Ka'ba, 386
Kabláy” (poem by Dakhaw, A.D.
1907), 345, 482 n.
Kábul, 136, 489
-Káfí (of -Kulayní, x), 359, 405
-Káfiya (of Ibnu'l-Ḥájib), 362, 363,
Ká'ká (poet of the time of Sháh
'Abbás the Great), 110
Kalám, Ahl-i- —, 376, 403, 426;
'Ilmu'l- —. See Mutakallimún
Kalán, Khwája — -i-Ghuriyání (xvi),
Kalát-i-Nádirí, 132
Kalb-'Alí (“the Dog of 'Alí”), a
common name amongst the Shí'a,
235 n.
Kalím, Abú Ṭálib — (poet, d. A.D.
1651), 164, 166, 250, 258-263,
Kalkhorán (in Gílán), 36
Kalo Ioannes (last Christian Emperor
of Trebizond), 47
Kamákh (near Arzinján), 77
Kamál (or Kemál) Bey, Námiq —
(Turkish reformer and writer, xix),
Kamáliyyát (“Accomplishments”),
27 and note
Kamálu'd-Din 'Arabsháh, Khwája
— (xiii), 37; Ḥusayn of Ardabíl
(the first to write in Persian on
Shí'a theology, A.D. 1500), 359-
360; Khwája — Ságharchí (A.D.
1510), 65-6
Kamárij, Battle of — (A.D. 1753), 140
Kandahar, 112. See Qandahár
“Kanlu oldum”
(“I am guilty of
bloodshed”), 113
Kánpúr (Cawnpore), 281 n.
Karak, 406
Karámát (“Gifts” or miracles of
Saints), 40 and note
Karbalá, 28, 30, 58, 147, 149, 174,
175, 176 n., 177-181, 182, 187,
188, 189, 197, 198, 344 n., 370,
371, 372, 375, 393, 396, 451, 463
“Karbalá'í verse,” 487
Karím Khán-i-Zand (A.D. 1750-1779),
121, 139-142, 144, 282, 368
Kár-Kiyá Mírzá 'Alí (ruler of Láhiján,
A.D. 1500), 50
Karnál, Battle of — (February, 1739),
Káshá, Mírzá — (fictitious), 184, 186
Káshán, 28, 55, 56, 108, 130, 152,
162, 170, 225, 258, 309, 326, 344,
407, 432, 477, 481
Kashfu'l- Abyát (concordance of
verses in Mathnawí), 457; —
-Ḥujub (Shí'a bibliography, A.D.
1870), 355 n., 357-8, 359, 361 n.,
364 n., 366 n., 374 n.
Kashkúl (of Shaykh Bahá'u'd-Dín
al-'Ámilí, d. A.D. 1622), 253, 278,
407, 428
Kashmír. See Cashmere
Kasru Aṣnámi'l-Jahiliyyat
(by Mullá
Ṣadrá), 430
Ibn Kathír (historian), 30, 31
Ká'ús (legendary King of Persia), 81
“Kaveh” (Káwa) newspaper, 346,
348, 483-9, 490
“Kaviani” (Káwayání) Press, Berlin,
346, 463, 490
Káwa, Káwayání, the legendary
blacksmith who revolted against
the tyrant Ḍaḥḥák (Azhidaháka),
and, raising aloft his leather apron,
made it, under the name of Di-
, the standard
and symbol of all Persian patriots,
lovers of freedom, and foes of
foreign dominion. The paper and
Press mentioned above (under
Kaveh” and “Kaviani”) are
named after this blacksmith and
his flag, but spell their names
thus in the Roman character. See
14 n.
Kawthar, Water of — in Paradise,
Kay, Kayání, Kay-Khusraw, 13, 14
Kaysání Sect, 17, 391
Kaywán, 436; — Cháwúsh (A.D.
1502), 68
Kázarún, 55, 97
Káẓim, Sayyid — of Rasht, 421. See
Káẓimayn, 366
Kazimirski, A. de Biberstein —, 417
Káẓimzáda, Mírzá Ḥusayn —, 488
Kemál Bey. See under Kamál
(a kind of divination), 434 n.
Khadíja (wife of the Prophet Mu-
ḥammad), 391, 392; — (sister of
Úzún Ḥasan, xv), 47
Khádim 'Alí Páshá (xvi), 71
Ibn Khaldún (historian, xiv-xv), 163,
425, 442, 445
Khálid b. -Walíd, 170, 171; — Bey
(killed in A.D. 1514), 76
Khalífa, 16, see Caliph, Caliphate;
— Sulṭán (xvii), 264
Khalíl Shírwánsháh (xv), 52; — Áq-
Qoyúnlú (xv), 58 n.; — Khán
Afshár (xvi), 101; — u'lláh, Sháh
— (head of the Isma'ílí sect until
A.D. 1817), 148
Khalkhál, 51
Ibn Khallikán (biographer, xiii), 446
Khamsa (“Quintet” of Niẓámí and
Fayḍí), 229, 244
Khanikoff, 35 n.
Khánish Khánum (daughter of Sháh
Isma'íl I), 81 n.
