WE have received your letter, wherein you write, “that Tâj Khân “and Abdûl Ghufoor Khân, the Kilaadârs* of Kishngeery, have sent a “requisition to Wunkut Râo, the Aumil of the Bâreh-mehâl,* for five “hundred hired bullocks and five hundred labourers.” We have considered your letter, as well as that of Wunkut Râo, which was enclosed in it. No other bullocks, besides those belonging to the Sircar, are wanted, excepting on urgent occasions, when it may be proper to hire additional ones. In fact, the public establishment of bullocks is not large, and our service sometimes demands more than it can provide: in such cases it is allowable to hire bullocks, as otherwise our service might suffer by delay. We have accordingly written, and enclose a letter to the above-named [Kilaadârs], which you will forward to them. This will prevent them from making any further demand for hired bullocks.