In the following Index, where a large number of references occur under one heading, the more important are, as a rule, printed in thicker type. The prefixes Abu (“Father of …”), Ibn (“Son of …”) are disregarded in the arrangement of Muhammadan names into which they enter: thus, for example, such names as Abu Tahir and Ibn Sina are to be sought under T and S respectively. A hyphen prefixed to a name indicates that it is properly preceded by the Arabic definite article al-; the letter b. between two names stands for ibn, “son of …” Names of books, both Oriental and European, are printed in italics, and an asterisk is prefixed to those from which citations of any considerable length occur in the text. Names of authors and other persons whose words are cited are similarly distinguished.

For typographical reasons it has been found necessary to omit in the Index the accents indicating the long vowels and the dots and dashes distinguishing the hard letters in the Arabic and Persian names and words which it comprises. The correct transliteration of such words must therefore be sought in the text.


Aaron, 409
Ababil (birds), 178
Abalish “the Accursed,” 104,
105, 107
Aban al-Lahiqi, 332
Abarsam, 138
-'Abbas, 195, 214
'Abbas Efendi, 311
-'Abbas b. -Ahnaf (poet), 277
-'Abbas b. 'Amr - Ghanawi
(general), 354, 402
-'Abbas b. -Walid (Umayyad
prince), 242
'Abbas of Merv (alleged
author of oldest Persian
poem), 13, 340, 452
Abu'l-'Abbas -Saffah, q.v. (first
'Abbasid Caliph), 237, 240,
241, 243, 251, 254, 257
*Abu'l-'Abbas Fadl b. -'Abbas
(Persian poet), 458
'Abbasid Caliphs, 6, 90, 159,
168, 208, 209, 210, 214, 236-
247 (rise to power), 251-
253 (character of dynasty),
thence onwards passim
'Abdan (Carmathian), 397,
'Abdu'llah b. 'Ali (great-
grandson of -'Abbas), 254
'Abdu'llah b. 'Abdu'l-Muttalib
(the Prophet's father), 214
'Abdu'llah b. 'Amr b. -'As
-Zuhri (scholar), 272
'Abdu'llah (brother of Babak),
329, 330
'Abdu'llah b. Marwan (Umay-
yad prince), 244
'Abdu'llah b. Maymun -Qad-
dah, 393, 394, 396-398, 406,
407, 409, 410
'Abdu'llah b. Saba (first to
teach Divinity of 'Ali), 220
'Abdu'llah b. Sa'id ('Abbasid
propagandist), 310
'Abdu'llah b. Shu'ba (officer
of Abu Muslim), 309
'Abdu'llah b. Tahir (Tahirid
prince), 12, 278, 330, 335, 346
'Abdu'llah b. Wahb -Rasibi
(Kharijite Anti-Caliph), 222
'Abdu'llah b. Zubayr, 228-231
Abu Abdi'llah (Carmathian
da'i), 397
Abu Abdi'llah Muhammad b.
