A’AD, People of, 99, 101, 102, 105
A’amil, 356-358
Aaron. See Harûn
Abbasides, The, viii.
Abd-ul-hâkum Jauhari, 120
Abdullah Bin Abbas, 61, 129
Abdullah Bin Omar, 122
Abdullah Bin Shuhub, 288
Abel, 14, 51. See Habil
Abraham, 3. See Ebrahim
Abu Ali Ja’fer Bin Yaqûb ul Isfahani, 40, 41
Abu Harira, 61
Abu Mâlek Ush-shujayi, 61
Adam, History of, 41-51. His transactions with Cain and Abel, 51-54. His fall and punishment, 47, 48. His progeny and prophecy, 54-56. His death, 56. His names and surnames, 58. His afflictions, 60. His miracles, 64. His book, 40, 64. The number of his children, 65. The sciences and trades of his time, 64. His building the Ka’bah, 50, 170. His journey to Mekkah, 50. His meeting Eve on A’rafat, 50
A’is [Esau], 190-192, 196, 197
Aiûb [Job], 191. Record of, 291-299. His personal description, etc., 299, 300
Akbar, The Emperor, viii. Translations ordered by him, viii.
Alexander the Great, 10. See Eskander
Alfaragius, 124
Aliamani Aliafai, 35
Ali, son of Abu Tâleb, 165
Amalekites, The, 365, 366
Amir Ali Shir, 19, 33
A’mra, wife of Esmail, 183
Anus Bin Mâlik, 300, 353
Anûsh [Enos], 67
Anka, or Zuleikha, 227
Anssari, or auxiliary, 34; note 34
Aqlemia, sister of Cain, 51, 52
Arabic, vii., viii., xi.
‘Arabic Authors,’ viii.
Ardan [Jordan], The, 148; notes 135 and 136; 365
Ariha [Jericho], 341
Ark of the Testimony, The, 354, 355
Ark, Record of Nûh’s, 88
Ashir, 194
Asia, wife of Fara’ûn, 308, 309, 311, 313, 327, 329
Avuj, son of Anaq, 366, 368
Azar (also called Târakh), father of Abraham, 126-128
Azazil, 38; note 41. See Eblis
Azrayil, the angel of death, note 41; 42, 55, 57, 70, 71, 87, 109, 110, 176
Azûlûn, 194. See Zebulun
Baghdad, vii.
Bakhtanassar [Nebuchadnezzar], 126
Bard [Jared?], 67
Barzachumir, 26
Beards of the children of Adam, 59
Bedayet we Nihayet, 54, 121, 312
Beidhâvi, 63, 126
Benjamin. See Ebn Yâmin
Bezoar Stone, The, note 97
Bible, The, vii., xi., 3, 8
Birds in the Desert, 369
Black Stone, The, 49; note 56; 50, 172
Bodleian, The, xi.
Boraq, 18; note 17; 141, 161, 162, 183-185
British Museum, The, vii., xi.
Cain, 14, 51. See Qabil
Cainan, 67. See Qenân
Caleb. See Kalûb
Calmet, 8, note *
Camel, The Story of the female, 112-114. Her death, 115
Christians, The, 3. Their sects, 6. Their belief, 6-8
Cloud, The, 340, 343, 358, 359
Commandments, The Ten, 349, 350
Contracts, Use of, 55
Councils of Nice and Constantinople, 8, note *
Courteille, Pavet de, note 63
Cow, The, 357, 358; note 317
Creation of Genii, 34, 36. Of the Light of Muhammad, 35; note 123
Cup, The Divining, note 1, note 180; 271
Dan, 194. See Vân
Daûd, 126
David, 3, 55; note 73. See Daûd
Documents, Use of, 55
Eblis [Satan], Dominion of, 36; note 41. His career, 38-40. His remarks about Adam, 43. His temptation of Adam and Eve, 47. Mentioned 73, 74, 79, 87, 149, 167, 294, 295, etc.
