The elder son of Shums-ood-Deen, ascends the throne — his younger brother, Ally Sheer, puts in his claim to a share in the government. — Civil war, in which Jumsheed, the elder brother, is expelled, and shortly after dies.
ON the death of Shums-ood-Deen, his eldest son,
Jumsheed, aided by many of the nobles, ascended
the throne; but shortly afterwards the soldiery
being attached to his younger brother, Ally Sheer,
induced him to proclaim himself at the town of
Mednypoor. Jumsheed immediately marched with
an army against his rival, and proposed to negotiate
a peace rather than draw his sword against
his brother; but Ally Sheer, aware he could gain
nothing by an amicable settlement, made a night-
A. H. 752.
A. D. 1351.
no further efforts to regain his government, but shortly afterwards died, after a reign of fourteen months, A. H. 752.