Babak (Papak), the father of
Ardashir Babakan (q.v.),
122, 137-142
Babak (heresiarch), 247, 311,
323-331, 334, 336
*Baba Tahir (dialect poet),
26, 27, 83
Ibn Babawayh (Shi'ite divine),
-Babbagha (poet), 370
Babis, 86, 98, 99, 100, 101, 130,
165, 170, 172, 311, 312, 407,
410, 415, 423
Babylon, Babylonia, 21, 94,
128, 154, 158, 163, 164, 282,
301, 305, 306, 357
Bacon, Roger —, 40
Bactria, 4, 25, 28 — 31, 34, 35,
78, 94, 95
-Bada (heretical tenet), 311
Badaraya, 158
Badghis, 309, 317, 346, 452
Badhan (Persian satrap of
-Yaman), 181, 183
-Badhdh, Mountain of —, 325,
Badi', Abu Muhammad — of
Balkh, 467
Badi'u'z-Zaman -Hamadhani,
463, 464
Badr, Battle of —, 216
Bagayadish (Old Persian
month), 32
Baghdad, 6, 163, 164, 197-
198, 209, 210, 254, 258, 259,
274, 286, 289, 292, 293, 295,
306, 307, 316, 317, 329, 339-
342, 346, 353, 356, 358-361,
364, 367, 377, 398, 402, 434,
446, 465, 466, 474
Baghir (Turkish general), 342
Baharistan (of Jami), 417,
425, 456
Baha'u'llah, 311
Bahlabad (minstrel of Khus-
raw Parwiz). See Barbad
Bahman, 97, 117, 118, 137, 142.
See also Vohumano
Bahman Yasht, 169
Bahram I. (Sasanian), 154,
157-159, 163
Bahram II. (Sasanian), 154
Bahram V. (Sasanian), called
“Gur,” “the Wild Ass,” 12,
262, 364
Bahram Chubin, 109, 129, 181,
267, 352
Bahrayn, 201, 344, 402
Balahbad. See Barbad
Bakan Yasht, 98
-Bakharzi, -Husayn b. 'Ali
(biographer of poets), 358,
Bakhtiyari dialect, 87
Bako Yasht, 97
Abu Bakr (Caliph), 194, 195,
205, 209, 210, 214, 217, 330,
343, 391, 437
-Bakuratu's - Sulaymaniyya,
Bakusaya (in Babylonia),
Ba'labakk (Baalbeck), 278,
-Baladhuri (historian), 110,
152, 197, 199, 201, 202, 203,
205, 261, 263, 268, 323, 357
-Balaghatu's-sab'a (Isma'ili
book), 401
-Bal'ami, Abu'l-Fadl —, 356;
Abu 'Ali — (son of the
preceding), 11, 110, 356,
368-369, 455, 478
Balfour of Burleigh, 221
Balkatagin b. Alptagin, 372
Balkh, 4, 35, 36, 163, 207, 244,
252, 257, 315, 347, 348, 354,
425. See also Bactria
-Balkhi, Abu Zayd — (geo-
grapher), 315, 368, 372
Ballad poetry, 16, 17, 18
Baluchistan, 4, 83
Bamdadh (father of Mazdak,
q.v.), 169
Bang, W. —, 64
Banu'l-Ahrar (Persian settlers
in -Yaman), 181, 262
Barbad (minstrel and poet of
Khusraw Parwiz), 14-18
Barbier de Meynard, 132, 365,
368, 447
Bardesanes, 160
Bardesanians, 382, 387, 415
Bardiya (Smerdes), 31, 32
Barfaryad, 162
Bar Hebræus (Abu'l-Faraj)
322, 323
Barmak (ancestor of Barme-
cides, q.v.), 257, 258
Barmecides, 164, 252, 254, 257,
258, 276, 342
Barsom, 52
Barthélemy, Paul de St. —, 59
Barthélemy, 107
Bartholomæ, 64
Barton, Dr. — (of Oxford), 50
Barzaentes (satrap of Darius),
Bas-farúj = Abu Sufra, 263
Bashshar b. Burd (poet and
sceptic), 267, 276
<text in Greek script omitted>, 122
<text in Greek script omitted>,
Basra, 184, 216, 219, 223, 245,
263, 270, 289, 296, 302, 349,
358, 359, 378, 385, 396, 402
Batinis, 311, 407, 414, 422.
See Isma'ilis, Carmathians,
Sect of the Seven, &c.
-Battani, Muhammad b. Jabir
b. Sinan (Albategnius), 363
Baur, 155, 191
Bayabak (Turkish officer), 342
Bayan (of Babis), 101
Bayazid of Bistam (Sufi), 352,
Bayda (= Dizh-i-sapid, “the
White Castle,” in Fars), 434
Bayhaq, 355
Bayhaqi (historian of Ghaz-
nawi Dynasty), 331
-Bayhaqi (author of Kitabu'l-
Mahasin, q.v.), 15, 18
Baynun (castle in -Yaman),
Baysunghar, 122
Baytu'l - Hikma (“House of
Wisdom” of the Caliph
-Ma'mun), 306
Baza - gar (= -Athim, “the
Sinner,” a term applied to
Yazdigird I, q.v.), 135, 166
Bazanes (Bishop), 172
Beatific Vision, 285, 287, 361
Beausobre, 155
Bedouin, 271. See Arabs.
