Part III, Chapter XIII = LXIII: On the Contemptibility of Hard-Heartedness and bad Temper and on the Laudability of Politeness and Humaneness.
f240a ff261 1682 Introduction, illustrated by the story of the importunate beggar, and the occasion of the revelation of the Verse “And as for him who asks, do not chide (him).” The account of the doings of the two public prose­cutors Amir-i-Jaras or Ḥaras, appointed by al-Ma’mún, offers a striking contrast of their temper and reputation. (The Ta’ríkh-i-Ál-i-‘Abbás as the source, see above, p. 48).
f241a f262a 1683 al-Ḥajjáj entrusts an ‘Ázádmard’, a freeman, to Aḥmad b. Mubashshir al-A‘raj, to whom he discharges his liabilities voluntarily, whereas Ma‘bad could not extort anything from him in spite of his brutal measures.
f241b 1684 Báwardí (?), an apparently harsh prefect of police in the days of the Sultan Maḥmúd of Ghazna, discloses the mystery of the successful management of the city under his régime. (The Dastúru’l-Wuzará’ of the Sultan Radhiyyu’d-Dín Ibráhím b. Mas‘úd b. Maḥmúd of Ghazna as the source, see above, p. 67).
f242a 1685 ‘Alqama b. Wá’il al-Anṣárí al-Ḥadhramí’s visit to the Prophet in Madína, and the insults which he heaped on Mu‘áwiya, while he was being escorted by him as a guest of honour to a residence far off on the outskirts of the city in the scorching heat of the desert; and Mu‘áwiya’s courtesy to him after he succeeded to the Caliphate.
1686 Abú Shujá‘ Aḥmad [b. ‘Abdu’llah al-Khujistání] treats brutally Muẓaffar, the son of Muḥtáj, who as usual in expectation of his reward was awaiting his return from the hunting-ground. (See above, p. 46).
f242b 1687 ‘Amr b. Layth, the Ṣaffárid, tells Ja‘far b. Muḥammad az-Zuburí (?), a favourite of his, the story of his penury in his early days in connection with his outrageous murder of Isḥáq, the gardener, who had once beaten him cruelly for robbing fruit, bread, and curds from the garden where he was camping; but he bitterly resents the suggestion that he should acknowledge his indebtedness to the butcher, who gave him sustenance and employed him as a shepherd. (See above, p. 46).
f243a f263a 1688 al-Ḥajjáj inhumanly orders the assassination of ‘Abdu’r-Raḥmán Awzá‘í, an old boon-companion of ‘Abdu’llah b. Zubayr, for showing grief when reminded of his early friendship with him.
      The chapter ends as usual with a panegyric.