Ibáḥat, 382. See Communism
Ibráhím, the Patriarch, see Abra-
; — (son of the Prophet
Muḥammad), 391; — b. Adham
(saint, viii), 36, 357; — b. Ja'far
(ancestor of the Ṣafawís), 33 n.;
—, commonly called Shaykh Sháh
(xv), 47; — (brother of Sháh
Isma'íl I), 48 n.; — Mírzá (son of
Sháh Ṭahmásp I), 98; — (nephew
of Nádir Sháh, circâ A.D. 1750),
138; — Sháh (xviii), 284; — (son
of Mullá Ṣadrá, xvii), 376, 408 n.,
429; — Khán (custodian of Alqáṣ
Mírzá, xvi), 89; Ḥájjí — (betrayer
of Luṭf-'Alí Khán-i-Zand), 143 n.,
145 and note, 146; Mírzá — (op-
ponent of Henry Martyn), 421; —
Dastán (son of the poet Yaghmá),
338; — Khayru'lláh (Bahá'í pro-
pagandist in America), 214 n.;
Siyáḥat-náma-i- — Beg, 463-4;
'Ibrat-náma of Ṣabá (xix), 309
Íḍáḥu'l-Ishtibáh (of -Ḥillí, xiii-xiv),
Idolatry, 386, 401
Idrís (Enoch), 388; — of Bitlís
(historian, xvi), 72
Iḥqáqu'l-Ḥaqq (Refutation of the
Bábís), 423
I'jáz Ḥusayn, Sayyid — (d. A.D. 1870),
Ijtihád (doctrine of —), 353, 382.
See also Mujtahid
(Biography of Tradi-
tionists), 355
Íltí-oghlán (descendant of Chingíz
Khán), 64 n.
'Imádu'l-Kuttáb (contemporary poet
and calligraphist), 303
Imámate, Imáms, 16-9, 22, 28, 32,
36, 46, 48 and note, 53-5, 88,
109, 148, 150, 162, 172-3, 181,
197, 214, 236, 241, 372, 382, 386,
391-5, 451
Imámí Sect, 18. See Shí'a and
Twelve, Sect of the
Imámí (poet of Herát, xiii), 334 n.
Imám-qulí Mírzá (Ṣafawí prince
murdered in A.D. 1577), 99
Ímán and Islám, 401-2
'Imrán (father of Moses), 292
Imru'u'l-Qays (old Arabian poet), 478,
Ínak-'Alí, Mullá —, 475, 479
Incarnation (Ḥulúl), 382
India, 4, 24, 25, 115, 123, 135, 136,
148, 154, 164-170, 189, 205, 215,
241, 245-6, 252, 253, 254, 255,
258-260, 265-6, 277, 280-1, 282,
283, 284, 300, 356, 365, 408, 431,
438, 451, 453, 472; literary taste
in —, 226, 227, 229, 300
Inṣáf (fairness, a Persian character-
istic), 196 n.
“Inspector's head,” 375
Intellectual Life (by Hamerton), 226
Intercession (Doctrine of — in Islám),
179, 186-7, 390
Íqán (Bábí apology), 422-3
Írán and Túrán, 13; — (newspaper),
Írán-shahr (magazine), 488-9, 490
'Iráq, 47, 55, 57, 59, 82, 191, 192,
234, 255, 347, 366, 410, 451
'Iráq-i-'Ajam (newspaper), 346, 347
Irish language, 185 n., 223
Irsálu'l-mathal (“Proverbial Com-
mission”), 164
Irshád (newspaper), 346, 347
'Ísá, see Jesus; Mírzá — of Faráhán.
Qá'im-maqám, 147 n., 303, 311,
Isaiah, 204, 214
'Ísáwiyya (N. African order of der-
vishes), 59
Iṣfahán, 4, 6, 9, 10, 15, 25, 56, 59,
92, 107, 109, 110, 115, 116, 118,
119, 120, 123-133, 134, 139, 140,
141, 167, 184, 186, 195, 198, 222,
225, 237, 265, 268, 277-9, 281,
282, 283, 284, 307, 325, 365-6,
368, 408, 410, 427, 428, 429, 436,
450, 451, 489
Isfaranján (in Gílán), 36
Isḥáq Beg 'Udhrí (poet, died A.D.
