'Ubayd-i-Zákání (poet and satirist,
xiv), 241, 490; — u'lláh Khán-i-
Uzbek (d. A.D. 1540), 43, 73-4,
77, 92, 94-5, 97, 227, 234-5
'Udhrí (poet, d. A.D. 1771), 283
'Ulamá (doctors of theology), 353
et seqq. See Mujtahids, Mullás
Ulfat (poet of Káshán, d. A.D. 1824),
225 n., 311
Úljaytú (Khudá-banda, Mongol ruler
of Persia, xiv), 18, 413
Úlu'l-'Azm (the Five Great Prophets),
'Umarb. -Khaṭṭáb (the second Caliph,
assassinated in A.D. 644), 17, 22,
29, 53, 54, 74, 80 n., 95 n., 104,
391, 392, 418; — b. Sa'd b. Abí
Waqqáṣ (vii), 178, 180
Umayyad Caliphs, 16 n., 180 n.,
Umíd (or Ummíd, poet of Kirmán-
sháh, xix), 225 n.
Umídí (or Ummídí, poet of Ṭihrán,
d. A.D. 1519 or 1524), 59, 230-233
Umm 'Abdi'lláh (wife and cousin of
'Alí Zaynu'l-'Ábidín, the fourth
Imám), 393
Umm Kulthúm (daughter of 'Alí and
Fáṭima), 392
Ummí (“illiterate,” an attribute of
the Prophet Muḥammad), 389
'Unṣurí (poet, xi), 299
Urdú (or Hindustání) language, 164,
'Urfí (poet of Shíráz, d. A.D. 1590),
25, 163, 164, 167 n., 241-9, 265,
268, 299
Ibn Abí Uṣaybi'a (author of the well-
known biographies of Physicians,
xiii), 447
“Ussein Alibeg” (A.D. 1599-1600),
5 n.
Ustá (fortress of —), 56
Ustájlú (one of the Seven Tribes), 52 n.
Uṣúlí school, 374, 376, 402
Uṣúlu'l-Káfí (Mullá Ṣadrá's com-
mentary on the —), 430
'Uthmán (the third Caliph, assassi-
nated in A.D. 656), 17, 22, 53, 54,
80 n., 94, 95, 104, 391, 392, 418;
Qará — (of the Aq-qoyúnlú or
“White Sheep” dynasty), 58 n.
'Uyúnu'l-Anbá fí Ṭabaqáti'l Aṭibbá
(Lives of notable Physicians, by
Ibn Abí Uṣaybi'a), 447
Uzbeks, 19, 43, 45, 60, 63-6, 73,
74 n., 77, 78, 83, 86-7, 92, 93,
94, 97, 103, 104, 105, 107, 109,
125, 136, 137, 227, 235
“Uzen Aly Bech” (A.D. 1599-1600),
5 n.
Úzún Ḥasan (Áq-qoyúnlú, A.D. 1466-
1478), 47-49, 51, 58 n.
Valladolid, 21 n.
Valle, Pietro della —, 10
Vámbéry, Arminius —, 10 n.
Van, Lake —, 49, 106
Venice, Venetians, 5, 6, 10, 21, 22,
47, 48, 50 n., 51, 85-6
Verlaine, Paul —, 344
Verne, Jules —, 458
Victoria, Queen —, 322; “Victorian
Era” of Persia (A.D. 1848-1896),
Vienna, 11
Virgin Mary, 398
Volga, 6
Wadí'at (Trusts, Law of —), 379-380
Wádí's-Salám (Terrestrial Paradise),
Wafayátu'l-A'yán (Biographies of
Ibn Khallikán, xiii), 446
-Wáfí (by Mullá Muḥsin-i-Fayḍ, xvii),
Waḥdatu'l-Wujúd (Pantheism), 382,
383, 420
Waḥid (title given by the Báb first
to Sayyid Yaḥyá of Dáráb or
Nayríz, and after his death to
Mírzá Yaḥyá Ṣubḥ-i-Azal), 208,
218 and note; Muḥammad Ṭáhir
— (poet, d. A.D. 1708), 258, 264-5
Waḥídí (poet of Qum, xvi), 237
Wahrmund, A. —, 462
Waḥshí (poet of Báfq, d. A.D. 1583),
110, 238-240, 241
Wajh-i-Dín (by Náṣir-i-Khusraw, xi),
Wajhu'lláh (“the Face of God,” title
given to 'Alí), 385
Wakíl (Regent), 139. See Karím
Walí (poet of the court of Sháh
'Abbás), 110
Wálih (of Qum, poet at the court of
Sháh 'Abbás the Great), 110; —
of Dághistán (author of the
Riyáḍu'sh-Shu'ará), 229, 269
Wámiq u 'Adhrá (romantic poem),
Wáqifí sect, 391
Wasá'il (of Muḥammad b. Ḥasan b.
