Láhiján, 21, 50, 277
Lahore, 136, 266, 267, 281 n., 440
Lámi'í (poet), 299
Lane-Poole, Stanley —, 169 n.
Langlès, 115
Lár, 149, 279, 283
Latakia, 76
Latin, 10, 359, 425 n.; — races, 488
Law, Muḥammadan —, 377-8
Lawḥ-i-Maḥfúẓ (“Preserved Tablet”),
388. See also Alwáḥ
Lawḥí (poet), 194
Laylà wa Majnún, 206, 216, 229,
Laylatu'l-Qadr (“Night of Worth,”
on which the Qur'án was revealed),
Lazgís, 125, 137
-Laẓẓà (the fifth of the Seven Hells),
Leclerc, Dr L. —, 440 n.
Lee, Samuel —, 421
Leroux, E. —, 9 n.
Lion in the Ḥusayn-legend, 189; —
killed by Sháh Isma'íl, 62
Lippert, Prof. Julius —, 447 n.
Lisání (poet of Shíráz, d. A.D. 1533),
Lisánu'l-Mulk (historian, xix), 326,
413, 445. See also Sipihr
London, 450, 469
Louis Philippe, 325
Lucknow (Lakhnáw), 281
Lú'lú'atu'l-Baḥrayn, 356, 360, 406 n.,
408, 449
Lunatic at Large (by J. Storer
Clouston), 322 n.
Luqmániyya College (Tabríz), 347
Lur, Lurístán, 59, 76, 104, 279, 443
Luṭf 'Alí Beg (poetically surnamed
Ádhar, author of the Átash-kada,
q.v.), 277, 282-4, 309; — Khán
(Persian General, A.D. 1720), 125,
129; — Khán-i-Zand (A.D. 1789-
1794), 121, 142-4
Ma'álimu'l-'Ulamá (by Muḥammad
b. 'Alí b. Shahr-áshúb, d. A.D.
1192), 356
Ma'áthir-i-Sulṭániyya (History of the
Qájár dynasty to A.D. 1826), 144 n.
Macaulay, Lord —, 186
Macdonald, Professor Duncan Black
—, 40, 442
Macedonia, 72
McNeill, Sir John — (British Minister
in Persia, A.D. 1838-1841), 147
McTaggart, Dr J. E. —, 431
-Madína, 24, 174, 175, 391, 392
Madras, 462 n.
Mafátíḥu'sh-Sharáyi' (by Mullá Muḥ-
sin-i-Fayḍ, d. A.D. 1680), 432
Magians (Majús), 179, 181, 292, 293,
297, 401. See also Gabr, Zo-
Magic, Lawful — (Siḥr-i-Ḥalál),
poetry so called, 196
Maḥallát of Qum, 148
Mahd-i-'Ulyá (“the Supreme Cradle,”
title of the Queen-mother in
Persia), 151, 332
Mahdí, the Imám — (Twelfth Imám,
-Qá'im), 150, 151, 197, 394; —
Khán of Astarábád (author of the
Durra-i-Nádirí), 445; Ḥájji —
(father of Ḥájji Mullá Ḥádí of
Sabzawár), 436
Maḥmud of Ghazna, Sulṭán — (x-
xi), 228; — III of Gujerát (d.
A.D. 1553), 168-9; Mír — Afghán
(murdered in A.D. 1725), 116, 118,
125-131; — Áqá Cháwúsh-báshí
(envoy of Sulṭán Báyazíd II, A.D.
