-Ṭabarí (Muḥammad b. Jarír —,
historian, ix-x), 188, 217 n., 412,
443, 449, 485
Ṭabarsarán, 48
-Ṭabarsí, Shaykh —, 153, 197-8, 409
Ṭabíb, Sayyid 'Abdu'l-Báqí — (poet
and physician to Nádir Sháh,
xviii), 283
Tabkhí (poet of the court of Sháh
'Abbás the Great), 110
Tabríz, 21, 22, 23, 44, 45, 49, 52, 53,
61, 62, 71, 76, 77, 96, 104, 109,
130, 131, 134, 144 n., 151, 153,
155, 222, 230, 235, 236, 237,
265 n., 266, 346, 347, 360, 371,
380, 422, 454, 489, 490
Tadhkiratu'l-Aḥwál (by Shaykh 'Alí
Ḥazín, A.D. 1741), 277-281; —
Ál-i-Dáwúd (A.D. 1803), 444; —
Dawlatsháh (xv), 447; — Dil-
-gushá (A.D. 1821), 304, 307, 309,
317, 328, 337; — Mu'áṣirín (by
Shaykh 'Alí Ḥazín, A.D. 1752),
281; — Muḥammad-Sháhí (xviii-
xix), 298
Tafrísh, 282
-Taftázání, Farídu'd-Dín Aḥmad —
(put to death in A.D. 1510), 63, 69
Tafwíḍ, 386. See Free Will and
Tahdhíb (of Shaykh Bahá'u'd-Dín
-'Ámilí), 364; — u'l-Aḥkám (of
-Ṭúsí, xi), 359, 405
Ṭáhir (son of the Prophet Muḥammad),
391; — (poet of Qazwín, xviii),
282 ad calc.
Ṭáhir-ábád, Battle of — (A.D. 1510),
Ṭahmásp, Sháh — I (A.D. 1524-
1576), 5, 9, 10 n., 19, 28, 34, 43,
50 n., 52, 57, 81, 84-98, 100-103,
106, 172, 238, 241, 406, 456; — b.
Muḥammad Khudá-banda (circâ
A.D. 1586), 101; Sháh — II (put
to death by Nádir Sháh's son
Riḍá-qulí in A.D. 1739), 129-136
Tajáribu's-Salaf (Persion version of
the Kitábu'l-Fakhrí made by
Hindú-Sháh, q.v., in A.D. 1324),
Táj-i-duwázdah tark (the scarlet cap
with twelve gores worn by the
Qizil-básh), 48
Táju'd-Dín Ibráhím. See Záhid-i-
Gílání, Shaykh —
Takallú (one of the Seven Tribes),
52 n., 70 n.
Takfír (denunciation as an infidel),
Takya-i-Humáyún (the Royal Theatre,
Ṭihrán), 194
Ṭalḥa (vii), 392
Ṭálib-i-Ámulí (poet, d. A.D. 1626),
164, 250, 253-256, 267
Abú Ṭálib (uncle of the Prophet
Muḥammad), 392; — Mírzá (son
of Sháh Muḥammad Khudá-banda,
circâ A.D. 1586), 101-2; — Kalím
(poet, d. A.D. 1651), 164, 166,
250, 258-263, 268; Shaykh —
(father of Shaykh 'Alí Ḥazín,
d. A.D. 1715), 278
Ṭáliqán (in Khurásán), 399
Abú Tammám (compiler of the
Ḥamása, ix), 270
Tanásukh (Metempsychosis, q.v.), 382
Tanbúra'í (drummer), 110
Tanukábun, 355
Ṭáqdís (poem by Mullá Aḥmad-i-
Niráqí, d. A.D. 1828), 411
Taqí, Mírzá — (founder of a College
at Iṣfahán, xvii), 366; Áqá —
(poet of Qum, called Ṣahbá, q.v.,
xviii), 283; — Khán Amír-i-Kabír
(put to death by Náṣiru'd-Dín
Sháh on Jan. 9, 1852), 152-3, 316,
329, 333; — -záda, Sayyid Ḥasan
— (contemporary), 29, 485
Taqiyyu'd-Dín Muḥammad (prime
minister, xvii), 264
Ṭáqiya-i-Turkmání (the Turkmán
cap), 48
Taqiyya (prudential concealment of
opinions), 16 n., 17
Taqlíd (submission to ecclesiastical
authority), 382
“Tarbiyat,” Mírzá Muḥammad 'Alí
Khán — (contemporary), 458, 467.
See Press and Poetry of Modern
Ta'ríkh-i-'Álam-árá-yi-'Abbásí (by
Iskandar Munshí, A.D. 1616), 5,
6, 7, 8, 47, 48, 88, 99 n., 100,
101 n., 103 n., 105 n., 107-8, 172,
238, 256, 257, 427 n., 428, 444;
— i-ba'd-Nádiriyya (xviii), 137 n.,
445; — i-Bídári yi-Írániyán (A.D.
1910), 413, 446; — i-Guzída (by
Ḥamdu'lláh Muṣtawfí of Qazwín,
xiv), 118 n.; — u'l-Ḥukamá (by
-Qiftí, xiii), 447; — i-Jadíd (the
“New History,” xix), 197 n.; —
i-Jahán-gusháy (by Juwayní, xiii),
443; — i-Waṣṣáf, 443; — i-Zan-
diyya (xviii), 140 n., 141 n., 142 n.,
Tartars (more correctly Tatárs), 3.
