Nabíl (numerically equivalent to Mu-
ḥammad), of Zarand, Bahá'í poet
(d. A.D. 1892), 151 n., 187 n.
Nádir-qulí, 116, 132, afterwards Nádir
Sháh (A.D. 1736-1747), 11, 52 n.,
113, 116, 121, 122, 128, 132-8,
139, 141, 144 n., 158, 280, 281,
283, 284, 420
Nafaḥátu'l-Uns (by Jámí, xv), 40 n.,
42 n.
Nafsiyya (prose work by 'Urfí on
Ṣúfíism, xvi), 248
Na'ím (Bahá'í poet, xix), 163 n.,
Najaf, 58, 59, 76, 251, 370, 372, 376
-Najáshí, Aḥmad b. 'Alí — (author
of the Asmá'u'r-Rijál, d. A.D.
1063), 355, 358, 405
Najíbu'd-Dín Buzghúsh. See below
under Najmu'd-Dín
-Najjár (heretical views of —), 384
Najmu'd-Dín Kubrà (xiii), 37; —
Buzghúsh (d. A.D. 1279), 37, 42
and note; — Mas'úd of Rasht
(called Najm-i-awwal, “the
First Star,” d. A.D. 1510), 59,
74 n.; he was succeeded by
Najm-i-thání, “the Second
Star,” Amír Yár Aḥmad-i-Khúzání
(killed in A.D. 1512), 59, 66, 74,
83, 231; — Ja'far b. Yaḥyà, en-
titled Muḥaqqiq-i-awwal, q.v.
(d. A.D. 1325), 378, 405-6
Nakhjuwán, 76, 93, 104, 109, 130
Nákithín (“troth-breakers,” 'Á'isha,
Ṭalḥa and Zubayr), 392
Nallino, Professor —, 13 n.
Nalu Daman (poem by Fayḍí, xvi), 244
Náma-i-Dánishwarán (xix), 446
Namakdán (by Jayḥún of Yazd), 326;
— -i-Ḥaqíqat (by Shifá'í, d. A.D.
1627), 256
Námí (poet, xvi), 231
Nán u Ḥalwá (“Bread and Sweet-
meats,” by Shaykh-i-Bahá'í, xvii),
253, 407, 428
Napoleon, 128, 199, 209, 325
Náqiẓín (“Covenant-breakers,” a
name applied by the followers of
'Abbás Efendi 'Abdu'l-Bahá to
the partisans of his half-brother
Muḥammad 'Alí), 220
Narjís Khátún (mother of the Imám
Mahdi, A.D. 869), 394
Nasab-náma-i-Silsila-i-Ṣafawiyya (or
Silsilatu'n-Nasab, q.v., xvii), 4, 5,
13 n., 35 and note, 36, 40
Nasháṭ (poet of Iṣfahán, d. A.D. 1828),
225, 307, 311
Násikhu't-Tawáríkh (general history
by Lisánu'l-Mulk, q.v., xix), 145 n.,
148, 326, 413, 445
Nasím (poet), 194; — -i-Shimál
(newspaper), 345, 469
Nasimatu's-Saḥar fí-man tashayya'a
wa sha'ar
(biography of Shí'a
poets who wrote in Arabic), 358
Náṣir-i-Khusraw (poet, philosopher
and propagandist, xi), 177, 257,
299, 357, 412, 478, 482, 490;
— 'Alí (poet, xvii), 269; — u'd-
Dín Sháh Qájár (A.D. 1848-1896),
151-8, 161, 224, 298, 319, 329,
336, 344, 370, 441, 450, 454-6,
468; — u'd-Dín (of the Dhu'l-
Qadar dynasty, xv-xvi), 77 n.
Naṣíru'd-Dín-i-Ṭúsí (called Mu-
ḥaqqiq-i-Ṭúsí, d. A.D. 1274), 405
Naṣír b. 'Abdu'lláh, Mírzá — (poet,
d. A.D. 1778), 283
Naṣru'd-Dín Efendi, Khoja (Khwája),
Turkish wit, 416
Naṣru'lláh Zaytúní, Qáḍí — (circâ
A.D. 1500), 54; — (Zoroastrian
general of Afgháns, A.D. 1722),
126, 130
Abú Naṣr Fatḥu'lláh Khán Shaybání
(poet of Káshán, xix), 326, 344
Nassau Lees, 40 n.