1502), 68; Sulṭán — Mírzá (Ṣafawí
prince, murdered in A.D. 1577),
99; — -i-Shabistarí (author of the
Gulshan-i-Ráz, d. A.D. 1320), 37,
220; — Qárí of Yazd (author of
the Díwán-i-Albisa, d. A.D. 1585),
241; Mírzá — (physician, poeti-
cally surnamed Ḥakím, son of
Wiṣál, d. A.D. 1851), 300, 319
Maḥmúd u Ayáz (poem by Zulálí,
d. A.D. 1614), 252
Majálisu'l-Mú'minín (by Sayyid
Núru'lláh Mar'ashí of Shúshtar,
put to death in A.D. 1610), 54 n.,
230, 234, 235, 236, 249, 356, 358,
Májid, Sayyid — of Baḥrayn (xvii),
Majlis (newspaper), 346-7
Majlisí family, 28, 120, 253, 416. See
under Muḥammad Báqir and
Muḥammad Taqí
Majma'u'l-Bayán (by Shaykh Ṭabar-
sí), 409
Majma'u'l-Fuṣaḥá (by Riḍá-qulí
Khán, xix), 25, 147 n., 172, 225,
228 n., 230, 232, 234 n., 235 n.,
238, 241, 243-4, 245 n., 251, 265,
298-9, 300 n., 304, 305, 309, 315 n.,
319, 323, 325 n., 326 n., 328, 337,
344, 408, 411, 428, 432
Majnún, 206, 216. See also under
Majús, 179, 181. See above under
Makhzanu'l-Asrár (of Niẓámí of
Ganja, xii), 248
Mákú, 151
Maláyir, 463
Malcolm, Sir John —, 4, 7, 8, 46 n.,
77, 85, 91, 100 n., 101, 111, 116,
134, 137 n., 138 n., 139, 141 n.,
144, 145 n., 146, 372, 373, 420 n.;
Rev. Napier —, 195
Malíḥa (poisons the Twelfth Imám),
Málik b. Anas (d. A.D. 795), 353;
Ibn — (Arab grammarian), 363-
Malik (poet of Qum, xvii), 110, 253,
259, 267; — u't-Tujjár (Ḥájji
Muḥammad Káẓim, xix-xx), 478,
481, 482
Malkom Khán Náẓimu'd-Dawla,
Prince — (xix), 463, 468
Mameluke (Mamlúk) dynasty, 14 n.
-Ma'mún ('Abbásid Caliph, ix), 394,
Ma'n b. Zá'ida, 207, 217
Manáqibu'l-'Árifín (by Aflákí, A.D.
1318), 35, 40
“Manifestation” of the Báb (Ẓuhúr,
May 23, 1844), 150
Man lá Yaḥḍuruhul'-Faqíh (by Ibn
Bábawayhi, d. A.D. 991), 359, 405
Mann, Oskar —, 137 n., 445 n.
Manṣúr ('Abbásid Caliph, viii), 394,
438; — Beg Parnák (xv), 49
Manṣúriyya College (Shíráz), 360-1,
363, 364
Maqámát (of -Ḥarírí), 412; — (of
Adíbu'l-Mamálik), 349
Marágha, 44, 131, 467
Marand, 76
Mar'ash, 69; — í Sayyids, 102
Márdín, 414-415
Mariage forcé, le — (Molière), 462
Máriqín (“Rebels,” i.e. the Khári-
jites), 392
Máriya, Plain of — (Karbalá so
called), 178, 180
Marjána (mother of Ibn Ziyád), 178,
Markaz-i-Adwár (by Fayḍí), 244
Markham, Sir Clements —, 4
Marta (daughter of Úzún Ḥasan, xv),
Martin, Dr R. F. —, 63 n.
Martyn, Henry — (missionary), 421-2
Martyrdom, Passion for —, 195-8
Marwán (Umayyad Caliph, A.D. 683-
5), 23, 343
Mary (Maryam) the Copt (wife of the
Prophet), 391
Mashá'ír (of Mullá Ṣadrá), 408 n.,
Mashhad, 30, 65, 94, 98, 105, 109,
133, 137, 138, 157, 223, 230, 251,
279, 284, 345, 346, 347, 367, 371,
394, 428, 429, 436, 455, 456, 469,
Mashhad 'Alí, 30
Mashshá'ún (“Peripatetics,” Aristo-
telians), 431
Masíḥ, Mírzá — (Mujtahid, A.D. 1829),
Masíḥí (Turkish poet), 237
Mas'úd-i-Sa'd-i-Salmán (poet, d.
