In the following Index where many reference-numbers occur under one heading the more important are printed in Clarendon type, which is also used for the first entry under each letter of the alphabet. To save needless repetition, all references to any name common to several persons mentioned in the text are brought together under one heading, the individuals bearing this name being arranged either in chronological order, or in order of importance, or in classes (rulers, men of letters, poets, etc.). The letter b. between two names stands for Ibn (“Son of…”), and n. after the number of a page indicates a footnote. The addition in brackets of a Roman number after a name or book indicates the century of the Christian era in which the man lived or the book was written. Prefixes like Abú (“Father of…”) and Ibn (“Son of…”) in Muḥammadan, and de, le, von in European names are disregarded in the alphabetical arrangement, so that names like Abú Sa'íd, Ibn Síná, le Strange, de Slane, etc., must be sought under S, not under A, I, L or D. Titles of books and foreign words are printed in italics. A hyphen preceding a word indicates that the Arabic definite article al- should be prefixed to it.
Aaron (Hárún), 207, 217
Abarqúh, 55, 56
'Abbás, uncle of the Prophet Muḥam-
mad and ancestor of the 'Abbásid
Caliphs (A.D. 750-1258), 23, 24,
41 n., 54 n., 127, 394, 424-5, 437-
9; 'Abbás b. 'Alí b. Abí Ṭálib
(perished with the Imám Ḥusayn,
his half-brother, at Karbalá), 190,
192, 340; Sháh — I Ṣafawí
(A.D. 1587-1629), 4, 5, 6-8, 9,
25, 28, 99, 100, 101, 102-112, 118,
119, 256, 258, 266, 364 n., 368,
369, 406, 407, 408, 426, 427 n.,
428, 434; Sháh — II Ṣafawí
(A.D. 1642-67), 111, 112, 264,
267; Sháh — III Ṣafawí (A.D.
1731-6), 113, 134-5; — Mírzá
(eldest and favourite son of Fatḥ-
'Alí Sháh Qájár, d. A.D. 1833),
146, 155, 311, 313, 314 n., 315,
468; — Efendi ('Abdu'l-Bahá,
q.v.), 217 n., 218 n., 220; —
of Bisṭám (poet, better known
as Furúghí and Miskín, q.v.),
328, 336; Ḥájji — (fictitious),
183, 185
'Abbásábád (near Iṣfahán), 266
Abdál (a class of the Rijálu'l-Ghayb,
or “Men of the Unseen”), 469,
472 n.
Abdál Beg (renegade Christian painter),
Abdálí Afgháns, 125, 138
'Abdu'l-'Azíz Khán (Afghán envoy
to Constantinople, A.D. 1726-7),
'Abdu'l-Bahá ('Abbás Efendi, q.v.),
207, 217 n., 218 n., 220
'Abdu'l-Báqí (a descendant of Sayyid
Ni'matu'lláh, killed at Cháldirán,
A.D. 1514), 76; Sayyid — Ṭabíb
(poet, xviii), 283
'Abdu'l-Ḥamíd, Sultán — (xix-xx),
13 n., 467
'Abdu'l-Jabbár (artist at the court of
Sháh 'Abbás I), 110
'Abdu'lláh b. -Ḥusayn b. 'Alí b. Abí
Ṭálib, 393; — -Aftaḥ (son of the
Imám Ja'far-Ṣádiq), 391; — -i-
Shírází (saint, xiii), 37; — Khán
Uzbek (xvi), 105; — -i-Yazdí,
Mullá (xvi), 427; — -i-Túní,
Mullá (xvii), 368; — Afghán
(brother of Mír Ways, xviii), 125;
Mírzá —, physician (xviii), 283
'Abdu'l-Majíd Belshah (d. A.D.
1923), 366 n.
'Abdu'l-Muḥammad-Maḥallátí (xix),
'Abdu'l-Mú'min Khan Uzbek (xvi),
104, 105
'Abdu'l-Muqtadir, Mawlawí — (xx),
448 n.
