Rabino, H. L. —, 30
Rabí'u'l-Asábí' (by Mullá Muḥammad
Báqir-i-Majlisí, d. A.D. 1700), 417
Ráfiḍí, 234. See Shí'a
Rafíq, Mullá Ḥusayn — (poet, xviii),
Rafsinjan, 126
Ráḥatu'ṣ-Ṣudúr (history of the Saljúqs
by -Ráwandi), 18 n., 56 n., 222
and note
-Raḥím, -Malik — (Buwayhid, xi),
54 n.
Ráh-i-Naw (newspaper), 484
Raj'at (“Return,” doctrine of —),
197, 398-400
Rangín (in Gílán), 36
Raphaël du Mans, Père — (xvii), 9,
20, 115, 116
Ráqim (poet, xvii), 267
Rashaḥát-i-Saḥáb (by Saḥáb of Iṣfahán,
d. A.D. 1807), 305
Rashídu'd-Dín Faḍlu'lláh (xiv), 19, 33
Rasht, 50, 59, 96, 135, 184, 186, 222,
410, 489
Rasmí (poet, xvi), 166
Rastákhíz (“the Resurrection,” news-
paper), 484 n.
-Ráwandí, Abú Bakr Najmu'd-Dín
Muḥammad — (author of the
Ráḥatu'ṣ-Ṣudúr, xii-xiii), 222
Rawḍa-khwán, 29, 181 (why so called);
Rawḍátu'l-Jannát (Biographies of
eminent Muslims, compiled in
A.D. 1870), 251, 257, 356-7, 358,
359, 408-411 passim, 416, 417,
421-2, 426-432 passim, 435, 446,
Rawḍatu'ṣ-Ṣafá (vols. i-vii by Mír-
khwánd, xv; supplementary vols.
viii-x by Riḍá-qulí Khán Hidáyat,
xix), 5, 7, 8, 102, 250-251, 304,
317, 413, 445
Rawḍatu'sh-Shuhadá (“Garden of
the Martyrs,” by Ḥusayn Wa'iẓ-i-
Káshifí, xv), 29, 181, 237
Ray, 232, 233, 438
Rayḥání, Yaḥyá Khán — (contem-
porary poet), 490
-Rází (Abú Bakr Muḥammad b.
Zakariyyá, physician, x), 425,
438-9, 449
Recording Angels (named Sá'iq and
Shahíd), 398, 400
“Red-heads.” See Qizil-básh
Redhouse, Sir James —, 35
Reign of Terror at Tabríz” (by
E. G. Browne), 371 n.
Religions et Philosophies dans l'Asie
(by the Comte de
Gobineau). See Gobineau
Religious Attitude and Life in Islam
(by D. B. Macdonald), 40
Renaissance, 438
Resurrection (Qiyámat), 382, 390,
399-401, 422
“Return” (Raj'at, q.v.), 419
Revolution of 1906 in Persia, 121,
122, 155-8, 162, 302, 303, 340,
344, 345, 467; Persian Revolution
1905-1909 (by E. G. Browne,
1910), 155, 302, 468 n.
Rhodes, 81
Riḍá-qulí (son of Nádir Sháh, xviii),
135, 136, 138; — Khán, poetically
surnamed Hidáyat, q.v. (born
A.D. 1800, died 1872), 5, 7, 25,
26, 28, 102, 164 n., 172, 224, 230,
233, 234, 235, 245, 250, 251, 256,
258, 264, 265, 298, 299, 304, 305,
307, 309, 311, 316, 317, 319, 326,
344, 413, 445. See also Majma'u'l-
Fuṣaḥá, Riyáḍu'l-'Árifín
, etc.
