son of Ghundí, and Bíd,
And plucked off Sanja's head. His war-cry reached
High heaven. Káús went to Hámávarán,
And there folk made him fast in heavy bonds
With Tús, Gúdarz, and Gív—those gallant hearts
And wary warriors. But matchless Rustam
Marched thither with a mighty host and chieftains,
The chosen of Írán and of Zábul,
And freed Káús, Gúdarz, and Gív and Tús.
When Rustam slew Suhráb—a son unmatched
Mid high and low alike throughout the world—
When waging battle for Káús, the Sháh,
He wept in agony for months and years;
And when he fought Kámús in after-times
His valour sent the dust up to the clouds.
However I might speak about his acts
The tale of them would never reach and end.
Now if the Sháh is tired of crown and throne
What leaveth he this loyal lion-heart?”
“His actions,” such was Kai Khusrau's reply,
“On our behalf, his fightings and his toil,