'Abdu'l-Qádir-i-Badá'úní (historian
of Akbar, xvi-xvii), 242, 243, 249
'Abdu'r-Raḥím Khán-khánán (xvi),
165, 245, 252
'Abdu'r-Raḥmán Bey Sheref (Turkish
historian, xx), 71 n.
'Abdu'r-Razzáq-i-Láhijí, called
Fayyáḍ (philosopher, xvii), 250 n.,
408-9, 426, 427, 435-6; — Khán (of
the Cossack Brigade, A.D. 1907),
476-8, 481-2
'Abdu'sh-Shukúr (proprietor of the
“Kaviani” Press, Berlin, 1924),
Abdu'l-Wahháb Nasháṭ (poet, d.
A.D. 1828-9), 307, 311
'Abdu'l-Wási'-i-Jabalí (poet, xii), 299
Abíward, 109
Abraham (Ibráhím), 388, 389
Ábtín (legendary father of Firídún),
310 and n.
Abwábu'l-Janán (A.D. 1645, by Mullá
Muḥsin-i-Fayḍ), 407, 435
“Accomplishments” (Kamáliyyát),
“Achmetes” (i.e. Aḥmad Pasha), 70
Acre, 151 n., 154, 187 n. See 'Akká
Adab (newspaper), 346-7
Adam, 207, 217, 388
Ad-ham (poet, xvii), 267
Adhar (poet and biographer). See
Átash-kada, Luṭf-'Alí Beg
Ádhar Kaywán (xvii), 258
Ádharbáyján, 45, 47, 52, 55, 82, 87,
93, 104, 139, 279, 316, 347, 375 n.,
451, 462, 488
Adíb Ṣábir (poet, xii), 299
Adíbu'l-Mamálik (poet and journalist,
d. A.D. 1917), 303, 346-9, 484, 489
'Ádil Sháh Afshár (A.D. 1747-8), 116,
138, 141
'Adliyya (Ministry of Justice), 347
Adonis, 188
Adrianople, 76, 154, 237
Adventure of Appledore Towers, 466 n.
Advocates, The — (Wukalá-yi-Murá-
fa'a), 462
Afḍal of Qá'in, Mullá — (xvi), 427
Afgháns, Afghánistán, 10, 24, 111, 115-
118, 121-133, 135, 138, 139, 168,
278-9, 282, 450, 451, 484, 489
Afláki (author of the Manáqibu'l-
'Árifín), 35
Afrásiyáb, 13, 14, 414
Africa, North —, 59
Afshár, 52 n., 137 n.
Áftáb (newspaper), 347
Aftaḥiyya sect, 391
Ágáh (poet of Shíráz, d. A.D. 1828-9),
225 n., 311
Aghá (or Áqá), title given to eunuchs,
Aghayeff, Aḥmad Bey — (xix-xx), 346
Ágra, 255, 256, 266, 267
Agradates, 465
Ahar, 50
Ahlí (poet of Turshíz, d. A.D. 1527-8),
233-4; — (poet of Shíráz, d. A.D.
1535-6), 233-4
Ahlu'l-Buyútát, 209 n.
Ahlwardt, 358 n., 444 n.
Aḥmad-A'rábí, Sayyid — (ancestor
of the Ṣafawís), 33 n.; — b. 'Alí
-Najáshí (d. A.D. 1063), 355, 358,
405; — (son of Rashídu'd-Dín
Faḍlu'lláh (xiv), 33; — Mírzá
(brother of Sháh Isma'íl I Ṣafawí),
59; — Mírzá (another Ṣafawí
prince, put to death by Sháh
Isma'íl II in A.D. 1577), 99; —
Khán (ruler of Gílán, circâ A.D.