Riḍá-yi-'Abbásí (portrait-painter,
xvii), 25, 484; Shaykh — yi-Kurd
(poet, date unknown), 29; Sayyid
— b. Mahdí, 370; — of Kirmán
(assassin of Náṣiru'd-Dín Sháh,
A.D. 1896), 155; — Khán (Com-
mander-in-chief and practically
Dictator of Persia, A.D. 1923-4),
15; — Khán, Mírzá —. See
Rieu, Dr Charles — (author of the
British Museum Catalogues of
Arabic, Persian and Turkish MSS.),
35 n., 54 n., 57 n., 66 n., 83 n.,
229 n., 231 n., 233, 235 n., 237 n.,
238, 241 n., 243 n., 251, 252, 253,
256, 257, 264, 265, 278 n., 281 n.,
298, 408 n., 420 n., 447 n., 453
Rijálu'l-Ghayb (“Men of the Unseen
World”), 472 and note
Risála-i-Khayrátiyya (by Áqá Mu-
hammad 'Alí Bihbihání), 420
Riyáḍát (mortification, discipline), 382
Riyáḍiyyát (the exact or mathematical
sciences), 437
Riyáḍu'l-'Arifín (by Riḍá-qulí Khán,
xix), 230, 251, 265, 304, 305,
309 n., 319, 326 n., 436, 437
Riyáḍu'sh-Shu'ará (by Wálih, A.D.
1748), 229
Roe, Richard —, 380
Rome, 5, 6; Church of —, 359
Rosen, Dr F. —, 463
Rosenzweig-Schwannau (ed. of Ḥáfiẓ),
216 n.
Ross, Col. Sir E. —, 462 n.
Ross, Sir E. Denison —, 15 n., 50 n.,
64 n., 358, 444
Roxburgh Club, 105 n.
Rúdagí, or Rúdakí (poet, x), 221, 299
Rúḥí, Ḥájji Shaykh Aḥmad — of Kir-
mán (put to death in A.D. 1896), 468
Rukná (poet, xvii), 268
Ruknu'd-Dín Mas'úd or Kázarún
(burned to death about A.D. 1574).
Rúm, 166-7. See Asia Minor
Rumelia, 76
Rúmlú, 14, 52 n.
Ruqayya (daughter of the Prophet
Muḥammad), 392
Rús-i-Manḥús (the “sinister Rus-
sians”), 316
Russia, 4, 5, 114, 128, 130, 131, 134,
146, 147, 155, 156, 157, 312-316,
371, 374-5, 476, 478, 480-483,
489; Russian wife of Sulṭán
Sulaymán, 89-90; — Mission
massacred at Ṭihrán in A.D. 1829,
146, 312-316; — cruelties in
Tabríz, 371; — general's death
compassed by Persian theologian,
374-5; — aggression in Persia,
poem on —, 348
Rustam Áq-qoyúnlú, grandson of
Úzún Ḥasan (xv), 49, 50, 58 n.;
— Beg the Kurd, Ḥájji — (A.D.
1502), 68-69; — Rúz-afzún
(ruler of Mázandarán, A.D. 1510),
65; Sháh — of Luristán (A.D.
1508), 59, 76; — Khán (general,
A.D. 1713), 124; — u's-Sádát
(Sayyid Qanbar, satirized by
Yaghmá), 339; Kamán-i- — (the
Rainbow), 414
Rúzbihání, Ṣabrí — (poet at court of
Sháh 'Abbás I), 110
Rúz-i-Qatl (the “Day of Slaughter,”
i.e. the 'Áshúrá or 10th of Mu-
ḥarram), 29, 188. See also Mú-
harram, Passion Play, Ta'ziya
Rúznáma-i-Írán-i-Sulṭání (news-
paper), 346, 347

Ṣabá (Fath-'Alí Khán of Káshán,
poet, d. A.D. 1822), 307 n., 309-310
Sabá (Sheba), 190, 192
Ṣabáḥí (Ḥájji Sulaymán, poet of
Káshàn, d. A.D. 1791), 142, 178,
282, 309
Ṣabrí Rúzbihání (poet of the court of
Sháh 'Abbás), 110
Sabzawár, 105, 136, 326, 436-7, 456
Ibn Sa'd ('Umar — b. Abí Waqqáṣ,
vii), 178, 180, 188
Sa'dí (of Shíráz, xiii), 37, 42, 246,
299, 348, 490
Ṣádiq Beg (artist at the court of
Sháh 'Abbás I), 110; — Khán
(brother of Karím Khán-i-Zand,
killed in A.D. 1782), 140, 142; —
Khán-i-Qá'im-maqámí (d. A.D.
