*52. Professor A. V. Williams Jackson: Zoroaster, the Prophet of Ancient Iran (New York, 1899). The reader's attention is again especially called to the excellent List of Works connected with the Subject, which occupies pp. xi-xv of this admirable work.
53. A Hovelacque: L'Avesta, Zoroastre et le Mazdéisme (Paris, 1880).
54. E. W. West: Pahlavi Texts translated, in vols. v, xviii, xxiv, xxxvii and xlvii of the Sacred Books of the East.
55. Professor C. P. Tiele: Geschichte der Religion im Altertum bis auf Alexander den Grossen: deutsche autorisierte Ausgabe von G. Gehrich: vol. xi; Die Religion bei den iranischen Völkern: erste Hälfte, pp. 1-187 (Gotha, 1898).
56. John Wilson: The Pārsī Religion as contained in the Zand-
57. Martin Haug: Essays on the Parsis, 3rd ed., edited and enlarged by E. W. West (London, 1884).
58. Dosabhai Framji Karaka: History of the Parsis (2 vols., London, 1884).
59. Mademoiselle D. Menant: Les Parsis, Histoire des Commu-
60. A Houtum-Schindler: Die Parsen in Persien, ihre Sprache und
einige ihrer Gebräuche, in vol. xxxvi (1882: pp. 54-88) of the Zeit-
*61. Georg Hoffmann: Auszüge aus Syrischen Akten persischer Märtyrer … (Leipzig, 1880).
62. Dr. W. Wright: The Chronicle of Joshua the Stylite, composed in Syriac, A.D. 507, with a translation and notes (Cambridge, 1882).
*63 Gustav Flügel: Mani, seine Lehre und seine Schriften (Leipzig, 1862).
64. Dr. Konrad Kessler: Mani: Forschungen über die Manichäische Religion (Berlin, 1889).
65. Professor A. A. Bevan: The Hymn of the Soul, contained in the Syriac Acts of St. Thomas: re-edited with an English translation … (Cambridge, 1897). Also the same Hymn of Bardaisan rendered (more freely) into English, by F. C. Burkitt (London, Essex House Press, 1899).
*66. Dr. D. Chwolson: Die Ssabier und Ssabismus (2 vols., St. Petersburg, 1856).
67. E. Rochat: Mani et sa Doctrine (Geneva, 1897).
*68. Professor Th. Nöldeke: Das Iranische Nationalepos: beson-
69. Fr. Windischmann: Zoroastrische Studien: Abhandlungen zur Mythologie und Sagengeschichte des alten Iran (edited by Fr. Spiegel: Berlin, 1863).
*70. The Sháhnáma of Firdawsí. There are three editions by Europeans; that of *Turner Macan (4 vols., Calcutta, 1829); that of *Jules Mohl (7 large folio vols., Paris, 1838-78), which is accompanied by a French translation and commentary; and that of Vüllers and Landauer (3 vols., Leyden, 1877-84). The last is incomplete, being only carried down to Alexander, and omitting the whole Sásánian period. Mohl's translation has also been published without the text by Madame Mohl (7 vols., Paris, 1876-78). There is also a German translation by Rückert (edited by Bayer, 3 vols., Berlin, 1890-95). Of abridged translations, mention may be made of A. F. von Schack's Heldensagen des Firdusi, in deutscher Nachbildung nebst einer Einleitung (Stuttgart, 1877), and of the English abridgments of J. Atkinson and Helen Zimmermann.
*71. Nöldeke: Gesch. des Artachshîr-i-Pâpakân, aus dem Pehlewi übersetzt (Göttingen, 1879).
72. Darab Dastur Peshotan Sanjana: The Kârnâmê-î-Artakhshîr-î-
*73. W. Geiger: Das Yâtkâr-i-Zarîrân und sein Verhältniss zum Shâh-nāme in the Sitzb. d. philos. philol. und histor. Cl. d. K. bayer. Ak. d. Wiss. for 1890, vol. ii, part i, pp. 43-84 (Munich, 1890). The Pahlawí text of this was published (Bombay, 1897), by Jamaspji Dastur Minocheherji Jamasp Asana, and translations into English and Gujerati (Bombay, 1899) by Jivanji Jamshedji Modi.
74. The Desatir, or Sacred Writings of the Ancient Persian Prophets, &c., published by Mulla Firuz bin Kaus, with an English translation, in 2 vols. (Bombay, 1818).
75. The Dabistán … translated from the original Persian by Shea and Troyer (3 vols., Paris, 1843).
*76. Histoire des Rois de Perse par … al-Tha'álibí: texte arabe, publié et traduit par H. Zotenberg (1 large folio vol., Paris, 1900).
*77. Ibn Hishám's (the oldest extant) Biography of the Prophet Muḥammad (Síratu'n-Nabí), edited in the original Arabic by F. Wüstenfeld (Göttingen, 1858-60); translated into German (Das Leben Muhammeds …: Stuttgart, 1864) by Gustav Weil.
*78. The Qur'án (Coran, Alcoran): editions by Flügel, Redslob, &c.; English translations by G. Sale (1774, and numerous later editions), J. M. Rodwell (2nd ed., London, 1876), and Professor E. H. Palmer in vols. vi and ix of the Sacred Books of the East; French by Kazimirski (Paris, 1854); German by Ullmann (fourth ed., Bielefeld, 1857); Concordance (Arabic) by Flügel (Leipzig, 1842); Extracts in the original, with English translation, compiled by Sir W. Muir (London, 1880). *Nöldeke's Geschichte des Qorâns is invaluable (Göttingen, 1860). A useful little book for the general reader on The Corân was published by the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge.