Ḥurr-'Ámilí), 359
Wásiṭa (“Means” or “Channel of
Grace”), 150
Waṣṣáf (historian of Mongols, xiv),
Waṭan, yakhod Silistra (Turkish
patriotic play by Kemál Bey), 464
Watson, R. G. — (author of the
History of Persia), 3, 139 n.,
144 n., 145 n., 146 and note, 147,
148 n., 151 n., 152 n., 311 n.,
312 n., 314 n., 316 n., 450 n.;
Dr — (in Sherlock Holmes), 466
Ways, Mír — (Afghán), 118 n., 123-5
Wazír of Lankurán, 462, 463
Weil's Geschichte der Chalifen, 54 n.
Welsh song (Mochyn du), 223
“White Hand” (Yad-i-Bayḍá) of
Moses, 254 n.
“White Sheep” (Áq-qoyúnlú) Turk-
mán dynasty (A.D. 1378-1502), 21,
47, 51, 54, 58 and note, 63, 67-9,
76, 230, 487
Who's Who, 149 n.
“Why-less” (Bí-chún), God so called,
212 and note, 218
Wiedemann, Dr Eilhard —, 425, 440
“Wiklís” (? Wilkins), Mr —, 452
Wine-drinking, 114
Wiqár (poet, son of Wiṣál, xix), 178,
225, 300, 307 n., 319
Wiṣál (poet of Shíráz, d. A.D. 1846),
168, 178, 225, 300, 307 n., 316-
Wizwizak, King —, 475, 480
Woepcke, 425, 440
Wood-worm and Solomon, Legend of
the —, 111
Wüstenfeld, 440 n., 448 n.
Xavier, 421
Yadu'lláh (“the Hand of God,” 'Alí
so called), 385
Yaghmá (poet of Jandaq, xix), 26,
168, 326, 337-344
Yaḥyà, Sayyid — of Dáráb (Waḥíd-
i-Awwal), and Mírzá — Ṣubḥ-i-
Azal (Waḥíd-i-thání), two notable
followers of the Báb, 218 n.; Ḥájji
Mírzá — Dawlatábádí (contem-
porary scholar), 225, 307; Mírzá
— Khán Rayḥání (contemporary
poet and editor of the Gul-i-Zard,
or “Yellow Rose”), 490
Yájúj (Gog), 201, 211 and note
Yaman, 279, 451
Ya'qúb b. Amínu'd-Dín Jibrá'íl
(younger brother of Shaykh
Ṣafiyyu'd-Dín, xiii), 37 n.; Sulṭán
— Áq-qoyúnlú (son of Úzún Ḥasan,
xv), 49, 58 n.; — Khán Dhu'l-
Qadar (xvi), 104
-Ya'qúbí (historian, ix), 18, 36
Yáqút (geographer and biographer,
xiii), 397 n., 454
Yár Aḥmad-i-Khúzání, Amír — (en-
titled Najm-i-thání, q.v.), 59
Yasá'úl, Darwísh Muḥammad — (A.D.
1510), 65
Yá-Sín, Ál-i- — (the Prophet's family
so called), 343
Yazd, 55, 56, 118, 126, 130, 133, 148,
151, 153, 184-6, 195, 238, 325,
348, 368, 410, 427
Yazdání (son of the poet Wiṣál, xix),
300, 319
Yazdigird (last Sásánian king of Persia,
vii), 18, 393
Yazdikhwást, 89
Yazíd b. Mu'áwiya (Umayyad Caliph,
A.D. 680-683), 178, 180, 188, 485
Yazídí sect (so-called “Devil-wor-
shippers”), 46, 58
Year amongst the Persians (by
E. G. Browne), 109 n., 147 n.,
156 n., 198 n., 213 n., 221 n.,
300 n., 326 n., 335 n., 411 n.,
436 n., 442 n., 457 n., 479 n.
“Young Persians,” 15
Yúnus Páshá (executed A.D. 1517),
71 n.
Yúsuf (Joseph), 239-240; Romance
of — and Zulaykhá (Potiphar's
wife) by Luṭf-'Alí Beg Ádhar
(xviii), 284; Fakhru'd-Dín — b.
