The definite article al-, which precedes many Arabic names, has usually been omitted both in the text and in the following Index; those names in which it has been retained will be found under their initial letter. Titles of books are printed in italics.
‘Abbásids, the, 67, 96, 98, 100, 101, 105, 108
‘Abdullah ibn Maymún al-Qaddáḥ, 96
‘Abdullah ibn Sa‘íd al-Kallábí, 164
‘Abdu ’l-Jabbár, cadi of Rayy, 164
‘Abdu ’l-Raḥmán ibn ‘Awf, 1
‘Abdu ’l-Wási‘ of Jabal, 19
Abel, 4
Abú ‘Abdallah al-Qummí al-Miṣrí, 99
Abu ’l-‘Alá al-Ma‘arrí, 43 foll. See Ma‘arrí in Index of Subjects
Abu ’l-‘Atáhiya, 52, 187
Abú Ḍábiṭ, a name of Death, 113
Abu ’l-Faḍá’il, 97
Abu ’l-Ḥasan ‘Alí, 38
Abu ’l-Ḥasan Murádí, 21, 22
Abu ’l-Ḥasan Ṭalḥa, 6
Abu ’l-Hudhayl, 164
Abu ’l-Jarráḥ al-Ṭá’í, 99
Abu ’l-Ma‘álí of Rayy, 38, 42
Abu ’l-Maḥásin ibn Taghríbirdí, 99
Abú Muslim, 101
Abú Naṣr, Sámánid, 38
Abú Nuwás, 49, 187
Abu ’l-Qásim, uncle of Abu ’l-‘Alá al-Ma‘arrí, 54
Abú Shu‘ayb of Herát, 11
Abú Shukúr, 7, 9, 10
Abú Ṭáhir al-Khátúní, 2
Abú Ṭáhir Khusrawání, 15, 20
Abú Zakariyyá ibn Abí Ḥafṣ, 208
Abú Zurá‘a, 7, 19, 32
‘Ád, 62, 149
Adam, 4, 21, 34, 61, 74, 118, 120, 121, 140, 157, 158, 175
Adíb-i Ṣábir, 20, 21
Ahlwardt, W., 150
Akhṭí, 20
Aleppo, 45, 46, 96, 97, 100-2
‘Alí, the Caliph, 104
‘Alí ibn Manṣúr al-Ḥalabí. See Ibnu ’l-Qáriḥ
‘Am‘aq of Bukhárá, 32, 41
‘Ámir ibnu ’l-Ṭufayl, 128, 132
‘Amr, 140
‘Amr ibn Ma‘díkarib, 128
Amram, 174
Anaxagoras, 158
Antioch, 45, 97
Anwarí, 17, 18, 29, 31
Árish, 17
Aristotle, 22, 149, 160
Ash‘arites, the, 150
Asia Minor, 143
Asmá, 68
al-Aṣma‘í, 51
Assassins, the, 97
Avicenna, 100
‘Awáṣim, 99
Awbar, 175
‘Awfí, Muḥammad, 1-5, 7, 8, 15, 20, 27, 34, 41
Ayla, 191
‘Azíz, Fáṭimid Caliph, 97, 102, 195
Azraqí of Herát, 33
Baalbec, 99
Bádghís, 5
Badí‘u’ddín Turkú al-Sanjarí, 7
Badí‘u ’l-Zamán al-Hamadhání, 100
Badr ibn Ḥasanawayh, 99
Baerlein, H., 143
Baghdád, 12, 46-48, 95, 96, 99-101, 125, 136, 137
Bahrám Gúr, 4
Baḥrayn, 105
Bákharzí. See Táju’ddín Ismá‘íl
Balkh, 8
Banú Mirdás, 97. See Mirdásids
Báqilání, 100
Basil, the Emperor, 97
Berbers, the, 96
Bevan, Prof. A. A., 195
Bihrúz-i Ṭabarí, 33
Bírúní, 100
Bland, N., 1
Brazen Fly, the, a nickname, 24
Brockelmann, C., 164
Browne, Prof. E. G., 1, 2, 82, 96, 97, 105, 110
Bú Ṭáhir Khusrawání. See Abú Ṭáhir
Buddhists, the, 137
Bukhárá, 1, 12, 21, 32, 41, 100
Buwayhids, the, 96, 100, 101
Caesar, 69, 128
Cairo, 96, 134
Carmathians, the, 97, 98, 103-5, 197
Carneades, 145
