It is recorded in the Mostaqadza’ that Dumatu-j-jandal with Dzamma over the Dâl and Fath over the Jim is the name of a place, the distance whereof from Kufah amounts to ten stages, and as many to Damascus. With Fath over the Dâl [when the word must be read Damat] it is the name of the mother of Mukhtâr B. Abu O’baydah Thaqafi. It has also been said that Dumatah is a fort, the foundations of which are stone; and the produce of that region consists of dates and barley. The reason for this Ghazwah was that Akydar B. A’bdu-l-malak, the governor of that place, who was a Christian and a subject of the Qaissar [i.e., Byzantine emperor], had collected an army and intended to attack his lordship the refuge of termination —u. w. b. When this news reached the exalted audition of the best of men, he started on Monday [date not given] of the month Rabii’ the first, with one thousand men towards the fort and stronghold of the insurgents, and travelled by the aid of a guide during the night, resting during the day. When not more than the distance of one day’s and night’s march separated the victorious banners from Dumatu-j-jandal, information was brought to his lordship that the cattle of the opponents were near. Accordingly that prince issued orders to capture and to fetter them. The herdsmen fled, and carried the news to the fort of Dumatu-j-jandal, the people of which place dispersed, so that his lordship entered and sojourned therein several days, but sent out foraging parties in all directions, and Muhammad B. Moslamah captured and brought one of the enemies into the august assembly of his lordship the apostle—u. w. b.—who made inquiries about the inhabitants, and was told that they had all fled at his approach. After that this individual became a Musalmân, and his lordship the apostle returned to Madinah, the expedition having lasted one month.