Part III, Chapter XIV = LXIV: On the Contemptibility of Meanness and Vileness and stories of Ignoble Persons.
f263b 1689 Introduction dealing with the contrast of high and low-minded persons, illustrated with verses. Al-Ma’mún, shocked at the meanness of his eldest son, ‘Abbás, in ordering his agent to buy for him a beet for half a dirham, repudiates him and appoints his brother al-Mu‘taṣim as his successor in the Caliphate.
f244a 1690 al-Ma’mún chooses Isḥáq al-Mawṣilí as tutor to ‘Alí b. Hishám b. Ṣáliḥ, but is disappointed in the end at the mean conduct of ‘Alí towards his venerable preceptor.
f245a f264a 1691 At the request of a disciple, the Shaykh Báyazíd of Bisṭám sends a dervish to bless a wedding-feast, but the dervish returns annoyed, because the host meanly estimated his blessing in terms of money. (The Maqámát-i-Shaykh Báyazíd Bisṭámí as the source.)
1692 Di‘bil-i-Khuzá‘í’s personal account of Sahl’s (?) meanness, and Sahl’s insistence on eating the cock’s head, which was missing in the dish. (related by al-Jáḥiẓ).
f245b f264b 1693 Bahrám Gúr disqualifies a very wise and capable man of his day from holding the office of minister, since he showed greediness at table.
1694 ‘Abdu’llah b. Muḥammad (?) of Baṣra complains of the meanness of Sahl b. Nu‘aym, the governor of the town, before Yaḥyá the Barmecide, who dismisses and disgraces him. (The Akhbár-i-Barámika as the source, see above, p. 39).
f246a f264b 1695 Fadhl b. Mu‘adh (?), the ruler of Khurásán, laughs at the misery of the famine-stricken people of Níshápúr when they ask him to supply them with corn from his granary, but expires the same night through the sticking of a morsel in his throat.
f246b f265a 1696 Abú Sahl Zawzaní, the Wazír of the Sultan Mas‘úd of Ghazna, enforces con­fiscation against the weighty opposition of Abú Naṣr Mushkání and Khwája Aḥmad b. Ḥasan Maymandí, his colleagues, and causes serious troubles in the state. (The Ta’ríkh-i-Náṣirí as the source, see above, pp. 62, 63—4).
      The chapter ends with a note concerning the mild policy adopted by the Wazír after the surrender of the fort of Bhakkar and the defeat of Malik Náṣiru’d-Dín Qabácha.