1917), 346-9. See Adíbu'l-Ma-

Ṣadr, Office of —, 59, 427
Ṣadrá, Mullá — of Shíráz (philosopher,
d. A.D. 1640), 257, 376, 407, 408,
411, 426, 427, 428-432, 434-7
Ṣadru'd-Dín, Shaykh — (son of
Shaykh Ṣafiyyu'd-Dín, whom he
succeeded in A.D. 1334 and died
in A.D. 1392), 19, 34, 35, 39, 42-
46; — Muḥammad (calligraphist
at the court of Sháh 'Abbás I),
110. See also under Ṣadrá above
Sa'du'd-Dín-Taftázání, 63; — (Turk-
ish historian), 72; — 'Ináyatu'lláh
Khúzání, Amír — (burned to death,
xvi), 97
Ṣadúq, title of Ibn Bábawayhi, q.v.
Ṣafá, 225, 307 n., an error for Ṣabá,

Ṣafá'í, Mullá Aḥmad-i-Niráqí (d. A.D.
1828), 411; Mírzá Aḥmad —, son
of the poet Yaghmá, 338
Safar-náma (of Náṣir-i-Khusraw, xi),
Safárat-náma-i-Khwárazm (Riḍá-qulí
Khán, A.D. 1855), 304
Ṣafawí Dynasty (A.D. 1502-1736),
1-133 passim, 168, 372, 487;
historical importance of the —,
3-4; historical records of the —,
4-11; characteristics of the —,
11 et seqq.; poetry under —, 26-8,
221, 250, 354; rise of the —, 32-
83; culmination and decline of the
—, 84-120; — greatly venerated
by their subjects, 86; Shí'a faith
promoted by —, 353-4
Ṣafí I, Sháh — (A.D. 1629-1642),
111, 231; — II (subsequently called
Sulaymán I, A.D. 1666-1694), 111
Ṣáfí (Mírzá Ja'far, poet, of Iṣfahán,
xviii), 282
Safínatu'l-Maḥmúd (anthology of
Fatḥ-'Alí Sháh's poets, xix), 298
Ṣafí-qulí Khán (Persian general, xviii),
Ṣafiyyu'd-Dín, Shaykh Abu'l-Fatḥ
Isḥáq — (born A.D. 1252, died
1334), 4, 19, 32-44, 46 n., 88, 115;
pedigree, 32-3 ad calc., 87 n., 444
Ṣafwatu'ṣ-Ṣafá (biography of the
above-mentioned Shaykh Ṣafiy-
yu'd-Dín), 4, 19, 32 n., 38-42, 444
Ságharchí, Kamálu'd-Dín — (xvi),
Saḥábí (poet, of Astarábád, d. A.D.
1601), 251
Ṣaḥá'ifu'l-Akhbár (Turkish version of
Munajjím-báshí's history), 106 n.
Ṣahbá, Áqá Taqí — (poet, of Qum,
xviii), 283
Ṣáḥib-Díwán (A.D. 1888), 221
Ṣáḥib-Qirán, 108
Sáḥilán (near Tabríz), 76
Sahl 'Alí, Imám-záda — (near Hama-
dán), 57
Sahwu'l-Lisán (“Lapsus Linguæ,”
Sharíf's compilation of Lisání's
poems so called), 236
Ṣá'ib (poet of Tabriz, d. A.D. 1670),
25, 163-5, 242, 250, 251, 258-261,
265-276, 299
Sa'íd ('Umar b. Sa'd, q.v., appears
to be intended), 170, 171
Abú Sa'íd (Tímúrid, A.D., 1452-1467),
Sá'iq (Recording Angel), 400
Sa'ír (the second of the Seven Hells),
Sajjád (title of the Fourth Imám 'Alí
b. -Ḥusayn, better known as
Zaynu'l-'Ábidín, q.v.), 179, 181
and note, 393
Sakína (daughter of the Imám Ḥusayn,
vii), 179, 181, 393
Sakísá (minstrel of Khusraw Parwíz),
Sakkákí (earlier pen-name of Fighání,
), 230 n.
Ṣaláḥu'd-Dín Rashíd b. Muḥammad
Ḥáfiẓ (ancestor of the Ṣafawís),
32 n., 36-7
Saláma, 393. See Shahrbánú
Sale's Qur'án, 209 n.