Khafif of Shiraz (Sufi), 372
'Abdu'l-'Aziz (Umayyad), 215
'Abdu'l-Khaliq (Abdul Chalig)
“Achundow,” 478
'Abdu'l - Malik (Umayyad
Caliph), 103, 206, 215, 228,
230, 238, 263, 273, 283, 317,
'Abdu'l-Malik I (Samanid),
372, 463
'Abdu'l-Malik II (Samanid),
'Abd Manaf (Qurayshite), 214
*'Abdu'l-Masih (soothsayer),
173, 182
'Abdu'l-Muttalib (grandfather
of the Prophet), 177, 214
Ibn 'Abd Rabbihi (historian,
of Cordova), 15, 268, 366
'Abdu'r-Rahman (founder of
Umayyad dynasty of Cor-
dova), 215, 245
'Abdu'r-Rahman b. -Ash'ath,
Rebellion of —, 234
'Abdu'r-Rahman b. 'Awf, 195,
202, 388, 450
'Abdu'r-Rahman b. Harmala
-Aslami (traditionist), 273
'Abd Shams (Qurayshite),
'Abd Zohar (coins of —), 80
Abel, 14, 162
Aberystwyth, 452
Abhar (Persian town), 86
'Abid b. Shariya of San'a
(early Arab writer), 273
Abraha (Abyssinian King),
Abraham, 385, 408, 409, 427;
— identified with Zoroaster,
Abtin (father of Feridun), 115
Abyssinians, 118, 175, 178-181,
Achæmenes (= Hakhaman-
ish), 92, 121
Achæmenian dynasty, 4, 5, 7,
11, 18
, 19, 24, 28, 30, 36, 37,
39, 56, 60, 65, 67, 70, 79, 82,
88, 90, 94, 96, 103, 121, 127,
151, 212. See also Old

Acts of Archelaus, 155
Acts of the Persian Martyrs,
'Ad (ancient tribe), 430
Adam, 14, 27, 162, 316, 320,
408, 409
Adam (grandfather of Baya-
zid of Bistam), 427
Adams, Sir Thomas —, 41
Adhar- (Atur-) Farnbag, son
of Farrukh-zad, 104, 105
Adhar Gushasp (Sacred Fire),
139, 140
Adharpadh Mahraspand
(Zoroastrian priest), 101
Adabu'l-Katib (of Ibn Qu-
tayba), 277
'Adudu'd-Dawla (Buwayhid),
12, 370, 371, 398
Æschylus, 91
Æthiopians, 271, 349, 454.
See also Zanj.
Ætiology, Poetical (Husn-i-
ta'lil), 465
Afarin (minstrel), 18
Afarin-nama (of Abu Shu-
kur), 466
'Affan (father of the Caliph
'Uthman), 215
Afghanistan, Afghans, 4, 28,
Afrasiyab, 116
Africa, 189, 251, 339, 349, 352,
359, 367, 397, 402
Afrinagan (Zoroastrian dox-
ologies), 101
Afshin (general), 252, 323, 329-
Agathias, 122, 421
Agesilaus (of Xenophon), 91
Agha Muhammad Khan
(Qajar), 207
Ahasuerus, 20, 480
*Ahli of Shiraz (poet), 225
Ahlu'l-ahwa, 289
Ahlu'l-'adl wa't-tawhid, 281.
See also Mu'tazilites
Ahlu's-suffa, 297
Ahmad b. Abi Du'ad (one of
Afshin's judges), 331, 335,
Ahmad b. Hanbal (Sunnite
Imam), 273, 284, 291, 295,
344, 345, 361
Ahmad b. Isma'il (Samanid),
352, 466
Ahmad b. Khidrawayh (Sufi),
Ahmad-Khujistani, 355
Ahmad b. Nasr -Khuza'i (con-
spirator), 285
Ahmad (successor of Abdu'l-
lah b. Maymun -Qaddah),
397, 409
*Abu Ahmad b. Abu Bakr
-Katib (poet), 465-466
Ahriman, 35, 52, 56, 114, 146.
See also Anra Mainyush
-Ahsa, 403
Ahsanu't-taqasim fi ma'ri-
(of -Muqad-
dasi), 373
Ahuna - vairya (verse of
Avesta), 98
Ahura Mazda, 25, 32, 34, 35,
64, 65, 72, 93, 94, 95, 114, 160:
—(name of the planet
Jupiter), 461
Ahwaz, 313, 347, 364, 371, 396
Airan (= Iran, q.v.), 4
Airyana (= Airan), 4
Airyana Vaeja, 25, 35, 36
'A'isha (wife of Prophet), 214,
217, 343
'Ajá'ibu'l-Hind, 368
'Ajam, 265, 268. See also
Ajari (name of Manichæans),
Akasira (plural of Kisra), 127.
See Sasanians
Akbar, Emperor of India, 166
*-Akhbaru't-tiwal, 357. See
-Akhfash (grammarian), 278
Akhshunwar (Turkish Kha-
qan), 121
-Akhtal (Arab poet), 280
Akhu Muhsin, 411
Akkadian language, 65, 66, 74
Abu'l-'Ala. See -Ma'arri
Albategnius, 363. See -Bat-

Albertus Magnus, 40
Albigenses, 154, 160
Alchemy, 274, 362, 379, 428,
Alchemy of Happiness (of
-Ghazzali), 293
Aleppo, 218, 302, 322, 423
Alexander “the Great,” 5, 21,
37, 60, 79, 91, 96, 97, 106,
111, 118-121, 139, 304, 305
Alexander Romance, 118, 150
Alexandria, 366
Alexandrian School, 96, 97.