1567), 96; — Beg Áq-qoyúnlú,
58 n.; — Ján (envoy to Sulṭán
Salím, A.D. 1514), 75; — b. Mu-
ḥammad-Ardabílí, Mullá—, known
as Muqaddas-i-Ardabílí (“the
Saint of Ardabíl,” d. A.D. 1585),
369, 406; — b. Abú'l-Fatḥ (author
of the Aḥsanu'l-Qiṣaṣ), 30; — i-
Rází (author of the Haft Iqlím,
composed in A.D. 1619), 448; —
b. Zaynu'l-'Ábidín-'Alawí (oppo-
nent of Xavier, xvii), 421; —
Qazwíní (musician at Court of
Sháh 'Abbás I, xvii), 110; —
Hátif, Sayyid — (poet of Iṣfahán,
xvii-xviii), 283-297, 305; — Páshá
of Baghdád (circâ A.D. 1732), 134;
— Khán Abdálí, afterwards —
Sháh Durrání (A.D. 1747-73),
138; — b. Zaynu'd-Dín-Aḥsá'í,
Shaykh — (d. A.D. 1827), 407,
410-411, 421-2, 429, 434; —
Niráqí, Mullá — (d. A.D. 1828-9),
411; Wafíq (Vefíq) Pasha (Turkish
scholar and man of letters, xix),
462; — Ṣafá'í (son of the poet
Yaghmá), 338; — -i- Rúḥí-i-
Kirmání (put to death in A.D.
1896), 468; — Bey Aghayeff (xix-
xx), 346; Aḥmad Sháh Qájár,
Sulṭán — (regnant), 158
Aḥmadábád (Gujerát), 252
Aḥmadnagar, 169 n.
-Aḥsá, 364
-Aḥsá'í. See under Aḥmad b. Zaynu'd-
Dín (d. A.D. 1827) and Shaykhís
Aḥsanu'l-Qiṣaṣ, 30 n.
Aḥsanu't-Tawáríkh (composed in A.D.
1577), 5, 14, 20, 28 n., 32 n., 43,
48 n., 54-56, 58 n., 64 n., 71, 72,
77 n., 78, 80-83, 85, 87, 88, 89,
92, 94, 98, 100, 168-172, 231 n.,
413-415, 444
'Á'isha (wife of the Prophet Muḥam-
mad), 392
Á'ína-i-Ḥaqq-numá (by Xavier), 421
'Ajá'ibu'l-Makhlúqát (of -Qazwíní),
448 n.
-'Ajamí, Shrine of —, 46 n.
Akbar (Moghul Emperor of India,
A.D. 1556-1605), 92, 137, 165,
245, 249, 250
Akbar-náma (poem by Fayḍí), 244
Akhbárí Sect, 374-6, 402-3, 407,
Akhláq-i-Jalálí, 424, 427; — -i-
Muḥsiní, 424; — -i-Náṣirí, 405,
Akhláṭ, 58
Akhtar (newspaper), 157, 468; —
Press, 344
'Akká (Acre in Syria), 151 n., 154,
187 n.
Aksún (a black brocade), 209 n.
'Álam-i-Niswán (periodical), 489,
'Álam-Sháh Begum (daughter of Uzún
Ḥasan, xv), 47
'Alamu'l-Hudá (d. A.D. 1044), 405.
Alamút, 89, 102
'Alá'u'd-Dawla Samnání (xiii), 37;
— Dhu'l-Qadar (circâ A.D. 1510:
the “Aliduli” of the Venetian
travellers), 58, 61, 77 n.; —, edition
of Mathnawí named after —, 457
'Alá'u'd-Dín Maḥmúd (physician of
Sháh 'Abbás l), 427
Alchemist (Kímiyá-gar, a Persian
comedy) 462 and n.
d'Alessandri, Vincentio — (A.D. 1571),
50 n., 85
Alexander the Great (Iskandar-i-
Rúmí), 13-14, 52, 80 n., 199, 209,
211 n., 246, 247, 270, 391
Alfiyya of Ibn Málik, 363, 364
Algebra (of 'Umar Khayyám), 425
'Alí b. Abí Ṭálib (First Imám of
the Shí'a, cousin and son-in-law
of the Prophet Muḥammad, vii),
16, 17, 19, 28, 29, 32, 33 n., 43,
44, 46, 52, 54, 58, 86, 87, 174-6,
178, 180, 192 n., 230, 235, 236,
248, 264, 356, 369, 385, 390, 391,
392, 418, 433; — b. -Ḥusayn b.