Ebn Abbas, 36, 49, 84, 89, 103, 119, 138, 149, 173, 308, 314, 319
Ebn Jûzi, 144
Ebn Kathir, note 281; 121
Ebn Yahia, 62
Ebn Yâmin [Benjamin], 194, 197, 201, 258, 261, 262, 265-267
Ebrahim [Abraham], 61. Record of, 126-140. His birth, 129, 132. His early intelligence, 129, 130, 133. His destruction of idols, 131, 135, 136. His appearance before Nimrud, 134. His being thrown into the fire, 137. His adventures there, 138. His struggles with Nimrud, 139, 140, 143. His departure from that country, 144. His sojourn in Egypt, 145. Sarah’s adventures there, 145, 146. His departure from Egypt and journey to Filisteen [Palestine], 146. His settling at Qasat, 147. The sacrifice of his son Esma’il, 165-168. His building the Ka’bah, 171, 172. His prayer there, 173. Some details about his life, 174; and his death, 175. Further details about his life, 176, 177. His sayings, 178. His appearance, 180; and other information about him, 181-183
Editor’s Preface, vii.-xii.
Edris [Enoch], The prophet, record of, 68, 72; note 77 (a). His personal appearance, 72. His maxims, 72, 73
Edris, Book of, 59
Egyptians, note 275. See Qabats
Elghâzâr, son of Aaron, 356, 379
Emâm Abul-Hasan Fariâbi, 62
Emâm Anjum-ud-din Omar Nashafi, 249
E’mran, father of Moses, 308
Enoch, 68. See Edris
Enos, 67. See Anûsh
Esahâq [Isaac], his birth, 163-165. His mission, 189. His marriage, 189. His twin sons, Esau and Jacob, 190. The story about them, 190. His death, 191. His description, miracles, and tomb, 191, 192
Esau, 190. See A’is
Eskander, 10
Esma’il [Ishmael], his birth, 157. His story, 158-163. How he was about to be sacrificed, 165-168. His building of the Ka’bah with Abraham, 171, 172. His record, 183 - 186. His mission, 186. Further details about him, 187. His death, 187. His tomb at Mekkah, 188
Esrafil, 138; note 129
Esrâil [Israel]. See Ya’qûb
Esrâil, Children of, 321, 329, 331, 333-348, 358, 360, 370, 378, 379
Ethe, Professor, xi.
Evangel, or Gospels, 6; note 187
Eve, her creation, 45. Her marriage, 45, 46. Her temptation and fall, 47. Her punishment, 48. Her transfer to Jeddah, 48. Her rejoining Adam at A’rafat, 50. Her death, 65.
Fara’ûn [Pharaoh], 306. His tyranny over the children of Israel, 306. His order to kill their children, 307. The events at Eskanderia, 308. His daughter, 309. His wife Asia, 308, 310. His bringing up of Moses, 310, 311. His intention to kill him, 313. His castle, 323. His reception of Moses and Aaron, 324-328. The building of his lofty castle, 333. His pursuit of the children of Israel, 336. His destruction in the sea, 338, 339
Fariâbi, 62, 207
Farsakhs, 123; note 117; 351, 368
Fasan sacrifice, The, 335; note 296
Fathehah, The, 283; note 248
Feast of unleavened bread, 335
Firdausi, 10; note 196
Flood, The, 83-85.
Farqân, 350; note 311
Gabriel, The angel, 14. See Jebrâil
Gad, 194
Gayangos, 11, note *
Genii, Creation of, 34, 36
Gibbon, 8, note *
Gog, 5. See Yajûj
Gospels, The, notes 67, 187
Greek, vii.