A.D. 1131), 299; Mawláná —
(circâ A.D. 1500 ruled in Káshán),
Ma'ṣúm, Mír — (poet, xvii), 259,
268; — Kamáncha'í (musician at
the Court of Sháh 'Abbás the
Great), 110; — (darwísh and
mystic, xviii), 420
Maṭá'inu'ṣ-Ṣúfiyya (by Muḥammad
Rafí', A.D. 1806), 420
Materials for the Study of the Bábí
Religion (by E. G. Browne), 150,
154 n., 197 n., 198, 422 n.
Mathnawí (of Jalálu'd-Dín Rúmí,
xiii), 35 n., 411, 457
Maṭla'u'sh-Shams (by Muḥammad
Ḥasan Khán, xix), 84 n., 455
Mawṣil (Mosul), 137
Mawṣillú (tribe), 14
Mawzún (poet), 194
Maybudí, Mír Ḥusayn — (xvi), 57
Maydán-i-Sháh (Iṣfahán), 368
Maykhána (poem by Zulálí, xvi-xvii),
Mázandarán, 65, 102, 109, 130, 132,
140, 141, 151, 153, 197, 251, 258,
284, 355, 476, 481
Mazdak (heresiarch and communist,
vi), 382 n., 452, 464, 466, 487
Maẓharí (poet of Cashmere at Court
of Sháh 'Abbás), 110
Mecca, 24, 45, 123, 124, 149, 177 n.,
192 n., 252, 258, 279, 284, 374 n.,
386, 391, 399, 427. See also Holy
Médecin malgré lui, Le — (Molière),
459, 462
Media, 465
Medina. See -Madína
Mejd ed-Dín (Majdu'd-Dín, historian),
46 n.
Mélanges Asiatiques, 30, 35 n.
Merchants, European — in Persia,
Merv (Marw), 82, 109
Mesopotamia, 24, 27, 427. See also
Metempsychosis (Tanásukhu'l-Ar-
wáḥ), 382
Methuen, Messrs —, 468
Miftáḥu'l-Faláḥ (by Shaykh-i-Bahá'í,
xvi-xvii), 428
Miftáḥu'l-Labíb (by Sayyid Ni'matu-
'lláh-Jazá'irí), 364
Mihínbánú Sulṭánum (daughter of
Sháh Isma'íl, xvi), 81 n.
Mijmar (poet of Ardistán, d. 1810),
225, 307-8
Mikhlát (of Shaykh-i-Bahá'í), 407, 428
Abú Mikhnaf Lúṭ b. Yaḥyà, 188
Mimát u Ḥayát (“Death and Life,”
newspaper), 489
Minháju'ṭ-Ṭálibín (Refutation of the
Bábís), 423
Minorsky, V. —, 35 n., 36 n., 153 n.,
375 n.
Minúchihrí (poet, xi), 265, 299
Miqbásu'l-Maṣábíḥ (by Mullá Mu-
ḥammad Báqir-i-Majlisí), 417
Mi'ráj (Ascension of the Prophet),
Miracle Plays, 28-9. See also Mu-
ḥarram, Ta'ziya
Miracles of the Prophet, 40 n., 389-
Mirátu'l-Buldán (by Muḥammad
Ḥasan Khán, xix), 454-5
Mirátu'l-Mamálik (by Sídí 'Alí Ra'ís,
xvi), 10 n.
Mírkhwánd (historian, xv), 5, 83, 250,
304, 413. See also Rawḍatu'ṣ-Ṣafá
Mírzá Buzurg (Mírzá 'Ísá of Fará-
hán, the elder Qá'im-maqám, d.
