This Index and the Table of Contents at the beginning of the volume are complementary. References to the latter are in Roman numerals.

Abú'l Kásim, Firdausí, 89, 119
Achæmenids, dynasty, 10, 281
Ádarbád, son of Mahraspand, 16
Afrásiyáb, ruler of Túrán, 12,
13, 21, 44, 62, 176, 203,
Agani, Sargon I. of, 293
Ahmad, son of Sahl, lord of Marv,
260, 261
Áhriman, the Evil Principle, or
used metaphorically, 17,
33, 36, 45, 50, 90, 99, 103,
122, 123, 125, 147, 177, 198,
206, 246, 271, 276
Ahuna Vairya, sacred formula,
Akem Manau, demon, 17
Akki, foster-father of Sargon I. of
Agani, 293
Alburz, mountain, 202
Alexander the Great (Sikandar),
Alwá, Íránian hero, 166, 167
slain by Núsh Ázar, 226
Ameshaspentas, the, 15 seq.
Ammianus Marcellinus, historian,
Ámul, city, 284
Amulet, given by Zarduhsht to
Asfandiyár, 130
Andarímán, Túránian hero, 29
Andarímán (Vandaremaini), bro-
ther of Arjásp, 12, 46, 141,
commands one wing of the
host, 46
put to death, 158
Apothegms, 78, 105, 168, 214,
242, 249, 250, 265
Arabs, the, 31
Aras, river, 13, 14
Árásti, uncle of Zarduhsht, 17
Archer, the, constellation, 86
Ardíbihisht, month, 16, 39, 92
Ardshír (Artaxerxes). See Bah-
meaning of, 259 and note
Ardshír, Íránian hero,*

67, 288
tells Nastúr where to find
Zarír, 67
takes Farámarz prisoner, 288
Ardshír, son of Gushtásp, v, 26,
his death foretold by Jámásp,
slain, 57
Ardshír Pápakán, founder of the
Sásánian dynasty, 10
Aregat-aspa. See Arjásp.
Aries, constellation, 39, 109, 118,
119, 126
Árish, Íránian archer, 12, 62
legend of, 12
Arjásp (Aregat-aspa), king of
Túrán, v, vi, vii, 9, 11 seq.,
20, 22, 24 seq., 29, 31, 32, 36
seq., 51 seq., 61 seq., 71, 72,
89, 90, 98, 99, 103, 107 seq.,
116, 141, 142, 145 seq., 157,
159, 161, 167, 171, 172, 180,
in receipt of tribute from
Gushtásp, 32
hears of Gushtásp's resolve
not to pay tribute, sum-
mons, and harangues his
priests, 36
sends Bídirafsh and Nám-
khást to Gushtásp, 37, 40
on receiving Gushtásp's an-
swer calls out the host, 45
gives one wing to Kuhram, 46
the other to Andarímán,
the chief command to
Gurgsár, 46
banner to Bídirafsh, 46
vanguard to Khashásh, 46
rear to Húshdív, 46
marches against Írán, 46
his defeat foretold by Jámásp,
gives one wing to Bídirafsh, 55
the other to Gurgsár, 56
centre to Námkhást, 56
takes the rear himself, 56
gives Kuhram the command
in chief, 56
thrice offers rewards to any
that will fight Zarír, 61, 62
his offer accepted by Bídi-
rafsh, 62
calls for Bídirafsh to fight
Nastúr, 69
fights with the Íránians, 71
defeated, 72
his defeat proclaimed by
Gushtásp, 75
hears of Asfandiyár's im-
prisonment and of Gush-
tásp's absence in Sístán, 86
Arjásp, summons his chiefs, 86
sends Sitúh as spy to Írán,
on receiving Sitúh's report
calls out the host, 87
sends Kuhram to attack
Balkh, 90
marches against Gushtásp, 94
commands the centre, 95
defeats Gushtásp and be-
leaguers him on a moun-
tain, 96
Asfandiyár's vow of, and
prayer for, vengeance on,
103, 104
hears of Asfandiyár's arrival,
proposes to retreat, 108
sends away the spoil of
Balkh, 108
his five sons, 108
persuaded by Gurgsár to re-
main and fight, 108, 109
makes Gurgsár leader of
the host, 109
arrays the host, 109
commands the centre, 109
surveys the battlefield from a
height, 110
prepares for flight if needful,
dismayed at Asfandiyár's
prowess, reproaches Gurg-
sár, 111
hears of Gurgsár's capture
and flees, 112
entertains Asfandiyár dis-
guised as a merchant, 145
questions Asfandiyár, 146
allows Asfandiyár to enter-
tain the Turkman chiefs,
prepares to attack Bishútan,
bids Kuhram prepare for
war, 151
sends out Turkhán with
troops to reconnoitre, 151
Arjásp, hears from Kuhram
that Asfandiyár has come,
bids the Turkmans march
out in force, 152
his palace attacked by Asfan-
diyár, 153
arms himself and encounters
Asfandiyár, 153, 154
beheaded by Asfandiyár, 154
his palace fired, and his
women carried off, by
Asfandiyár, 154, 162
his head thrown from the
ramparts of the Brazen
Hold, 157
his sons grieve for, 157
Asfandiyár takes the trea-
sure of, 161
Artabanus, 282
and Rustam, 282
Artaxerxes Longimanus, 281, 282
and Bahman, 281, 282
Arzhang, dív, 203
Ascalon, city, 292
Asfandiyár (Spentó-dáta, Spand-
dát), son of Gushtásp, v, vi,
vii, viii, 9, 10, 12, 19, 20, 22,
24 seq., 29, 30, 32, 41 seq.,
45, 49, 52, 65 seq., 69 seq.,
76 seq., 90 seq., 97 seq.,
258, 259, 261, 279, 281 seq.,
289, 290, 293
his invulnerability, 19
his sisters, vi, 20, 22
carried off by the Turk-
mans, 93, 100, 171
rescued by, 153, 162
lament over, 252 seq.
his marriage with Humái, 22,
ignored by Firdausí, 22
birth of, 32
answers, in conjunction with
Zarír and Jámásp, Arjásp's
letter, 42
hís triumph over Arjásp
foretold by Jámásp, 52
Asfandiyár, given command of one
wing, 55
addresses his five brothers, 65
hears his father's offer of the
crown and throne to the
avenger of Zarír, 66
slays Bídirafsh, 70
presents the head of Bídirafsh
and the steed of Zarír to
Gushtásp, 71
divides the host, 71
attacks with Nastúr and
Núsh Ázar the Turkmans,
grants quarter to the Turk-
mans, 72
made chief ruler of Írán
under Gushtásp and sent
by him to convert the
world, 76
rests from his labours, 77
makes Farshídward governor
of Khurásán, 77
reports the success of his
administration to Gush-
tásp, 77
slandered by Gurazm, 78
recalled to court, 80 seq.
his four sons, 80
resigns his host to Bahman,
arraigned by Gushtásp, 83
put in bonds, 84
sent to Gumbadán, 84
solaced by Bahman and
others, 85
Jámásp advises Gushtásp to
release, 97
hears of arrival of Jámásp,
98, 99
his parley with Jámásp, 99
his eight and thirty brothers,
101, 103, 111, 160
bids Jámásp send for black-
smiths, 101
breaks his bonds himself, 102,
Asfandiyár, calls for his steed, and
arms, 102
sets off with Jámásp, Bah-
man, and Núsh Ázar, 103
his vow, 103
laments over Farshídward,
prays that he may avenge
Farshídward on Arjásp,
shrouds Farshídward, 105
sees and addresses the corpse
of Gurazm, 105
passes the Turkman trenches,
and defeats the outpost,
his interview with Gushtásp,
receives the promise of the
crown and undertakes to
deliver Gushtásp, 107
arrays and leads the host,
attacks the Turkmans, 110
defeats Kuhram, 110
takes Gurgsár prisoner, 111
defeats Arjásp, 112, 206
grants quarter to the Turk-
mans, 113
distributes the spoil, 114
undertakes to rescue his
sisters from the Turkmans,
prepares to invade Túrán,
rivalry in legend between
Rustam and, 116
Haft Khwán of, compared
with Rustam's, 117
quits Balkh and goes, with
Gurgsár as guide, to
Túrán, 120
offers the kingdom of the
Turkmans to Gurgsár in
return for faithful service,
questions Gurgsár, 120 seq.,
124, 125, 128, 131, 134, 139
Asfandiyár, during his adventures
in the Seven Stages, leaves
Bishútan in command, 122,
124, 126, 129, 132 note, 144
praised by Bishútan and the
host, 123, 125, 131, 133
has a scythed chariot made,
revived by Bishútan after
encountering the dragon,
song of, 129
amulet given to, by Zar-
duhsht, 130
encourages the Íránians to
persevere, 136
prays for deliverance from
the snow, 138
leaves the baggage behind,
reproaches Gurgsár for giv-
ing false information, 139,
offers to make Gurgsár
captain of the Brazen Hold
if he will be a trusty guide,
and the host, guided by
Gurgsár, cross the ford,
his final questioning of
Gurgsár, 141
cursed by Gurgsár, 141
slays Gurgsár, 141
surveys the Brazen Hold, 142
captures, questions, and slays
two Turkmans, 142
and Bishútan consult, 143
his stratagem to take the
Brazen Hold, 116, 143
in the disguise of a merchant
interviews Arjásp, 145
assumes the name of Kharrád,
questioned by Arjásp, 146
trades as a merchant in the
Brazen Hold, 147
meets his sisters, 147
Asfandiyár, gives a banquet to
the Turkman chiefs, 149
surprises the Brazen Hold,
152 seq.
provides for his sisters' safety,
attacks the palace of Arjásp,
encounters Arjásp, 154
beheads Arjásp, 154
fires Arjásp's palace, 154
carries off the women, 154
quits the Brazen Hold and
leaves Sáwa in charge, 154
joins Bishútan, 155
pursues Kuhram to the Bra-
zen Hold, 156
encounters and takes Kuh-
ram prisoner, 157
grants no quarter to the
Turkmans, 158
puts to death Andarímán and
Kuhram, 158 and note
announces his victory to
Gushtásp, 159
disposes of the spoil, 161
carries off his sisters, the
womenfolk of Arjásp, and
others from the Brazen
Hold, 162
sets fire to, and dismantles,
the Brazen Hold, 162
sends his sons homeward
by different routes, 162
returns himself by the Seven
Stages, 162
picks up his left baggage,
hunts while waiting for his
sons, 162
is rejoined by his sons, 163
his welcome on his return to
Írán, 163
banquets with Gushtásp, 164
his fight with Rustam, Story
of, vii, viii, 166 seq.
recited by Nadr, son of
Hárith, at Mecca, 166
Asfandiyár, complains to his
mother of Gushtásp's treat-
ment of him, 167
counselled by his mother,
168, 175
his fate foretold by Jámásp,
recounts his deeds before
Gushtásp, 170
promised the throne by Gush-
tásp when he has brought
Rustam and his kin in
bonds to court, 173, 174
meets with an ill omen on
starting for Zábulistán, 177
consults with Bishútan, 178,
sends Bahman on an embas-
sage, 179 seq.
his message to Rustam, 179
receives Rustam's answer
from, and is wroth with,
Bahman, 191
converses of Rustam with
Bishútan, 192
goes attended to meet Rus-
tam, 192
parleys with Rustam, 192 seq.
declines Rustam's invitation
to visit him, 193
invites Rustam to a feast, 195
repents of having invited
Rustam, 196
counselled by Bishútan to
keep on friendly terms
with Rustam, 196, 217
does not summon Rustam to
the feast, 197
his wrangle with Rustam,
198 seq.
does not assign Rustam his
proper seat at the feast, 200
remonstrated with by Rus-
tam, 200
bids Bahman resign his own
seat to Rustam, 200
vilifies Zál and Rustam, 201
recounts his lineage, 205
exploits, 205
Asfandiyár, recounts his capture
of a hill-fort, 206
tries a handgrip with Rustam,
challenges Rustam, 209
astonished at Rustam's prow-
ess at the board, 210
declines Rustam's overtures,
211 seq.
calls Zábulistán “Babble-
stead,” 216
parodies Rustam's address to
royal tent-enclosure, 216
arms for fight with Rustam,
refuses Rustam's suggestion
of a general engagement,
informed by Bahman of the
slaying of Núsh Ázar and
Mihr-i-Núsh, 227
enraged with Rustam, 228
wounds Rustam and Rakhsh,
jeers at Rustam, 229
calls upon Rustam to sur-
render, 230
returns to camp, laments for
Núsh Ázar and Mihr-i-
Núsh, and sends their
corpses to Gushtásp with a
message, 232
converses with Bishútan of
the fight with Rustam, 232,
the Símurgh instructs Rus-
tam how to overcome, 237
branch of tamarisk fatal to,
239 and note
summoned by Rustam to
fight and becomes despond-
ent, 240
Rustam's final effort for
peace with, 241 seq.
Bahman and Bishútan hear
of the overthrow of, 244
his address to Bishútan, 245
Asfandiyár, Rustam bewails, 246
confides Bahman to Rustam,
foretells evil for Rustam, 248
gives his last charge to Bi-
shútan, 249
death of, 250
Rustam laments over, 250
his corpse sent to Gushtásp
by Rustam, 251
his funeral procession con-
ducted by Bishútan, 251
the lamentations over, 252 seq.
his corpse displayed by Bi-
shútan, 253
Rustam writes to Gushtásp
to excuse himself in the
matter of, 256
Xerxes and, 282
Bahman on the vengeance
due for, 283
referred to, 288
Asfandiyár - náma (Spand - dát-
náma), 26, 27
Ashkánian dynasty, 10, 282
Asia, 293
Assyria, 292
Atossa, wife of Cambyses and
Darius Hystaspis, 11
= Hutaosa (?), 11
Aurand, father of Luhrásp, 205
Aurvat-aspa (Luhrásp), 11
Áyás, region, 61, 74, 107
Ázád Sarv, Firdausí's authority
for the Story of Rustam
and Shaghád, 260, 261, 263
Ázád Sarv, agent of Núshírwán,
Ázar Afrúz, third son of Asfan-
diyár, 81
Ázarbáiján, province, 16
Azarmdukht, Sháh, 294