See Neo-Platonism.
'Ali b. Abi Talib (cousin of
the Prophet and First
Imam of the Shi'ites), 98,
130, 133, 189, 194, 203, 210,
212, 214-224 226-228, 231,
235, 239, 246, 252, 258, 261,
276, 283, 290, 296, 342, 343,
348, 350, 388, 391, 392, 398,
407, 408, 409. See also
Ghulat, Shi'ites.
'Ali b. -Husayn b. 'Ali. See
'Ali Akbar, 131
'Ali Asghar, 131
'Ali -Rida. See Rida, Imam—.
'Ali b. -'Abbas -Majusi (phy-
sician), 375
'Ali b. 'Abdu'llah b. -'Abbas,
'Ali b. Buwayh, 360. See
'Ali b. Hamza-Kisa'i (gram-
marian), 276
'Ali b. Harun-Shaybani (Sa-
manid poet), 365
'Ali b. Hisham, 334
'Ali b. 'Isa (Wazir of -Muq-
tadir), 360, 429, 434
'Ali b. Jahm -Sami (poet),
'Ali b. Muhammad -Warza-
nini (leader of Zanj re-
bellion), 350
'Ali Mazdak, 247, 328
Abu 'Ali -Bal'ami, 356, 368,
'Alids('Alawiyya, descendants
of 'Ali b. Abu Talib), 239.
See Imams, Shi'ites.
Aligarh, 202
Ibnu'l-'Allaf (poet), 363
Allah Ta'ala (God), how re-
garded by heathen Arabs,
Allegorical Interpretation,
285. See Ta'wil.
Alptagin (founder of Ghaz-
nawi dynasty), 372
Alpuxarras Mountains, 9
Alvand, Mount —, 63
Amadana, 20. See Hamadan.
Ameer Ali, Sayyid —, 188
America, Babiism in—, 311
Amid (Diyar Bakr), 134
Amin ('Abbasid Caliph), 252,
254, 256
Aminu Ali Muhammad (title
of Abu Muslim, q.v.), 256
'Amiri, Muhammad b. 'Ab-
du'r-Rahman — (jurist), 273
Ibn 'Amir ('Uthman's cousin),
Amir Pazawari (Mazandarani
poet), 83
Amiru'l - Kafirin, -Ma'mun
called —, 307
Amir-i Sa'id (title of Nasr II
the Samanid), 365
Amiru'l Umara (title of Bu-
wayhids), 364, 367
Ammianus Marcellinus, 66,
Ammonius, 421
'Amr b. -'As, 218, 219
'Amr b. Bahr. See -Jahidh.
'Amr b. Layth (Saffarid), 348,
352, 354, 355, 359, 453
'Amr b. Sa'd, 228
'Amr b. 'Uthman - Makki
(Sufi), 436
'A. M. S (Nusayri Trinity),
Amshaspands, 100, 101, 160
Anabasis of Xenophon, 91
Anahita (Nahid, the planet
Venus), 95, 461
“Ana'l-Haqq,” 361, 362
-Andakhudi, Shamsu'd-Din
Muhammad (biographer of
poets), 448
Andalusia, 263. See Cordova,

Andreas, F. C. —, 70, 78, 82,
Angels, 160
Angles, 5
Anglo-Saxon language, 82, 95;
teaching of — introduced at
Cambridge, 41
Annihilation in God (= Fana
fi'llah, q.v.