1771-2), 283
Ishmael, 388. See Isma'íl
(Inspector), 375
'Ishq u Salṭanat (“Love and Lord-
ship,” a novel), 464
Ishráq (pen-name of Mullá Muḥam-
mad Báqir-i-Dámád, q.v.), 257,
407, 428
Ishráqiyyún (“Illuminati,” Platon-
ists), 431
Iskandar (Alexander the Great,
q.v.), 13, 14; — Munshí (author
of the Ta'ríkh-i-'Álam-árá-yi-
, composed in A.D. 1616,
q.v.), 99, 108, 109, 444
Islám Sháh b. Shír Sháh (the Afghán
ruler of Dihlí, d. A.D. 1553-4),
Islamische Welt, Die —, 484 n.
Isma'íl b. Ja'far-Ṣádiq (Seventh
Imám of the Isma'íliyya), 391;
— b. Muḥammad (ancestor of the
Ṣafawís), 33 n.; — b. Amínu'd-
Dín Jibrá'íl (ancestor of the Ṣa-
fawís, xiii), 37; Sháh — I (A. D.
1502-1524), 5, 9, 12-15, 19-24,
25 n., 49-83 passim, 92, 101 n.,
112, 158, 172, 224, 229, 360, 444,
447; his character and appearance,
22-23, 60-63; Sháh — II (A.D.
1576-7), 98-100, 101, 102; Sháh
— (xviii), 284; — Khán Sarbáz
(poet), 188; — son of Yaghmá,
poetically surnamed Hunar, 338;
—Naṣírí Qarája-Dághí (A.D. 1890),
344; — 'Abdu'lláh-záda (A.D.
1905), 466
Isma'ílí Sect, 17, 18, 147-9, 391
Isnáds, 443
Israel, Children of —, 207, 388
Isráfíl (Angel of the Resurrection),
Iṣṭakhr, 49
Istibṣár (of -Ṭúsí, d. A.D. 1067), 359,
Istidláliyya (Bahá'í controversy),
214 n.
Italy, Italians, 6, 58 n., 60; — lan-
guage, 10
I'timádu'd-Dawla (Muḥammad Ḥasan
Khán, xix), 84 n., 454
I'timádu's-Salṭana (Ḥájji 'Alí Khán
Ḥájibu'd-Dawla, father of the
above), 454
Ittiḥád (Apotheosis), 382; — (Tabríz
newspaper), 463; — u'l-Islám
(“Union of Islám,” by Ḥájji
Shaykhu'r-Ra'ís), 420 n.
Iṭṭilá' (newspaper), 157

Jabal 'Ámil (Syria), 360, 427
Jabání, Battle of — (A.D. 1500), 82
Jabr (Fatalism, q.v.), 382
“Jachia” (i.e. Yaḥyá Páshá), 70
Jacob (Ya'qúb), 207
Ja'da bint-Ash'ath (vii), 392
Ja'far-Ṣádiq (the Sixth Imám, viii),
391, 394; — b. -Ḥusayn b. 'Alí
(vii), 393; — b. Muḥammad (an-
cestor of the Ṣafawís), 33 n.; —
Bey (Turkish officer, A.D. 1514),
76; Shaykh — -Baḥrání (xvii),
364-5; — b. Ṣádiq-i-Zand (A.D.
1785), 142; — of Iṣfahán, poeti-
cally surnamed Ṣáfí (xviii); Mírzá
— Qarája-dághí (xix), 462; —
-qulí Áqá (officer of Persian Cos-
sacks, A.D. 1907), 476, 480; —
Khán az Firang ámada (Persian
comedy), 463 n.
Ja'farí, Ithnà-'ashariyya (“Sect of
the Twelve”) why so called, 394
Jaffa, 46 n.
Jahán, Qáḍí-i- — (contemporary of
Sháh Ṭahmásp I), 92
Jahángír Mírzá (“White Sheep”
dynasty), 58 n.; — (Moghul
Emperor of India, A.D. 1605-
1628), 253, 255, 447; Mírzá —
Khán of Shíráz (editor of the
Ṣúr-i-Isráfíl, put to death in
A.D. 1908), 302, 345, 482 n.