Gulistân of Sa’di, notes 77, 102
Habil [Abel], 14. Story of, 51-53. His sacrifice, 52. His death, 52
Hadith Quds, or Sacred Tradition, notes 12-16
Hâfez Abru, 40, 56, 67, 153, 191, 225, 269, 270
Hagar, 146. See Hâjar
Hâjar, 146; note 134; 148, 157-161
Hâm, 85, 86. His record, 96. His sons, 97. Their territories, 97
Hamâm Bin Munia, 288
Hâmân, Fara’ûn’s Wazir, 324, 327, 332, 333, 337
Harûn [Aaron], Record of, 305, 307. His mission to assist Moses, 320. His going to Pharaoh with Moses, 323. Commands the vanguard at the Exodus, 335. Moses’s wrath with him, 346. His appointments, 355. The death of his two sons, 356. Goes with Moses to the country of the Amalekites, 368. His return, 371. His death, 378
Harût, Story of, 75-78
Hasan Bossri, 90, 288
Heber, note 107
Historians, Qualities necessary to, 29-31. Names of Arab, 31. Of Persian, 32
History, Uses of, 24-27. Why governors should be acquainted with, 28
Hodaifa Alyamani, 61
Holy Land, 365
Homâi, The, 208; note 179; 281
Horoscope, note 87
Hûd, His record, 98. His mission to the people of A’ad, 98-105. His death, 105. Description of his person, his qualities, his miracles, etc., 106
Hûmal, son of Job, 299
Idolatry, Beginning of, 73-75. Further record of, 188. Among the descendants of Ishmael, 189
Ignolatry, 75
Imâd-ud-din Bin Kathir, 121; note 281
Injil, or Evangel, 6, 7
Isa [Jesus], 14
Isaac, 173. See Esahâq
Ishmael. See Esma’il
Islâm, 1; note 159
Israel. See Esrâil
Issachar, 1. See Yashkar; also called Shâkhâr and Yashkûr
Jâbur the auxiliary, 34
Jacob, 192. See Ya’qûb
Jacobites, The [a sect of Christians], 6, 7
Jâmi, note 196
Jan Bin Jan, 36. The sons of, 37, 38
Japheth. See Yâfuth
Jared, 67. See Bard
Jebrâil [Gabriel], 14, 41, 49, 50, 57, 58, 83, 87, 92, 138, 150-154, 158, 161, 163, 168, 195, 210, 211, 216, 217, 223, 225, 232, 248, 278, 298, 311, 336, 353
Jesus, 3, 14; note 81. See Isa
Jethro, 300. See Shoa’ib
Jews, The. Their sects, 3. Their books, 4-6. Histories of, 358, 369
Jinns, The, 36
Job, 291. See Aiûb
Jordan, The. See Ardan
Jorham, The tribe of, 160, 161, 183
Joseph, 3, 14, 194. See Yusuf
Joshua, 3. See Yoshua
Judah, 194. See Yahuda
Ka’bah, The, 50, 170, 171
Ka’b-ullâkhbâr, 71, 165, 300, 315
Kalbi, 186, 288
Kalûb [Caleb], 366, 367, 371, 378
Kama Shastra Society, note 77
Kasâi, 128
Kelim Allah, a name of Moses, 289; note 253, note 273
Khizer, note 189; 371, 373-377
Khodayjah, wife of Muhammad, 2
Korah, 360. See Qârûn
Labân, 193-195
Labûda, Abel’s sister, 51
Lâvi [Levi], 194
Leah, 194. See Lia
Levi, 194. See Lâvi
Lia, 194, 280
Loqman A’ad, 99, 104
Lot. See Lôt
Lôt, the Prophet, 144, 145. His record, 148-155. His departure from the Mutafakât, or cities of the plain, 152. Details about him, 156
Madian, People of, 300. Shoa’ib’s mission to them, 300, 301. Their destruction, 302
Madinah, xii.; notes 34 and 35; 225, 353
Mahalaleel, 67. See Mahallayil
Mahallayil, 67
Mahi-ud-din Maghrabi, 37, 377
Magog, 5. See Majûj
Majûj [Magog], Notice of, 122. Wall built against, 123. Its description, 123; note 116
Makarri’s history, 11, note *
Mâlek Bin Za’r, 217-224, 227, 228, 270
Mâmun, The Khalif, vii.
