THIS is a history of the Rohilla Afgháns, and a life of Háfiz Rahmat Khán, written by his son Nawáb Mustajáb Khán Bahádur. The work has been abridged and translated by Mr. Charles Elliott. I have seen several histories of the Rohillas, but know none superior to this except the Gul-i Rahmat noticed in the next article.

The translator observes in his Introduction, “In the original many trivial occurrences are noticed which I have altogether omitted; and the repeated encomiums lavished by the Nawáb upon the generosity and intrepidity of his lamented parent, though honourable to his feelings as a son, would be deemed extravagant by the majority of readers, and indeed would scarcely admit of translation. A residence of many years in Rohilkhand, where the memory of Háfiz Rahmat Khán is held in the highest veneration, may perhaps have led me to attach a greater degree of importance to the work than it merits; but as Háfiz acted a distinguished part on the theatre of India for thirty years, and was personally engaged in every great action fought during that time, his life may furnish some materials to aid in the compilation of a history of that period; and with this view, I have taken considerable pains to correct some chronological errors in the original.”

“It is necessary to add that Mr. Hamilton's History of the Rohillas will in some parts be found at variance with this narrative: that gentleman appears to have derived his infor­mation from the friends of the Nawáb of Oudh, who would not be disposed to speak favourably of Háfiz Rahmat Khán, and as that work was published about the time of Mr. Hastings' trial, it might have been intended to frame an excuse for his permitting a British army to join on the attack in 1774 A.H.”