Preface, p. 1—Book I. On the Prophets, p. 2—II. On the events of the Khalífate, in seven chapters—Chap. i. The first four Khalífs, p. 9—ii. The Imáms, p. 11—iii. The Ummayides, p. 12—iv. The 'Abbásides and their branches, p. 15—v. The Isma'ílians and their branches, p. 17—vi. The Saiyids, p. 19— vii. The Sharífs, p. 20—III. Biographies, in seven chapters— Chap. i. The Philosophers of Greece, Europe, India and Persia, and the moderns, p. 20—ii. The companions of the Prophet, p. 30—iii. The disciples, p. 31—iv. The religious teachers, p. 32 —v. The learned men of Islám, p. 34—vi. The celebrated Poets, p. 37—vii. Other celebrated men of Islám, p. 38—IV. On the Sultáns, in a Preface and eight Chapters—Preface on the climates, imaginary and real, and the old and new world, p. 39— Chap. i. The Sultáns of Írán, including the Ghaznívides, Saljúks, Ghorians, etc., p. 45—ii. The Sultáns of Arabia, p. 68 —iii. The Sultáns of Rúm, p. 73—iv. The Rulers of Egypt and Syria, p. 76—v. The Kings of the West, p. 82—vi. The Sultáns of Turkistán, p. 87—vii. The Kings of Europe, p. 101 —viii. The Rulers of Hindústán, including the Hindú Rájas, the Kings of Dehlí, of the Dakhin, Kashmír, and other independent kingdoms, p. 109.
This work is common in India. The best copy I have seen is in the possession of Razíu-d dín Sadr-s Sudúr of Aligarh.
SIZE—Folio, 131 pages, each comprising 23 lines, closely written.