Baal, Priests of —, 188
Báb (Mírzá 'Alí Muḥammad of Shíráz,
put to death in A.D. 1850), and his
followers the Bábís, 121, 122, 147,
149-151, 153-4, 156, 162, 187 n.,
194-220 (poem), 329, 354, 355,
380-1, 399 n., 403, 411, 415, 420-3,
430, 446
Ibn Bábawayhi (eminent Shí'a theo-
logian, d. A.D. 991-2), 358, 377,
405, 448
Bab-el-Wad (Hebron), 46 ad calc.
Bábil (grandfather of Shaykh Záhid
of Gílán), 42
Babinger, Dr F. —, 35 n., 44 n.,
45 n., 46 n., 47 n.
Bábu'lláh (“the Gate of God,” 'Alí
so called), 385
Bábur (Tímúrid founder of the Moghul
Empire in India, d. A.D. 1530-1),
63, 64, 66, 74 n., 85, 91, 92, 234
Babylon (meaning Baghdád, q.v.), 112
Badakhshán, 322, 451
Badá'úní (author of the Muntakhabu't-
Tawáríkh), 165
Badhlu'r-Raḥmán, Professor —, 440
Badí'u'z-Zamán Mírzá (Tímúrid
prince), 55, 64, 77, 99
Badru'd-Dín Muḥammad (father of the
poet 'Urfí), 245
Báfq, 238
Baghdád, 24, 30-31, 55, 58, 62, 93,
106, 112, 127, 134, 140, 149, 154,
235, 236, 279, 280, 321, 364, 425
Bahá'í, a follower of Bahá'u'lláh,
q.v. Shaykh-i- —, 28. See Bahá'u'd-
Dín-'Amilí, infra
Bahár (contemporary poet), 223, 345;
469; — (newspaper), 469
Bahá'u'd-Dawla, Bahman Mírzá —
(xix), 149, 450 n.
Bahá'u'd-Dín-'Ámilí, Shaykh —
(theologian, d. A.D. 1621-2), 28,
110, 250, 253, 278, 364, 366, 372,
407, 408, 426-8, 429
Bahá'u'lláh, Bahá'ís, 151, 187 n., 194-
220 (poem), 354, 415, 420-3; —
“the Splendour of God” (book by
Ibráhím Khayru'lláh), 214 n.
Bahjatu'r-Rawáj (treatise on music),
223 n.
Bahman Mírzá. See above under
Bahrám Gúr (Sásánian King), 466;
— Mírzá (son of Badí'u'z-Zamán
Mírzá), 99; — Mírzá (son of Sháh
Ṭahmásp, xvi), 81, 88-9
Bahrámábád (near Kirmán), 126
Baḥrayn, 125, 356, 360, 364, 374, 421,
Baḥru'l-'Ulúm (Sayyid Muḥammad
Mahdí of Burújird, d. circâ A.D.
1825), 410
Bajazet, 70; a corrupt spelling of
Báyazíd, q.v.
Bakhtiyárís, 139
Bakí Aqá (daughter of Úzún Ḥasan),
Abú Bakr (the First Caliph, vii), 17,
22, 53, 54, 74, 80 n., 94, 95, 104,
391, 392, 418
Bákú, 52, 109, 130, 135, 346, 347, 489
Ba'labakk (Baalbek), 407, 428
Bal'amí (translator of-Ṭabarí's history
into Persian), 412
Balance (Mízán), 400
Balkh, 51, 55, 82, 109
-Balkhí (schismatic), 384
Balúchistán, Balúchís, 24, 128 n.,
Bam, 149
Bandar-i-'Abbás, 279, 280
Bang (Cannabis Indica, Ḥashísh),
87 n., 470, 473
Bankipore Library, 358
Banná'í (poet, killed in A.D. 1512),
63, 83, 94, 227
Baptist Mission Press, Calcutta, 358 n.
Baqá'í (poet, rival of Hilálí, xvi), 235
Baqiyyatu'lláh (“the Remnant of
God,” the Imám Mahdí so called),
Baráhínu'l-'Ajam (by Sipihr), 326
Barahút, Wádí —, 397 and note
Bárbad (minstrel of Khusraw Parwíz),
Barbaro, Josepho—(Venetian traveller,
xv), 10
Barbier de Meynard, 462
Bar-bítán (the seven great noble fami-
lies of Ancient Persia), 209 n.