'Alí, entitled Zaynu'l-'Ábidín
(Fourth Imám, vii-viii), 18, 179,
181 n., 347, 393; the Third Imám
-Ḥusayn had three sons named
'Alí, distinguished according to
their ages by the titles -Akbar,
-Awsaṭ and -Aṣghar; -Akbar,
191, 193, 393; — -Awsaṭ (identi-
cal with — Zaynu'l-'Ábidín just
mentioned) and Aṣghar, 393; —
Riḍá (Eighth Imám, viii-ix),
36, 65, 87, 109, 394, 455, 456; —
Naqí (Tenth Imám, ix), 394;
Khwája — (grandson of Shaykh
Ṣafiyyu'd-Dín, d. A.D. 1427), 19,
45-6; doubtful identifications of
him with Sayyid — -'Ajamí, or
— b. 'Alawí, buried in Palestine,
45-46 and footnote; — Mírzá, or
Sulṭán — (brother of Sháh Isma'íl
I Ṣafawí), 21, 48 n., 49; Mír —
Shír Nawá'í (d. A.D. 1501), 83,
163, 227, 234; — Beg Áq-qoyúnlú,
58 n.; — Beg Chákarlú (Turk-
mán Sulṭán, circâ A.D. 1500, possi-
bly identical with preceding), 51;
Sídí — Ra'is (Turkish naval officer,
A.D. 1554-6), 10 n.; — b. 'Abdu'l-
'Álí-'Ámilí, Shaykh Núru'd-Dín,
called Muḥaqqiq-i-Thání (d.
A.D. 1533), 256, 406, 428; Sulṭán
— Mírzá (Ṣafawí prince, murdered
by Sháh Isma'íl II in A.D. 1577),
99; — Páshá or Ághá (envoy to
Sháh Ṭahmásp in A.D. 1562), 90-
1; — Páshá (minister of Sulṭán
Báyazíd II), 70 and note; Mullá
— Mudhahhib (teacher of
Shaykh-i-Bahá'í), 427; — Sháh
(early xviii), 284; — Mardán Khán
(circâ A.D. 1750), 139; Shaykh —
Khán (general of Karím Khán-i-
Zand, circâ A.D. 1760), 140; — Mu-
rád nephew of Karím Khán-i-Zand,
d. A.D. 1785), 142; — Riḍá (his-
torian of Zand dynasty), 140 n.; Mír
Sayyid — of Iṣfahán, poetically
surnamed Mushtáq, 283, 248;
Mullá — Núrí (early xviii), 376,
437; — Akbar (poet of Shíráz,
surnamed Bismil, author of the
Tadhkira-i-Dilgushá, circâ A.D.
1821), 304; — Ashraf (brother of
the preceding, poetically surnamed
Ágáh), 311; — Muḥammad of
Shíráz, called the Báb, q.v. (put
to death in A.D. 1850), 150: Ḥájji
— Khán-i-Marágha'i Ḥájibu'd-
Dawla, 153, 454; — Aṣghar b. —
Akbar (lithographer, xix), 381
'Alí-qulí Salím (poet at Akbar's
Court), 166; Shámlú (servant of
Sháh Isma'íl II -Safawí, xvi), 99;
— Khán (general of Sháh 'Abbás
I), 104; — Khán (nephew and
successor of Nádir Sháh, A.D. 1747-
8), 138; see also 'Ádil Sháh,
“Alidoli,” or “Aliduli” (an Italian
corruption of 'Alá'u'd-Dawla,
q.v.), 58, 61
'Alláma-i-Ḥillí (“the Sage of Ḥilla”),
whose proper name was Ḥasan b.
Yúsuf b. 'Alí b. Muṭahhar (q.v.),
and who died in A.D. 1325, 356,
Alma Qúlághí, Battle of —; 82
Alqáṣ Mírzá (brother of Sháh Ṭahmásp,
put to death in A.D. 1576-7), 81,
89, 93
“Alumut” (an Italian corruption of
Alwand, q.v.), 62
Alwáḥ (“Tablets,” plural of Lawḥ),
Alwand (prince of the “White Sheep”
Dynasty, defeated by Sháh Isma'íl I
in A.D. 1503), 52, 55, 58, 61, 62, 68,
Amalu'l-Ámil fí 'Ulamá'i Jabal 'Ámil
(xvii), 356, 359, 360, 449
Amání (poet of Mázandarán, d. A.D.
