‘There is no God besides Me, therefore worship Me and do not associate with Me anything [in the shape of idols]. Thank Me and thy parents, and I shall cause thee to live [long]. Thou shalt not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden except justly; or else the heavens with all their extent, and the earth with all its surface, will become too narrow for thee. Do not swear falsely by My name, for I shall neither purify nor justify anyone who does not magnify My name. Do not bear testimony about things which thy ear has not heard, thy eye has not seen, or thy heart has not perceived, for I shall hold all witnesses responsible for their testimonies on the day of resurrection, and I shall examine them on this account. Envy not thy fellow-men for any blessings or bounties I may have vouchsafed to them, because an envious person is a foe to the receiver of My benefits, and provokes My vengeance. Do not commit adultery, and do not steal, because My favour will become veiled, and the portals of heaven will be shut to thy prayers. Sacrifice not to anyone besides Me, because a sacrifice will not be accepted unless My name be pronounced over it. Do not covet thy neighbour’s wife, for it is as hateful to Me as incest.* People love that which thou lovest, and hate what thou hatest. Peace be on thee, with My commiseration and blessing!’
The above is the text of the ten commandments, as Tha’lebi has related in the ‘A’râis-ulqasas.’ The Lord— w. n. b. pr.—revealed the contents of these words in the verses of the glorious Forqân,* as follows: ‘Say, come, I shall rehearse to you what your Lord has prohibited: You shall not associate anything with Him; you shall honour your parents, you shall not kill your infants for fear of want, [Allah says]: We shall nourish you and them; avoid open and mental lasciviousness; do not kill the soul which Allah has prohibited, except justly. This is a command to you, perhaps you will understand it. Do not touch the property of orphans, except righteously, until they attain maturity. Observe justice in your measures and weights, and do not injure any one but you repair it. Keep your promises also to your relatives, and satisfy the covenant with Allah, perhaps you will remember it; for this is the straight path, follow it, and do not follow other roads, because they will mislead you; this is your command, and perhaps you will fear [Allah].’*