Bárík Parnák (ruler of 'Iráq-i-'Arab
about A.D. 1500), 55
Barkhiyá (father of Áṣaf, Solomon's
Prime Minister), 310 and note
Barníqí, Shamsu'd-Dín —, 44
St Bartholomew, Massacre of —, 72
Barzakh (the “World of the Barrier”),
395, 397
-Basásírí (xi), 54 and note
Baṣra, 200, 210, 279, 363, 429
“Bassa” (i.e. Pasha), 70
Ibn Baṭúṭa (traveller, xiv), 27
Bayán, Persian — (by the Báb), 150,
197, 422
Báyandarí, 67 and note, another name
for the “White Sheep” (Áq-
Qoyúnlú) dynasty, q.v.
Báyazíd of Bisṭám (saint and mystic),
336, 357; — II (Ottomán Sulṭán,
A.D. 1482-1512), 9, 57, 65, 67-9,
70, 71, 72; — son of Sulaymán I
(Ottoman Prince, A.D. 1562), 89-
Bayburt, 76
Bayram Beg (Humáyún's envoy), 57;
— Khán-Khánán (murdered in
A.D. 1561), 165, 245
Baysunghur, or Baysunqur (of the
“White Sheep” dynasty), 49-50,
58 n.
Bayt Maḥsír (Hebron), 46 n.
Ibnu'l-Bayṭár (botanist), 441
Bazm-i-Wiṣál, 317
Ibnu'l-Bazzáz (author of Ṣafwatu'ṣ-
Ṣafá, xiv), 34
Bear, the Thief-catching — (Khirs-i-
Qúldúr-básán, Persian comedy),
Bedr ed-Dīn der Sohn des Richters von
Simāw by F. Babinger, 44 n., 48 n.
Beer, Ernst —, 140 n., 445 n.
Bees, Habits of — observed by Mír
Dámád, 428-9
Belfour, F. C. —, 115, 277
Benares, 115
Bengal, Asiatic Society of —, 358
Berlin, 13 n., 425, 483-9
Bethune, Sir Henry Lindsay —, 147
Bíbí Fáṭima (wife of Shaykh Ṣafiyyu'd-
Dín, xiii), 42
-Bidá (doctrine of —), 385
Bídábád (quarter of Iṣfahán), 410
Bí-dil (poet), 178, 269
Biḥáru'l-Anwár (by Mullá Muḥam-
mad Báqir-i-Majlisí), 359, 366 n.,
409, 417
Bihbihání, Muḥammad 'Alí —, 420
Bihzád (artist, circâ A.D. 1500), 25
-Bírúní, Abú Rayḥán — (xi), 357, 449
Bísh bád, kam ma-bád (a curse), 54
Bismil, Mírzá 'Alí Akbar of Shíráz
(poet, circâ A.D. 1821), 304-5, 311,
317; Murgh-i- —, 166 n.
Bisṭám, 328, 336, 455
Bitlís, 58
“Blasi,” 62
Blochet, E. —, 444 n.
Blochmann, 210 n., 249 n.
Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen —, 196
de Boer, Dr T. J. —, 424 n., 425,
426 n.
Bolsheviks, Bolshevism, 371, 487
Bombay, 149
Bosphorus, 467
British Legation at Ṭihrán, 370; —
Museum, 457. See Edwards, Rieu.
Brockelmann's Gesch. d. Arab. Litt.,
57 n., 440 n.
Brydges, Sir Harford Jones —, 142-4,
Búdáq Sulṭán (father of Shaybak or
Shaybání Khán), 64 n.
Buddhists, 258
Buhlúl (the “Wise fool”), 387
Bujnúrd, 455
Bukhárá, 51, 64, 136, 250, 258, 265,
269, 282 n.
Buláq, 253
Bulgháy (descendant of Chingíz Khán),
64 n.
-Búní, Shaykh — (occultist), 442
Bunker, Mr — (Lunatic at Large),
Búq-i-Waḥdat, 473 n.
Buqráṭ (Hippocrates), 201
Búqu'l-'Ishq (poet, xvi), 97
Burhán (Niẓám Sháh, A.D. 1508-
1553), 169 n.; — (descendant of
Shírwán-sháh, circâ A.D. 1549),
96; — u'd-Dín, Qáḍí — (circâ
A.D. 1384), 406
Bury, Professor J. B. —, 186 n.
Busbecq, 11, 93
Busḥaq (poet of Shíráz), 241
Bushire (Abú Shahr), 489
Bustánu's-Siyáḥat (A.D. 1831-2),
Buwayhid (or Daylamite) dynasty, 3,
8, 30-31, 54 n.
Buzghush, Shaykh — of Shíráz, 42
Byron, 227
Byzantine Empire, 80 n.