Ḥabíb, 328, 332 (the early pen-name
of Qá'ání, q.v.); Mírzá — of
Iṣfahán (xix), 450; Shaykh —
Aḥmad (contemporary), 442; —
u's-Siyar (by Khwándamír, A.D.
1523), 445
Ḥablu'l-Matín (newspaper), 469
Ḥádhiq (poet, xvii), 267
Hádí, Ḥájji Mullá — of Sabzawár
(philosopher, d. A.D. 1878), 326,
409, 411, 426, 430, 431, 436-7;
Ḥájji Shaykh — [-i-Najmábádí],
471, 474
Ḥadíqatu'l-Ḥaqíqa (by Saná'í), 256;
's-Su'adá (by Fuḍúlí), 237
Ḥáfiẓ (of Shíráz, xiv), 25, 122, 216 n.,
222, 268, 299, 348, 382 n., 383 n.;
— Pasha (A.D. 1625), 107; —
(title of Qur'án-reciters), 110
Haft-band (of Muḥtasham), 173-7;
Iqlím (of Amín Aḥmad-i-Rází),
231 n., 234, 235, 241 n., 448 and
note; — -Kishwar (of Fayḍí), 244;
Manẓar (of Hátifí), 229; —
Paykar (of Niẓámí), 229; — Sín
(“the seven S's”), 333 n.
Haggard, W. H. D. —, 462
Ḥájibu'd-Dawla, Ḥájji 'Alí Khán —,
153, 454
Ḥájji Baba (Morier's), 195, 468; —
Khalífa (“Kyátib Chelebi”), 66 n.;
— Mírzá Áqásí, 147, 149, 151, 329
Ibnu'l-Ḥájib, 362
Ḥakím, Mírzá Maḥmúd — (poet and
physician, son of the poet Wiṣál, d.
A.D. 1851), 300; —, Muḥammad
Taqí Khán (A.D. 1887), 456-7
Hakluyt Society, 41 n., 48 n., 49 n.,
50 n., 57 n., 60 n., 85 n., 90 n.
Halákí (poet of the time of Sháh
'Abbás), 110
Ḥálatí (poet of the time of Sháh
'Abbás), 110
Halévy, 397 n.
“Half the World” (Nisf-i-Jahán,
“Medio Mundo”), Iṣfahán so
called, 4
Ḥalíma (daughter of Úzún Ḥasan), 47
Hamadán (Hagmatána, Ecbatana), 57,
82, 89, 109, 130, 132, 134, 258,
279, 451, 464, 465
-Ḥamása, 270
Hamerton, P. G. —, 226
von Hammer, 66 n., 71 n., 72, 73
Ḥamza, Abu'l-Qásim — (son of the
Seventh Imám Músá Káẓim), 33 n.,
36; — (“White Sheep” dynasty),
58 n.; — (son of the Ṣafawí Sháh
Muḥammad Khudá-banda, d. A.D.
1586), 101, 102
Ibnu'l-Ḥanafiyya (son of 'Alí b. Abí
Ṭálib), 17, 391
Hanauer, Rev. Canon J. E. —, 46 n.
Ibn Ḥanbal (Aḥmad b. Muḥammad
—, A.D. 855), 353
Abú Ḥanífa (d. A.D. 767), 353, 387
Hanway, Jonas — (xviii), 4, 112, 116,
118, 119 n., 126, 127, 129, 130 n.,
132 n., 134, 136
Ḥaqqu'l-Yaqín (by Mullá Muḥammad
Báqir-i-Majlisí), 381, 417, 418
Ḥaram. See Holy Cities, Mecca,

Ḥarára (a kind of ballad), 222
Ḥarfí (poet of Iṣfahán), 237
Harford Jones Brydges, Sir —, 142-6
Hárímu'r-Rashíd, 394, 438
-Ḥarírí, 412
Ḥárith (slayer of Muslim's children),
191, 193
Ḥasan b. 'Alí (the Second Imám),
16 n., 173, 175, 176 n., 193 n., 392-3;
— -'Askarí (the Eleventh Imám),
394; — b. Muḥammad (ancestor
of the Ṣafawís), 33 n.; — -Baṣrí,
384; — b. Yúsuf b. 'Alí b. Mu-
tahhar-Ḥillí (called 'Alláma-i-
Ḥillí, q.v., d. A.D. 1326), 356,
406; — (of the Áq-qoyúnlú dynasty,
A.D. 1466-1478), see Úzún Ḥasan;
— Khalífa (xv), 70; — Beg (Turk-
ish governor of Morea, killed in
A.D. 1514), 76; — Beg Rúmlú
(author of Aḥsanu't-Tawáríkh,
A.D. 1577-8, q.v.), 85, 100, 444;
— Beg (gaoler of Alqáṣ Mírzá, xvi),
89; — Áqá (Turkish officer, xvi),
91; — Beg (favourite of Isma'íl II,
xvi), 99-100; — Páshá (Begler-
begi of Rumelia, killed in A.D.