BABBLESTEAD, nonce name given
to Zábulistán by Asfan-
diyár, 216
Babylon, 293
hanging gardens of, 293
Badr, battle of, 166
Baghdád, city, 28
Bahman (Ardshír, Artaxerxes),
Sháh, vii, viii, 9, 81, 166,
248, 251, 254, 279 seq., 293,
294, 297, 303, 310
eldest son of Asfandiyár, 80
Asfandiyár resigns the host
to, 82
hears of Asfandiyár's im-
prisonment, 85
goes with others to solace
him, 85
accompanies Asfandiyár from
Gumbadán, 103
sent on an embassage, 179
crosses the Hírmund, 182
his coming reported to Zál,
his interview with Zál, 183
follows Rustam to the hunt-
ing-ground, 184
tries to kill Rustam, 184
his interview with Rustam,
185 seq.
entertained by Rustam, 186
astonished at Rustam's appe-
tite, 186
leaves Rustam, 190
gives Rustam's answer to
Asfandiyár, 191
Asfandiyár's wrath with, 191
resigns his seat at the feast
to Rustam, 200
informs Asfandiyár of the
slaying of Núsh Ázar and
Mihr-i-Núsh, 227
hears of Asfandiyár's over-
throw, 244
confided to Rustam by Asfan-
diyár. 248
Zawára warns Rustam against
remains with Rustam, 252,
Bahman, instructed by Rustam
and profits thereby, 256,
Gushtásp advised by Jámásp
to write to, 258
Gushtásp's letter of recall to,
equipped by Rustam for his
journey, 258
welcomed and called Ardshír
by Gushtásp, 259
his long arms, 259
appointed by Gushtásp to
succeed him, 279
his historical position in
Persian legend, 281
and Artaxerxes Longimanus,
how he came to be known
as Ardshír, 281
ascends the throne and har-
angues the chiefs on the
vengeance due for Asfan-
diyár, 283
invades Sístán, 284 seq.
sends a hostile message to
Zál, 285
rejects Zál's conciliatory over-
tures, 286
sacks Zál's palace, 286
pillages Zábulistán, 287
fights, defeats, and executes
Farámarz, 287, 288
Bishútan intercedes for Zál
with, 288
stops the pillage of Zábul and
releases Zál, 289
quits Zábul by Bishútan's
advice, 290
passes over his son Sásán and
nominates Humái and her
issue as successors to the
throne, 291
death of, 294
Bahman (Vohu Manau, Vohú-
man), ameshaspenta, 16
month, 310
Balaam, prophet, 15
Balkh, city, v, vi, 18, 20, 29, 31,
33, 41, 48, 73, 86, 87, 91,
104, 120, 171, 255
Kuhram sent by Arjásp to
attack, 90
stormed, 92, 93
its spoil sent away by Arjásp,
Asfandiyár quits, to invade
Túrán, 120
Bár, mountain-range, 30
Barbaristán, 75
king of, sends embassy to
Gushtásp, 75
Bástán-náma (Khudái-náma), 24,
27, 261
Bastavairi (Bastvar, Nastúr), 12
Bastvar (Bastavairi, Nastúr), 25
Battlestead=Brazen Hold, 121
Battle of the Twelve Rukhs, re-
ferred to, 29
Bel, god, 293
temple of, 293
Bibliotheca, of Diodorus, 293
Bíd, dív, 204
Bídirafsh (Vídrafsh), Túránian
hero, v, 24, 25, 37, 41, 51,
52, 62 seq.
goes as envoy to Gushtásp, 37,
40 seq.
returns with Gushtásp's an-
swer, 44
receives banner from Arjásp,
given command of one wing, 56
volunteers to fight Zarír, 62
slays Zarír, 63
fights Nastúr, 70
slain by Asfandiyár, 70
his head presented to Gush-
tásp, 71
Bih Áfríd, daughter of Gushtásp,
22, 100
taken captive by the Turk-
mans, 93, 94, 100
goes with Humái to draw
water and meets Asfan-
diyár, 147
Bih Áfríd, escapes from Arjásp's
palace, 153
laments over Asfandiyár, 252
reproaches Gushtásp, 254
Bihistún, mountain, 11
inscription, 11
Bihzád, Gushtásp's steed, 56, 69
Binalúd, mountain-range, 29
Bishútan (Peshó-tanu), brother of
Asfandiyár, vii, viii, 12, 66,
117, 178, 179, 182, 195, 216,
223, 232, 244 seq., 249 seq.,
261, 288 seq.
an immortal, 12, 19
birth of, 32
commands the host during
Asfandiyár's absence in the
Seven Stages, 122, 124, 126,
129, 132 note, 144, 150
and the host praise Asfandi-
yár, 123, 125, 131, 133
revives Asfandiyár after his
encounter with the dragon,
prays for deliverance from the
snow, 138
and Asfandiyár consult, 143
sees Asfandiyár's signal and
approaches the Brazen
Hold, 150
passes himself off as Asfandi-
yár, 143, 151, 152
joined by Asfandiyár, 155
advises Asfandiyár, 179
Asfandiyár holds talk about
Rustam with, 192
advises Asfandiyár to main-
tain friendly relations with
Rustam, 196, 217
has Rustam served with un-
tempered wine, 211
his despair at the situation
between Rustam and As-
fandiyár, 218
laments for Núsh Ázar and
Mihr-i-Núsh, 232
Asfandiyár talks of the fight
with Rustam to, 232, 240
Bishútan, hears of Asfandiyár's
overthrow and laments for
him, 244
Rustam bewails Asfandiyár
to, 246
Asfandiyár's last charge to,
heads Asfandiyár's funeral
train, 251
displays the corpse of As-
fandiyár, 253
reproaches Gushtásp, 253
Jámásp, 254
consoles Katáyún, 255
supports Rustam's overtures
to Gushtásp, 257
intended by Gushtásp to be
Bahman's minister, 279
intercedes for Zál, 288
his intercession accepted, 289
counsels Bahman to quit
Zábul, 290
Bístún, mountain, 56, 184
= Rustam, 229
Bízhan, son of Gív, Íránian hero,
Black horse, Gushtásp's, 18, 28
Dív. See Dív.
Brádrók-résh, a Karap, 15
the slayer of Zarduhsht, 15
Brahman, 207
Brazen Hold, the, vi, vii, 116,
117, 119 seq., 135, 141 seq.,
159, 197, 206, 255
route to, 120, 135
described, 121, 135, 141
Asfandiyár's stratagem for
taking, 116, 143
surprised from within by
Asfandiyár, 152 seq.
captured by Asfandiyár and
left in the charge of Sáwa,
Arjásp's head thrown from
the ramparts of, 157
destroyed by Asfandiyár, 162
Búiti, demon, 17
Burial-place of Rustam, 287
Burial-place of Rustam's race, the
scene of battle between
Bahman and Farámarz, 287
Bust, fortress and district in Sís-
tán, 173, 277, 287
Búzurjmihr, chief minister of
Núshírwán, 261