A.D. 1831), 311; — of Núr, 316
Mírzá Kúchak, 317. See Wiṣál
Misanthrope, Le — (Molière), 459
Miser, The — (Mard-i-Khasís, a
Persian comedy), 462
Mishkátu'l-Anwár (by Mullá Mu-
ḥammad Báqir-i-Majlisí), 409
Miskín, Mírzá 'Abbás of Bisṭám (poet,
d. A.D. 1858), 328, 336. See also
Missionaries in Persia, 107, 195, 421-2
Mithradates, 465
Miṭláq (“the great Divorcer”), the
Imám Ḥasan so named, 393
Mittwoch, Professor E. —, 484
Mochyn du (“the Black Pig,” Welsh
song), 223
Moghul Emperors of India (A.D.
1525-1857), 25, 28, 92, 123, 164.
See also Akbar, Bábur, Humáyún,
Jahángír and Sháh Jahán
Molière, 458-462
Mongols, 3, 14 n., 37, 41, 122, 127,
128, 147, 299, 322, 348, 405, 412,
Moon, Cleaving of the — (Shaqqu'l-
qamar), 389
Moore, Thomas —, 80 n.
Morier's Hajji Baba, 195, 468
Moscow, 6
Moses (Músà), 207, 254 n., 292, 297 n.,
Mosul, 137. See Mawṣil
Mu'ammá'í, Amír Ḥusayn — (d.
A.D. 1498), 83; Mír Ḥaydar —
(poet at Court of Sháh 'Abbás the
Great), 110
Mu'áwiya (Umayyad Caliph, A.D.
661-680), 16 n., 46, 175 n., 392
Mubárak, Shaykh — (father of the
poet Fayḍí, xvi), 245
Muddatu'l-'Umr (by Shaykh 'Alí
Ḥazín, xviii), 278
-Mufíd, -Shaykh — (Muḥammad b.
Muḥammad…-Ḥárithí, d. A.D.
1022), 405, 449
Muḥammad (the Prophet), 16, 17,
80, 173, 174, 176, 235, 314 n.,
381, 387-392, 451; — b. 'Alí
called Ibnu'l-Ḥanafiyya, 17, 391;
— b. Ḥusayn b. 'Alí (brother of
the Fourth Imám 'Alí Zaynu'l-
'Ábidín), 393; — b. 'Alí Zaynu'l-
'Ábidín, see Muḥammad Báqir;
— b. 'Alí-Riḍá, see Muḥammad
Taqí. Amongst the ancestors of
the Ṣafawís and descendants of
the Imám Músà-Káẓim mention
is made (in the footnote on pp.
32-3) of six persons named Mu-
ḥammad, viz. Nos. 6, 9, 11, 13,
16, 18, and one, No. 20, named
Abú Muḥammad; and, on p. 37,
of a son of Amínu'd-Dín Jibrá'íl
and brother of Shaykh Ṣafiyyu'd-
Dín likewise so named. — (Kings
and Princes named Muḥam-
mad):— Mírzá or Beg of the
“White Sheep” dynasty, early
sixteenth century, probably iden-
tical, 58 n., 74; — Khudá-banda
(Ṣafawí, A.D. 1578-1587), 98, 100-
103; — III (Ottoman Sulṭán,
A.D. 1595-1603), 106; — Sháh
(Moghul Emperor of Dihlí, A.D.
1739), 136; Sayyid — (grandson
of Sháh Sulaymán II the Ṣafawí,
xviii), 138; Áqá — Khán Qájár
(assassinated in A.D. 1797), 139-
145, 158, 298, 487; — Sháh Qájár
(A.D. 1834-1848), 149, 151, 311,
329, 381; Sulṭán — Sháh, con-
temporary pontiff of the Isma-
'íliyya, commonly known as the
Áqá Khán, q.v., 149 n. (Mu-
ḥammad ibn —) — b. 'Abdu'l-
Wahháb-Qazwíní (Mírzá Muḥam-
mad Khán, contemporary scholar),
26, 372, 484, 490; — b. 'Alí b.