Cashmere, 13
Catullus, 33
Chahár Maqála, 110
China, 1, 32
Chosroes, 36, 66, 69
Christians, the, 167, 169-71, 173, 174, 189, 192, 195-7
Cicero, 33
Coleridge, 50
Cureton, W., 164
Damascus, 96, 97, 101
Dante, 44
Daqíqí, 9, 11, 15
David, 37, 41, 68, 183
Dawlatsháh, 104
Daylamites, the, 101. See Buwayhids
De Boer, T. J., 141, 158
De Goeje, M. J., 105, 110
Dhahabí, 140
Di‘bil ibn ‘Alí, 102
Dínawar, 99
Donne, 20
Egypt, 97, 99, 195
Empedocles, 158
Euphrates, the, 32, 35, 46
Euripides, 147, 171
Eve, 116, 126, 200
Faḍl ibn ‘Abbás al-Rabinjaní, 14
Fakhru’ddín Mas‘údí, 27
Farkhár, 30
Farnell, Dr L. R., 147
al-Farq bayna ’l-firaq, 104
Farrukhí, 16
Fáṭima, 96
Fáṭimids, the, 64, 96-98, 101-3, 105, 166
Fihr, 154
Firdawsí, 15, 16, 20, 100
FitzGerald, E., 5, 205
Freytag, G. W., 124
al-Fuṣúl wa ’l-gháyát, 165
Gabriel, 156
Ghassán, 106
Ghazna, 16, 21, 38, 62, 100
Ghaznevids, the, 4, 96. See Náṣir, the House of
Ghazza, 101
Goldziher, I., 166, 193, 204
Gospel, the, 68, 174
Greeks, the, 47
Gulistán, 28
Hafiz, 141
Hajar, 105
Hajarites, 105. See Carmathians
Ḥájjí Khalífa, 2
Ḥákim bi-amri’llah, Fáṭimid Caliph, 102, 103
Halíla, 10
Ham, 193
Ḥamdán Qarmaṭ, 97
Ḥamdánids, the, 97
Ḥanẓala of Bádghís, 5
Ḥarírí, 100
Ḥárith, King of Kinda, 202
Háshim, 101
Ḥassán, 101
Herát, 11, 33, 39
Herodotus, 143
Herrick, 9
Hibatu’llah Ibn Abí ‘Imrán, 134-136, 142
Ḥíra, 202
Horace, 44
Ibn Abí ‘Imrán. See Hibatu’llah
Ibnu ’l-Athír, 195
Ibnu ’l-Bayṭár, 11
Ibn Ḥazm, 100
Ibn Kalláb, 164
Ibnu ’l-Qáriḥ, 166
Ibn Rashíq, 100
Ibnu ’l-Ráwandí, 166
Iliad, the, 55
Iltatmish, Sultan, 1
‘Imádí of Ghazna, 38
Imra’u ’l-Qays, 49
India, 1, 100
Iráb, 179
‘Iráq, 98, 99, 108
Isaiah, 196
Ishmael, 191
Ismá‘íl, 191
Ismá‘ílís, the, 82, 96, 97, 105, 134, 136. See Carmathians and Fáṭimids
Jackson, Dr Henry, 160
Jacob, G., 136
Jáḥiẓ, 141
Jainas, the, 137
Jaini, J., 138
Jalálu’ddín Rúmí, 22
Jamshíd, 37
Jawámi‘u ’l-Ḥikáyát, 1
Jawharí of Herát, 39
al-Jawn of Kinda, 202
Jerusalem, 191
Jesus, 135, 167, 171, 178. See Messiah
Jews, the, 167-171, 174, 175, 181, 183, 188, 189, 192, 195, 197
Jonah, 204
Jones, E. R., 141, 158
Jurján, 7, 19
Júybárí of Bukhárá, 12
Ka‘ba, the, 97, 191, 201
Kant, 142, 153
Kawkabí of Merv, 14
Kawthar, a river in Paradise, 16
Khabbází of Níshápúr, 12
Khálid, 140
Khawarnaq, 32
al-Khiḍr, 193
Khoten, 30
Khurásán, 1, 32, 96
Khusraw Parwíz, 36
Khusrawání. See Abú Ṭáhir Khus rawání
Kinda, 202
Kisá’í of Merv, 10, 13, 15, 21
Kisrá, 69