CÆSAR, 11, 32, 167
sends embassy to Gushtásp
on hearing of Arjásp's de-
feat, 75
daughter of=Katáyún, 205
sues to Rashnawád for peace,
Cambyses, son of Cyrus, 10, 11
Candahar. See Kandahár.
Caspian Sea, 13
Chách (Táshkand), city in Túrán,
Chigil, city in Turkistán, 54, 86,
110, 139
monarch of, 110
commands the left, 110
=Arjásp, 54, 86
Turkman of=Gurgsár, 139
Chín, country (often=Túrán), 25,
31, 37 seq., 45, 47, 50, 54,
55, 58 seq., 72, 93, 107, 108,
118, 142, 156, 158, 161, 162,
171, 173, 188, 198, 199, 203,
205, 208, 284
images of, 35
prince of=Arjásp, 35
king of=Arjásp, 36, 52, 55,
69, 86, 108
sea of, 109, 203, 233, 239??note
brocade of, 130, 144, 145, 179,
219, 251
silk of, 159, 295
Khán of, 199, 220
Faghfúr of, 221
Chionitæ, people, 13
Chihrzád (Humái, daughter and
wife of Sháh Bahman), 290
and note. See Humái.
meaning of, 190 note
Contents, Table of, v
Cross, the, captured by Dáráb, 306
and note
Cypress of Kishmar, the, 27, 28,
34, 35
account of, 28, 34, 35
Gushtásp and, 34, 35
Cyrus, 10


DABISTÁN, treatise, 28
its account of the Cypress of
Kishmar, 28
Dai, month, 43
Dai pa Mihr, day, 16
Dáitya, river, 13
Dakíki, poet, v, vi, 10, 13, 20 seq.,
30, 87
account of, 20
and Firdausí, 21 seq., 30, 87,
his work compared with the
Yátkár-i-Zarírán, 24 seq.
Damáwand, mountain, 12
Danube, river, 11
Dárá, Sháh, 281
origin of name, 297 note
Dáráb, Sháh, viii, ix, 281, 292,
293, 297 seq.
foundling legend of, 293 seq.
Tabarí's version of, 297
birth of, 294
referred to, 294 seq.
exposed on the Farát, 295
found and adopted by a
launderer, 296 seq.
his royal birth asserts itself,
youthful escapades of, 298
brought up as a cavalier, 299
feels lack of natural affection
for the launderer, 300
hears of his case from the
launderer's wife, 300
enlists, 301
seen by Humái, 302
Dáráb, and the adventure of the
ruined vault, 303
receives gifts from Rashna-
wád, 304
questioned by Rashnawád,
his prowess against the Rú-
mans, 305, 306
praised and rewarded by
Rashnawád, 305, 306
captures the Cross, 306 and
offered the spoil by Rash-
nawád, 306
takes of the spoil one spear,
returns to Írán, 307
Rashnawád hears from the
launderer and his wife of
the case of, 308
Rashnawád writes to Humái
about, 308
recognised by Humái as being
her son, 308
appears with Rashnawád
before Humái, 309 seq.
crowned by Humái and
accepts her excuses, 310
Humái proclaims the acces-
sion of, 311
visited by, and rewards, the
launderer and his wife,
311, 312
Dareja, river, 14
Darius, Hystaspis, 10, 11
his reign and Gushtásp's
compared, 11
his change of religion, 11
Darkness, Land of (the Gloom),
Darún, religious rite, 19
Daryai Rúd, river, 14
Deinon, or Dinon, historian, 282
Derketo, goddess, 292
legend of, 292
Diodorus, historian, 293
Bibliotheca of, 293
Dirázdast (Longimanus), 281
Dív, demon (Daéva), 32, 58, 66,
71, 108, 174, 201, 202, 213,
220, 230, 245
=Áhriman, 35, 81, 180, 188,
189, 194, 195, 196, 218, 228,
a, informs Arjásp of Gush-
tásp's resolve not to pay
tribute, 36
White, 117, 176, 203, 207,
Black, 199
Sám and the, 203
Dualism, taught by Urmuzd to
Zarduhsht, 16
Dughdhóvá, mother of Zarduhsht,
14, 15
Dúrásróbó, a Karap, 15