Ṣáliḥ (Prophet sent to ancient Arabs),
388; — b. Quṭbu'd-Dín Aḥmad
(ancestor of the Ṣafawís), 32 n.;
— Beg (assassin of Nádir Sháh),
Salím I (Ottoman Sulṭán, A.D. 1512-
1520), 9, 11-14, 20, 23-4, 65 n.,
67, 71 n., 72, 73-80, 93; — II
(Ottoman Sulṭán, called “the
Sot,” A.D. 1566-1574), 90-92; —
(poet of Ṭihrán, d. A.D. 1647),
251, 258
Saljúq Dynasty, 3, 18, 54, 222
Salmán-i-Asadí (Persian student),
346 n.
Salmás, 106
Sál-náma (Year Book), 456
Salsabíl (river in Paradise), 175, 177,
228 n., 229
Sám Mírzá (son of Sháh Isma'íl I,
xvi), 25 n., 81, 88, 89, 231 n.,
237, 238, 447; — (grandson of
Sháh 'Abbás the Great, who suc-
ceeded him in A.D. 1629 under
the title of Sháh Ṣafí I, q.v.),
Sámánid Dynasty, 221
Samarqand, 64, 348
Sámarrá, 366
Samnán, 55, 337, 347, 456
Saná'í (poet, xii), 220, 299, 357, 449
Ṣan'atí-záda of Kirmán (contemporary
writer), 466
Sanglákh, Mírzá-yi- —, 457
Ṣaní'u'd-Dawla (early title of Mu-
ḥammad Ḥasan Khán, better
known by his later title of
I'timádu's-Salṭana, q.v.), 453-6
Sanskrit, 244
Saqar (the third of the Seven Hells),
Sáqí-náma (of Umídí, xvi), 231; —
(of Ẓuhúrí, xvii), 253
Sar-afráz Khán, Nawwáb — (xviii),
Sarbáz (Isma'íl Khán, poet), 188
Sardáriyya (of Yaghmá), 337, 338
Sárí (in Mázandarán), 65
Ṣárí 'Abdu'lláh Efendi (d. A.D. 1668),
9 n.
Sar-máya-í-Ímán (by 'Abdu'r-Raz-
záq-i-Láhijí), 408, 435
Sásánian Dynasty (iii-vii), 3, 4, 18,
29, 32, 52, 60, 126, 209 n., 221,
382 n., 393, 466
Sawáṭi'u'l-Islám (Fayḍí's Commen-
tary on the Qur'án), 244 n.
Sayyida (wife of Sháh Khudá-banda,
xvi), 103
Sayyidu'sh-Shuhadá (“the Chief of
Martyrs,” i.e. the Imám Ḥusayn,
), 393
“Schach Culi,” 70. See Shah-qulí
Schefer, M. Charles —, 9, 10, 20 n.,
115, 116, 304, 457
Schemann, Ludwig —, 153 ad calc.
Schindler, Sir Albert Houtum- —, 5,
450 n. See also Houtum-Schindler
Schu??tz, Dr Walter —, 467 n.
Scotland, 5
Sean Bhean Bhochd, 223
Don Sebastian of Portugal (xvi), 92
“Sechaidar,” 47. See Ḥaydar, Shaykh

Sell, E. —, 462 n.
Seniory of Venice, 5
Seth (Prophet), 388
“Seven,” “Sect of the —” (Sab'iyya),
17. See Isma'ílís
“Seven Martyrs” of the Bábís
(Shuhadá-i-Sab'a), 196
“Seventy-two Sects” (Haftád u du
), 15
Shafí'á Athar (poet of Shíráz, xviii),
282 n.