Jahánsháh (Turkmán ruler of Ádhar-
báyján, xv), 47
Jaḥím (the fourth of the Seven Hells),
-Jáḥiẓ (Arab philologist and poly-
graph, ix), 440-441
Jalájil-i-Bákharzí (musician at Court
of Sháh 'Abbás), 110
Jalál (or Jelál, Turkish heresiarch,
A.D. 1519), 106; — (chief astro-
loger of Sháh 'Abbás the Great,
A.D. 1593), 7; — i-Asír (poet,
A.D. 1640), 251, 258, 268-9
Jalálábád (Afghánistán), 489
Jalálu'd-Dín Rúmí (xiii), 35 n., 37,
38, 220, 357, 411, 449; — Dawání
(philosopher, circâ A.D. 1500), 69,
83, 231, 427
Jalá'u'l-'Uyún (by Mullá Muḥammad
Báqir-i-Majlisí, d. A.D. 1700), 410,
Jamá'a, Ibn —, Qáḍí (A.D. 1384),
Jamál, Áqá — Iṣfahání, 373
Jamálu'd-Dín, Sayyid — (Spiritual
director of Shaykh Záhid of Gílán,
xiii), 42; — b. Muṭahhir-Ḥillí,
Shaykh —, 54; — Muḥammad
b. Badru'd-Dín, 245, see 'Urfí;
— Muḥammad b. Ḥusayn-Khwán-
sárí (theologian and jurisconsult),
373; Sayyid — -Afghán (xix), 155,
Jamál-záda, Mírzá Muḥammad 'Alí
— (contemporary writer), 488
Jámí, Mullá Núru'd-Dín 'Abdu'r-
Raḥmán — (poet and writer, xv),
25, 26, 40 n., 42 n., 69, 83, 162,
163, 220, 227, 228, 230, 242, 299,
Jámi'-i-'Abbásí (by Shaykh-i-Bahá'í,
d. A.D. 1622), 407, 428
Jamshíd, 29, 246, 247
Jandaq, 337
Jání Beg Khán (xiv), 45; Ḥájji Mírzá
— of Káshán (historian of the Báb,
killed in A.D. 1852), 198, 218 n.,
Janissaries (Yeñi-cheri), 77, 106
Japan, 205, 215
-Járbardí, 362
Jarír (old Arab poet), 284
Jarrett, H. S. —, 249
Jaubert, 146
Jawhar (servant of Humáyún), 91
Jawshan-i-Kabír, 437
Jayḥún (the River Oxus), 208, 219;
— (poet of Yazd, xix), 325
-Jazá'irí, Sayyid Ni'matu'lláh — (xvii),
Jenkinson, Anthony — (xvi), 10, 85,
90, 91, 92
Jerusalem, 46 n., 204, 214
Jesuits, 116
Jesus ('Ísá), 174, 176, 187, 189, 207,
217, 388, 390, 392, 420
Jews, 179, 181, 214 n., 392, 400, 404,
421, 452
Jibrá'íl (Gabriel, q.v.), 175
Jigar-gúsha, 185 n.
Jihád (Religious War), 371, 377
Jihannam (the first of the Seven
Hells), 400-401
Jinn, 36 and note, 39, 42, 111, 190,
192, 388, 389, 396
Jisr-i-Júbán, 76
Jones, Sir William —, 229 n.; E. R.
—, 424 n., 425
“Jonuses” (Yúnus Páshá, executed
in A.D. 1517), 71
Joseph (Yúsuf), 207, 217
Jourdan, Monsieur — (Persian
comedy), 462
Journalism, Persian —, 413
Juan di Persia, Don — (xvi-xvii), 4,
5 and note, 6, 21, 101 n., 102 n.
Jubilee (of Queen Victoria), 322
Judaism, 137. See also Jews
Judas Iscariot, 207, 218
Jújí (son of Chingíz Khán, xiii), 64 n.
Julfá (suburb of Iṣfahán), 128
Junayd, Shaykh — Ṣafawí (xv), 19,
47, 51, 52
Jurjání, Sayyid-i-Sharíf-i- —, 59, 427
Justice (Inṣáf), a Persian character-
istic, 196
Juwayní (author of the Ta'ríkh-i-
, xiii), 443