A. H. 814.
A. D. 1412.

contracted a fever, and died in the month of Zeekada. With him fell the kingdom of Dehly from the race of Toorks, the adopted slaves of the Em­peror Shahab-ood-Deen Ghoory, who were of the second dynasty of the Mahomedan princes of India.

The disastrous and inglorious reign of Mahmood Toghluk continued, from first to last, 20 years and two months.

The nobles, soon after his death, elected, in his stead, Dowlut Khan Lody, an Afghan by birth, originally a private secretary, who, after passing through various offices, was raised by Mahmood Toghluk, and attained the title of Azeez-i-Moo-

A. H. 815.
A. D. 1412.

malik. Dowlut Khan Lody ascended the throne in the month of Mohurrum, 816, and began his reign, as usual, by striking the currency in his own name.

Two chiefs of power and reputation, Mullik Idrees and Moobariz Khan, who had been in the interest of Khizr Khan, abandoned that chief, and joined Dowlut Khan Lody. A few days after his accession, he marched towards Kutehr; and was met by Nursing Ray, and other zemindars of those districts, who acknowledged his title. On his ar­rival at the town of Bisowly, Mohabut Khan of Budaoon also came to meet him, and pay him obedience. Advices at this time arrived, that Ibrahim Shah Shurky was besieging Kalpy, then held by Kadur Khan, the son of Mahomed Khan; but as Dowlut Khan Lody had not sufficient force to march to his relief, he returned to Dehly to recruit his army. Meanwhile Khizr Khan, who had been preparing to invade the capital, advanced

A. H. 816.
A. D. 1414.

in the month of Zeehuj, with 60,000 horse, and a third time invested the ci­tadel of Siry, to which Dowlut Khan had retired. After a siege of four months, Khizr Khan obliged Dowlut Khan Lody, on the

Awul 15.
A. H. 817.
June 4.
A. D. 1416.

15th of Rubbee-ool-Awul, in the year 817, to surrender. He was instantly confined in Hissar Feroza, where he died, after a nominal reign of one year and three months.