Shafí'í (poet), 194
-Sháfiya, 362
Sháh 'Abdu'l-Aẓím, Shrine of —, 151,
Shahíd-i-awwal (“the First Martyr,”
put to death in A.D. 1384), 406;
— -i-thání (“the Second Martyr”),
379, 427; — -i-thálith (“the Third
Martyr,” assassinated by a Bábí in
A.D. 1847), 411, 421; but on
p. 447 this title is given to Sayyid
Núru'lláh of Shúshtar, q.v., who
was put to death by Jahángír in
A.D. 1610
Sháh-i-Dín-panáh” (Ṭahmásp so
entitled), 84
Shahinsháh-náma (by Ṣabá, xix), 309
Sháh Jahán (A.D. 1628-1659), 259,
260, 408
Sháh-náma (of Firdawsí, xi), 13,
14 n., 228 n., 229, 309, 339, 487;
khwáns (rhapsodists), 110; —
-i-Isma'íl (by Hátifí, A.D. 1512),
83, 229
Sháh-qulí (xvi), 69, 70, 71, 75
Shahr-angíz and Shahr-áshúb (a kind
of topical ballad), 237, 238
Shahr-ashúb (name of a Shí'a divine),
Shahrbánú (daughter of Yazdigird and
wife of the Imám Ḥusayn, vii),
Shahr-i-Bábak, 149
-Shahristání (author of the Kitábu'l-
, xii), 15 n., 16-17, 449
Sháhrúd, 104, 456
Sháhrukh (Tímúrid, xv), 44; —
Shírwánsháh (killed by Sháh
Ṭahmásp in A.D. 1540), 96; —
Dhu'l-Qadar (A.D. 1508), 414; —
(grandson of Nádir Sháh, xviii),
138, 140
Shah-seven (“King-lovers,” a coalition
of tribes created by Sháh 'Abbás
the Great), 106, 119
Sháh Shujá' (infant son of Sháh
Isma'íl II killed by his successor,
A.D. 1577), 101
Shahsuwár-i-Chahár-tárí (musician at
the court of Sháh 'Abbás the
Great), 110
Sháh u Darwish or Sháh u Gadá
(“the King and the Beggar” by
Hilálí, xvi), 234
Shakí, 104
Shakíbí (poet, xvi), 167
Shaltáq-i-Sipáhí (chronogram yield-
ing A.H. 909 = A.D. 1503-4), 56
Shamákhí, 104, 125, 134, 450
Shamásí (near Ardabíl), 50
Shamkhál Khán (put to death by
Sháh Khudá-banda about A.D.
1577), 101
Shámlú (one of the Seven Tribes),
14, 52 n.
Shams-i-Shupurghú'í (musician at
court of Sháh 'Abbás the Great),
Shams-i-Tabríz (xiii), 37
Shamsu'd-Dín Barníqi of Ardabíl,
44; — Kuhistání (poet, xvi), 235
Shamsu'l-Ma'árif (by the Shaykh
al-Búní), 442
Shamsu'sh-Shu'ará, 325. See Surúsh
Shápúr (poet, xvii), 267
Sharafsháh (ancestor of the Ṣafawís),
32 n.
Sharafu'd-Dín Ḥasan, 256. See
Sharávi'u'l-Islám (by Najmu'd-Dín-
Ḥillí, xiii), 54 n., 378, 405-6
Sharḥu'l-Fawá'id and — 'z-Ziyárati-
(by Shaykh Aḥmad-
Aḥsá'í, xviii-xix), 411; — ṣ-Ṣadr
(by Mullá Muḥsin-i-Fayḍ, A.D.
1654), 432 and note
Sharíf, Sayyid-i- — (killed at Chál-
dirán, A.D. 1514), 59, 76; — of
Tabríz (compiler of Lisání's poems,
xvi), 236
Sharmí (poet of Qazwín at court of
Sháh 'Abbás), 110
Shawáhidu'r-Rubúbiyya (by Mullá
Ṣadrá, xvii), 430, 437
Shawkat (poet of Bukhárá, d. 1695),
250, 258, 265, 269, 282 n., 299
Shawqí (poet, xvii), 267
Shaybak, 63, 74. See Shaybání
Shaybání, or Shaybak, Muḥammad
Khán — Uzbek (killed in battle
with Sháh Isma'íl at Ṭáhírábád in
A.D. 1510), 63, 64-6, 74, 78 and
note, 82, 94; —, Abu'n-Naṣr
Fatḥu'lláh Khán — of Káshán
(poet, xix), 326, 344
Shaykh Sháh (Shaykh Ibráhím,
grandson of Ṣadru'd-Dín and great-
grandfather of Sháh Isma'íl I, d.