“Khán-i-Wálida Persian,” 487
Khán-Khánán (Bayram Khán and his
son 'Abdu'r-Raḥím, xvi), 166, 245
Khán Malik-i-Ḥusayní-i-Sásání, 346,
Kháqán (title of Emperor of the
Turks), 14 and note, 52; — (pen-
name of Fatḥ-'Alí Sháh), 146, 298
Kháqání (poet, xii), 52, 246, 299
Kharábát (anthology compiled by
Ḍiyá Páshá, xix), 164 and note,
173, 242, 248, 270
Khárak (island in Persian Gulf), 154
Khárijí (pl. Khawárij), 392
Kharjird (in Khurásán), 227
Khaṭá'í (pen-name of Sháh Isma'íl I),
Khaṭar, Muḥammad 'Alí, son of the
poet Yaghmá, 338
Khaṭṭ u Khaṭṭáṭán (“Calligraphy
and Calligraphists,” by Mírzá
Ḥabíb of Iṣfahán), 450, 457
Khawáriqu'l-'Ádát (thaumaturgy),
40 n.
Khaybar, 392
Abu'l-Khayr Khán (descendant of
Chingíz Khán), 64 n.
Khayrátun Ḥisánun (biographies of
eminent women), 456
Khayyám, 'Umár — (astronomer and
poet), 425
Khiḍr, 270
Khiva (Khíwaq), 136, 347. See also
Khudá-áfarín (“Creator of Gods”),
Khudá-banda (Uljáytú, Mongol,
xiv), 18; Sháh Muḥammad —
(Ṣafawí, A.D. 1577-1587), 98,
100-103; — (son of Sháh 'Abbás
the Great), 111
Khudá-verdí (barber), 101, 103
Khudáwand-náma (of Ṣabá, d. A.D.
1822), 309
Khuláṣatu'l-Ḥisáb (by Shaykh-i-
Bahá'í, d. A.D. 1622), 428; —
-Iftiḍáḥ (of Yaghmá), 339
Khuld-i-Barín (poem by Waḥshí,
d. A.D. 1583), 238; — (history,
A.D. 1660), 100, 445
Khúnkár (title of Ottoman Sulṭáns),
90 n.
Khurásán, 25, 55, 63, 64, 65, 66,
78 n., 82, 95, 99, 101, 104, 105,
133, 138, 140, 151, 167, 227, 229,
230, 233, 234, 328, 399, 451, 455
Khurram (Russian wife of Sulṭán
Sulaymán I), 89
Khurram-ábád (Luristán), 104, 279
Khurshíd Press (Ṭihrán), 466
Khusraw Parwíz (Sásánian king),
221; Amír — of Dihlí (poet, xiii),
164, 167, 242 n.; — Khán (circâ
A.D. 1713), 124; — Mírzá (son of
'Abbás Mírzá, A.D. 1829), 313,
314 and note
Khusraw wa Shírín (poem by
Niẓámí), 248; — (poem by Sayyid
Muḥammad Ṣádiq), 283
Khutan, 321
Khúy, 76, 130, 489
Khúzistán, 82
Khwája Mawláná-yi-Iṣfahání (poet,
d. A.D. 1521), 78-80
Khwándamír (historian, xvi), 445, 447
Khwánsár, 251, 252
Khwár, 55
Khwárazm, 78 n., 347. See also
Khwárazmsháhs, 3
King, Sir Lucas White —, 64 n.
King's College, Cambridge, 229 n.,
Kirámí Sect, 384
Kirmán, 55, 64, 76, 82, 104, 118,
126, 128 n., 131, 133, 137, 148,
149, 151, 157, 184, 186, 238, 280,
328, 413, 446, 451, 466, 489
Kirmánsháh, 131, 134, 151, 184, 186,
279, 347, 410, 463, 489
Kitáb al-Aghání, 485; — Aḥmad
(by Yaghmá), 339; — Aqdas
(“the Most Holy Book” of the
Bahá'ís), 423; — -Fakhrí, 444;
— -Ḥayawán (of -Jáhiẓ), 440; —
Hidáya (of -Maybudí), 57 n., 430;
— -Ma'áthir wa'l-Áthár, 456; —
-Milal (of -Shahristání), 15 n., 16-
17; — -Shi'r (of Ibn Qutayba),
485; — -Sufra, 182-6; — Ṣukú-
(of Yaghmá), 339;
— -Wáridátu'l-Qalbiyya (by Mullá
Ṣadra), 430
Knolles, Richard —, 70, 72, 90 n.
Korah, 209 n. See Qárún
Krusinski, 4, 10, 21 n., 111, 112,
114 n., 115, 116, 119, 129
Kúfa, 174, 176, 190, 191, 192, 193,
200, 210
Kufwí (poet, xvi), 168
-Kulayní, Muḥammad b. Ya'qúb (d.
A.D. 941), 358, 404 n., 405, 448
Kulthúm, 179, 181; Umm —, 392
Kurdish poem, 484
Kurdistán, Kurds, 27, 46, 58, 76,
125, 151, 279, 347
Kútáhiya, 89
Kutub-Arba'a (“the Four Books”),
359; — -Rijál, 355, 405