Músá, 358, see Ibn Bábawayhi;
— b. 'Alí b. Shahr-áshúb (d. A.D.
1192), 355-6; — b. Ḥasan b.
'Alí…-Ḥurr-'Ámilí (d. A.D. 1686),
356, 359, 449; — b. Ḥasan b.
'Alí-Ṭúsí, 355, 358, see -Ṭúsí;
— b. Makkí-'Ámilí (put to death
in A.D. 1384), 406, see Shahíd-i-
Awwal; — b. — b. Nu'mán
-Ḥárithí, 405, see Shaykh-Mufíd;
— b. -Murtaḍá, 359, see Muḥsin-
i-Fayḍ; — b. Ṣádiq b. Mahdí,
357, see under Nujúmu's-Samá
(“Stars of Heaven”), of which he
was the author; — Sulaymán-
Tanukábuní, author of the Qi-
ṣaṣu'l-'Ulamá, q.v., 354-5 and
449; — b. 'Abí Ṭálib of Gílán,
277, see under 'Alí Ḥazín supra;
— b. Ya'qúb, 358, see -Kulayní.
— (Muḥammad Beg) — (envoy
of Sulṭán Salím I, A.D. 1514), 73;
— Ḥájji — (uncle of Luṭf-'Alí
Beg, xviii), 283. — (Muḥammad
Khán) — Ustájlú (A.D. 1509),
414-415; Khán — (killed at
Cháldirán, A.D. 1514), 76; —
Qájár (assassin of Nádir Sháh,
A.D. 1747), 137 n.; Mírzá —
Qazwíní (contemporary scholar),
261, 372, 484, 490. — (Muḥam-
mads distinguished only by
profession, native place, or
pen-name.) Qáḍí — -i-Káshí
(circâ A.D. 1500), 55, 59; Ra'ís —
Karra (circâ A.D. 1500), 55-6;
Sayyid — Kamúna-i-Najafí (killed
at Cháldirán, A.D. 1514), 76; four
Muḥammads are mentioned on
p. 110 amongst the musicians and
rhapsodists of the court of Sháh
'Abbás the Great, a harper
(Changí), a drummer (Ṭanbúra'í),
a violinist (Kamáncha'í), and a
Shahnáma-khwán, surnamed
Khursand; Áqá — 'Áshiq, poet
of Iṣfahán (d. A.D. 1767), 283,
325; Sayyid — Shu'la (xviii),
poet of Iṣfahán, 282; Sayyid —
Saḥáb, poet of Iṣfahán (d. A.D.
1807), 305-6; — -qulí Afshár
Ulfat, poet (d. 1824), 311; —
Akhbárí of Baḥrayn (circâ A.D.
1825), 374-6; Mullá — Máma-
qání (circâ A.D. 1850), 422; Say-
yid — (father of Mír Dámád,
xvi), 428
Muḥammad 'Abduh, Shaykh —
(Grand Muftí of Egypt and Chan-
cellor of the University of al-
Azhar, died A.D. 1905), 377,
Muḥammad 'Alí Sháh Qájár (suc-
ceeded to the throne of Persia in
A.D. 1907: deposed in A.D. 1909),
158; — son of Karím Khán-i-Zand
(circâ A.D. 1782), 142; — Mírzá
(buys a mansion in Paradise), 370,
411; Mullá — “Ṣúfí-kush” (circâ
A.D. 1750), 368; Áqá — Bihbihání
(another great antagonist of the
Ṣúfís), 420; Mírzá — (son of
Bahá'u'lláh, contemporary), 218 n.