1651), 251, 258.
Amánu'lláh Khán (Afghán general,
A.D. 1722), 130
Amar, Emil — (translator of Kitábu'l-
Fakhrí), 444 n.
Amásiya, 76
America, 12, 150, 422, 489
'Ámil, Jabal — (in Syria), 360, 449
Amíní (poet, xvi), 81
Amínu'd-Dín Jibrá'íl (father of Shaykh
Ṣafiyyu'd-Dín, xiii), 32 n., 37
Amírí, 303, 347. See above, Adíbu'l-
Amír-i-Kabír, or Amír Niẓám (Mírzá
Taqí Khán, d. A.D. 1852), 152-3
Amír Niẓám, Ḥasan 'Alí Khán-i-Gar-
rúsí (circâ A.D. 1890), 347
'Amr and Zayd, 380 and n.
Anatolia, 48, 70. See also Asia Minor
Anatomy, 425
Andakhúd, 109
'Andalíb (Mírzá Ḥusayn Khán, poet,
xix), 309
Angels, 384, 390, 394-8
Angioletto (Venetian traveller in Persia,
xv-xvi), 22, 47, 49, 60-61
Anglo-French rivalry in Persia, 146
Anglo-Persian War (A.D. 1856-7),
154, 450; — Agreement (A.D. 1919,
157, 483
Anglo-Russian rivalry in Persia, 147
Anglo-Saxon character, 488
Angora, 15
Anjuman-i-Adabí (“Literary So-
ciety” of Ṭihrán), 489;—i-Kháqán
(biographies of poets), 298; —
i-Ma'árif (Turkish Academy), 450
'Anqá (mythical bird), 263
Anthropomorphism (tashbíh), 17, 382
Antichrist (Dajjál), 399
Antinomianism (suqúṭ-i-'ibádát), 382
Ants, instinct in —, 440-1
Anúsharwán (Khusraw —, Sásánian
king, vi), 52, 391, 401, 464. See
also Núshírwán
Anwarí (poet, xii), 246, 284, 299, 348
Anwár-i-Suhaylí, 83, 412
-Anwáru'n Nu'mániyya (by Sayyid
Ni'matu'lláh-Jazá'irí, A.D. 1678),
361 n., 366
Apostates, punishment of —, 402
Apostles of Christ (Ḥawáriyyún), 207,
Apotheosis (Ittiḥád), 382
Áqá Khán, 148-9
'Aqá'idu'sh-Shí'a, 381-402
Áq-qoyúnlú Turkmán dynasty. See
White Sheep
Arabia, Arabs, 18 (democratic ten-
dencies), 77, 125, 388 (Prophets
of —), 401 (idolatrous —): Arab
conquest of Persia, 3, 14 n., 32,
122, 128, 485, 487
Arabian Medicine, Philosophy and
Science, 424-5, 437-440
Arabic language, 15, 359, 363, 388,
415-420, 425 n.
Ibnu'l-'Arabí, Shaykh Muḥyi'd-Dín
—, 37
'Arabistán, 126, 129
-A'ráf (Purgatory), 401
Ardabíl, 21, 28, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37,
41, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 60,
67, 88, 109, 369, 370
-Ardabílí, -Muqaddas —, 369, 406
Arda Viráf-náma, 396 n.
Ardistán, 307
Arfa'u'd-Dawla, Mírzá Riḍá Khán,
344 n.
'Árif of Qazwín (contemporary poet),
223, 345
Aristotle, 201, 212
Arjásp, 230. See Umídí
Arjawán (on the Caspian), 51
Arjísh, 58, 93
Armaghán (Persian magazine), 346 n.,
Armenia, Armenians, 49, 128, 134, 451
Armenia and Erzeroum, by the
Hon. Robert Curzon, 152
Arnold, Mathew —, 186
'Arshiyya, -Ḥikmatu'l- — (by Mullá
Ṣadrá), 430
Art and Architecture during the Ṣafawí
period, 24-25
Artillery, 75, 93, 105, 106
Arzinján, or Erzinján, 22, 52, 62, 75,
76, 77
Asadí (poet, xi) 299; Salmán-i- —
(contemporary student), 346 n.