Koran, the, 51, 62, 105, 110, 142, 152, 155, 161, 166, 167, 171, 174, 183-185, 190, 204
Krachkovsky, I., 134
Krenkow, F., 204
Kúfa, 102
Kúfán, 102
Kuthayyir, 53
Labíd, 129
Lane, E. W., 195
Layth, the House of, 3. See Ṣaffárids
Lubábu ’l-Albáb, 1-42
Lucian, 166
Lucretius, 44
Luzúmiyyát. See Luzúmu má lá yalzam
Luzúmu má lá yalzam. See Index of Subjects
Lyall, Sir C., 50, 55, 101, 129, 136, 202
Lycians, the, 143
Lyra Elegantiarum, 9
Ma‘add, Fáṭimid Caliph, 102
Ma‘arra, 45-48, 97-99, 122, 124
Ma‘arratu ’l-Nu‘mán, 45
Ma‘arrí. See Index of Subjects
Macdonald, Prof. D. B., 150, 160, 164
Magians, the, 104, 167, 176, 197. See Zoroastrians
Maḥmúd, Sultan, 4, 15, 17, 21, 30, 33, 37, 62, 100
Maliksháh, Sultan, 7, 34
Manash, 195
Manasseh, 195
Mání (Manes), 32, 158
Manichaeans, 32, 138, 196
Manjík, 14
al-Manṣúr, Caliph, 101, 152
Margoliouth, Prof. D. S., 43, 45, 48, 97, 98, 134, 136
Marv-i Shahján, 39
Mary, the Virgin, 68, 174, 196
Masrúr ibn Muḥammad of Ṭáliqán, 30
Mas‘úd, Sultan, 4
Mas‘údí, the historian, 102
Mas‘údí, Fakhru’ddín. See Fakhru ’ddín
McLean, N., 113
Mecca, 45, 97, 98, 153, 191, 192
Medina, 191
Merv, 7, 10, 13, 14, 21, 25, 26, 27. See Marv-i Shahján
Mesopotamia, 99
Messiah, the, 171, 173. See Jesus
Milton, 44, 52, 153
Mirdásids, the, 166. See Banú Mirdás
Mírzá Muḥammad of Qazwín, 2
Mohammed, the Prophet, 1, 51, 68, 96, 106, 154, 160, 167-9, 171-4, 178, 191, 195, 196
Mongols, the, 1
Moore, 55
Moses, 68, 89, 167, 171, 178, 193, 196
Mosul, 99
Mu‘allaqát, 50
Mughní, 164
Muḥammad, the Prophet. See Mohammed
Muḥammad ibn Ṣáliḥ al-Walwálají, 12
Mu‘izz Abú Tamím Ma‘add, 102
Mu‘izzí, 23, 34, 36, 41
Mu‘jam of Shams-i Qays, 29
Mundhir, King of Ḥíra, 202
Munkar, 138
Muntakhar (Muntakhir), 191
Murádí, 21, 22
Murtaḍá, the Sharíf, 99
Musaylima, 104
Mutanabbí, 49, 50
Mu‘tazilites, the, 164
Naḍádi, 179
Najrán, 195
Nakhr, 191
Nakír, 138
Náṣir, the House of, 3, 4. See Ghaznevids
Náṣir-i Khusraw, 124
Naṣíru’ddín, vizier, 37
Náṣiru’ddín Qubácha, Sultan, 1, 3
Náṣiru’ddín Sabuktigín, 4
Naṣr ibn Aḥmad, Sámánid, 14
Nawbakht, 151, 152
Níshápúr, 12, 26, 124
Niẓámí ‘Arúḍí, 110
Niẓámu ’l-Mulk, 34, 35
Nizár, Fáṭimid Caliph, 102
Noah, 39, 61
Nöldeke, Th., 49
Núḥ ibn Manṣúr, Sámánid, 14
Nu‘mán I, Lakhmite prince, 32
Nuṣayrís, the, 183
Omar Khayyám, 5, 205
Orontes, river, 183
Oxus, river, 35
Pentateuch, the, 167, 174, 205. See Torah
Persia, 106, 122, 128
Pharaoh, 89
Plato, 22, 178, 186
Potter, M. A., 143
Prophet, the. See Mohammed
Psalms, the, 37, 68