Manna, 369
Mariam, sister of Moses, 359, 360
Marriage of Adam and Eve, 45. The oration pronounced by God, 45
Marût, Story of, 75-78
Masu’di, note 63; 182, 183
Max Müller, Dr., note 40
Mekkah, note 34; 50, 170-172, 174, 353
Melikites, The [a sect of Christians], 6-8
Meynard, Barbier de, note 63
Michael the Angel, 41, 338
Mirkhond, the author, x., xi., 11. His preface, 15-24. How he wrote this book, 18-21. Its contents, 22, 23
Mosaic Law, The, 353, 354
Moses, 3, 14, 305. See Mûsa
Moslem, xi.
Moslems, 1, 2, 3
Muhâjers, The, 225; note 188
Muhammad Bin Almansûr Al-Nishapuri, 164
Muhammad Bin Esahâq, 59, 89, 98, 126, 288
Muhammad Bin Muhammad Shaharuzzi, 72
Muhammad, The Apostle, viii., xi., 2. His denial of working miracles, 9. His life, 13. Dedication to him, 17, 18, 31; notes 33, 34
Mujâhad, 165, 229
Mulâvi Makhdûmi, 235
Muqadasi, 97
Muqâtl, 89, 90
Mûsa [Moses], record of, 305. His birth, 307, 308. His mother, 308-310. Stories of his babyhood and youth, 310, 311. His flight from Egypt for killing a man, 312, 313. Meets Shoa’ib [Jethro], and his marriage, 314. His staff, 315, 316, 319. His starting to return to Egypt, 316. The fire near Mount Sinai, 317. His interview with God, 318, 319. His mission to Fara’ûn, 320. Harûn [Aaron] to assist him, 320. His going to Egypt, 322. His and Harûn’s visit to Fara’ûn, 323. His miracles, 325, 326, 328, 334. His departure with the Israelites, 335. His dividing and crossing of the sea, 337. His going to Sinai and what happened there, 342-346. His return, and his anger about the molten calf, 346, 347. The massacre of the calf-worshippers, 348. His return to Sinai, 348, 349. Goes again to Sinai, and asks to see God, 351. What happened there, 352, 353. His return to his people, 353. Erects the ark of the testimony, 355. Appoints Harûn to the office of Emâm, etc., 355. Further wanderings in the desert, 358. His appointment of a chief to each tribe, 359. His sentence on Qârûn, 363. Goes to the country of the Amalekites, 368. Kills Avuj. 368. Strikes the stone for water, 369. Goes to meet Khizer, 372. His adventures with him, 373-377. Is present at Harûn’s death, 378.
Mutafakât, or cities of the plain, 145; note 131; 149, 151, 152, 154
Naphtali, 194. See Tha’bali
Naushirwan, vii.; note 29
Nebuchadnezzar. See Bakhtanassar
Nestorians, The [a sect of Christians], 6, 7
Newton, 8, note *
Nimrod. See Nimrud
Nimrud, Story of, 126. His attempts to prevent the birth of Ebrahim, 127, 128. His interview with Ebrahim, 134. His casting him into the fire, 137. The result, 139. His challenge to fight Ebrahim, 140, 143. His attempted ascents to heaven, 141, 142. The army of gnats, 143. Was bitten by one, 143. His order to Ebrahim to depart from Babel, 144. His death, 144
Nizami, 10; note 196
Noah. See Nûh
Nûh [Noah] the Confidant, Record VOL. I. of, 78-87. His ark, 81-84. Its inhabitants, 89. His external description and characteristics, 88. His miracles, 90. His mission, 91. His death, 91. Referred to, 170
O’mar, 165, 225; note 187
Oriental Translation Fund, viii., ix., 11, note *; note 33 (a)
Palmer, viii.
Paradise, Description of, 61-63
Passover, The, note 296. See Fasah
Pentateuch, The, 3, note *; note 67; 62, 225; note 187; 288
Persian, vii., viii., xii.