A.D. 1447), 47; — son of Farrukh
Yasár Shírwánsháh, 60, 96
Shaykhí sect, 150, 355, 397 n., 399 n.,
402-3, 407, 408, 410-411, 421,
422, 429, 430
Shaykhu'r-Ra'ís. See Avicenna
and Abu'l-Ḥasan Mírzá
Shaykhu'ṭ-Ṭá'ifa. See -Ṭúsí
Shaypúrghú'í (trumpeter), 110 and note
Shayṭán-qulí, 70. See Sháh-qulí
Abú Sha'yún, 208, 218
Sheba (Sabá), 190, 192
Sherley brothers (Sir Anthony and
Sir Robert, xvi-xvii), 5, 6, 10,
Sherlock Holmes, 466-7
Shí'a (Ithná-'ashariyya, “Sect of the
Twelve”), 16-19, 20, 22, 23, 26,
32, 43, 46, 52-4, 56, 58, 64, 65,
66, 70-73, 83, 92, 94-5, 122, 132,
135, 230, 234, 235, 264, 353-404,
409, 415-423, 424; the doctrine
of the Perfect —, 150. See also
Shiblí (Ṣúfí saint), 357; — Nu'mání
(Indian scholar, author of the
Shi'ru'l-'Ajam, q.v.), 164, 165,
229, 241, 242, 244, 246, 248, 250,
251, 252, 254, 258, 259, 260, 262,
265, 266 n., 268, 269, 299
Shifá (of Avicenna), 430
Shifá'í (Sharafu'd-Dín Ḥasan, phy-
sician and poet, d. A.D. 1627),
250, 256, 268
Shihábu'd-Dín Suhrawardí,
Shaykh —, 88; — -Maqtúl, 430
Shílún (? Solon), 201, 212 and note
Shimr, 178, 180
Shíráz, 42, 55, 56, 76, 100, 104,
125, 130, 133, 140, 141, 143 n.,
151, 157, 184, 186, 221, 222,
225, 230, 233, 235, 241, 245, 246,
258, 279, 282 n., 283, 300, 302,
305, 316, 317, 322, 326, 328, 360,
363, 365, 407, 420, 429, 434, 451,
Shírín u Khusraw (by Hátifí, d.
A.D. 1520-1), 229
Shirley. See Sherley, above
Shír Ṣárim (Kurdish chief, killed in
battle in A.D. 1510), 58
Shi'ru'l-'Ajam (“Poetry of the Per-
sians,” by Shiblí Nu'mání), 164,
165, 166 n., 229, 241, 244, 246,
250, 251, 258, 259, 265 n., 266 n.,
299 n.
Shír u Shakkar (by Shaykh Bahá'u'd-
Dín-'Ámilí, xvi-xvii), 253, 428
Shírwán, 22, 52, 60, 82, 106, 134,
135, 137, 450
Shírwánsháh, 41, 47, 48, 52, 96
Shu'ayb (Jethro), 388
Shujá'u's-Salṭana, Ḥasan 'Alí Mírzá
—, 328
Shu'la (poet of Iṣfahán, xviii), 282
Shurúr, Battle of — (A.D. 1501), 52, 82
Shúshtar, 59, 184, 186, 279, 356, 366,
Sidratu'l-Muntahá (“Lote-tree of the
Limit”), 401
Si-dih (near Iṣfahán), 198, 325
Ṣifát (Attributes of God), 382-6
Ṣifátu'l-'Áshiqín (by Hilálí, d. A.D.
1528), 234
Sikandar or Iskandar, Alexander the
Great, q.v.
, 13-14; — náma (of
Niẓámí of Ganja, xii), 229
Silsilatu'n-Nasab-i-Ṣafawiyya, 4, 5,
13 n., 20, 32 n., 35, 36, 37, 40, 42,
44, 45, 46
Similitudes, World of — ('Álam-i-
), 397
Simon, Dr Max —, 425
Simon Peter, 207, 218
Símurgh (mythical bird), 263 n.
Ibn Síná. See Avicenna
Sinai, Mount — (Jabal Ṭúr), 292
Sinán Páshá Chigála-záda (“Cicala,”
A.D. 1605), 106
Sion (Ṣayyún), 204, 214
Sipihr (Mírzá Muḥammad Taqí or
Káshán, Lisánu'l-Mulk, q.v., xix),
326, 344, 413
Ṣiráṭ, Bridge of —, 401; — -Mustaqím
(by Mír Dámád), 407
Sírján, 149
Sirru'lláh (“God's Secret”), 217 n.