EUPHRATES (Farát), river, 292


FAGHFÚR, dynastic title of the
princes of Chín and Máchín,
Farámarz, son of Rustam, vii,
viii, 173, 174, 182, 183, 198,
231, 260, 261, 272, 274, 276,
277, 281, 283, 284
referred to, 184
and Zawára sent by Rustam
to bid Zál and Rúdába pre-
pare to receive Asfandiyár,
slays Mihr-i-Núsh, 227
goes to Rustam and Asfan-
diyár, 247
marches against Kábul, 274,
takes the corpses of Rustam,
Zawára, and Rakhsh from
the pits, and conveys them
to Zábul for burial, 274 seq.
fights with the king of Kábul
and puts him and his kin
to death, 276, 277
Farámarz, makes a Zábulí king
of Kábul, 277
returns to Zábul, 277
hears of Bahman's invasion
and marches against him,
defeated and executed, 288
Farát, river (Euphrates), viii, 294,
Dáráb cast away upon, 295
Farídún, Sháh, 32, 34, 160, 180,
196, 204 seq., 245, 260, 261,
271, 283
flag of=flag of Káwa, 59
Farshídward, brother of Asfandi-
yár, vi, 20, 22, 104, 110,
114, 141, 171
governor of Khurásán, 77
stationed on the Íránian
right, 94
mortally wounded by Kuh-
ram, 95, 101, 104
Asfandiyár resolves to avenge,
Asfandiyár laments over, and
prays that he may avenge,
dies, 104
shrouded by Asfandiyár, 105
Farúd, son of Siyáwush and half
brother of Kai Khusrau, 30
Firdausí, v, vi, 10, 20 seq., 29, 30,
87, 118, 282
and Dakíkí, 21 seq., 30, 87,
references of, autobiographi-
cal, 30, 88, 261 seq.
to Bástán-náma, 88
his praise of Mahmúd, 30,
89, 118, 119, 262
on the Story of Rustam and
Shaghád, 260 seq.
Frasdánava, lake or river, 13
Frashókart, son of Gushtásp, 26


GANG, mountain, 216
Garámík-kart. See Girámí.
Gargwí, Íránian hero, 109
commands the left, 109
Garshásp, Íránian hero, 202
Gáthas, the, 11, 12, 17
Gelani, people, 13. See Gílán.
Genealogies, fictitious, 282, 293
Ghaznín, city in Kábulistán, 173
Ghúl, a sorceress, 117, 128
referred to, 121, 130, 131
Ghundí, a dív, 204
Gílán, region in Írán on the
south-western shores of
the Caspian, 13
Girámí (Garámík-kart), son of
Jámásp, v, 24 seq., 58
his death foretold by Jámásp,
worsts Námkhást, 59
rescues Káwa's flag, 59
slain, 59
Girdkuh, stronghold, 30
Gív, Íránian hero, 207, 208
Gloom, the (Land of Darkness),
30, 76
Glory, the divine. See Grace.
Grace, or Glory, the divine, 14,
15, 32, 34 seq., 39, 45, 52,
and passim
Greeks, the, 282
Gúdarz, Íránian hero, 207, 208
Gulgún, steed of Luhrásp, 64
Gumbadán, stronghold, 29, 30,
86, 152, 171, 177, 206
Asfandiyár imprisoned at, 84
Gurazm (Kavárazem), a relative of
Gushtásp, vi, 12, 22, 53, 99,
101, 102, 104 seq., 171, 205, 261
envies Asfandiyár, 78
referred to, 97
death of, 97
Asfandiyár addresses the
corpse of, 105
Gurgsár, tribe, 43 and note
Gurgsár, Túránian hero, vi, 117,
120 seq., 124 seq., 128, 131
seq., 146, 233 note
made captain of the host by
Arjásp, 46
Gurgsár, given command of one
wing, 56
persuades Arjásp to remain
and fight Asfandiyár, 108,
made leader of the host, 109
taken prisoner by Asfandiyár,
offers to guide Asfandiyár to
the Brazen Hold, 113
goes as guide with Asfandi-
yár to Túrán, 120
offered the kingdom of the
Turkmans by Asfandiyár in
return for faithful service,
describes the route to the
Brazen Hold, and the Seven
Stages, 120 seq., 124 seq.,
128, 132, 134
his chagrin at Asfandiyár's
successes, 124, 128, 131, 133
reproached by Asfandiyár for
giving false information,
139, 140
offered the captainship of the
Brazen Hold by Asfandi-
yár in return for trusty
guidance, 140
shows the Íránians a ford,
questioned by Asfandiyár for
the last time, 141
curses Asfandiyár, 141
slain by Asfandiyár, 141
Gurwí, son of Zira, Túránian hero,
Gushtásp (Vistáspa, Vishtásp),
Sháh, v, vi, vii, viii, 9 seq.,
18 seq., 24 seq., 28, 29, 31 seq.,
47 seq., 61, 63, 68, 74 seq.,
90, 92 seq., 103 seq., 119,
130, 148, 154, 155, 159, 166
seq., 180, 181, 183, 205, 206,
208 seq., 213, 216, 220, 221,
233 note, 243, 248 seq., 279,
281, 289, 293
reign of, 9 seq.
Gushtásp, reign of, division of, 9
points of interest in, 9
compared with that of
Darius Hystaspis, 10
legend of Zarduhsht and, 18
the black horse of, 18, 28
sees his place in Paradise, 19
ridge of, 29
succeeds Luhrásp as Sháh, 31
his sons, 32
pays yearly tribute to Arjásp,
converted by Zarduhsht, 33
helps to spread the Faith, 34
establishes Mihr Barzín and
other Fire-fanes, 34
and the Cypress of Kishmar,
advised by Zarduhsht not to
pay tribute to Arjásp, 35
receives embassage from Ar-
jásp and takes counsel with
his chiefs, 41
sends answer to Arjásp, 43
summons the host, 47
marches against Arjásp, 48
bids Jámásp foretell the issue
of the fight, 48
his distress at Jámásp's pro-
phecy, 53
encouraged to fight by
Jámásp, 54
gives Zarír the standard and
command of the centre, 55
one wing to Asfandiyár,
other wing to Shídasp, 55
the rear to Nastúr, 55
takes up his position on a
height, 55, 56, 63
referred to, 60, 64 seq., 89
hears of the death of Zarír,
wishes to avenge Zarír, 64, 68
dissuaded by Jámásp, 64, 69
offers his daughter Humáí to
the avenger of Zarír, 64
Gushtásp, offers his crown and
throne to the avenger of
Zarír, 66
gives his steed and arms to
Nastúr, 69
sees and laments over Zarír's
corpse, 73
bids Nastúr lead the host
home, 74
marries Humái to Asfandiyár,
gives Nastúr a command and
bids him invade Túrán,
rewards the host, 75
builds a Fire-fane and makes
Jámásp its archmage, 75
Mansion of, 75
writes to his governers to an-
nounce the defeat of Arjásp,
receives embassies and tri-
bute from Cæsar and from
the kings of Barbaristán,
Hind, and Sind, 75
makes Asfandiyár chief ruler
of Írán and sends him to
convert the world, 76
sends the Zandavasta to each
clime, 77
Gurazm slanders Asfandiyár
to, 78
sends Jámásp to recall As-
fandiyár to court, 80
convokes an assembly and
arraigns Asfandiyár, 82 seq.
puts Asfandiyár in bonds, 84
sends Asfandiyár to Gum-
badán, 84
takes the Zandavasta to Sis-
tán, 85
welcomed by Rustam and
Zál, 85
the kings revolt from, 85
while in Sístán hears from his
wife of the storming of
Balkh and the captivity of
his daughters, 93
Gushtásp, calls together his chiefs
and summons the host, 94
marches from Sístán toward
Balkh, 94
takes command of the centre,
has thirty-eight sons slain, and
is worsted, in fight with
Arjásp, 95, 96
takes refuge on a mountain,
96, 100
consults Jámásp, 96
sends Jámásp to Asfandíyár
with the offer of the crown
in return for help, 97
his interview with, and pro-
mise to resign the crown to,
Asfandiyár, 106
commands the centre, 109
makes thanksgiving for vic-
tory, 113
promises to resign the crown
to Asfandiyár when he has
delivered his sisters from
captivity, 114
summons troops, rewards As-
fandiyár, and sends him to
invade Túrán, 115
hears of Asfandiyár's success
and writes to him, 160
gives a banquet on Asfandi-
yár's return, 164
consults Jámásp and the as-
trologers on Asfandiyár's
future, 168
Asfandiyár recounts his deeds
before, 170 seq.
promises to resign the throne
to Asfandiyár when he has
brought Rustam and his
kin in bonds to court, 173,
Asfandiyár sends the corpses
of Núsh Ázar and Mihr-i-
Núsh, and a message to,
Asfandiyár's last message to,
Gushtásp, hears of Asfandiyár's
death and laments for him,
the wrath of the nobles with,
reproached by Bishútan, 253
Humái and Bih Áfríd,
Rustam's overtures to, 256
Bishútan testifies in Rustam's
favour to, 257
is reconciled, and writes, to
Rustam, 257
advised by Jámásp to write to
Bahman, 258
writes to Rustam and Bah-
man to recall the latter,
welcomes and gives Bahman
the name Ardshír, 259
tells Jámásp of his wishes as
to the succession, 279
dies, 280