Nationalism, ancient and modern,
Nawá'í, Mír 'Alí Shír — (xv), 83,
163, 227
Naw Bahár (newspaper), 345, 469
Naw'í (poet, xvii), 168, 267
Nawrúz (Persian New Year's Day),
135, 333-4
Nawwáb Mírzá Ḥasan 'Alí Khán
(xix), 301-2, 319
Nayríz, 153, 218 n.
Náẓimu'l-Islám of Kirmán (xx), 413,
Naẓírí (poet, xvii), 167, 250, 252, 268
Náẓir u Manẓúr (poem by Waḥshí,
xvi), 238
Nero, 23, 62
Neuburger, Dr Max —, 438
Neue Orient, 484 n.
Nicholson, Dr R. A. —, 431 n.
Nicolas, A.-L.-M. —, 422 n.
Niedermeyer, Captain —, 484
Nietzsche, 431 n.
Nigáristán (palace in Ṭihrán), 479 n.;
— -i-Dárá (biographies of poets
of Fatḥ-'Alí Sháh's reign), 298
Niháwand, 279
Ni'matu'lláh, Sháh — of Kirmán
(saint and poet, xiv-xv), 76; —
-Jazá'irí, Sayyid — (theologian,
xvii), 360-7, 376
Niráqí, Mullá Aḥmad -i- — (theo-
logian and poet, d. A.D. 1828),
Nisá, 109
Níshápúr, 132, 133, 252, 456
Niyází (poet, xvi), 81
Niẓámí (poet of Ganja, xii), 229, 244,
248, 299
Niẓámu'l-Mulk (Minister of Alp
Arslán and Maliksháh, xi), 412;
— (King of the Deccan, d. A.D.
1553), 168-9
Noah (Núḥ), 207, 217, 388
Nöldeke, Prof. Th. —, 209 n.
Núḥa-i-Sína-zaní (a special form of
poem by Yaghmá), 339-344
Nujúmu's-Samá (“Stars of Heaven,”
A.D. 1870), 357, 358, 359 n., 449
Nuqṭa (“Point,” title assumed by the
Báb), 197; — -i-A'lá, or — -i-
(the same), 150
Nuqṭatu'l-Káf (contemporary history
of the Báb by his admirer and
disciple Ḥájji Mírzá Jání of Káshán,
killed in A.D. 1852), 218 n., 446
Nuqṭawiyya sect, 8
Núr (in Mázandarán), 316
Núr 'Alí Sháh (Ṣúfí killed by fanatics,
circâ A.D. 1806), 420
Núr-bakhshí, Qiwámu'd-Dín — (A.D.
1520), 231
Núr-i-Iṣfahání, Qáḍí — (poet, circâ
A.D. 1600), 110
Núru'd-Dín 'Abdu'l-Wahháb (envoy
of Sháh Isma'íl I to the Turks,
about A.D. 1515), 77; — (physician
of Sháh Ṭahmásp, A.D. 1544),
Núru'lláh b. Sharíf-Mar'ashí of Shúsh-
tar (author of the Majálisu'l-
Mú'minín, q.v.
, put to death by
Jahángír in A.D. 1610), 356, 447
Núshírwán (Anúsharwán, Sásánian
king, vi), 52, 96, 391, 464
Nuṣrat College, Hamadán, 464
Nuṣratu'd-Dín Aḥmad, Atábak of
Luristán (A.D. 1324), 443
Abú Nuwás (Arab poet, ix), 357

Occultation (Ghaybat) of the Twelfth
Imám, 150
Occult Sciences, 441-2
Oelschläger. See Olearius
Ogotáy Qá'án (son of Ḥasan 'Alí
Mírzá Shujá'u's-Salṭana, xix), 328
d'Ohsson (author of Histoire des Mon-
), 45 n., 322
Olearius, 10, 15 n., 28, 114-115
Olives, Mount of —, 214, 218
Opium-eating, 472-3
'Osmán, Ṭopál — (Turkish general,
killed in A.D. 1733), 134
'Osmánlí. See Ottoman, Turk
Ottoman Turks, 6, 11, 13, 24, 26, 44,
55, 57, 60, 63, 65, 66-9, 80 n.,
87-8, 103-7, 135, 315, 316; —
poetry, Persian influences on —,
Oude, Catalogue of the Library of the
King of
— by Sprenger, 165 n.
Ouseley, Sir Gore —, 227 n.
Oxus (Ámú, Jayḥún), 219