It appears to me that Mahfúza, and not Mansúra, is represented by Nasrpúr. Indeed, independent of the position with reference to the eastern and western side of the stream above mentioned, it is worthy of remark, that the meaning of the two names is the same— both signifying “the protected, the abode of refuge.” The identity, or resemblance of name, therefore, would be as much in favour of Mahfúza as Mansúra.
Nasrpúr, which modern authorities universally spell as Násirpúr, was built, or rather re-constructed, on the river Sánkra, by Amír Nasr, who was detached by Sultán Fíroz Sháh for that purpose, with a thousand cavalry, in 751 A.H., 1350 A.D. Nasrpúr was subsequently the favourite residence of the Tarkháns, and was greatly embellished by them during their brief rule.*
It being shown above that Mansúra is nearly identical with Bráhmanábád, it remains to prove that both are not far distant from the modern capital of Haidarábád.
Among the reasons for considering Mansúra to be identical with Haidarábád, is the position assigned to it by Istakhri and Ibn Haukal, who describe it as being “a mile long and a mile broad, and surrounded by a branch of the Indus.” This is the mode in which it is also described by Kazwíní. Notwithstanding this, it is laid down in the map of the Ashkálu-l Bilád.* as being situated on the main stream. Istakhrí's map rightly locates it on the branch, but Ibn Haukals' map, as printed by Major Anderson,* places it about midway between the two. The island, to be sure, is out of all proportion large, but its position necessarily identifies it with that which is formed by the Falailí and the Indus,—and the space which the town is represented to have occupied is exactly that which constitutes the limestone ridge on which Haidarábád is built.
The distances laid down also by Ibn Haukal are, with one exception sufficiently correct. Thus, from Mansúra to Debal is six days' journey, which is exact,—on the supposition that Debal, as elsewhere shown, is Karáchí. From Mansúra to Túrán is fifteen days' journey, which also agrees well enough with Haidarábád. From Mansúra to Kandábel (Gandáva) is eight days' journey, which also agrees very well.—“He who travels from Mansúra to Budha must go along the banks of the Indus as far as Sihwán,”—which shows Mansúra to be close on the Indus, as, indeed, it is elsewhere expressly declared to be, and not so far removed as Nasrpúr. From Mansúra to Cambay is twelve days' journey. Here the distances are long, but the desert must have made continuous travelling indispensable, as the halting places were necessarily reduced to the smallest possible number.
The widest departure from the ordinary distance is that between
Mansúra and Multán, which is set down by Ibn Haukal at only
twelve days' journey. This is very rapid, considering that about
four hundred miles separate them, requiring an average of thirty-
Bírúní lays down the distance at fifteen parasangs from Multán to
Bhátí, another fifteen from Bhátí to Alor, and twenty from Alor to
Mansúra—making the entire distance only fifty parasangs from
Multán to Mansúra; while, at the same time, he gives it as thirty
parasangs from Mansúra to Loharání Bandar (p. 61). There is here
also a surprising abridgment of the former distance, which, may
perhaps be accounted for by considering the frontier to be reckoned
from in one instance, and the capital in the other. Still, such an
error or inconsistency in a space so frequently traversed, is not
easily accounted for, occurring as it does in two such trustworthy
authorities as Ibn Haukal and Birúní; and it would have been
satisfactory to find some more plausible solution. Mas'údí, with a
much nearer approach to correctness, gives the distance as seventy-
It may be proper to add, that none of these ancient places,
mentioned in this and other Notes, have sites assigned to them
in any modern maps. Burnes, Wieland, Vivien de St. Martin,
Berghaus, Zimmermann, all reject them. D'Avezac enters some, but
all erroneously, except Debal,—at least, according to the principles
above enunciated. Even Kiepert, in his valuable Karte von Alt-
[Since the death of Sir H. Elliot the remains of a buried city, supposed to be the ancient Bráhmanábád, have been discovered and explored by Mr. A. F. Bellasis, of the Bombay Civil Service. The exact position of the ruins is stated to be forty-seven miles northeast of Haidarábád, and if their investigator is right in believing them to be the ruins of Bráhmanábád, the question of the position of that city is put at rest. The identification has presumption in its favour, though it has not yet been satisfactorily proved; and one circumstance is strongly against it:—Large numbers of coins were discovered among the ruins; but the great bulk of these were Muhammadan, and the few Hindu coins that were brought to light “seem to be casual contributions from other provinces, of no very marked uniformity or striking age.” Were the ruins those of an old Hindu city, Hindu coins of a distinct character would probably have been found. The coins discovered were those of Mansúr bin Jamhúr, Abdu-r Rahmán, Muhammad 'Abdu-lláh and Umar (see supra, p. 127).*]