1; Mírzá — (author of Nujúmu's-
Samá, q.v., circâ A.D. 1870), 449;
Mírzá — Láhijí, see Shaykh 'Alí
Ḥazín; — Beg son of Abdál Beg
(xviii), 283; —, poet of Yazd (xix),
325, see Jayḥún; — Khaṭar,
son of the poet Yaghmá, 338; —
Gulshan (father of the poet
Qá'ání), 328; Mírzá —, see Ṣá'ib;
— Ṣubúḥ, q.v., of Iṣfahán, 282;
— Surúsh, q.v., of Si-dih (d
A.D. 1868), 325
Muḥammad Amín b. Muḥammad
Sharíf of Astarábád (d. A.D. 1623),
founder of the Akhbárí school
(q.v.), 374
Muḥammad Báqir, the fifth Imám
(vii-viii), 393-4; Mír—-i-Dámád,
q.v.; Mullá — b. Muḥammad
Taqí-i-Majlisí (d. A.D. 1700), 120,
194, 358, 359, 366, 379, 381,
403-4, 409-410, 416-418, 432;
Ḥájji Sayyid — b. Muḥammad
Taqí, entitled Ḥujjatu'l-Islám (d.
A.D. 1844), 368, 378, 410; Mullá
— b. Ḥájji Zaynu'l-'Ábidín of
Khwánsár (author of the Raw-
ḍátu'l-Jannát, composed in A.D.
1870, q.v.), 356-7, 448; — Mírzá
(Ṣafawí prince, murdered at the
age of two in A.D. 1577), 99
Muḥammad Ḥasan Khán Qájár
(killed in A.D. 1757), 139-141;
— called Zargar (poet of Iṣfahán,
d. A.D. 1853), 325; — Khán
I'timádu's-Salṭana (d. A.D. 1896),
84 n., 453-6
Muḥammad Ḥusayn Mírzá (nephew
of Sháh Isma'íl II, murdered by
his uncle in A.D. 1577), 99; — of
Tabríz, calligraphist (xvii), 100;
— Ghálib (poet, xviii), 283; —
Hidáyat (contemporary), 357
Muḥammad Iqbál, Shaykh —
(author of Development of Meta-
physics in Persia and Asrár-i-
Khúdí, q.v., contemporary think-
er), 430, 431, 436; — Professor
—, Ph. D. (contemporary scholar),
56 n.
Muḥammad Karím Khán of Kirmán,
Ḥájji — (head of the later Shay-
khís and rival of the Báb, xix), 421
Muḥammad Káẓim of Khurásán,
Mullá — (patriotic mujtahid, d.
Dec. 12, 1911), 371
Muḥammad Mahdí, Sayyid — of
Burújird, entitled Baḥru'l-'Ulúm
(“the Ocean of Learning”) (d.
circâ A.D. 1824), 379, 410
Muḥammad Muḥsin Mírzá (son of
Sulṭán Ḥusayn Mírzá the Tímúrid,
A.D. 1504), 56
Muḥammad Mú'min (musician at
the court of Sháh 'Abbás the
Great), 110; —, poetically sur-
named Dá'í (d. A.D. 1742), 282; —
-Ḥusayní (author of the Tuhfatu'l-
Mú'minín, q.v., A.D. 1669), 439
Muḥammad Rafí' b. Muḥammad
Shafí' of Tabríz (author of the
Maṭá'inu'ṣ-Ṣúfiyya, A.D. 1806),
Muḥammad Raḥím (court-physician
to Sulṭán Ḥusayn, circâ A.D. 1700),
Muḥammad Ṣádiq (poet of Tafrísh,
xviii), 282, 283; — Qá'im-maqámí,
better known as Adíbu'l-Mamá-
lik, q.v. (d. Feb. 21, 1917), 346-9,
484; — Ṭabáṭabá'í (editor of the
newspaper Majlis in A.D. 1906),
Muḥammad Ṣáliḥ (cruelly put to
death about A.D. 1574), 97; —
Khán (one of the assassins of
Wádir Sháh in A.D. 1747), 137 n.
Muḥammad Shafí', Professor — (con-
temporary scholar), 281 n.
Muḥammad Ṭáhir Waḥíd (poet, d.