1514), 76; — Mírzá, Sulṭán —
Ṣafawí (xvi), 99; — of Yazd,
Mullá — (defies Fatḥ-'Alí Sháh),
368-9; — of Shíráz, Ḥájji Mírzá
—, and of Ashtiyán (opponents of
Tobacco concession in A.D. 1890-
1), 370-1; — Muqaddam (author
of a play), 463 n.
Ḥasan 'Alí Khán-i-Garrúsí (A.D.
1890), 347; — Khán-i-Nawwáb
(xix), 301-2, 319; — Mírzá
Shujá'u's-Salṭana (early patron of
Qá'ání and Furúghí, xix), 328
Abu'l-Ḥasan-Jandaqí, 337. See Yagh-
; Sayyid — Khán (head of
Isma'ílí sect, xviii), 148; — Mírzá,
called Ḥájji Shaykhu'r-Ra'ís
(xix-xx), 303, 420
Háshim-i-Qazwíní, Ḥáfiz — (time of
Sháh 'Abbás I), 110
Ḥashísh (Indian hemp), 87 n., 470,
473 and note
Hasht Bihisht, 151
Hátif of Iṣfahán (poet, xviii), 221,
277, 283-297, 305, 309
Hátifí (poet of Kharjird, d. A.D. 1520),
25, 83, 227-9
Ḥátim of Ṭayy, 401; — of Káshán
(poet of the time of Sháh 'Abbás I),
-Ḥáwí (“Continens”) of-Rází (Rhazes),
-Háwiya (the lowest Hell), 400-401
Ḥayátí (poet), 167
Ḥayátu'l-Qulúb (“the Life of Hearts”),
by Mullá Muḥammad Báqir-i-
Majlisí (xvii), 409, 417
Ḥaydar, Shaykh — (father of Sháh
Isma'íl I, xv), 19, 21, 47-9, 60,
67, 70; — -i-Mu'ammá'í (poet of
the time of Sháh 'Abbás I), 110;
— (rhapsodist, contemporary with
the preceding), 110; — Mírzá
(son of Sháh Ṭahmásp I, xvi), 98;
— Mírzá (nephew of Sháh 'Abbás
I), 104; — 'Alí Khán Nawwáb
(xix), 328
Ḥaydarábád (Deccan), 269, 365
Ḥaydarí and Ni'matí (factions), 119 n.
Ḥayrat (pen-name of Abu'l-Ḥasan
Mírzá, q.v.), 303
Ḥayratí (poet, d. A.D. 1553), 97, 170
Ḥayya ilà khayri'l-'amal, 54
Hazár-jaríb, 283
Ḥazín, Shaykh 'Alí — (xviii), 115,
117-118, 265, 277-281, 450
Heaven and Hell described, 395-401,
Hebron, 46 n.
Hells, the Seven —, 400-401
Heraclius, Prince of Georgia (xviii),
Herát, 25, 44, 63, 69, 83, 86, 94, 95,
97, 99, 100, 125, 133, 147, 154,
229, 234, 334 n., 489
Herbert, Sir Thomas —, 10
Heretics put to death, 57, 71-3
Hermes, 201, 212
Herodotus, 465
-Hidáya of -Maybudí, 57 n.
Hidáyat (the pen-name of Riḍá-qulí
Khán, q.v.), 224, 225, 304, 307 n.,
326, 344
Ḥijáz, 280, 427, 451
Hijrat-i-Ṣughrà (“the Minor Migra-
tion,” Dec. 1905), 446 n.
-Ḥikmatu'l-'Arshiyya and Ḥikmatu'l-
, 430
Hilálí (poet, put to death in A.D.