HAFT KHWÁN, 117 and note
of Rustam and Asfandiyár
compared, 117
Hámávarán, country (Yaman),
174, 207, 208, 220
monarch of, 176
Hamáwan, mountain, 116
Hárith, father of Nadr (q.v.), 166
Hasan Sabbáh, The Old Man of
the Mountain, 30
Hazár, Hazárán, Túránian hero,
24, 56, 59
Heraclius, Eastern Roman Em-
peror, 306 note
Hind, Hindústán, 75, 76, 188,
257, 262, 265, 277
kings of, send tribute to
Gushtásp, 75
Hiong-Nu, people, 13
Hírmund, river in Sístán, 178,
182, 186, 191, 196, 219,
referred to, 198, 231
Hold, The Brazen. See Brazen
Horse, black, Gushtásp's. See
Black horse.
Hrazdán, river in Armenia, 13
Huma. See Humái.
Humái (Huma), daughter of
Gushtásp, 12, 22, 25, 100
her marriage with Asfandi-
yár, 22, 74
ignored by Firdausí, 22
her hand offered to the aven-
ger of Zarír, 64
taken captive by the Turk-
mans, 93, 100
goes with Bih A'fríd to draw
water and meets Asfandi-
yár, 147
escapes from Arjásp's palace,
laments over Asfandiyár, 252
reproaches Gushtásp, 254
Humái (Chihrzád), Sháh, viii, ix,
daughter and wife of Bah-
man, 281, 290 seq., 301, 302,
308 seq.
and her issue appointed by
Bahman to succeed him,
and Semiramis, 293
genealogies of, 293
accession of, 294
Dáráb born of, 294
referred to, 296
hears of Rúman invasion and
bids Rashnawád lead forth
the host, 301
reviews the host, 302
affected on seeing Dáráb,
hears from Rashnawád about
Dáráb, 308
recognises that Dáráb is her
son, 308
her largess of thanksgiving,
Rashnawád and Dáráb appear
before, 309 seq.
Humái, crowns, and excuses her-
self to, Dáráb, 310
proclaims Dáráb, 311
Huns, the, 13
Húshang, Sháh, 180, 245
Húshdív, Túránian hero, 46
in charge of the rear, 46
Hutaosa, wife of Gushtásp, 11
= Atossa (?), 11
Hvyaonas (Khyóns), people, 13
Hyapates, son of Semiramis, 292
Hydaspes, son of Semiramis, 292
Hystaspes, father of Darius I.,
governor of Parthia, 10


IBLÍS, the Muhammadan Devil,
174, 218
Indus, river, 293
I'raj, son of Farídún, 42, 44, 261
I'rán, v, viii, 12, 20, 21, 25, 29, 35,
and passim
I'ránians, the, v, 12, 29, 40, 50, 56,
59, 72, 86, 95, 99, 105, 112,
136, 138, 154, 156, 185, 207,
224 seq.
wish to withdraw from the
Seven Stages, 135
encouraged to persevere by
Asfandiyár, 136
provoked to combat by Za-
wára, 225
Istakhr (Persepolis), 293
buildings at, attributed to
Humái, 293


JAGATAI, mountain-range, 29
Jámásp, minister of Gushtásp, v,
vi, 12, 22, 24 seq., 48, 58,
80 seq., 169 seq., 206, 216,
248, 257, 258, 279
his omniscience, 19, 48
answers, in conjunction with
Zarír and Asfandiyár, Ar-
jásp's letter, 42
Jámásp, foretells the death in
battle of—
Ardshír, 49
Shídasp, 50
Girámí, 50
exploits of Nastúr, 50
death of Nívzár, 51
Zarír, 52, 70 note
triumph of Asfandiyár,
defeat of Arjásp, 52
encourages Gushtásp to fight,
referred to, 59, 102
dissuades Gushtásp from
avenging Zarír, 64, 68
made archmage of Fire-
temple built by Gushtásp,
sent to recall Asfandiyár to
court, 80 seq.
advises Gushtásp, when be-
leaguered by Arjásp, to
release Asfandiyár, 97
volunteers to go to Asfan-
diyár, 97
reaches Gumbadán in dis-
guise, 98
his interview with Asfandi-
yár, 99 seq.
sends for blacksmiths to
unchain Asfandiyár, 101
sets off with Asfandiyár,
Bahman, and Núsh A'zar,
foretells Asfandiyár's fate,
reproached by Bishútan, 254
advises Gushtásp to write
to Bahman, 257
writes by Gushtásp's orders
to recall Bahman, 258
Gushtásp tells his intention
as to the succession to,
Jamshíd, Sháh, 32, 34, 38, 47, 180,
202, 215, 216, 245, 271, 284
Jerusalem, 306 note
Jíhún, river (the Oxus), 12, 29,
40, 45, 48, 203
Jupiter, planet, 256


KABÁB, small pieces of meat
skewered together, for
roasting, 152
Kábul, Kábulistán, viii, 126, 170,
173, 224, 242, 251, 260, 263
seq., 271, 273 seq., 284,
Shaghád sent to be brought
up at, 264
king of, viii, 264, 271
daughter of, marries Sha-
ghád, 264
and Shaghád plot
against Rustam, 265
gives a feast, 266
pretends to quarrel with
Shaghád, 266
his treachery, 268 seq.
grovels before Rustam,
entertains Rustam and
invites him to hunt,
his hypocrisy, 271
Farámarz sent against,
274, 276
defeated and put to
death with all his kin,
tribute of, question about,
Farámarz makes a Zábulí
king over, 277
Kaian, Kaiánian, race and dy-
nasty, v, 7 seq., 10, 47,
49, 52, 54, 57, 59, 60, 67
seq., 73 seq., 79, 86, 91, 97,
122, 168, 203, 210, 223, 253,
254, 282, 288, 289, 291,
Kaiánush, brother of Farídún, 261
Kai Káús, Sháh, 29, 30, 116, 173,
174, 190, 203, 207, 208, 210,
215, 216
his attempt to fly referred
to, 174
Rustam's patent from, 203
Kai Khusrau, Sháh, 10, 12, 21,
39, 173, 188, 203, 204, 208,
215, 284, 289
Rustam's patent from, 203
Kai Kubád, Sháh, 174, 180, 188,
189, 202, 205, 210, 221,
Kámús, Túránian hero, 167, 199,
Kandahár, city, 233 note
Kannúj, city in Hindústán, 257
Karap (Karpan), 14, 17
meaning of, 14
Kara su, river, 14
Karímán, the great-great-grand-
father of Rustam, 202
Karpan (Karap), 14
Kárun, mountain, 112
Kashán, city and region in Túrán,
Kashmar. See Kishmar.
Kashmír, country, 263
Kaswín, city, 30
Katáyún (Náhíd), daughter of
Cæsar and wife of Gushtásp,
vii, 11, 253
her sons, 32
counsels Asfandiyár, 168, 175
referred to, 205, 249, 252
her ancestry, 205
Asfandiyár's last message to,
laments over Asfandiyár, 252
consoled by Bishútan, 255
Káús. See Kai Káús.
Kavárazem (Gurazm), 12
Kavi (Kavíg), 14
Kavíg (Kavi), 14, 17
meaning of, 14
Káwa, flag of, 59, 69
rescued by Girámí, 59, 69
Khálid, 12
Khallukh, city in Túrán, 42, 44,
55, 61, 74, 90, 107, 112, 157,
242, 255
Khán = Arjásp, 47, 51, 72
of Chín, 199, 220
Kharrád, nonce name assumed by
Asfandiyár, 146, 149
Khashásh, Túránian hero, 46, 47
made leader of the van, 46
Khorasan. See Khurásán.
Khudai-náma (Bástán-náma), 24
Khurásán, 28, 77
Khurshíd, day, 92 note
Khusrau. See Kai Khusrau.
Khusrau Parwíz, Sháh, 294, 306
Khyóns (Hvyaonas), 13, 25
Kishmar, place near Nishápúr,
27, 28, 35
Cypress of, 27
account of, 28, 34
Gushtásp and, 34
Ktesias, historian, 293
his account of Semiramis, 293
Persica of, 293
Kubád. See Kai Kubád.
Kuhram, Túránian hero, 29
Kuhram, brother or son of Arjásp,
vii, 29, 46, 58, 89 seq., 106
seq., 112, 141, 159
commands one wing of the
host, 46
in chief, 56
sent by Arjásp to attack
Balkh, 90
his troops storm Balkh, burn
the Fire-temple, and slay
Zarduhsht and the priests,
stationed on the left, 95
mortally wounds Farshíd-
ward, 95
appointed by Arjásp to send
away the spoil of Balkh in
the charge of his younger
brothers, 108
commands the right, 110
defeated by Asfandiyár, 110
Kuhram, bidden to prepare for
war, 151
retreats to the Brazen Hold,
mistakes Bishútan for As-
fandiyár, 152
hears the cries of the I'ránian
watch from the Brazen
Hold and takes counsel
with Andarímán, 155
makes for the Brazen Hold
with his troops, 156
pursued by Asfandiyár, 156
encountered and taken
prisoner by Asfandiyár,
executed, 158 and note
Kundur, Túránian hero, 94, 112
stationed on the right, 94
Kúr, river, 13
Kurán, the, 166
quoted, 166