See Mongols
Tartufe (by Molière, translated into
Turkish), 462
Ṭárum, 22, 51
Tashbíh (Anthropomorphism), 17, 382
Táshkand, 64
Tashríḥu'l-Aflák (by Shaykh Ba-
há'u'd-Dín-'Ámilí, xvii), 428
Taṣníf (ballad), 162, 221-3
Taṣwíru'l-Afkár (Press in Constanti-
nople), 459
Tauris, 61. See Tabríz
Ṭá'úsí sect, 391
Tavernier, 10, 112
Tawakkul (or Túklí) b. Isma'íl, 34.
See Ibnu'l-Bazzáz and Ṣafwatu'ṣ-
Tawḥíd (Doctrine of the Divine Unity),
Ṭayfúr (poet at the court of Sháh
'Abbás the Great), 110
Ṭayyib (son of the Prophet Mu-
ḥammad), 391
Táza Bahár (newspaper), 345
Táza-gú'í (originality of expression),
Ta'ziya (“mourning”), 28, 29, 162,
172-194, 459
“Techellis” (Tekellú, Takallu), 70-
“Teckel Schachoculu” (Tekellú
Sháh-qulí), 70 and note
Teixeira, 10
Telegraph, Indo-European —, 154-5
Tennyson, 227
Thábit b. Qurra, 357
Thales, 201, 212
Thaná'í (poet, xvi), 242; — pen-
name of Mírzá Abu'l-Qásim Qá'im-
maqám, q.v.
Theologians, Rise of the Great Shí'a
—, 26-8, 83, 114
Thevenot, 10
Thibet, 128
Thiqatu'l-Islám (put to death by the
Russians at Tabríz on Jan. 1, 1912),
Thurayyá (“Pleiades,” newspaper),
Tiflís, 104, 109, 130, 134, 298, 462
Tigris (Dijla), 198, 321
Ṭihrán, 105, 137, 146, 149, 151, 155,
194, 198, 222, 231, 251, 258, 279,
301, 303, 312, 319, 328, 346-8,
368, 371, 374, 378, 441, 451, 454,
458, 463, 466, 489, 490
Times, 466
Tímúr, 9, 25, 46, 57, 348; House of
—, 3, 25, 63-4, 77, 83, 229; —
-náma (of Hátifí), 229
Ṭiqṭaqí, Ṣafiyyu'd-Dín Muḥammad
— (author of the Kitábu'l-Fakhrí),
Tiyátr (“the Theatre,” newspaper), 463
Tobacco concession (A.D. 1890-1),
156, 370-1
Tolerance, Growth of — in modern
Persia, 420
“Tom, Dick and Harry” (English
equivalent of 'Amr and Zayd),
380 n.
Tomb, State of the Dead in the —,
Ṭopál 'Osmán (or 'Uthmán, Turkish
general, killed in October, 1733),
Transmigration of Souls (tanásukh),
Transoxiana (Má wará'a'n-Nahr), 4,
24, 63, 92, 125, 451
Travel, Five Advantages of —, 433
Traveller's Narrative (ed. and transl.
by E. G. Browne), 150, 154 n.,
294 n., 329, 381, 397 n., 399 n.,
420 n., 422 n.
Trebizond, 47, 48
Trinity, The —, 293-4
Trois Ans à la Cour de Perse (by
Dr Feuvrier), 371
Trois Comédies Persanes (ed. and
transl. by C. Barbier de Meynard
and S. Guyard), 462
Tsar of Russia, Murder of — by
Bolsheviks, 371
Tsitsianoff (Russian general called by
the Persians Ishpukhtar), 374, 375
and note
Ṭúbà (tree in Paradise), 401
Ṭúfán (poet of Hazár-jaríb, d. A.D.
1776), 283; — u'l-Buká (the
“Deluge of Weeping”), 182
Ṭughril (the Saljúq, A.D. 1037-1063),
31, 54
Tuḥfatu'l-Mú'minín (on Materia
Medica, composed by Muḥammad
Mú'min-i-Ḥusayní in A.D. 1669),
439; — 'z-Zá'irín (the “Pilgrims'
Present,” by Mullá Muḥammad
Báqír-i-Majlisí, d. A.D. 1700), 410,
Tuḥfa-i-Sámí (biographies of con-
temporary poets compiled by Sám
Mírzá in A.D. 1550), 25, 88 n.,
230, 237, 447
Túklí (or Tawakkul), 34 and note.
See Ibnu'l-Bazzáz and Ṣafwatu'ṣ-
Túmán, value of the —, 410 n.
Tunis, 425
Abú Turáb, Mír — (Turkmán envoy
to Constantinople, A.D. 1553), 94
Túrán, 13, 282
Turkey, 4, 10, 92, 130, 134, 135, 137,
146, 164, 241, 246, 250, 260, 265,
451, 453, 467; Turks, 10, 135,
140, 280, 427, 450; Turkish dy-
nasties, 3; Turkish language, 14-
15, 250, 375 n.; Turkish literary
taste, 226, 227, 265, 300, 412,
443, 487; “Turkish Ṣúfís,” 46.
See also Ottomans
Turkí (poet of Shíráz), 182 n.
Turkistán, 451
Turkmán-cháy, Treaty of — (A.D.
1826), 146
Turkmáns, 47, 50, 93, 137, 230. See
also White Sheep
Turner Macan (ed. of Sháhnáma),
Turshíz, 233, 234, 253
Ṭús, 94
-Ṭúsí, Muḥammad b. -Ḥasan b. 'Alí
(d. A.D. 1067), 355, 358, 405
Ṭúṭí, Mír — (Turkmán envoy to Con-
stantinople in A.D. 1553), 94
Túysirkán, 463
Twelve, Sect of the — (Ithnà-
'ashariyya), 17, 391. See Shí'a