Sultan Mahomed Khan was the son of Meer Fazil, the son of Meer Nadil Khwaja Ispahanee. His ancestors lived at Khwasgan, in the Purguna of Ispahan. When Saheb Kiran Ameer Taimoor Goorgan went to take the country of Irak, the Bulookats of Ispahan ceased bending their heads under his orders, so he issued directions to loot and seize them, and a strong force was sent for this purpose. In this expedition, Ahmed Khwaja, the father of Nadil Khwaja, fell into the hands of Meer Husun Busree, the father of Meer Zoonoon, who placed him in his family, showing him great kindness. The family of Nadil Khwaja goes back three generations to Mulik Mahomed Nandih, well known at Ispahan for his charity: from this he was called Nandih. He counts back nineteen generations to Udee, the son of Hatim Taee. Ahmed Khwaja had two sons, Adil Khwaja and Agil Khwaja. The first of these left a son and a daughter, Meer Fazil, and Sultan Bejuh. Meer Fazil had five sons, Baba Ahmed, Sultan Mahomed Khan, Meer Abdool Futeh, Ameer Sultan, and Ameer Abdoolla. All of these were by different mothers. The mother of Sultan Mahomed Khan was of the daughters of the Kashee Afghans of Shawul and Pishing. In his youth, when fourteen years of age, he appeared to all to be good in everything, and he came under the kindly eye of Shah Beg. When Shah Beg went against Baghbanan, Kahan, Tuluhtee, and Tatta, he was always in the front. On returning to Kandahar, Shah Beg wished to leave some one at Bukkur. All his nobles refused to remain, when Sultan Mahomed, though so young, volunteered to do so. For eleven months, he took care of that fort with 70 men: there was such bravery in his heart, that no fear of his enemies came upon him, and frequently, taking a few men, he sallied forth, attacking the Dharejas and Sodahs, on all of which occasions he was victorious. When, in the year 927 (A. D. 1520-21), Shah Beg died, and Meerza Shah Hoosain sat in his place, Sultan Mahomed displayed great valour in the war against Ameer Amranee, smiting with the sword in the presence of all. He also showed gallantry towards Ooch, at Dilawur, and Mooltan.

In 940 (A. D. 1533), taking a large force against the people of the fort of Sathulmere, and having plundered it, and seized some of the people, he retreated. He remained one night on the road, when his enemies made a night attack upon him, rescuing the prisoners. Sultan Mahomed was awoke from his sleep by the noise, and rushed forth on foot, when, his Pugree falling from his head, one end of it remained in his hand— the other was seized by Jugmul, the Sirdar of the Sodahs. Sultan Mahomed began twisting his Pugree round his head: when he came near the end held by Jugmul, seeing him armed, and having no weapon himself, he caught up a handful of sand, which he threw into Jugmul’s face, who, letting go the Pugree to rub his eyes, Sultan Mahomed escaped. Sultan Mahomed has himself told me, that at that time he fell in with one of his men who carried horns, whom he ordered to sound his instrument, when his sepoys collected about him, and Husun Ali Pooranee, dis­mounting from his horse, Sultan Mahomed got on him, when he attacked and slew numbers of the Kafirs, recovering the prisoners, and all the stolen property. He showed great bravery in Guzerat and Khan­gar. In no battle was he ever known to be idle. When Hoomayoon Badshah came to Sind, he displayed valour and skill in the defence of the fort of Bukkur. He also distinguished himself in the action on the hills near Roree, with the king’s troops, under Taimoor Sultan and Shaikh Ali Beg; so much so, that he slew with his own hand the latter chief.

When, in 950 (A. D. 1543), Meerza Shah Hoosain appointed him to the charge of Seebee, he took several forts, which had been held by Beloochees for many years. He severely twisted the ears of those vicious people of Kohistan, bringing them under subjection.

In 961 (A. D. 1553-54), when the Urghoons and Turkhans were opposed to Shah Hoosain, he came from Seebee with a large force, and by his endeavours these were brought back to subjection.

When Shah Hoosain was seized with the palsy, becoming powerless in his limbs and body, Sultan Mahomed made an agreement with Meerza Eesa, by which discord was prevented. In Rubee-ool-Awul 962 (A. D. 1554-55), after the death of Meerza Shah Hoosain, having lamented for him according to custom, he took possession of Buk­kur, and its country. This had been much destroyed by the violence and oppression of the Beloochees, but very soon after his coming there, by the arrangements he made, it became fruitful, and by these arrangements the disturbers of the peace remained quiet during his rule.

In the latter days of 963 (A. D. 1555-56) he seized Shah Abdool Munallee, confining him in Bukkur for seven months. When the prisoner came for his release, he gave him his liberty, sending him to the king (Ukbar Shah) by Mooltan. In 964 (A. D. 1556-57), Meerza Eesa, at the instigation of the Urghoons, came against Bukkur with a large army. For fifteen days he remained encamped opposite Miskeen Turkhan’s terrace. There were two or three combats between the parties in this space of time. The friends of Sultan Mahomed advised him not to go forth from his fort to fight, saying that if he did so, many of the Sirdars with him would go over to Meerza Eesa, and Mah Begum had also written to him on this. Therefore he did not leave his fort. Such of Meerza Eesa’s men who fell into his hands were slain, whilst the Meerza saved and liberated those whom he took. After their last engagement, Meerza Eesa sent Meer Muksood as ambassador to Sultan Mahomed, writing a letter to his mother, saying: “Tell Sultan Mahomed to meet me, that enmity against him may leave my breast, and that I may depart.” But Sultan Mahomed, being confident in his strength, wrote a harsh reply. About that time, through the slander of Moola Mohib, Sultan Mahomed Vukeel, Meer Lootfee, Durwesh Mahomed with his son, Ahmed Ghuznuvee with his son, also Moola Moonshee, were killed, and at this same time, some Furinghees, whom Meerza Eesa had called to his aid, arrived at Tatta on a Friday, when all the people had gone to the Jamin Musjid, which these Furinghees entered, throwing gun­powder about in it, and in the streets, which they set on fire, by which all those in the Musjid were destroyed, and many in the town were burnt. They looted the whole place, and then went away. Meerza Eesa was much dejected at hearing of this, and returned. One week after he had left, Sultan Mahomed, having collected men, followed him as far as Sehwistan, destroying the spring crops of that country on both sides of the river. He wished to do the same by the gardens, but he withdrew his hand from this on the representation of Syud Meer Kulan, my (the historian’s) grandfather.