Thence they departed homeward joyfully,
Dáráb, the worshipful, and Rashnawád,
Who halted when he reached the ruined vault,
Whereunder he had seen Dáráb asleep.
The launderer, with his goodwife and the jewel,
Were there already, fearful of disgrace.
The general summoned them forthwith; they prayed
To God for succour and appeared before him.
They showered a treasure
Of gold, and mingled jewels, musk, and wine.
Humái gave largess to the indigent,
And the next se'nnight oped her hoarded drachms.
Where'er she knew there were a Fane of Fire,
The Zandavasta, and the Sada*
There she bestowed her treasure in like wise,
And lavished gifts through all the provinces.
Upon the tenth day, early in the morning,
The general appeared before the Sháh,
And with him were the chieftains and her son,
But they concealed the case from every one.