Amínu'd-Dín Jibrá'íl (younger
brother of Shaykh Ṣafiyyu'd-Dín),
37 n.; — b. Aḥmad b. Ibráhím-
Baḥrání (d. A.D. 1773), 356, 449;
— b. Yaḥyà-Yamaní-Ṣan'ání
(author of the Nasimatu's-Saḥar),
358; — the Saddler (Persian
comedy), 462
Yúsufí (heretic put to death by Sháh
'Abbás the Great in A.D. 1593), 8
Zabardast Khán (Afghán general,
A.D. 1724), 130
Zádu'l-Ma'ád (by Mullá Muḥammad
Báqir-i-Majlisí, xvii), 417; —
Musáfirín (of Náṣir-i-Khusraw,
xi), 490
Ẓafar Khán (patron of the poet Ṣá'ib,
xvii), 266
Záhid-i-Gílání, Shaykh — (d. circâ
A.D. 1300), 38, 41-43, 115,
Ẓahír-i-Fáryábí (poet, xiii), 284
Ẓahíru'd-Dín b. Buzghúsh (xiii), 42
-Zahrá (i.e. Fáṭima, q.v.), 343
Zakariyyá b. Muḥammad b. Maḥmúd
-Qazwíní (author of the Átháru'l-
Bilád and 'Ajá'ibu'l-Makhlúqát,
xiii), 448
-Zamakhsharí (philologist, xii), 317
Zand dynasty (A.D. 1750-1794), 121,
139-144, 148, 282, 283
Zanján, 153
-Zanjání (Arab grammarian), 361
“Zan-qaḥba,” the poet Yaghmá, q.v.,
so called, 337-9
Zarand, 151 n.
Zargar (“Goldsmith,” pen-name of
Áqá Muḥammad Ḥasan of Iṣfahán,
d. A.D. 1853), 325
Zarrín-Kuláh (“Golden-cap”), Fí-
rúzsháh — (ancestor of Shaykh
Ṣafiyyu'd-Dín), 32 n., 36; — -Táj
(“Golden-crown”). See Qurratu'l-
Zayd b. 'Alí b. Ḥusayn (d. A.D. 712),
393; — b. Ḥasan, whom the
Zaydí sect (pp. 17, 391) recog-
nize as Imám, 391; 'Amr and
Zayd (equivalent to John Doe and
Richard Roe in Muslim law-
books), 380 and note
Zaynab (daughter of the Prophet
Muḥammad), 392; — (daughter
of 'Alí and Fáṭima and sister of
the Imám-Ḥusayn), 179, 181, 191,
193, 392; — Khánum (daughter
of Sháh Isma'íl I, xvi), 81 n.
Zaynu'l-'Ábidín, 'Alí b. -Ḥusayn,
the fourth Imám, q.v., 393; —
(artist at the court of Sháh 'Abbás
the Great), 110; — (printer of
Tabríz, circâ A.D. 1820), 378; — of
Shírwán (author of the Bustánu's-
Siyáḥat, circâ A.D. 1831), 450;
— (praised by Qá'ání), 332; — of
Marágha (author of the Siyáḥat-
náma-i-Ibráhím Beg), 467
Zaynu'd-Dín, called “the second
Martyr” (Shahíd-i-thání), 427
Zaytúní, Qáḍí Naṣru'lláh — (circâ
A.D. 1500), 54
Zeno (Zínún), 201, 212; Catarino
— (Venetian traveller in Persia,
xv), 10, 22, 60
Zíj-i-Ilkhání (by Naṣíru'd-Dín-Ṭúsí,
xiii), 405
Ẓillu's-Sulṭán (son of Fatḥ-'Alí Sháh,
A.D. 1835), 146
Zínatu'l-Madá'iḥ (Biography of Poets
of Fatḥ-'Alí Sháh's reign), 298
Ziyá (Ḍiyá) Páshá (circâ A.D. 1874),
164 n., 173, 228 n., 242
Ibn Ziyád (vii), 178, 180
Ziyárat-náma (of the Báb), 430 n.
Zoroastrians, 3, 80, 95, 122, 126,
130-1, 230 n., 258, 294 n., 384,
396 n., 401, 423, 452, 464, 479 n.
See also Gabr (or Guebre), Magian
Zotenberg, H. —, 217 n.
Zubayr (vii), 392
Zubda (by Shaykh Bahá'u'd-Dín-
'Ámilí, xvii), 428
Ẓuhúr (the “Manifestation” of the
Báb on May 23, 1844), 150
Ẓuhúrí (poet of Turshíz, d. A.D. 1615),
234, 250, 253, 268
Zulálí (poet of Khwánsár, d. A.D.
1615), 251, 252
Zustände im heutigen Persien (by
Dr Walter Schulz), 467 n.