LABARUM, the, 306 note
Land of Darkness (the Gloom),
Launderer, a, foster-father of
Dáráb, viii, 292
finds Dáráb in the Farát, 296
and his wife adopt Dáráb,
wife of, viii, 296 seq.
informs Dáráb of his case,
quits his home with his wife
and Dáráb and settles else-
where, 298
becomes wealthy but sticks
to trade, 298
perturbed at Dáráb's youth-
ful escapades, 298
brings up Dáráb to be a
cavalier, 299
Dáráb's lack of natural affec-
tion f?? 300
and his wife sent for by Rash-
nawád, 304
Launderer and his wife inform
Rashnawád of the case of
Dáráb, 308
and his wife visit Dáráb after
his accession to the throne,
and are dismissed with
presents, 311, 312,
Life, Water of, 30
Longimanus (Dirázdast), 281
Luhrásp, Sháh, v, vi, 10, 20, 21
and note, 26, 29, 36, 38, 64,
66, 68, 80, 86, 87, 90 seq.,
98 seq., 103, 104, 114, 141,
154, 155, 157, 159, 160, 167,
171, 180, 183, 205, 208, 243,
255, 281, 284
resigns the throne to Gush-
tásp and becomes a devotee,
converted by Zarduhsht, 33
his advice to Gushtásp to
resign the kingship to
Asfandiyár, 66
opposes Kuhram, 91
slain, 91, 93, 99
Asfandiyár's vow to avenge, 103


MÁCHÍN (China), 142, 145
Madófryát, mountain, 30
Magism, 11
Máhán, I'ránian noble, 260, 263
Mahmúd, Sultán, vi, 30, 89, 116,
praise of, 30, 89, 118, 262
Mahraspand, father of Ádarbád,
16 note
Maidhyó-maungha, cousin and
first convert of Zarduhsht,
Malcolm, Sir John, 30
Mání, heresiarch, 118 and note
Mansion of Gushtásp, Fire-temple,
Mansúr I., Sámánid, 21
Marv, city and district, 29, 260,
261, 263
Mas'údí, historian, 261, 293
his version of the death of
Rustam, 261
Mázandarán, country (Hyrcania),
116, 117, 203, 207, 220
Mecca, 31, 166
Mercury, planet, 243
Mihr Barzín, Fire-temple, 34
established by Gushtásp, 34
Mihr-i-Núsh, second son of As-
fandiyár, 80, 283
slain by Farámarz, 227
his death reported to Asfan-
diyár by Bahman, 227
his corpse sent to Gushtásp,
Mihráb, king of Kábul, 203
daughter of = Rúdába, 203
Minúchihr, Sháh, 12, 174, 252, 284
Mirkhond, historian, 30
Moses, prophet, 294
Mountain, Old Man of the, 30
Muhammad, the Prophet, 166
quoted, 166
Mutawakkal, Khalífa, 28
and the Cypress of Kishmar,


NADR, son of Hárith, 166
recites the story of Rustam
and Asfandiyár at Mecca,
his fate, 166
Náhíd. See Katáyún.
Naishapur. See Nishápúr.
Námkhást, Túránian hero, 24, 26
goes as envoy to Gushtásp,
37, 40
returns with Gushtásp's an-
swer, 44
given command of the centre,
worsted by Girámí, 59
Narímán, great-grandfather of
Rustam, 196, 199, 202, 242,
262, 264, 266, 289
Nastúr (Bastavairi, Bastvar), son
of Zarír, v, 12, 25, 26
his exploíts foretold by
Jámásp, 50
given command of the rear,
fights victoriously, 60
goes in search of Zarír, 67
finds Zarír's corpse and la-
ments over it, 67
exhorts Gushtásp to avenge
Zarír, 68
goes forth with Gushtásp's
steed and armour, 69
challenges Bídirafsh, 69
fights with Bídirafsh, 70
attacks, with Asfandiyár and
Núsh Ázar, the Túránians,
leads the host home, is given
a command and invades
Túrán, 74
stationed on the I'ránian
left, 94
commands the right, 109
Naubahár, Fire-temple, 31
Luhrásp retires to, 31
Nile, 176, 188, 191, 245
Nímrúz, country,*

85, 248, 288
Ninus, king, 292, 293
Ninyas, son of Ninus, 293
Nishápúr, city in Khurásán, 28
seq., 291
Nívzár, son of Gushtásp, v, 26
his death foretold by Jámásp,
slain, 60
Nöldeke, Professor, 20, 21, 282
quoted, 118
Note on Pronunciation, 5
Nuh II., Sámánid, 21
Núsh Ázar, Fire-temple at Balkh,
92 note, 173, 241, 255
burnt by the Turkmans, 93
Núsh Ázar, yonngest son of
Asfandiyár, 81, 166, 226,
227, 283, 285
Núsh Ázar, attacks, with Nastúr
and Asfandiyár, the Túrá-
nian host, 71
builder of a Fire-temple, 81
with Asfandiyár at Gum-
badán, 98
informs Asfandiyár of Já-
másp's arrival, 98, 99
accompanies Asfandiyár from
Gumbadán, 103
slays Turkhán, 151
wrangles with Zawára, 226
slays Alwá, 226
slain by Zawára, 227
his death reported to Asfandi-
yár by Bahman, 227
his corpse sent to Gushtásp,
Núshírwán, Sháh, 260
Núsh Zád = Mihr-i-Núsh, 285 and


OLD Man of the Mountain, the,
Onnes, minister of Ninus, 292,
Oxus, river (Jíhún), 12, 29


PAHLAVÍ, Texts, 13, 14, 24, 30
language (middle Persian),
24, 26
Paighú = Túránian, 13, 21 note, 38
note, 41 note, 44 note
Párs, country, 293
Parthia, 10
Hystaspes, governor of, 10
Parthian dynasty, 281
Pát-khusrau, brother of Gushtásp,
Persepolis (Istakhr), 293
buildings at, attributed to
Humái, 293
Persia, 306 note
Persians, the, 74
Persica, of Ktesias, 293
Peshó-tanu (Bishútan), 12
Pleiades, constellation, 110, 131
Pourushaspa, father of Zarduhsht,
14, 15, 17
Pronunciation, Note on, 5
Púlád, a dív, 204
Púrándukht, Sháh, 294
Purmáya, brother of Farídún,


