D. | G. | Serial. | TITLES OF THE ANECDOTES. |
Part III, Chapter XVIII = LXVIII: On the Contemptibility of Ingratitude and stories of Persons who were punished for it. | |||
f256b | f270b- f271a |
1712 | Introduction on ingratitude, illustrated a quatrain from the author himself. The famous Abú Bakr [Muḥammad b. ‘Abbás] al-Khwárazmí ungratefully leaves the court of the Ṣáḥib Ismá‘íl b. ‘Abbád. |
f257a | ” | 1713 | How Ṭáhir-i-Dhu’l-Yamínayn contrived to get the governorship of Khurásán, and how he betrayed al-Ma’mún and died a mysterious death. |
f257b | f271b | 1714 | The ungrateful ‘Awán, who enjoyed the protection of a money-broker of Kúfa in the days of the suppression of the Khárijites by Muṣ‘ab b. Zubayr, brings a false charge against him in the time of al-Ḥajjáj, which leads to his own ruin. |
f258a | ” | 1715 | Maslama b. ‘Awf raises the standard of revolt against his benefactor, ‘Amr b. ‘Abdu’l-Malik, and is killed in the encounter. |
” | ” | 1716 | ‘Amr b. Layth is sent in a cage to Baghdád by the Sámánid ruler, Ismá‘íl, at the order of the Caliph, al-Mu‘tadhid. |
” | ” | 1717 | Bahrám Chúbín’s ingratitude, and his miserable life and the old woman’s poor entertainment. |
f258b | f272a | 1718 | The revolt of Afshín in the reign of the Caliph al-Mu‘taṣim, his capture along with his Sámánid ally, Aḥmad b. Naṣr, the historic trial and his execution. |
f259a | f272b | 1719 | The fate of Ṭughril, the usurper, and the coronation of Farrukhzád. (The Ta’ríkh-i-Yamíní as the source, see above, pp. 60—2). |
f260a | ” | 1720 | [Malik Ikhtiyáru’d-Dín] Dawlatsháh [Balká b. Ḥusámu’d-Dín ‘Awadh Khalají]’s revolt against Iltutmish. (A contemporary event that happened in 628 A. H. It marks the latest limit of the compilation, see above, p. 20). |
The conclusion of this chapter is of contemporary interest, and ends with an encomium on the Wazír. |