‘Persian Portraits,’ xii.; note 313
Pharaoh. See Fara’ûn
Plagues of Epypt, 330
Porson, 8, note *
Prophets, The, 3, note †
Psalms, The, 5; notes 67, 187
Qabats [Egyptians], The, 307; note 275; 309, 312, 329, 331, 336
Qabil [Cain], 14. Story of, 51-54. His sacritice, 52. Murder of Abel, 52, 53. The consequences, 54, 56
Qabus Bin Masâb, 285, 305
Qarravi, The [a sect of Jews], 3
Qârûn [Korah], Story of, 360-364
Qatfirnai, 227, 229
Qâzi Abd-ur-rahman-ajjâmi, 228
Qâzi Nassir-ud-din Beidhâvi, 63, 126
Qenan [Cainan], 67
Qitby, 147, 148
Qotâda, 89, 90, 229
Qurân, The [Koran], viii., xi., xii. Origin and source of all sacred and profane history among Moslems, 2; notes 67, 187. Many quotations from, see footnotes for chapter and verse
Râa’il, or Zuleikha, 227
Rabbani, The [a sect of Jews], 3, 6
Rachel, 193. See Rahil
Rahil [Rachel], 193, 194, 197, 201, 261
Rahmat, wife of Job, 291, 295, 298, 300
Rass, The People of, 304
Rauzat-ullabâb, 126
Rauzat-us-safa, 11-13. Its contents, 22, 23
Rebecca, 189. See Rufqah
Rehatsek, E., xii.
Reuben, 194. See Rubil
Riân, son of Waleed, 228, 285, 305
Rieu, Dr., xi.
Rodwell, viii., 10, note *; notes 84, 86
Rubil [Reuben], 194, 200, 201, 209, 214, 226, 271
Rufqah [Rebecca], 189, 190, 192
Rûm, 191; note 169
Sachau, Professor, xi.
Sâduq Al Muhammad, 169
Sa’id, son of Jabir, 165
Saida, wife of Ishmael, 184, 185
Salah the prophet, Record of, 111-120. His miracle, 112. Description of his person and qualities, 120. His age and his death, 120. His tomb, 121
Sale, George, viii., 10, note *; [notes 36, 84, 86, 148, 167]
Salmân Fârsi, the Persian, 26; note 28; 288; note 251
Sâm [Shem], 85, 86. His record, 97. His sons, 98. Their territories, 98
Sâmari, The [a sect of Jews], 3, 4
Sâmeri, 340, 344, 347
Sanân Bin Thabut Allashbuhi, 121
Sanscrit, viii.
Sarah, wife of Abraham, 144-146, 157, 163, 164. Her death, 174
Sari Bin Yahia, 288
Satan, 38; note 41; 46, 47. See Eblis
Savary, viii.
Sects, Seventy-two Muhammadan, note 73
Serpent, The, 46-48
Seth. See Sheth
Shadâd, Record of, 107-110
Shadeed, Record of, 107
Sharastani, 3
Shea, David, 13; note 101
Shekh Mahi-ud-din, 37, 377
Shem. See Sâm
Sheth [Seth], 58, 59, 65, 66
Shima’ûn [Simeon], 194, 208, 226, 262
Shoa’ib [Jethro], His record, 300. His mission, 301, 302. His death, 303. His description, etc., 303. His visit to Moses, 358
Simeon, 194. See Shima’ûn
Simum, The, 36; note 39
Sinai, Mount, 316, 317, 319, 342
Sirat, The bridge, 70; note 74
Society, Royal Asiatic, ix., x.
Solomon, 4. See Suleimân
Sonna, The, 63; note 71
Sprenger, Aloys, [notes 63, 71, 148, 223]
Sufis and Sufism, note 127; 177; [notes 286, 313]
Suhaba [Companions], note 66
Suleimân, 126
Syriac, vii.
Tabari, 56, 65, 67, 80, 99, 140, 142, 147, 152, 153, 168, 191, 225, 237, 262, 291
Tâbi [Followers], 60; note 66
Table, The preserved, 35; note 36; 39, 351
Târikh-uz-zaman, 144
Testaments, The Old and New, xii., 3
Tha’bali [Naphtali], 194
Thalebi, 59, 288, 350
Thamûd, People of, 111-116. Their destruction, 117, 118
Translations, vii., viii.