RAI, city and district near Tih-
rán, 14, 18
Rakhsh, Rustam's steed, 117,
184, 192, 198, 207, 208,
214, 219, 228 seq., 234 seq.,
266, 275, 276, 306
referred to, 199
wounded by Asfandiyár, 229
returns home without Rus-
tam, 229
Rustam's thought of aban-
doning, 235
healed by the Símurgh, 237
tries to save Rustam, 270
falls into the pit, 270
body of, taken from pit by
Farámarz, 275
tomb of, 276
lord of = Rustam, 306
Ram, the, constellation, 129
Rashnawád, captain of the host
to Humái, ix, 301 seq.
assembles troops, 301
Dáráb enlists under, 301
his host reviewed by Humái,
marches on Rúm, 302
and the adventure of the
ruined vault, 303
gives presents to Dáráb, 304
questions Dáráb, 304
sends for the launderer and
his wife, 304
and Dáráb defeat the Rú-
mans, 305, 306
praises Dáráb, 305, 306
Rashnawád, offers Dáráb the spoil,
grants peace to Cæsar, 307
returns to I'rán, 307
hears from the launderer and
his wife about the case of
Dáráb, 308
writes to Humái about Dáráb,
appears with Dáráb before
Humái, 309 seq.
Religion, War of the, 19, 26
its two campaigns, 29
Remus. See Romulus.
Ridge of Gushtásp, 29
Romulus and Remus, foundling
legend of, 293
Rúdába, mother of Rustam, viii,
182, 184, 190 note, 278
fasts in sorrow for Rustam, 278
her frenzy, 278
regains her wits, 279
referred to, 190, 289
her lamentation, 289
Rúdbár, district, 30
Rukhs, Battle of the Twelve,
referred to, 29
Rúm, the Eastern Roman Empire,
ix, 75, 76, 102, 180, 188, 262,
301, 305, 307
brocade of, 295
ravaged by Rashnawád and
Dáráb, 307
Rúmans, the, viii, 173, 205, 292, 305
invade I'rán, 301
defeated by Rashnawád and
Dáráb, 305 seq.
Rustam, Iránian hero, vii, viii, 9,
22, 30, 50, 73, 86, 116 seq.,
165, 166, 173 seq., 254 seq.,
265 seq., 278, 279, 281 seq.,
287, 289
and Zál welcome Gushtásp
to Sístán, 85
rivalry in legend between
Asfandiyár and, 116
Haft Khwán of, compared
with that of Asfandiyár, 117
Rustam, Asfandiyár's fight with,
Story of, vii, viii, 166 seq.
recited by Nadr, son of
Hárith, at Mecca, 166
referred to, 169, 170, 306
Gushtásp bids Asfandiyár go
against, 173
Asfandiyár's message to, 179
his life attempted by Bah-
man, 184
his interview with Bahman,
entertains Bahman, 186
his great appetite, 186, 210
jests with Bahman on his
small appetite, 186
sends Zawára and Farámarz to
bid Záland Rúdába prepare
to receive Asfandiyár, 190
goes to the Hírmund, 191
parleys with Asfandiyár, 192
invites Asfandiyár to visit
him, 193
accepts Asfandiyár's invita-
tion to a feast, 195
tells of his interview with
Asfandiyár to Zál, 196
his indignation at not being
summoned to the feast, 197
sets forth to reproach Asfan-
diyár, 198
his wrangle with Asfandiyár,
198 seq.
demands his proper seat at
the feast, 200
and Zál vilified by Asfan-
diyár, 201
details his ancestry, 202
recounts Sám's exploits, 202
his own exploits, 203, 207
his patents from Kal Káús
and Kai Khusrau, 203
aged six hundred years, 204
tries a handgrip with Asfan-
diyár, 209
accepts Asfandiyár's chal-
lenge, 209
Rustam, asks for neat wine,
makes fresh overtures to
Asfandiyár, 211 seq.
addresses the royal tent-
enclosure, 215
bids Zawára bring him his
arms, 218
rejects Zál's counsels, 220
arms for battle, 222
gives Zawára charge of the
troops, 222
goes with Zawára to the
Hírmund, 222
instructs Zawára, 222
crosses the Hírmund and
summons Asfandiyár to
the combat, 223
suggests a general engage-
ment, 224
his distress at death of Núsh
A'zar and Mihr-i-Núsh, 228
offers to surrender Zawára
and Farámarz to Asfandi-
yár, 228
wounded by Asfandiyár, 229
flees from Asfandiyár, 229
sends Zawára with a message
to Zál, 230
parleys with Asfandiyár, 231
recrosses the Hírmund, 231
his kin's grief over his
wounds, 234
bids the leeches to attend to
Rakhsh first, 234
his despair, 235
advised by Zál, 235
Zál summons the Símurgh to
the aid of, 235 seq.
healed by the Simurgh, 237
instructed by the Símurgh
how to overcome Asfandi-
yár, 237 seq.
cuts the fatal branch of tama-
risk, 239
prepares the arrow, 240
summons Asfandiyár to re-
new the fight, 240
Rustam, makes a final effort for
peace with Asfandiyár, 241
bewails Asfandiyár to Bishú-
tan, 246
Asfandiyár confides Bahman
to, 248
foretells an evil future
for, 248
laments Asfandiyár, 250
warned by Zawára against
Bahman, 250
sends Asfandiyár's corpse to
Gushtásp, 251
Bahman remains with, 252,
instructs Bahman, 256
writes to Gushtásp to excuse
himself in the matter of
Asfandiyár, 256
his overtures to Gushtásp
supported by Bishútan, 257
Gushtásp accepts the excuses
of, and writes to, 257
requested by Gushtásp to
send back Bahman, 258
equips Bahman for his jour-
ney, 258
and Shaghád, Story of, viii,
260 seq.
provenance of, 260 seq.
death of, 261, 273, 289
versions of, 261
and the tribute of Kábul,
question of, 265
Shaghád and the king of
Kábul plot against, 265
takes up Shaghád's cause, 267
prepares to occupy Kábul
with a host, 268
persuaded by Shaghád to go
with Zawára and a small
escort, 268
pardons king of Kábul, 269
is entertained by him, 269
goes hunting with Zawára, 270
falls a victim to treachery, 270
Shaghád glories over, 271
Rustam, slays Shaghád, 272
last words of, 272
his corpse taken from the
pit by Farámarz, 274
his obsequies, 274 seq.
and Artabanus, 282
burial-place of, 287
the scene of the battle
between Bahman and
Farámarz, 287


SADA, feast of, 309
Safíd Rúd, river, 13, 16
Sagastán (Sístán), 13
Sahl, son of Máhán, I'ránian noble,
260, 261, 263
Salm, eldest son of Farídún, 205,
261, 284
Sám, grandfather of Rustam, 14,
15, 58, 62, 63, 196, 198 seq.,
242, 262 seq., 266, 267, 274,
285, 286, 289, 290
his exploits against dragon
and dív recounted by Rus-
tam, 202
Sanja, a div, 204
Sapad. See Spentó-dáta.
Sapandármad, ameshaspenta, 18
Sapor II. (Shápúr), 13
Sargon I. of Agani, 293
foundling legend of, 293
Sárí, city in Mázandarán, 174
Sarv, king of Yaman, 260
= Ázád Sarv, q.v.
Sásán, son of Bahman, 290
disinherited and flees from
court, 291
account of, 291
Sásánian, race and dynasty, 10, 13,
281, 282
Saturn, planet, 68, 89, 136, 154,
159, 220, 233
Savalán, mountain in Ázarbáiján,
Sáwa, I'ránian hero, 154
Sáwa, left in charge of the Brazen
Hold by Asfandiyár, 154
Seythians, the, 11
their wars with Darius Hys-
taspis, 11
Semiramis, queen, 292, 293
legend of, 292, 293
and Humái, 293
Seven Stages, the, 118, 119, 121,
story of, vi, vii, 116 seq.
Asfandiyár returns from the
Brazen Hold by, 162
Shaghád, son of Zál, viii, 260, 261,
263 seq.
Story of Rustam and, viii,
260 seq.
provenance of, 260 seq.
birth of, 263
the astrologers' evil prognos-
tic of, 264
sent to be brought up at
Kábul, 264
marries the daughter of the
king of Kábul, 264
and the king of Kábul plot
against Rustam, 265 seq.
his pretended quarrel with
the king of Kábul, 266
goes to Zábul, 267
his cause taken up by Rus-
tam, 267
persuades Rustam to go with
Zawára and a small escort
to Kábul, 268
warns the king of Kábul of
Rustam's coming, 269
glories over Rustam, 271
slain by Rustam, 272
his corpse burnt, 277
Sháhnáma, 9 seq., 19, 20, 22 seq.,
27 seq., 293, 294
editions of, 3
Shápúr, son of Urmuzd (Sapor
II.), 16 note
Shahrívar, day, 310
Shídasp, son of Gushtásp, v, 26,
50, 55, 57, 58
Shídasp, his death foretold by
Jámásp, 50
given command of one wing,
slain, 58
Shírkhún, a Zábulí, 184
guides Bahman to Rustam,
Shírú, son of Gushtásp, v, 26
slain, 57
Shúlak, Gushtásp's steed (Dakíkí),
Asfandiyár's steed (Firdausí),
Sigzian, a native of Sigz, 226 and
= Zawára, 226
= Zawára and Farámarz, 228
= Rustam, 241
Sikandar (Alexander the Great),
Silvia, vestal, 293
Simmas, chief herdsman of Ninus,
Símurgh, mythical bird, vii, 117,
132 seq., 166, 201, 235 seq.,
246, 248, 255
young of, 201
summoned to Rustam's aid
by Zál, 235 seq.
heals Rustam and Rakhsh,
instructs Rustam how to
overcome Asfandiyár, 237
Sind, region and river (Indus), 75,
180, 203, 277
kings of, send tribute to
Gushtásp, 75
Sipand. See Spentó-dáta.
Sístán (Sagastán), country,*

vi, 13,
17, 29, 85, 86, 89, 94, 173,
174, 201, 220, 248, 261, 264,
lake of, 239 note
mourning in, for Rustam, 278
invaded by Bahman, 284 seq.
Sitúh, Túránian hero, 86, 87
goes as a spy to I'rán and
reports to Arjásp, 86, 87
Siyáwush, son of Kai Káús, 174,
176, 192, 208, 272
Smerdis, the false, 11
Song of Asfandiyár, 129
Spand-dát (Spentó-dáta, Asfandi-
yár), 24 seq.
Spand-dát-náma (Asfandiyár-ná-
ma), 26, 27
Spendyád. See Spentó-dáta.
Spentó-dáta (Spand-dát, Asfandi-
yár), 12
Spentó-dáta (Spendyád, Sipand,
Sapad), mountain, 30, 116,
Spitáma, name of family of which
Zarduhsht was a member,
Stages, the Seven. See Seven
Súdába, wife of Kai Káús, 174
referred to, 174
Suhráb, son of Rustam, 204
Surúsh, angel, 170, 253