Beer, 64
Behbehan, 87
Behistun (Bagastana, Bi-si-
tun), 5, 31, 63, 66, 70, 78, 92,
Bel, 10
Benfey, Prof. —, 9, 68
Berbers, 397
Beresine, 27, 83
Berlin Library, 262, 449, 452,
Bermann, 153
Berosus, 21
Bessus (satrap of Darius), 91
Bevan, Prof. A. A. —, 159,
160, 165
Bibi Shahrbanu. See Shahr-
Bible, 37
Bibliothèque du Roi, —
Nationale (Paris), 45, 67,
374, 479
Bigthan, 20
Bih-afaridh (Persian heresi-
arch), 308-310, 323
Bihishti (title of apocryphal
king), 480
Bihzad (father of -Sirafi), 372
Bilal-abadh, 324, 325
Bilqis (Queen of Sheba), 175,
Bindu'e (uncle of Khusraw
Parwiz), 181
Biographies of Persian Poets.
See -Andakhudi, 'Awfi,
-Bakharzi, Chahar Maqala,
Dawlatshah, -Tha'alibi,
Tabaqat, Tadhkira, Yati-
Birku'l-Jumad, 272
*-Biruni, Abu Rayhan (his-
torian and astronomer),
110, 123, 136, 154, 155, 158-
159, 169, 247, 259, 268, 270,
308-309, 313, 318-319, 352,
359, 371, 419, 469, 475
Bishr (disciple of Husayn b.
Mansur -Hallaj, q.v.), 431
Bishr b. -Harith, 424
Bi-situn, 5. See also Behis-
tun, Old Persian Inscrip-
Bismi'llah, Analogy between
— and Ahuna vairya
formula, 98
Bisra (meat) read as “gusht”
in Pahlawi, 66, 76
Bistam (uncle of Khusraw
Parwiz), 181
Bistam (town in Persia), 427
Bit Dayaukku, 21
Biward (Abiward), 242
Black, J. Sutherland —, 347
Black, colour of 'Abbasids,
242, 243, 244, 310
Black Stone, 359, 367, 403, 404
Bland, Nathaniel —, 13, 449,
Blochmann, 389, 473
Blowing on knots as magic
rite, 366
Bodleian Library, 41, 42, 44,
Bogha (“the Bull,” Turkish
name), 342
Bokht (“hath delivered”) in
Persian names, 145-146
Bokht Yishu' (physician), 146,
344, 345, 367
Bollensen, 64
Bologna, 40
Bombay, 48, 103, 206
Book of Origins (Ghayatu'l-
wasa'il ila marifati'l-
awa'il), 356, 455
Book of Nabathæan Agricul-
ture, 357
Bopp, 68
Boswell Smith, 188
Bourchier (Bowcher), G. —,
<text in Greek script omitted>, 23-24
Brahmins, 56
Brandt, Dr. A. J. H. W. —,
“Brethren of Purity.” See
Brisson, Barnaby de —, 42
British Museum Library, 374,
448, 457, 473
*Brockelmann, Carl —, 253,
267, 268, 273, 274, 276, 277,
278, 305-306, 343, 357, 358,
373-374, 375, 378, 383
Brünnow, 212, 220, 221, 222,
Buddha, Buddhism, 103, 154,
162, 163, 300, 301, 442
Bugha (or Bogha, q.v.), 336,
-Buhturi (poet), 357
Bukhara, 16, 17, 35, 322, 365-
366, 368, 468, 475
-Bukhari (traditionist), 351,
Bundahishn, 48, 96, 105
Bundar (or Pindar) of Ray,
85, 86
-Bundari (historian of Sel-
juqs), 43, 115, 464
Burjak and Burjatur, 146, 147
Burjin-Mihr (Sacred Fire),
Burnouf, Eugène —, 63, 67, 68
Burns, Baba Tahir compared
to —, 83
Buruna (suburb of Herat), 17
Bushanj, 244
Bushaq (Abu Ishaq, poet, of
Shiraz), 85
Bushkast (grammarian), 262
Bust (town), 378, 448
Bustan of Sa'di, 145, 341, 423
Buwayb, Battle of —, 6
Buwayhid Dynasty, 6, 12,
292, 360, 364-365, 367, 370,
372, 374, 375, 376, 398, 446,
453, 465, 466, 474
Buzurg b. Shahriyar (Persian
sea-captain), 368
Byron, 107
Byzantines, 127, 151, 167, 168,
174, 179, 181, 182, 185, 206,
224, 302, 305