YOU write, under date of the 22d Dârâey [4th August], “that on “that day our colours were hoisted on the walls of the fort, and a party “of our troops admitted into the place, which was to be evacuated by “the garrison on the following day.”
It is known. Kâlâ Pundit, with his family and kindred, four* of the most opulent bankers, and the most distinguished of the commanders of cavalry, as well as of every other class or department, must be placed under guard: the remaining persons, of inferior description, are to be set free, according to the capitulation.*
You must dispatch Doolies* to Dhârwâr, to bring back the wounded men who were sent thither [during the siege]; in order that, being placed, together with the wounded now with your division, under the care of their respective relations, they may be the more at their ease. The wounds of these men must also be carefully attended to, and properly treated. The army likewise, with horses, cattle, &c., must be encamped in some good spot, abounding with water and grass, and where but little rain lies. Having undergone such fatigue, let them now enjoy some repose.
You write, “that you had dispatched one Risâla of Sair* cavalry, “and the horses of one stable,* towards Kunnekgeery, &c., and given “an order for their pay upon Mohyûddeen Ali Khân, the Dewân of “Kurpah, who, however, had returned the same.” We have, therefore, signified our pleasure to the aforesaid Khân, who will, in consequence, furnish the pay of the cavalry, and the subsistence of the horses, &c., agreeably to your requisition.
We, some time since, dispatched money for the payment of your army: it has, probably, reached you before now. The returns which you sent of the troops have been received. To-morrow we purpose sending you an additional supply of money.
The orders here given, respecting the wounded, as well as the consideration which the Sultan appears to have had for the ease and comfort of the army at large, are creditable to his character as a military commander. They would have been still more so, had they comprehended the sick in general.