Translator of this work, 14. The Persian text used by him, 14. His footnotes, 14
Translator’s Preface, 1-14
Tribes of Ya’qûb, Record of the, 194, 289
Trinity, The, 8, note *
Uvlu-l-azm, 79; note 84; 88
Valeed Bin Masab, 306. See Fara’ûn
Vân [Dan], 194
Vaqidi, 180
Venus, note 80; 133. See Zohra
Wall of Zulqarneen, 123; [notes 116, 222]
Warakah Bin Nowfil, 2
Wisdom, House of, vii.
Wuhub Bin Muniah, 86, 240, 300
Yâfuth [Japheth], 85, 86. His record, 92. His sons, 92-96. Their territories and their doings, 92-96
Yahuda [Judah], 194, 206, 207, 209, 211, 264, 276, 286
Yajûj [Gog], Notice of, 122. Wall built against, 123. Its description, 123
Ya’qûb [Jacob], Story of, 192-197. His dream, 192. His going to Laban, 193. His marriage to Leah, 194. To Rachel, 194. His maid-servants, 194. His sons, 194. Story of the sheep, 195. His leaving Laban, 195. His meeting Esau, 196, 197, 199. His advice to Joseph, 199, 200. His mistrust of his other sons, 203. His grief for the loss of Joseph, 213, 216. His consent to his sons going to Egypt, 258. His grief about Simeon, 263; and about Benjamin, 271. His letter to the A’ziz, 272. His certainty about Joseph being alive, 277. His departure to Egypt, 278. His reception there, 279. His death, 281. His personal description, etc., 281. His burial, 282
Yashkhar [Issachar], 194
Yathrab. See Madinah
Yoshua [Joshua], 335, 340, 341, 366-368, 378
Yûnas [Jonah], note 84
Yusuf [Joseph], 14, 194. Story of, 198. His beauty, 199. His dreams, 199-203. His theft when a baby, 202. His brothers’ envy and hatred, 203. Ya’qûb’s refusal to let him go with them to the desert, 203, 205. His request to his father for permission to go, 206. His going with his brothers and what happened, 207-213. The story of the wolf, 214. His father’s lamentations, 213, 216. His sale to the merchants, 217-219, 227. His journey to Egypt, 227. What happened on the road, 220-222, 227. His sale by auction in Egypt, 223, 228. His purchase by the A’ziz of Egypt, 228. His adventures with Zuleikha, 229, 230, 233-243. His message to his father, 231. His imprisonment, 243, 245. His interpretation in prison of the dreams of the king s table-decker and cup-bearer, 245-247. His interpretation of the king’s dreams, 248-250, 252, 254. His appointment as A’ziz, 254. The famine years, 255, 256. His brothers come to Egypt, 257, 258. Their adventures there, 259-262. Their return to Canaan without Simeon, 262-264. Their return to Egypt with Benjamin, 264, 265. Their departure again, 266. The drinking-cup found in Benjamin’s luggage, 267. The shame and rage of his brothers and their return to the city, 267-270. What the cup said, 271. They return to Canaan without Benjamin and Reuben, 271. Correspondence between Jacob and Joseph as A’ziz, 272-274. Return of the brethren to Egypt, 274. Their recognition of Joseph, 275. Judah’s mission to Jacob, 276. The journey of the whole family to Egypt, 278. Their reception, 279. Joseph’s marriage with Zuleikha, 282, 283. His miracle, 283. The witness to his chastity, 284. His final instructions, 286. His death, 287. His personal description, etc., 287. His tomb, 288. Discovery of his tomb, 334. Removal of his coffin, 334, 335
Zabâlûn, 194
Zafar-namah, The, 96; note 100
Zartusht, 75
Zebulun, 194. See Zabâlûn
Zemzem Well, The, 159; note 147; 160, 183
Zend Avesta, 75
Zendiq, 75
Zohâk, 80, 108, 126, 229
Zohra, 76, 77
Zoroaster, 75. See Zartusht
Zuleikha, 227-230, 233-243, 248, 251, 252
Zulqarneen, Story of, 121, 122. Not Alexander the Grecian, 121. His deeds, 123-125. His description, 125, 126