A.D. 1708), 258, 264-5
Muḥammad Taqí, the ninth Imám
(ix), 46, 394; Mullá — -i-Majlisí
(d. A.D. 1660), 253, 403-4, 409,
417; — of Káshán, state-historian
and poet, entitled Lisánu'l-Mulk
and Sipihr (xix), 326, 344, 445;
Mullá — of Qazwín (assassinated
by Bábís about A.D. 1847, and
hence entitled Shahíd-i-Thálith,
“the Third Martyr,” q.v.), 411,
421; — Khán, called Ḥakím
(author of the Ganj-i-Dánish, A.D.
1887), 456; — of Hamadán
(author of the Iḥqáqu'l-Ḥaqq,
A.D. 1908), 423
“Muḥammads,” “the Three —” (i.e.
-Kulayní, Ibn Bábawayhi and
-Ṭúsí q.v.), all before A.D. 1067;
and, in a later age (between A.D.
1600 and 1700), Mullá Muḥsin-i-
Fayḍ, Mullá Muḥammad Báqir-
i-Majlisí, and the author of
the Amalu'l-Ámil, q.v., 358-9,
366 n., 405
Muḥaqqiq-i-Awwal (“the First
Verifier,” xiii), 378, 405-6; —
-i-Thání (“the Second Verifier,”
xvii), 28, 379, 406, 409; —
-i-Ṭúsí (Naṣíru'd-Dín-i-Ṭúsí, d.
A.D. 1274), 405; — -i-Ardabílí
(xvii), 370
Muḥarram (month of mourning), 28-
31, 162, 194. See Rawḍa-khwán,
Muḥassin (son of 'Alí b. Abí Ṭálib,
vii), 392
Muḥsin, Mír Sulṭán — (d. circâ
A.D. 1508), 59; Mullá — -i-Fayḍ
(philosopher and poet, d. A.D.
1680), 250, 359, 377, 407-8, 411,
426-7, 432-6
Muḥtasham (poet of Káshán, d. A.D.
1587), 28, 110, 162, 172, 173-7,
178, 193, 241
Muḥyi'd-Dín ibnu'l-'Arabí, Shaykh
— (d. A.D. 1240), 37, 432, 434,
449; — of Barda'a, Qáḍí — (xiv),
Mu'izzí, Amír — (poet, d. A.D. 1148),
168, 299
Mu'izz-i-Káshí, Mír — (calligraphist,
xvii), 110
Mu'izzu'd-Dawla (Buwayhid, x), 30-1
Mu'jamu'l-Buldán (of Yáqút, xiii),
397 n., 454
Mu'jizát (Miracles, q.v.), 40 n.
Mujtabà (title of the Imám Ḥasan),
Mujtahids, 353-4, 367-380
Mujtahidu'sh-Shu'ará, 307. See Mij-
Mukhlíṣ (poet), 194
Mukhtárí (poet, xii), 299
Ibn Muljam (the murderer of 'Alí b.
Abí Ṭálib), 392
Mullás, 353-4. See Mujtahids above
Mumítu'd-Dín (“the Slayer of Re-
ligion”), Shaykh Muḥyi'd-Dín so
called, 434
Munajjim-báshí (“Chief Astrologer,”
author of a history entitled Ṣaḥá-
'ifu'l-Akhbár, q.v.), 106 n.
Munáẓara-i-Shab u Rúz (“Dispute
of Night and Day,” title of an
article in the Káwa newspaper),
Munkir and Nakír (the Angels who
conduct the “Questioning of the
Tomb”), 370, 396
Munsha'át-i-Rashídí (xiii-xiv), 33-4
Munshá'átu's-Saláṭín (Turkish State
Papers collected and arranged
about A.D. 1583 by Firídún Bey,
q.v.), 8 n., 66 n.
Muntakhabu't-Tawáríkh (by 'Abdu'l-
Qádir-i-Badá'úní), 165 n., 242 n.,
243 n., 245 n., 249
Muntaẓam-i-Náṣirí (by Muḥammad
Ḥasan Khán I'timádu's-Salṭana,
A.D. 1881-3), 455
Munyatu'l-Fúḍalá (title ascribed to
the Kitábu'l-Fakhrí), 444
Múqán, Plain of —, 144 n.