TABARÍ, historian, 261
his version of the death of
Rustam, 261
on the etymology of Dáráb,
297 note
Table of Contents, v
Tamarisk, 239, 240, 243, 246, 247,
branch of, fatal to Asfandi-
yár, 239 and note
Taráz, city in Turkistán and dis-
trict in Badakhshán, 157
Tennyson, quoted, 281
Tiber, river, 294
Tihrán, city, 14, 18
Túr, second son of Farídún, 42,
206, 261, 284
Túrán, 12, 20 seq., 25, 32, 41, 43,
45, 53, 61 and passim
Túránians (Turkmans), the, v, 13,
20, 116
Turkhán, Túránian hero, 151
sent with troops to recon-
noitre outside the Brazen
Hold, 151
slain by Núsh Ázar, 151
Turkistán, 55
Turkmans (Túránians), the, v, 22,
25, 36, 39, 40, 44, 47, 51, 52,
61, 72, 90 seq., 98 seq., 104
seq., 108, 110, 113, 114, 116,
135, 152, 157, 158, 171, 173,
206, 254
army of, surrenders to As-
fandiyár, 72, 113
monarch of = Arjásp, 74
led by Kuhram, storm Balkh,
burn the Fire-temple, and
slay Zarduhsht and the
priests, 92, 93
take Gushtásp's daughters
captive, 93
kingdom of, offered by As-
fandiyár to Gurgsár in re-
turn for faithful service, 120
ordered by Arjásp to march
out from the Brazen Hold
in force to attack the in-
vaders under Bishútan,
hear the cries of the I'ránian
watch in the Brazen Hold,
refused quarter by Asfandi-
yár, 158
Tús, son of Naudar, 57, 116, 207,
Tús, city in Khurásán, 28, 202
Sám and the dragon of, 202


ULÁD, a dív, 204 note
Umar Khayyám, 30
Urmuzd, the Good Principle, 15


Vandaremaini (Andarímán), 13
Venus, planet, 159
Vídrafsh (Bídirafsh), 24, 26
Vishtásp (Vistáspa, Gushtásp), 24
Vistáspa (Vishtásp, Gushtásp), 11
stásp-sást, 11
Vohu Manau (Vohúman, Bah-
man), ameshaspenta, 16, 17
Vohúman. See Vohu Manau.


WATER of Life, 30
War of the Religion, the, 19, 26,
its two campaigns, 29
West, Dr. E. W., referred to, 11
White Castle, 30
Dív. See Dív.


XERXES, king, 282
Asfandiyár and, 282


YAMAN, region in south-western
Arabia, 260
Yátkár-i-Zarírán, Pahlaví Text,
13, 24, 27 and note
compared with Dakíkí's
work, 24 seq.
Yazdagird III., Sháh, 294


Zábul, Zábulistán, country,*

85, 86, 167, 169 seq., 173,
175 seq., 181 seq., 193, 194,
212, 215, 219, 223, 224, 235,
248, 251, 252, 255, 256, 258,
265, 266, 273, 275 seq., 281,
283, 285 seq.
Gushtásp goes to, 85
Moon of = Rúdába, 190 and
Zábul, called “Babblestead” by
Asfandiyár, 216
Bahman's sojourn in, 252, 256
pillaged by Bahman, 287
Bahman quits, 290
Zábulí, a native of Zábul, 212, 277
a, made king of Kábul, 277
Zahhák, Sháh, 12, 180, 203, 204,
Zairi-vairi (Zarír, Zariadres), 12
Zál, father of Rustam, vii, viii,
11, 14, 15, 58, 86, 169, 173
seq., 182 seq., 196, 197, 200,
204, 210, 212, 219 seq., 230,
231, 234 seq., 240 seq., 246,
247, 255, 256, 261, 263 seq.,
277 seq., 281, 283, 285, 289,
and Rustam welcome Gush-
tásp to Sístán, 85
hears of Bahman's approach,
his interview with Bahman,
gives Bahman a guide to con-
duct him to Rustam, 184
and Rúdába bidden by Rus-
tam to prepare to receive
Asfandiyár, 190
Rustam recounts his inter-
view with Asfandiyár to,
and Rustam vilified by
Asfandiyár, 201
receives a message from Rus-
tam by Zawára, 230
grieves over Rustam's
wounds, 234
summons the Símurgh to
Rustam's aid, 235
goes to Rustam and Asfan-
diyár, 247
forebodes Rustam's future,
father of Shaghád, 260, 263
sends Shaghád to be brought
up at Kábul, 264
laments for Rustam, 273
Zál, sends Farámarz against Ká-
bul, 274
bids Rúdába to cease to
mourn for Rustam, 278
receives and replies to Bah-
man's hostile message, 285
goes to meet Bahman, 286
his palace sacked, 286
Bishútan intercedes for, 288
released and returns to his
palace, 289
Zál-i-zar. See Zál.
Zandavasta, 11 seq., 30, 36, 41, 43,
51, 77, 82, 85, 100, 173, 176,
216, 241, 294, 299, 309
sent by Gushtásp to every
clime, 77
burnt by the Turkmans at
Balkh, 92
Zarathushtra. See Zarduhsht.
Zarduhsht (Zarathushtra, Zoro-
aster), v, vi, 9 seq., 23 seq.,
27, 28, 33 seq., 42, 51, 77,
173, 206, 216, 217, 241, 255
meaning of, 13
legend of, 14 seq.
converts Gushtásp, 33
success of his Evangel, 34
plants the Cypress of Kish-
mar, 34
advises Gushtásp not to pay
tribute to Arjásp, 35
referred to, 36, 38, 41
slain at Balkh, 92, 93
amulet given to Asfandiyár
by, 130
Zariadres (Zairi-vairi, Zarír), 26
Zarír (Zairi-vairi, Zariadres), bro-
ther of Gushtásp, v, 12, 13,
24 seq., 37, 41 seq., 49 seq.,
60 seq., 73, 94, 109, 169, 181,
193, 254, 261
Love-story of, 26, 27
Death-story of, 26, 27
converted by Zarduhsht, 33
answers, in conjunction with
Asfandiyár and Jámásp, Ar-
jásp's letter, 42
Zarír, his death foretold by
Jámásp, 51
receives the standard from
Gushtásp and the command
of the centre, 55
his prowess, 61 seq.
slain by Bídirafsh, 63
Zarír-náma, 26, 27
Zartusht Bahrám Pazhdú, author
of the Zartusht-náma, 18
Zartusht-náma, poem, 18
Zawára, brother of Rustam, vii,
viii, 173, 174, 182 seq., 187,
191, 218, 222, 225 seq., 230,
231, 234, 250, 260, 261, 268,
270, 273, 275
referred to, 186, 228
and Farámarz sent by Rustam
to bid Zál and Rúdába pre-
pare to receive Asfandiyár,
brings Rustam's armour, 218
put in charge of the troops, 222
goes with Rustam to the
Hírmund, 222
Zawára, Rustam's instructions to,
provokes the I'ránians to
combat, 225
slays Núsh Ázar, 227
goes in quest of Rustam, 230
takes from Rustam a message
for Zál, 230
grievesover Rustam's wounds,
goes to Rustam and Asfandi-
yár, 247
warns Rustam against Bah-
man, 250
and a small escort accompany
Rustam to Kábul, 268
goes hunting with Rustam, 270
falls a victim to treachery,
270, 273
death of, 273
his body taken from the pit
by Farámarz and buried, 275
Zira, Túránian hero, 272
Zoroaster. See Zarduhsht.
Zoroastrians, 17