), 443
Anoshak-rubano. See Nushir-

Anquetil du Perron, 42, 43,
45-53, 56-58, 61, 62, 67, 97
Anra Mainyush (= Ahriman,
), 35, 52, 56, 99, 114, 160
Ansab. See Genealogy
Ansar, 213, 215, 230, 231. See
Antioch, 421
Antiochus, 21
Anthropomorphism, 310, 311,
314, 315-316, 435
Anusha-zadh, 136, 168, 181
Anushirwan. See Nushirwan
Anwari (Persian poet), 389,
Anwar-i-Suhayli, 341
Aogemadaeca, 102
Aoj- (root), 27
Apocrypha of Daniel, 479, 480
Apollodorus, 21
-'Aqaba (in Surra-man-ra'a),
Arab heathenism (= Jahi-
liyyat, q.v.
), 186-194, 212,
231, 261, 274
Arabian Nights, 254, 277
Arabian Science, 204
Arabic character, 9, 10, 82;
Spanish in —, 9
Arabic language the vehicle
of Muslim Science till
Mongol Invasion, 340, 377;
— in Persia, and Arabic
literature produced by
Persians, 3, 4, 211, 278, 348,
365, 445-447, 474-477; —
preserved in siyaq notation
in Persia, 67; importance
of — for study of Persian,
89, 90; elements of — in
Persian, 73; study of — in
Europe, 39-41; — reduced
to writing by command of
Jamshid, 80; translations
into — from Pahlawi, 76,
110, 118, 123; — written
in Syriac character (Kar-
shuni), 8, 9
Arabic script, 10, 82
Arabs, character of —, 189-
194, 252, 404, 472; — men-
tioned in Behistun Inscrip-
tion, 94; — learn their
power, 184; influence of —
on Persia, 6, 36, 37, 66;
antipathy between — and
Persians, 114, 130, 242, 327,
331-332, 334; pride of —,
213, 229; decline of zeal
and power of —, 244, 251-
252, 342, 345; minor refer-
ences, 4, 63, 173, 174, 181,
357, 369, 388. See also
Conquest, Arab —, Racial
feeling, Subject races,
Shu'ubiyya, Mawálí

Ibnu'l-'Arabi, Shaykh Muh-
yiyyu'd-Din — (Sufi), 419,
420, 438
Ibnu'l-A'rabi (grammarian),
Arachosia, 35, 94
Arakadris, 31
Aramaic, 36, 37, 66, 73, 74, 75,
77, 80, 81, 89. See also
Chaldæan, Syriac
Araxes, River —, 25, 35
Arbil, 33
Arbitration of Dawmatu'l-
Jandal, 219, 221
Archelaus, Acts of —, 155
Arcs of Ascent and Descent,
Ardabil, 324, 325
Ardashir-i-Babakan (founder
of Sasanian Dynasty), 9, 58,
70, 97, 103, 108, 112, 117, 119-
120, 121, 122, 136-151, 153,
158. See also Artakhshatr-

Ardashir III (Sasanian), 174,
Ardashir, Dastur —, 47
Arda Viraf, Book of—, 43, 96,
106, 118, 157
Ardawan, 136, 137-139, 140-
145, 154
*'Arib. b. Sa'd of Cordova
(historian), 360, 362, 363,
428, 430, 432, 434
Aries, Sign of —, 114, 259
'Arif (“Gnostic”), 424
'Arifu'z-Zanadiqa, 159
Aristotle (Aristu, Aristatalis),
39, 40, 119, 277, 286, 293,
305, 381
Aristotelians, Arabian —, 289
Ariyaramna (Achæmenian),
63, 92
Arjasp, 460
Armegand of Montpellier, 40
Armenians, 8, 41, 94, 127, 201,
*Arnold, Sir Edwin —, 442
*Arnold, T. W. —, 202, 206,
207, 212, 448
Arphaxad (Arfakhshad), 114
Arrajan, 324, 364
Arrows, shooting of — to
determine site, 152, 153
Arshama (Achæmenian), 63,
92, 93
'Arsh (Throne of God), 427
Artabanus. See Ardawan
Artai (wind), 143
Artakhshatr-i-Papakano, 70,
71, 93, 106, 108, 117, 122,
136-151, 153
Artaxerxes Longimanus, 117
Artaxerxes Mnemon, 20, 120
“Aryan genius,” 301
Aryans (Ariya, Airiya), 4, 29,
33, 56, 80, 90, 94, 114, 419
Aryat (Abyssinian general),
175, 176
Arzhang (Artang) of Mani
(Manes), 166
Abu'l-'As b. Umayya, 215
Asad (tribe), 370
Asad b. 'Abdu'llah (Governor
of Khurasan), 207, 352
Asad-'Amid, 460
Asad b. Musa b. Ibrahim,
Asadi (poet), 437; (lexico-
grapher), 86, 450, 457, 474,
Ibn 'Asakir, 264
'Asal-i-dukhta (“sewn honey,”
the yellow garments worn
by the Guebres), 343
Asas (term of Isma'ilis), 409,
Ascetics (Zuhhad), 298
Ashab. See Companions.
