The Ḳaṭa would not find its way.—It is related of the bird Ḳaṭa that it will leave its chicks at dawn and go to drink at a place a night’s march off, and will return, bringing water to the chicks, in the forenoon; that again in the early afternoon it will fly to the place once more, returning to bring water a second time in the evening; in doing this it never loses its way to the nest.
The domain of the Khalifate.—The original meaning of
The Precinct.—
Sitting squarely. That is, he sat upon his buttocks with his
legs equally crossed, which is a dignified position, as distinguished
Set his foot on high.—Set his
Made fruitful: fecundated by instruction, as the female palm
tree is fecundated by the spadix of the male, which is bruised
and sprinkled upon it, or “by the insertion of a stalk of a
raceme of the male tree into the spathe of the female, after
shaking off the pollen of the former upon the spadix of the
female.” (Lane on
Broken the staff.—It was said of one who became a heretic or introduced discord that he “broke the staff of the Moslems,” and shuḳḳ al ‘aṣa became a synonym for schism. When one quarrelled with his tribe, and left it, he was said “to break its staff.” Ḥarîri uses the phrase more literally here in the sense of injuring, since one is injured when his staff, which is his strength, is broken.
The white and yellow: silver and gold coin.
Did he flay, or transform, or copy.—Plagiarism,
Poetry the register of the Arabs.—This was a saying of Ibn
‘Abbâs, the cousin of the Prophet, and the greatest of the early
expounders of the Koran. He was accustomed to quote passages
of the ancient poets in support of his explanations, and to say,
“When ye have a difficulty in the Koran, look for its solution to
the poems, for these are the registers of the Arabs.” It was also
attributed to Mohammed, perhaps by the relation of Ibn ‘Abbâs
himself, who desired to maintain the study of poetry amid the
early fanaticism of Islam. It is said, “God distinguished the
Arabs by four things: they have turbans for crowns, and