Abu'l-Faḍl (Akbar's Minister), 242,
249, 252; — b. Idrís of Bitlís, 72
Fairchild, Blair —, 222
-Fakhrí, Kitábu'l- —, 127, 180 n.,
Fakhru'l-Muḥaqqiqín, 406
Famagusta (Cyprus), 464 n.
-Fárábí, Abú Naṣr — (philosopher),
257, 449
Faraḥábád (near Iṣfahán), 128, 129,
Faráhán, 303, 311
Abu'l-Faraj-i-Rúní (poet), 246, 299
Faras-náma (by Shaykh 'Alí Ḥazín),
Farazdaq (Arabic poet), 357
Farghána, 64
Farhád Mírzá (uncle of Náṣiru'd-
Dín Sháh), 157, 312; — Páshá
(Turkish General, xvi), 104; — u
(romantic poem by Waḥshí
and Wiṣál), 238, 317, 319
Farhang (Mírzá Abu'l-Qásim, poet,
of Shíráz, xix), 300, 319, 322-5
Ibnu'l-Fáriḍ (Egyptian mystic and
poet), 357
Farídu'd-Dín 'Aṭṭár (mystical poet,
xiii), 357, 449; — Aḥmad Taftá-
zání (d. A.D. 1510), 63, 69
Farmán-farmá (grandson of Fatḥ-'Alí
Sháh), 146
Farqadán (“Guard-stars”), 295 and
Farrukh Khán (Persian plenipoten-
tiary at Paris in A.D. 1857), 154,
450; —Yasár (Shírwán-shah, killed
in A.D. 1500), 22, 52, 60, 82
Farrukhí (poet, xi), 265, 299
Fárs (province), 49, 56, 57, 59, 60,
82, 134, 225, 283
Faṣíḥ (poet, xvi), 243
Fatalism (jabr), 382, 384 n., 385,
386-7, 424
Fatḥ-'Alí Sháh Qájár (A.D. 1797-
1834), 115, 145-6, 298, 303, 304,
305, 309, 311, 314 n., 315, 368,
374-6, 411; — Khán Qájár (circâ
A.D. 1728), 132, 139; — Khán of
Káshán (poetically surnamed Ṣabá,
), 309-310; — -i-Darbandí
(xix), 462
Abu'l-Fatḥ Beg Báyandarí (ruler of
Kirmán, circâ A.D. 1500), 55; —
-Ḥusayní (xvi), 34-5; — (son of
Karím Khán-i-Zand, xviii), 142;
— of Gílán (Ḥakím, xvi), 245
Fatḥí (rhapsodist at Court of Sháh
'Abbás the Great), 110; — (Indian
poet), 267
Fáṭima (daughter of the Prophet
Muḥammad, wife of 'Alí, and
mother of the Imáms al-Ḥasan
and al-Ḥusayn, vii), 17, 18, 29,
32, 33 n., 176 n., 178, 180, 182,
185, 190, 192, 391, 392, 400 n.,
451; — -Kubrà and Ṣughrà
(daughters of the Imám-Ḥusayn),
181, 393
Fáṭimid Caliphs, 54 n., 98
Fatwá (legal decision), 372
Fawá'id-i-Ṣafawiyya (composed A.D.
1796-7), 444
-Fawá'idu'l-Madaniyya (by Mullá
Muḥammad Amín, d. A.D. 1623-
4), 374
Fayḍ, Mullá Muḥsin-i- —. See under
Fayḍí (Fayẓí, Feyẓí, poet at Akbar's
Court, d. A.D. 1595), 163, 164,
167, 242-5, 249, 267
Fayyáḍ, 'Abdu'r-Razzáq-i-Láhijí
(theologian and philosopher, xvii),
250 n., 408-9, 435-6; Sultán —
(heretic suppressed by Sháh Is-
ma'íl, circâ A.D. 1508), 59
Felenk and Pelenk (factions), 119
Ferdinand, the Archduke, 11, 93
Feuvrier, Dr —, 371
Fig, Valley of the —, 214, 219
Fighání, Bábá — of Shíráz (d. A.D.
1519), 164, 229-230, 242
Figuerosa, Don Garcias de Silva —,
Fihrist (of -Ṭúsí, xi), 355, 405
Fín (near Káshán), 56, 152
Findariski, Mír Abu'l-Qásim-i- —
(d. circâ A.D. 1640), 250, 257-8
“Firangí ambassador” at the Court
of Yazíd, 188
Firangís Khánum (daughter of Sháh
Isma'íl, xvi), 81 n.
Firdawsí (poet, xi), 13, 228, 229,
299, 309; — (magazine), 489
Firídún (legendary Persian king),
12, 13, 14, 310; — Bey (compiler
of Turkish State Papers, xvi), 8,
12, 13 n., 66-9, 73-80, 88 n., 91,
93 n.
Fírúzkúh, 55, 56, 455
Fírúz Mírzá (A.D. 1840), 149
Fírúzsháh-i-Zarrín-Kuláh (ancestor
of Shaykh Ṣafiyyu'd-Dín), 32 n.,
Fishing as a pastime, 51
Five Years in a Persian Town (by
Napier Malcolm), 195
Flügel, 66 n.
Fonahn, Dr Adolf —, 439
Forbes's Persian Grammar, 387 n.
