Part III, Chapter XII = LXII: On the Contemptibility of Tyranny and on the History of unjust Rulers.
ff236 f258b-
1667 Introduction dealing with the evil effects of cruelty and the efficacy of the invocations of the oppressed. ‘Abdu’llah b. Ṭáhir orders his falconer to pull out the wings of a falcon that impudently attacked an eagle.
f236b f259a 1668 Ziyád, the adopted brother of Mu‘áwiya, murders 1,500 inhabitants of Baṣra in one night-patrol, and strikes terror into the hearts of the people.
1669 In justification of his high-handed policy al-Ḥajjáj gives a genuine gold coin to a learned man, who complained against his tyranny in Baṣra, in order that be might ascertain for himself what it was worth in the market, and recognise that the people of Baṣra were being treated according to their deserts.
f237a 1670 Socrates, when attacked by the furious mob, told his wife that it was preferable to die more sinned against than sinning.
1671 al-Ḥajjáj’s taunting proclamation to the people who were rejoicing on the eve of his death.
1672 A tyrant smitten by an earthquake at the invocation of an old woman whose house he had demolished in order to bnild a palace for himself.
1673 A general who billets himself on a Shaykh dies of colitis.
f237b 1674 al-Ḥajjáj dies of paralysis within 40 days of the assassination of one of the great Tábi‘ís, Sa‘íd b. Jubayr.
f260a 1675 The Sultan Mas‘úd punishes a chieftain of Ghúr for his atrocity towards a dervish.
f238a f260a 1676 The threat of al-Ḥajjáj to the people of ‘Iráq after its conquest.
1677 A learned man in his talk with the Amír Ismá‘íl the Sámánid ascribes the decay of Khurásán after the Ṭáhirids to the tyranny of the Ṣaffárids who succeeded them.
f238b f260b 1678 Walíd b. ‘Abdu’l-Malik puts Ḥabíb b. ‘Abdu’llah b. Zubayr to death for describing him as the Pharaoh of the day, but Nemesis follows soon after.
f239a 1679 ‘Umar II’s opinion about the oath of a person who had made his divorce conditional on al-Ḥajjáj being in Hell.
1680 Muẓaffar the mad, a cruel governor of Maḥmúd’s, punished by Abú Ḥabíb as atrociously as he had treated the poor peasants.
f239b f261a 1681 A belated pilgrim admires an old woman who preferred to live on snakes and bitter water in her valley, rather than be a citizen of a town where tyranny was rampant.
      The chapter ends with a eulogy on the Wazír.