowns and girdles,