1528), 25, 83, 94, 227, 234-5
-Ḥillí, 378, 405 (see -Muḥaqqiq-
); 54 and note, 406 (see
Ḥilyatu'l-Muttaqín (“the Ornament
of the Pious,” by Mullá Muḥammad
Báqir-i-Majlisí), 409, 417
Himmat (poet, xix), 300
Hind (wife of Abú Sufyán, vii), 178,
180 and note
Hindí language, 259 n.
Hindús, 179, 181, 258, 452
Hindúsháh b. Sanjar…-Kírání (author
of Tajáribu's-Salaf, xiv), 443
Hindustán, 282. See India
Hippocrates (Buqráṭ), 212, 439
Hirschberg, Dr Julius —, 425, 440
Ḥisábí (poet of the time of Sháh
'Abbás I), 110
Hishám b. 'Abdu'l-Malik (Umayyad,
viii), 393
Histoire de la Médecine Arabe (by
Dr L. Leclerc), 440 n.
Histoire des Mongols (by d'Ohsson),
45 n., 322
Holmyard, 440
Holstein, Frederick Duke of —, 114
Holy Cities, 11, 24, 59, 280. See
Karbalá, Mecca, -Madína, Najaf,
Hoopoe (Hudhud), 190, 192
Horn, Dr Paul —, 13 n., 84 n., 86 n.,
87 n., 88 n., 90
Houtsma, 18 n.
Houtum-Schindler, Sir Albert —, 5,
33 n., 48 n., 223, 305, 450 n., 457
Huart, M. Clément —, 35, 40
Húd (the Prophet), 388
Ḥujjatu'l-Islám (Ḥájji Sayyid Muḥam-
mad Báqir so entitled), 368
Ḥujjatu'lláh (title of the Imám Mahdí),
Húlágú Khán (Mongol, xiii), 37,
41 n., 148, 405
Ḥulúl (Incarnation), 382
Humáyún (Moghul Emperor of India,
xvi), 28 n., 57, 91-2, 165, 169-170
Hunar, Mírzá Isma'íl — (son of the
poet Yaghmá), 338
Ḥunayn b. Isḥáq (“Johanitius”), 357
Ḥúrís (of Paradise), 190, 192 and note
Hurmuz, Island of —, 107
Ḥurr-'Ámilí, Shaykh —, 28
Ḥurr b. Yazíd-Riyáḥí, 190
Ḥusayn b. 'Alí b. Abí Ṭálib (the
Third Imám), 17, 30-31, 87 n.,
135, 176 n., 177, 178, 180, 182,
184-193, 241, 392-3, 399, 434;
— b. Bayqará, Sultán Abu'l-Ghází
— (Tímúrid, xv-xvi), 55-6, 63,
64, 69, 77, 83; — Sháh-i-Ṣafawí
(A.D. 1694-1722), 111, 113-4, 116,
120, 123, 125, 128, 129, 131, 138,
139, 283; — b. Manṣúr-Ḥalláj
(mystic, x), 336, 357; — Kiyá-yi-
Chaláwí (killed by Sháh Isma'íl I
about A.D. 1503), 55, 56; — -i-
Maybudí, Mír — (xvi), 57; —
Wá'iẓ-i-Káshifí (xv-xvi), 83, 182,
227, 237; —, Shaykh — (father
of Shaykh-i-Bahá'í, xvi), 427; —
'Alí Beg (Persian ambassador to
Spain, A.D. 1599), 5, 6 n.; —,
Khwája — (poet) and — Tanbúra'í
(musician), contemporaries of Sháh
'Abbás the Great, 110; — Páshá
(Governor of Baṣra, xvii), 363.
Mullá — Rafíq (poet of Iṣfahán,
xviii), 282; — Ḥusayn of Yazd
(turbulent ecclesiastic, A.D. 1817),
148; Sayyid — -i-Ṭabáṭabá'í of
Ardistán (poetically surnamed
Mijmar, q.v., d. A.D. 1810), 307-
8; — Khán, poetically surnamed
'Andalíb (xix), 309; Mírzá — b.
'Abdu'lláh (A.D. 1857-8), 450;
— qulí (author of Minháju'ṭ-
Ṭálibín, q.v.
), 423; — Dánish
Bey (contemporary man of letters),
8 n., 29; — i-Kurd (fictitious hero
of popular romance), 464
Ḥusn-i-ta'líl (“poetical aetiology”),
-Ḥuṭama (the sixth of the Seven
Hells), 400-401
Huwarqilyá, Jism-i- —, Arḍ-i- —,
397 and note; 403
Ḥuwayza, 58, 362, 367