Caesarea, 23, 76
Cain (Qábíl), 207, 217
Cairo (-Qáhira), 425, 469
Calcutta, 469
Caliph (Khalífa), Caliphate (Khiláfat),
3, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 24, 58, 104,
126-7, 131-2, 348, 363, 391;
Cursing of first three Caliphs, 53-
54, 58, 74, 104, 135, 363
Calligraphy, History of — (Khaṭṭ u
Khaṭṭáṭán), 450 (by Mírzá Ḥabíb),
457 (by Mírzá-yi-Sanglákh)
Cambridge University Library, 15 n.,
49 n., 51 n., 52 n., 53 n., 55, 56 n.,
59 n., 63 n., 65 n., 77 n., 194 n.,
Cambyses (Kambujiya), 465
Canaan (Kan'án), 207, 217 and note
Canopus (Suhayl), 184, 185
Capuchin Mission (Iṣfahán), 9
Carabas (corruption of Qará-bágh), 49
Caramania (Qaramán), 48
Carmel, Mount —, 204, 214
Cartwright (xv), 10
Cashmere (Kashmír), 110, 245, 451
Caspian Sea, 6, 42, 51, 62, 116, 130,
Catholicism, Persian converts to —, 6
Caucasus, 347, 451
Cawnpore (Kánpúr), 281 n.
Cellini, Benvenuto —, 303
Chaghatáy Turks, 234
Chahár Maqála (“the Four Dis-
courses,” xii), 196-7, 209 n, 412,
434 n.
Chahár-súq (cross-roads), 95 n.
Chahár-tárí (player on four-stringed
lute), 110 and note
Chahil Sutún (palace at Iṣfahán), 92
Chákarlú, 'Alí Beg — (Turkmán ruler,
xv), 51
Chakma wa shalwár (boots and
breeches), 320, 322
Chaláwí, Ḥusayn Kiyá-yi- — (ruler of
Samnán about A.D. 1500), 55, 56
Cháldirán, Battle of — (Aug. 23,
1514), 9, 24, 57, 73, 75-7, 82
Changí (harper), 110 and note
Charand-parand (“Charivari”), 469-
Chardin (the Chevalier —), 10, 20,
113, 115
“Chasan Chelife,” 70. See Ḥasan
Chelsea, 221
Chighála-záda Sinán Páshá (Turkish
general, circâ A.D. 1603), 106
China (Chín, Ṣín), 128, 202, 205,
211 n., 212, 215, 451
Chingíz Khán, 3, 64 and note, 94, 322
Chrestomathie Persane (by M. Ch.
Schefer), 9 n.
Christ, 187, 420. See Jesus ('Isá)
Christensen, Dr Arthur —, 487
Christians, 6, 7, 9, 112, 113, 123, 137,
187, 188-9, 293-4, 314 n., 401,
421, 422, 434, 452. See also
Georgians, Missionaries
Cicala, 106
Circassians, 101
Clavijo, 41 n., 57
Clements Markham, 41 n.
Clive, Lord —, 186
Clouston, J. Storer —, 322 n.
“Committee of Defence,” 484
Communism (Ibáḥat), 382 and note
Comneni, 47
Constantinople, 11, 65, 66 n., 76, 77 n.,
89, 93 n., 94, 104, 130, 131, 133,
157, 158, 164 n., 173 n., 344, 450,
452, 468, 487, 490
Contarini, Ambrosio —, 10
Continens of Rhazes (-Ḥáwí of -Rází,
x), 438-9
Controversial Tracts, etc., by Professor
Samuel Lee, 421
Copenhagen, 487
Cossacks, 480 n., 481
Court Directory, Persian —, 454-6
Cowley, Lord —, 154
Creasy's History of the Ottoman Turks,
11 n., 75, 90 n., 93
Crimea, 76, 103
Croesus, 209 n.
de la Croix, Pétis —, 10
“Cudi de Lac,” 101 n.
Cuneiform writing (khaṭṭ-i-míkhí), 466
Curds, 58 n. See Kurds
Cureton, 15 n.
Curzon, Hon. Robert —, 152; Lord
— of Kedleston, 92 n., 109, 132 n.
Cyaxares, 465
Cynic (Kalbí), 200, 201
Cyprus, 154, 464 n.
Cyrus, 464, 465
Dabistán, 258, 436
Dághistán, 269
Ḍaḥḥák, 14
Dá'í (court-poet of Sháh 'Abbás, xvi),
110; — (poet, d. A.D. 1742-3), 282
Dajjál (Antichrist), 399
Dakhaw (contemporary poet and
writer), 223, 345, 469-482
Dalá'il-i-Sab'a (“Seven Proofs” of
the Báb), 422
Dámád, Mír Muḥammad Báqir —
(philosopher and theologian, d.
A.D. 1630), 110, 250, 252, 256-7,
372, 406-7, 408, 426-9
Damascus, 179, 406
Damáwand, 455
Dámghán, 133, 456
Ḍamír (thought-reading), 434 n.
Ḍamírí (poet, xvii), 110
Dandin, George —, 462
Daniel (the Prophet), 204, 214
Dánish (newspaper), 489
Dárá, Dáráb, 13, 14
Dáráb [jird], 59, 218 n.