“Four Books” of the Shí'a, 359, 405
“Fourteen Immaculate Ones” (Cha-
hárdah Ma'ṣúm, i.e.
the Prophet,
Fáṭima, and the Twelve Imáms),
France, 5, 6, 146, 153, 450
Franks (Firangí), 275, 283
Frederick Duke of Holstein, 114
Free Will, 15, 384-5, 386-7, 424
French, 226-7, 371, 452, 458, 488; —
language, 10, 323-5, 459-62, 465,
490; — Legation at Ṭihrán, 378
Fuḍúlí (Fuẓúlí), poet of Baghdád (d.
A.D. 1562-3), 236-7
Fúlád-Oghlán (descendant of Chingíz
Khán), 64 n.
Furát (Euphrates), 340
Furúghí of Qazwín (court-poet of
Sháh 'Abbás, xvii), 110; — of
Bisṭám (xix), 26, 168, 225, 307 n.,
326, 328, 336-7
Furúgh-i-Tarbiyat (magazine), 489
Furúghu'd-Dawla (son of Ḥasan 'Alí
Mírzá Shiyá'u's-Salṭana), 328

Gabr (guebre), 80 n., 95, 126, 179.
See also Magian, Zoroastrian
Gabriel (Jibrá'íl), the Archangel, 175,
177, 229, 291, 294 n., 297, 388,
389, 390
Ganja, 99, 104, 109, 134, 229
Ganj-i- Dánish (“the Treasure of
Learning,” published in 1887-8),
Ganjína of Nasháṭ (d. A.D. 1828-9);
— -i-Ma'árif (magazine), 490
Gardanne, General —, 146
“Gates” (Abwáb), 150. See Báb
Gawhar-i-Murád (“the Pearl of De-
sire,” by 'Abdu'r-Razzáq-i-Láhijí),
408, 435
Gedik Páshá, Theatre of — at Con-
stantinople, 464 n.
Genoa, 6
Georgia, Georgians, 37, 44, 52, 95,
103, 104, 107, 123, 134, 137, 140,
144, 298, 375 n.
Germany, 5, 6, 13 n., 128, 153, 483-
9; people of —, 425, 463; language
of —, 10, 12
Geschichte der Arabischen Aerzte (by
Wüstenfeld), 440 n.; — der Chali-
(by Weil), 54 n.; — der Medizin
(Max Neuburger), 438
Ghálib, Sayyid Muḥammad Ḥusayn
(poet, xviii), 283
Ghaní-záda, Mírzá Maḥmúd —, 490
Ghaybat (“Occultation” of the Twelfth
Imám), 150, 381, 398-9
Ghazála, 393. See Shahrbánú
-Ghazálí, 449
Gházán Khán (xiv), 18, 41
Abu'l-Ghází Ḥusayn b. Bayqará,
Sulṭán — (Tímúrid, xv-xvi), 63,
64, 69, 77, 83
Ghazna, 228; House of —, 3, 18
Ghujduwán, Battle of — (A.D. 1512),
Ghulát (extreme Shí'a), 17, 58, 385,
395, 452
Ghúrí, Sulṭán — (of Egypt, xvi), 69
Ghúriyání, Khwája Kalán — (xvi), 97
Ghuzz Turks, 348
Gibb, E. J. W. — (History of Ottoman
), 13 n., 20 n., 89 n., 107 n.,
163 n., 164 n., 210 n., 236-7, 242,
250, 265, 462 n., 464 n.
Gibbon (Decline and Fall of the Roman
), 186
Gílán, 19, 36, 50, 96, 104, 130, 134,
135, 223, 237, 238, 277, 279, 280,
451, 469; dialect of — (Gílakí), 43
Gílkhwárán, 36 n. See Kalkhorán
Giustiniani, Nicolo — (A.D. 1514), 72
Gobineau, M. le Comte de —, 147 n.,
153, 403, 423, 430 n., 431, 435,
Gog and Magog (Yajúj wa Májúj),
211 and note, 400
Goldziher, Prof. Ignaz —, 424 n.
Good and Evil, Problem of —, 384-5
Gospels (Injíl, Ingilyún), 137, 204,
214, 388
di Govea, Antonio —, 10
Grahame, George —, 190, 198, 222
Grand Maître des Assassins, un —,
by S. Guyard, 149 n.
Grebaiodoff (Russian Minister mur-
dered at Ṭihrán, Feb. 11, 1829),
146, 312
Greeks, 47, 475-481; Philosophy and
Science of the —, 219, 424-5,
437-8, 457
Green birds of Paradise, 395, 397
Grey, Charles —, 48 n., 49 n.
“Guard-stars” (Farqadán), 295 and n.
Guebre, 80 n. See Gabr, Magian,

Gujerát, 168, 169, 252
Gulistán (place), 52, 146; (book)
269, 326, 335, 490
Gul-i-zard (magazine), 490
Gulkhandán (fortress), 56
Gulnábád, Battle of — (March 8,
1722), 126-8
Gulshan-i-Maḥmúd, 298; — -i-Ráz,
37; — -i-Ṣabá, 309
Gurgán (Jurján), 130, 234
Gurgín Khán, 123-4
Guzárish-i-Mardum-guríz (Persian
version of le Misanthrope), 459
Gyawur (“giaour”), 80 n. See Gab??
Gyuk Cháy (near Síwás), 71