79. Sprenger's Leben und Lehre Mohammeds (3 vols., Berlin, 1869).
*80. Wellhausen's Muhammed in Medina; an abridged translation of al-Wáqidí's Kitábu'l-Maghází (Berlin, 1882).
*81. Nöldeke's Das Leben Muhammed's, nach den Quellen populär dargestellt (Hannover, 1863).
82. Sir William Muir: Life of Mahomet and History of Islam (4 vols., London, 1858-61; 3rd ed., 1895).
83. Idem, Annals of the Early Caliphate (London, 1883).
*84. Idem, The Caliphate, its Rise, Decline, and Fall (2nd ed., London, 1892).
85. Ludolf Krehl: Das Leben und die Lehre des Muhammed (Leipzig, 1884).
*86. Gustav Weil: Geschichte der Chalifen (4 vols., Mannheim and Stuttgart, 1846-62: vol. iv, which is divided into 2 parts, treats of the 'Abbásid Caliphate in Egypt after the Mongol Invasion).
*87. Syed Ameer Ali: The Life and Teachings of Mohammed and the Spirit of Islâm (London, 1891); Idem, A Critical Examination of the Life and Teachings of Mohammed, published some eighteen years earlier.
88. G. Flügel: Geschichte der Araber bis auf den Sturz des Chalifats von Bagdad (2nd ed., Leipzig, 1864).
89. G. Weil: Geschichte der islamitischen Völker von Mohammed bis zur Zeit des Sultan Selim übersichtlich dargestellt (Stuttgart, 1866).
*90. Dozy: Het Islamisme (Leyden, 1863: Haarlem, 1880); French translation of the same by Victor Chauvin, entitled, Essai sur l'Histoire de l'Islamisme (Leyden-Paris, 1879).
*91. Alfred von Kremer: Geschichte der herrschenden Ideen des Islams; der Gottesbegriff, die Prophetie und Staatsidee (Leipzig, 1868).
*92. Idem, Cultergeschichtliche Streifzüge auf dem Gebiete des Islams (Leipzig, 1873).
*93. Idem, Culturgeschichte des Orients unter den Chalifen (2 vols., Vienna, 1875-77).
*94. Dr. Ignaz Goldziher: Muhammedanische Studien (2 vols., Halle, 1889-90).
*95. T. W. Arnold: The Preaching of Islam, a History of the Propagation of the Muslim Faith (London, 1896).
*96. Shahristani's Kitábu'l-Milal wa'n-Niḥal, or Book of Religious and Philosophical Sects, edited by W. Cureton (London, 1846); translated into German, with Notes, by Th. Haarbrücker (Halle, 1850-51).
*97. Ibn Khaldún's Prolegomena (or Muqaddamát) to his great history. Complete ed. in 7 vols. (Buláq, A.H. 1284); separate ed. of the Prolegomena (Beyrout, 1879); text and French translation of the Prolegomena (the former edited by Quatremère, the latter by MacGuckin de Slane) in vols. xvi-xxi of Notices et Extraits des Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Nationale.
*98. T. P. Hughes: Notes on Muhammadanism (London, 1877 and 1878): Idem, A Dictionary of Islam, being a Cyclopædia of the Doctrines, Rites, Ceremonies and Customs, together with the technical and theological terms, of the Muhammadan Religion (2nd ed., London, 1896).
*99. H. Steiner: Die Mu'taziliten oder die Freidenker im Islam, and Die Mu'taziliten als Vorlaüfer der islamischen Dogmatiker und Philosophen …, both published in Leipzig in 1865.
*100. Brünnow: Die Charidschiten … (Leyden, 1884).
101. W. Spitta: Zur Geschichte Abu'l-Ḥasan al-Ash'arî's (Leipzig, 1876).
102. Goldziher: Die Schule der Zahiriten, ihr Ursprung, ihr System und ihre Geschichte (Leipzig, 1884).
103. S. Guyard: Fragments relatifs a la Doctrine des Ismaélîs … avec traduction et notes (Paris, 1874): Idem, Un grand Maître des Assassins (extrait du Journal Asiatique, Paris, 1877).
*104. S. de Sacy: Exposé de la Religion des Druzes (Paris, 1838: 2 vols.).
105. Von Hammer: Histoire de l'Ordre des Assassins … traduit de l'allemand … par J. J. Hellert et P. A. de la Nourais (Paris, 1833).
106. Tholuck's Ssufismus, sive Theosophia Persarum Pantheistica (Berlin, 1821); Idem, Blüthensammlung aus der Morgenländischen Mystik (Berlin, 1825).
*107. Dr. Fr. Dieterici: Die Philosophie der Araber im ix u. x Jahr. n. Chr., aus der Theologie des Aristoteles, den Abhandlungen Alfārābīs und den Schriften der lautern Brüder … 16 Bücher (Berlin, Leipzig, Leyden, 1858-94).
108. Professor de Goeje: Mémoires sur les Carmathes du Bahraïn et les Fatimides (Leyden, 1886).