D. | G. | Serial. | TITLES OF THE ANECDOTES. |
Part III, Chapter XXII = LXXII: On Ingenious and Intelligent women. | |||
ff273 | f280a | 1742 | Introduction, showing the superiority of some women to men. Ásiya, the virtuous wife of Pharaoh, demands the fulfilment of the contract which her proud husband after the loss of his wager desired to break wantonly; and insists on his walking round his palace naked, so that the white spot of leprosy on his back is discovered. |
D. | G. | Serial. | TITLES OF THE ANECDOTES. |
ff273 | f280b | 1743 | An estimation of Dhu’n-Nún of Egypt by a Byzantine girl, and her three piquant remarks. |
f274a | ” | 1744 | Ziyád b. Abíhi, while passing by the mansion of Nu‘mán b. Mundhir, the famous king of Ḥíra, visits his daughter and asks the definition of ”World”; at which she wisely sums up the phenomena of the world by comparing the by-gone days of the glory of her family with their present pitiable condition. |
” | ” | 1745 | The bold answer whereby Sayyida, the mother of Majdu’d-Dawla, succeeded in preventing Sultan Maḥmúd from attacking her capital, Rayy. (Cf. Qábús-náma, pp. 128—9, see above, pp. 95—6). |
” | ” | 1746 | Búrán divines the secret of al-Ma’mún about the advice of the famous court-physician, Bukht-Yishú‘, concerning abstinence from women. |
f274b | f281a | 1747 | Lubába or Lubána, a favourite slave-girl of al-Amín, advises him to make a compromise with his brother al-Ma’mún. |
f275a | ” | 1748 | Muhannada, a slave-girl, and her clever suggestion to the Caliph al-Manṣúr by which she seduced him. |
” | ” | 1749 | Masrúra, the slave-girl, and her seductive conversation with the Caliph Hárún. |
” | ” | 1750 | Dalla, the cunning woman, outwitted by the wife of a cloth-merchant. |
f275b | ” | 1751 | The witty replies of an Abyssinian girl to the Caliph Hárún. |
” | f281b | 1752 | The jests which passed between Muhallab b. Abí Ṣufra and a singing-girl, Badá’i‘a. |
” | ” | 1753 | al-Aṣma‘í and a beautiful woman in a fruit shop interchange witty remarks by citing Verses from the Qur’án. |
” | ” | 1754 | an-Náṭifí’s favourite girl recites a touching Verse (Qur’án, XXXVIII, 22) in her melodious voice about the brother who possessed 99 cows, and the other who had only one; upon which the Caliph Hárún is moved and restores her to her lamenting owner. |
” | ” | 1755 | The witty remark of an old woman to one of the retainers of the Caliph al-Ma’mún, when he had presented her request to the Caliph. |
f276a | ” | 1756 | The tactful congratulatory address of Zubayda, the mother of al-Amín, after al-Ma’mún’s succession to the Caliphate. |
” | ” | 1757 | The mystery of the casket and its precious contents, which the mother of Ja‘far, the Barmecide, so carefully guarded. |
f276b | f282a | 1758 | A pointed reply of a woman of the tribe of Ṭayy about the uniqueness of Ḥátim in her tribe, in allusion to the Caliph al-Mahdí. |
The chapter ends as usual with a panegyric on the Wazír. |