Ash'ari, Abu Musa —, 219;
Abu'l-Hasan —, 212, 283,
285, 286, 291-292, 352, 364,
Ashemaogha (heretic), Maz-
dak so styled, 169, 171
Ashghaniyan, Ashkaniyan,
111, 118, 158. See also
Ibnu'l-Ashtar (General of
-Mukhtar), 238
'Askar Mukram (place), 396
-Asma'i (philologist), 277, 350,
Asman (27th day of month),
Asp - i - nawbati (“sentry
horse”), 317
“Ass,” Marwan II so called.
See Marwan II
Assassins, 54, 172, 311, 392,
395, 396, 408, 424
Assyrians, 20, 21, 23, 36, 37,
55, 65, 66, 67, 74, 75, 81, 89,
90, 94, 109, 305, 306
Astarabad, 448
Astronomy, 289, 304
Astyages, 21
Asura (demon) in Sanskrit =
Ahura (God) in Avesta, 34
'Ata (name of -Muqanna',
), 320
Abu'l-'Atahiya (poet), 276, 277.
'Ata -Ghazzal (father of
Wasil), 281
A'tham -Kufi (historian), 363
*-Atharu'l-baqiya (of -Biruni,
), 154, 469
*Atharu'l-bilad (of -Qazwini),
15, 157, 257, 319, 324
Athenaeus, 121
Athenians, 94
-Athim (= Pers. Baza-gar,
“the Sinner”), 135. See
Yazdigird I.
*Ibnu'l-Athir (historian), 169,
321-323, 360
Athravan (Fire-priest), 31
Atropatene, 19, 25, 28, 29, 30,
36, 78. See also Azarbayjan
*'Attar, Shaykh Faridu'd-Din
— (poet and mystic), 294,
299, 361, 362, 389, 416, 424-
428, 436, 437, 444
Augustine, St. —, 155
Averroes (Ibn Rushd), 40,
288-289, 294, 381
Avesta, 4, 22-31, 34, 37, 42-
44, 50, 53, 56-59, 63, 67-
, 88, 91, 95-102, 105, 108,
111-114, 116, 120
, 143, 169,
206, 301; — meaning of
term, 78; — identified with
Abraham's Revealed Book
(Suhuf), 113
Avestic language (so-called
“Zend” or “Old Bactrian”),
27, 39, 43, 44, 60, 62, 67, 78,
81, 89
Avicenna (Ibn Sina), 40, 288,
289, 293, 368, 372, 375, 381,
*'Awfi, Muhammad — (author
of Lubabu'l - Albab and
Jawami'u'l-hikayat), 13, 15,
262, 283, 340, 449, 450, 452-
455, 462, 463, 466, 468, 470
Awhadu'd-Din Kirmani(poet),
Abu 'Awn, 245
'Ayn b. 'Ayn b. 'Ayn, 241
'Aynu'l-Kamal. Ṣee Evil Eye.
Aywan - i - Kisra (Palace of
Chosroes), 258
Ayyam (“days,” i.e., notable
battles, of the Arabs), 270,
Abu Ayyub-Muriyani, 258
Az (in Talish dialect = azem,
“I” in Avestic), 27
Azarbayjan (Adharbadhagan),
19, 28, 35, 78, 79, 313, 325,
448. See Atropatene.
Azhi-Dahaka, 114. See Dahak.
-Azraqi (historian of Mecca),
-'Aziz, Abu Mansur Nazar
(Fatimid Caliph), 373