Áṣaf (Solomon's chief Minister), 310
Ascension (Mi'ráj) of the Prophet,
390, 395
Asfár of Mullá Ṣadrá, 429-430 and
-A'shá (Arabian poet), 284
Ash'arí sect, 384
Ash'ath b. Nafís, 392
'Áshiq (poet of Iṣfahán, xviii), 283
Ashraf, Malik-i- — (xiv), 45; —
(place in Mázandarán), 109; —
(Afghán prince, killed A.D. 1730),
116, 131, 133; — (of Gílán, con-
temporary poet), 223, 345, 469
Aṣlán, Malik — (Dhu'l-Qadar dynas-
ty), 77 n.
Ashtí-kunán, Kúcha-i- — (“Recon-
ciliation Lane”), 475-6, 480
'Áshúrá (the 10th of Muḥarram, or
Rúz-i-Qatl), 29, 188. See also
Asia Minor, 16, 20, 44, 51, 67, 106.
See also Anatolia
Asmá (Ja'da bint-Ash'ath b. Nafís,
vii), 392
Asmá'u'r-Rijál of -Najáshí (d. A.D.
1063), 355
Asrár, pen-name of Ḥájji Mullá
Hádí of Sabzawár (d. A.D. 1878),
326, 411, 437; —i-Khudí (“Secrets
of the Self”), by Dr Muḥammad
Iqbál, 431 n.; — i-Qásimí, 442;
— u'l-Ḥikam, by Ḥájji Mullá
Hádí of Sabzawár, 437; — u'sh-
Shahádat (“Mysteries of Martyr-
dom”), 182, 188, 194
“Assambei” (Italian corruption of
Ḥasan Beg, or Úzún Ḥasan, q.v.),
Astárá, 51, 277, 478, 481
Astarábád, 56, 59, 109, 137, 234, 251,
Astumar (supposed to be Lake Van),
Átash-kada (of Luṭf-'Alí Beg Ádhar),
87 n., 231, 235, 236, 238, 241, 244,
251, 264, 266, 282-4
Átháru'l-Bilád (of -Qazwíní, xiii),
397 n., 448
Ibnu'l-Athír (the historian, xiii), 118 n.
Atonement, Doctrine of — in Islám,
187, 188. See also Intercession
'Aṭṭár, Shaykh Farídu'd-Dín — (xiii),
Ibn 'Aṭṭásh, Aḥmad —, execution of
—, 222
Attributes of God, 382-6
Aṭwáqu'dh-Dhahab of -Zamakhsharí,
Austria, Austrians, 106, 452
Avesta, 14 n., 122, 465
Avicenna (Shaykh Abú 'Alí b. Síná),
201, 212, 257, 357, 425, 430-1,
“Awakening of the Persians” (Ta'-
ríkh-i-Bídárí-yi-Írániyán, q.v.),
'Awaḍ-Khawwáṣ (ancestor of Ṣafawís),
32 n., 36
Awḥadí (poet, xiii-xiv), 267
Awjí (poet, xvii), 267
Awranzíb (Moghul Emperor, A.D.
1659-1707), 165
Ayás Bey of Latakia (killed at Chál-
dirán, A.D. 1514), 76
Aybu Khwája (descendant of Chingíz
Khán), 64 n.
'Aynu'l-Ḥayát (by Mullá Muḥammad
Báqir-i-Majlisí, xvii), 409, 417
'Aynu'l-Kamál (the Evil Eye so
called), 117 n.
Ázád (Afghán ruler of Ádharbáyján,
xviii), 139-140; — (poet, xix),
225 n.
Azalís, 187 n., 423
-Azhar, University of — in Cairo, 377,
Azhidaháka (Ḍaḥḥák of the Muslim
writers), 14 n.
'Azímábád, 452
'Azízu'lláh, Mosque of Áqá Sayyid —,
475, 480
'Azra'íl (the Angel of Death), 389, 395
Azraqí (poet, xi), 299