See 'Abbás Efendí, 'Abdu'l-Bahá
Sístán, 125
Síwás, 71, 76, 106 n.
Siyáḥat-náma-i-Ibráhím Beg (about
A.D. 1900), 463-4, 467-8
Siyámak (“Siyáh-marg”) son of
Shírwánsháh, 41
Siyásat-náma (of the Niẓámu'l-Mulk,
xi), 18 n., 412
Siyáwushání, Mawláná Isḥáq —
(calligraphist at the court of Sháh
'Abbás), 110
Sízdah band (of Shifá'í, d. A.D. 1627),
Smart, W. A. — (Consul), 196, 302
Smith, Vincent —, 249, 445 n.
Socrates (Suqráṭ), 201, 212
Soláq-záda (Turkish historian), 72
Solomon (Sulaymán), 190, 192, 310 n.;
a legend of —, 111
Solon (Shílún), 212
“Sophi,” “the Great —,” 20, 21,
23, 61, 112; — sect, 48, 50. See
Spain, Spanish, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 101 n.
See also Don Juan di Persia
Spirit (Rúḥ), Five grades of —, 389
Sprenger, Dr A. —, 165, 234, 281 n.,
Squeezing of the Tomb, 396-7
Stewart, Major Charles —, 91
le Strange, Guy —, 360 n., 462
Strettell, Alma — (“Twelve Persian
Folk-Songs”), 222
Style, good and bad —, 412-415
Su'ál u Jawáb (by Ḥájji Sayyid
Muḥammad Báqir, circâ A.D.
1820), 378-381
Ṣubúḥ (poet of Iṣfahán, xviii), 282
“Suffavean,” 48, 51. See Ṣafawís
Ṣúfí-kush (“the Ṣúfí-slayer,” title
given to Áqá Muḥammad 'Alí,
xviii), 368
Ṣúfís, 19-21, 26-7, 47, 50-51, 56,
120, 220-221, 254 n., 354, 376,
383, 403-4, 409, 411, 420-1, 422,
Abú Sufyán (father of Mu'áwiya, the
first Umayyad Caliph, vii), 180 n.
Sufyání (appearance with Antichrist
in the last days), 399
Ṣuḥuf (Book revealed to Abraham),
Sulaymán, Sulṭán — I (A.D. 1520-
1566), 9, 11, 13 n., 67, 76, 80, 81,
87, 89, 92, 93, 236; — Mírzá
(murdered by his brother Sháh
Isma'íl II in A.D. 1577), 98; —
Páshá (great-grandson of the
Tímúrid Abú Sa'íd, xvi), 100;
Sháh — I -i-Ṣafawí (originally
named Ṣafí, A.D. 1669-1694), 111,
112-113, 439; Sháh — II (xviii),
138, 284; — Efendi (Turkish
envoy to Persia, A.D. 1728), 133;
Ṣabáḥí (poet of Káshán, circâ
A.D. 1791) q.v.; — Khán (promi-
nent Bábí put to death in A.D.
1852), 196, 213 n.; — u Bilqís
(poem by Fayḍí, xvi), 244
Sulaymániyya, 27
Sulṭániyya, 88
Sulṭánu'l-Fuqará (poet at the court
of Sháh 'Abbás), 110
Sulṭánum Khánum (sister of Sháh
Ṭahmásp I, xvi), 92
Sunduq (Turkmán envoy to Con-
stantinople, A.D. 1553), 94
Sunnís, 16-19, 22, 43-4, 53, 55, 57,
63-4, 66, 74, 78, 93-5, 97, 123,
132, 137, 170-2, 234, 353-4, 363,
391, 402, 420, 447
Suqúṭu'l-'Ibádát (Antinomianism,
neglect of religious duties), 382
Ṣúr-i-Isráfíl (newspaper), 302, 345,
Surkh-sar (“Red-head”). See Qizil-

Sursurak (“the Slide”), 221, 479
Surúsh (Angel), 294-5; — (poet of
Iṣfahán, d. A.D. 1868), 225, 307 n.,
Súzaní (poet, xii), 348
Sykes, Sir Percy Molesworth —, 92 n.,
144 n., 154, 156
Syria, Syrians, 16, 36, 51, 77, 360,
388 (Prophets), 427, 428, 451