Muqbil (poet), 194
Murád Beg Báyandarí (ruler of Yazd,
circâ A.D. 1500), 55; Sulṭán —
Aq-qoyúnlú (ruler of 'Iráq, circâ
A.D. 1500), 55, 58, 69, 76, 82;
Sulṭán — III (A.D. 1574-1595), 92;
Sulṭán — IV (A.D. 1623-1640),
Múrchakhúr (near Iṣfahán), 133, 142
Muríd (disciple), 20
Murshid (spiritual director), 19-20
Murshid-qulí Khán Ustájlú (tutor of
Sháh 'Abbás the Great, A.D. 1586),
101, 104
Murtaḍá (title of 'Alí b. Abí Ṭálib,
q.v.); Sayyid —, entitled 'A-
lamu'l-Hudá, q.v.
Músà (the Prophet Moses, q.v.); —
Káẓim (the seventh Imám, viii),
19, 33 n., 36, 87 n., 391, 394,
405; — Beg Afshár (one of the
murderers of Nádir Sháh, A.D.
1747), 137 n.; — of Bisṭám,
father of the poet Furúghí (xviii-
xix), 336; Shaykh — of Hamadán
(author of 'Ishq u Salṭana, “Love
and Lordship,” A.D. 1920), 464
Musammaṭ (a kind of poem), 163 and
Musáwát (newspaper), 469
Muscat, 280
Músh u Gurba (“the Mouse and the
Cat,” a poem by 'Ubayd-i-
Zákání, xiv), 490
Musha'shi' Sayyids of Ḥuwayza (chas-
tised by Sháh Isma'íl I in A.D.
1508), 58
Mushtáq (poet of Iṣfahán, xvii), 283,
Mushtáq 'Alí (Ṣúfí killed by fanatics
about A.D. 1796), 420
Music, Persian —, 222-3
Muslim b. 'Aqíl, martyrdom of —
(vii), 190-3
Abú Muslim ('Abbásid propagandist,
viii), 23
Mustafá (title of the Prophet Mu-
ḥammad, q.v.), 178, 180; —
Mírzá (son of Sháh Ṭahmásp,
murdered by his brother Sháh
Isma'íl II in A.D. 1577), 98
-Mustanṣir bi'lláh (Fáṭimid Caliph,
A.D. 1035-1094), 54 n., 98
-Musta'ṣim (the last 'Abbásid Caliph,
A.D. 1242-1258), 41 n.
Muṭahhar-Ḥillí, 356
Mutakallimún (Schoolmen), 376, 402,
Mu'tamanu's-Sulṭán (earlier title of
Muḥammad Ḥasan Khán, q.v.), 454
Mu'tamadu'd-Dawla (title conferred
on the poet Nasháṭ by Fatḥ-'Alí
Sháh), 311
-Mu'tamid ('Abbásid Caliph, A.D.
870-892), 394
-Mutanabbí (Arab poet, d. A.D. 965),
-Mu'taṣim ('Abbásid Caliph, A.D.
833-842), 394
Mutawallí (pl. Matáwila, Shí'a so
called in Syria), 16
Mu'tazila (sect), 17, 384, 424
-Mu'tazz ('Abbásid Caliph, A.D. 866-
9), 394
Muṭí' (poet, xvii), 267
Mutiny, Indian —, 154
Muẓaffar Sulṭán (governor of Rasht,
barbarously put to death about
A.D. 1574), 96; — 'Alí (artist at
court of Sháh 'Abbás the Great),
and Ḥafiẓ — of Qum (musician
at the same, about A.D. 1600),
110; — u'd-Dín Sháh Qájár
(A.D. 1896-1907), 157-8
Mysteries of Sound and Number (by
Shaykh Ḥabíb Aḥmad), 442