Qaṭrán of Tabríz, 38
Qayṣar, 69
al-Qifṭí, 97
Quraysh, 154, 191
al-Qushayrí, Abu ’l-Qásim, 100
Quss, 195
Quss ibn Sá‘ida, 195
Rábi‘a, daughter of Ka‘b, 24
Rabinjaní. See Faḍl ibn ‘Abbás
al-Raḍí, the Sharíf, 46, 99
Rafí‘ of Merv, 7, 26, 27
Rakhsh, the horse of Rustam, 36
Ramla, 99, 101, 203
Rashídí of Samarcand, 6, 7
Rayy, 38
al-Rází, Abú Bakr, 158, 160
Rhazes. See al-Rází
Rieu, C., 50, 208
Risálatu ’l-Ghufrán, 43, 104, 155, 166, 176, 182, 194
Riẓwán, 21
Rock, the Holy, 191
Rosen, Baron V., 134
Rückert, 50
Rúḥí, 19
Rúm, 143
Rustam, 36
Sabuktigín. See Náṣiru’ddín Sabuktigín
Sa‘dí, 28
Sa‘du’ddín Mas‘úd Dawlatyár, 8
Sadúm, 109
Ṣaffárids, the, 4. See Layth, the House of
Ṣaḥíḥ, the, 168
Ṣaláḥ, a name of Mecca, 191
Ṣáliḥ ibn Mirdás, 97, 98, 101
Salmon, G., 205
Samá’í of Merv, 25
Sámán, the House of, 3. See Sámánids
Sámánids, the, 4, 10, 14, 96. See Sámán, the House of
Samarcand, 6, 7, 16
Saná’í, 22
Sanjar, Sultan, 3, 4
Sanjarí. See Badí‘u’ddín Turkú
Saqṭu ’l-Zand, 49, 50
Sayfí of Níshápúr, 26
Sayfu ’l-Dawla, 97, 100
Seljúq, the House of, 3. See Seljúqs
Seljúqs, the, 4, 17, 96. See Seljúq, the House of
Shabdíz, the horse of Khusraw Parwíz, 36
Shahíd of Balkh, 8
Sháhnáma of Firdawsí, the, 15
Shahrastání, 164
Shams-i Qays, 29
Shayba, 192
Shí‘ites, the, 96, 102, 103, 177
Sinán, 101
Sind, 1
Socrates, 142, 198
Sodom, 109
Strato, 22
Ṣúfís, the, 40, 115, 133, 194
Sunnís, the, 103, 177
Suyúṭí, 51
Syria, 43, 64, 95, 97, 99, 100, 108, 166, 195
Ṭabas, 124
Tabríz, 38, 99
Tadmor, 99
Ṭá-há Ḥusayn, Dr, 43, 51, 142, 159
Ṭáhir, the House of, 3. See Ṭáhirids
Ṭáhirids, the, 4, 5, 8. See Ṭáhir, the House of
Ṭahmúrath, 39
Táju’ddín, 7
Táju’ddín Ismá‘íl al-Bákharzí, 6, 26
Ṭáliqán, 30
Ṭayyi’, tribe, 101
Tha‘álibí, 100
Thamúd, 62
Tigris, the, 35
Tirmidh, 20
Torah, the, 167, 168, 171, 181. See Pentateuch
Transoxania, 1, 96
Ṭughánsháh ibn Muḥammad, Sultan, 33
Ṭughril, Sultan, 4
Tunis, 97
Turkestan, 30
‘Ubaydullah the Mahdí, 96, 97
al-‘Umad, 164
‘Umára of Merv, 10, 13
Umayya ibn Abi ’l-Ṣalt, 89
‘Umda, 164
Umm Dafr, a name of the World, 71, 75
‘Unṣurí, 30, 33, 37, 104
Uri, 208
al-Uṣayfir, 99
‘Utbí, 100
Van Vloten, G., 141
Verrall, A. W., 171
Von Kremer, A., 43-5, 52, 58, 64, 67, 101, 103, 105, 134, 137, 198, 208
Walwálají. See Muḥammad ibn Ṣáliḥ
Wright, W., 127
Ya‘qúb ibn Layth, 4
Yemen, 83, 124, 192
Ẓahír of Fáryáb, 37
Ẓahíru’ddawla Abú Bakr, 35, 36
Zoroaster, 167
Zoroastrians, the, 104, 152, 189, 196, 201. See Magians
Zuhayr, 150