Darband, 48, 60, 109, 130, 134, 135
Darmesteter, James —, 122
Dáru'l-Funún (College at Ṭihrán),
155, 441, 458
Dáru's-Salám, 204. See Baghdád
Dáru't-Tarjuma (Translation Bureau),
Darwinian theory, 211 n.
Dastán, Mírzá Ibráhím — (son of the
poet Yaghmá), 338
Dastúru'l-Inshá (by Ṣárí 'Abdu'lláh,
d. A.D. 1668), 9 n.
Dastúru'l-Wuzará (by Khwándamír,
A.D. 1510), 447
Davies, John —, 114
Dáwarí (poet, xix), 163, 300-301,
Dawlatí (wife of Amínu'd-Dín Jibrá'íl
and mother of Shaykh Ṣafiyyu'd-
Dín), 37
Dawlatsháh (author of “Memoirs of
the Poets,” A.D. 1550), 447
Dawlat Shaykh, 64 n.
Death slain, 401
Deccan, 168, 169, 253, 259, 266, 267,
269, 365
Delhi. See Dihlí
Democracy, Arabian —, 18
Dengiz Beg Shámlú (envoy of Sháh
'Abbás, put to death A.D. 1613-4),
6 n.
Derenbourg, M. Hartwig —, 444 n.
Despina Khátún (“Despinacaton”),
Determinism (Jabr). See Fatalism
Deutsch-Persische Gesellschaft, 486 n.
Development of Metaphysics in Persia
(by Shaykh Muḥammad Iqbál),
430 n., 431, 436
Devil, 384
Abú Dharr, 208, 218
Dharra u Khurshíd (poem by Zulálí,
d. A.D. 1614-5), 252
Dhu'l-Fiqár Khán of Samnán (patron
of Yaghmá), 337
Dhu'l-Qadar (Turkish tribe), 52 n.,
58, 77, 104, 414
Dhu'l-Qarnayn, 80 n. See Alexander
the Great
Dhu'n-Nún, Amír — (ruler of Qanda-
hár about A.D. 1500), 55
Dhu'r-Rumma (Arabian poet), 357
Diego, Don — of Persia (about A.D.
1600), 6
Dihlí (Delhi), 28, 91, 92, 136, 168,
169, 266, 281
Dijla (the Tigrís), 321
Dilgushá, Garden of — at Shíráz, 221
Dínár, 410 n.
Dín Muḥammad Sulṭán Uzbek (xvi),
Divine Right of Kings, 18
Ḍiyá (Ẓiyá) Páshá (xix), 164 n., 173,
Diyár Bakr, 47, 55, 58, 69, 82, 106
Dizful, 46, 59, 279
Doe, John —, 380
“Dog of the Threshold of 'Alí,” or
“of the Immaculate Imáms,” 354,
Donisthorpe, Horace —, 440
Dorn, Bernard —, 30, 450 n.
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan —, 467
Dreams, Shah Ṭahmásp's —, 86-8
Droit Musulman by M. Amédée
Querry, 377-8
Dúgh-i-Waḥdat, 473 n.
Dunlop's Perzië, 10, 129
Durra-i-Nádirí (by Mírzá Mahdí
Khán of Astarábád), 445
Dutch, 10, 129, 280
Ecbatana (Hagmatána, Hamadán),
Edom, 204, 214
Edwards, Edward —, 304 n., 330 n.,
335, 379 n., 453, 462 n.
Egypt, 11, 14 n., 24, 69, 77, 416, 427,
451, 453
Elephant, Year of the —, 391
Elias, Ney —, 64 n.
Elizabeth, Queen —, 85, 92, 412
Ellis, A. G. —, 5, 14 n., 34, 35, 43 n.,
54 n., 55 n., 58 n., 71 n., 414
Engineer's Thumb (by Sir A. Conan
Doyle), 467
England, 5, 105, 107, 146, 147, 154,
156, 452, 488
Enoch (Idrís), 390
Envoûtement, 375
Ephialtes, 476-7, 480-1
Epirus, 72
“Epistles to the Kings” (Alwáḥ-i-
Saláṭín), 423
Erivan, 109, 130, 135, 137
Erlangen, 425
Erskine, W. —, 57 n., 64, 85, 91,
170 n.
Erzeroum, 135, 152; Treaty of —, 146
Erzinján, 22. See Arzinján
“Essential meanings of words,” 409
Estat de la Perse en 1660, 9, 20 n.,
115, 116
Ethé, Professor Hermann —, 25, 168,
233 n., 234, 264 n., 265
l'Étourdi (Molière), 459
Euclid, 201, 212
Eunuchs, 141
Euphrates (Furát), 341
Euphuists, 412
Europe (monthly review), 153 n.
Europeans, Persian view of —, 452;
— as instructors in Persia, 458; —,
their ships highly esteemed, 280
Evil not created by the Devil, 384
Evil Eye ('Aynu'l-Kamál), 117 n.,
216 n., 274 n.
Executions, compulsory attendance at
—, 108